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How should the Sith Warrior story continue in Acts IV, V and VI??


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Okay, so I've primarily been playing a Sith Warrior/Juggernaut, and seeing as how the ending to Act III could've been better and left things open for the future, how should the Warrior story continue from what we already know??


1) Sith Warrior is now the Emperor's Wrath

2) The Treaty of Coruscant it broken

3) Darth Baras is dead

4) The true Voice of the Emperor and the Emperor are in hiding

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It should end ROTJ style but with the Emperor shooting lightning at your LI and forcing you to pick between staying true to your dark path by sticking a lightsaber in his back while he's busy killing your LI and making himself vulnerable, assuring victory so that you can take his place, or suddenly going to the light at the end like Vader. Choosing to save your LI by stopping him before he/she can die by throwing the Emperor down some kind of large shaft nearby, getting hit by the lightning in the process.


I would imagine some "NOOOOOOOOOO!"s would be involved.

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oh whats left to explore


the emperor sending you out to take vengance on those who helped the knight

what quinn does

jessa fineally deciding to be a true sith/jedi and try to kill you maybe

possibally hunting down malgus

more sith power plays

maybe even u deciding to go after the emperor

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It should end ROTJ style but with the Emperor shooting lightning at your LI and forcing you to pick between staying true to your dark path by sticking a lightsaber in his back while he's busy killing your LI and making himself vulnerable, assuring victory so that you can take his place, or suddenly going to the light at the end like Vader. Choosing to save your LI by stopping him before he/she can die by throwing the Emperor down some kind of large shaft nearby, getting hit by the lightning in the process.


I would imagine some "NOOOOOOOOOO!"s would be involved.


what if you aren't dark sided? :confused:

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I got a feeling Darh Baras might come back as a force ghost, maybe to aid the wrath this time.


WTH??!! Just because he said "From beyond darkness, I shall strike at you! Someday, vengeance will be mine! I cannot be destroyed!" 0_0 No. Fricking. Way. Baras deserves to die and he better be left to die.

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WTH??!! Just because he said "From beyond darkness, I shall strike at you! Someday, vengeance will be mine! I cannot be destroyed!" 0_0 No. Fricking. Way. Baras deserves to die and he better be left to die.


Wouldn't be surprised if he did come back as some ghost to get revenge on you.

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Act IV will probably be about testing out and flexing your new role as Emp's Wrath, and that means dealing blows the the Republic and taking out potential rivals for the seat of Emperor. Taking out the Jedi Knight's team would be one hell of a crossover, and bad***** moment.


Act V... I'm not so sure. After being established as the Wrath, there's not much that can happen apart from a twist that will leave you high and dry, or just more blows against the Republic (but they're going to have to make it intresting).


Killing Satele Shan at the end of Act VI would certainly be satisfying though, make no mistake. That would give the Sith Warrior one incredible awesome moment, and also make room for say the Jedi Consular to move up to the rank of Grand Master (he/she's already on the Council, it's the next logical step).


Due to the numerous ways that Baras can exit the story (and the fact that he was the focus for pretty much all of it), I doubt that he'll show up again. Maybe briefly as a nod, but nothing more.

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Mm what I'd like to see,



  • A search for the real emperor? Perhaps with help of the entity? (I just want to see more of her.)
  • Chilling with Vowrawn as he tries to take over the council or something.
  • Generally striking back at the republic for dealing massive blows against the Empire in nearly all the other 3 chapters.
  • Possibly finding what's left of Malgus and help him take over the Empire for real. :p
  • Also, actually teaching Jaesa something and making her less batsh*t insane.


Edited by Mordresh
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Well in the mail the sith warrior gets it says that you should get ready to strike at the people who helped in defeating the voice. So mostly likely killing npcs that helped the jedi knight in story(not companions).


If it comes to pass i will shout VENGEANCE and MAY DARKNESS TAKE YOU each time I kill a npc that helped in the plot to kill the voice. :cool:

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Personally based on how so far rep got the better end of the opening acts and a book with reps as main characters, I say chapter 4 should be an empire strikes back expansion where angry at the damage done to the dark councial and the emperor losing a voice to the reps the councial and emperor launch back after the jedi councial and senate.


Chapter IV: Retribution


Sith Warrior and Sith Inq would have a somewhat intertwined plot where your helping the emperor with a plot to capture Satele so she can be hollowed and corrupted into the new emperor's voice.


SW: At the begining of the chapter to help stablize the situation the councial gives you interim status as Baras' replacement on the councial (setting up an choice between whether your more loyal to the councial or emperor over the further course of the story). As you are the emperor's enforcer your role in the plot would be to gather forces from the planets released in the chapter expansion to launch a raid on Thyton to draw a large portion of the jedi and republic forces back to the planet to leave Satele exposed. In the finale as you aproach the main jedi temple you are confronted by Lord Scourge who believing you are a threat to the fate he has forseen for the JK he faces off against you. Leaving Lord Scourge defeated, missing an arm, and mortally wounded the sw then proceeds on with the invasion and ultimately faces off with a member of the Jedi Councial to acquire the codes need to send your trap messege leading the republic and jedi to believe your attack is far larger than it actually is.


JK: Their chapter is about trying to determine if the emperor is truly dead, until in the end you are called back to Thyton by a jedi who escaped the attack. Over the course of the story Scourge would excuse himself from your party for a while leaving behind a crafting droid to work for you. As you reach the planet you find Scourge on the brink of death and taking him back to your ship to stabalize him and get a robotic prostetic arm he explains that he went off to confront the emperor's new wrath and failed. From there you rally the surviving forces you find on the planet and push back the imperial forces. Retaking the main temple as the republic fleet and other jedi arrive you find the main force of imperial forces has already departed.


SI: Due to your quick and recent rise in the ranks of the sith the emperor's hands aproach you for a mission of upmost importance to the emperor and stability of the empire. Over the course of the planets you are collecting sith artifacts that will help you weaken Satele and then once defeated pacify her to be brought back to begin the process of turning her into the emperor's new voice. After collecting the artifacts you get a messege that the wrath has begun their assault on Thyton and you are to put the emperor's plan into motion. Essentially then you and a group of imperial guards lead an assualt on Satele and the remaining jedi and pub forces protecting her.


JC: The chapter is essentially tracking done one of the emperor's hands since the jedi councial believes the sith are planning a ritual to bring back them emperor. Eventually confronting the hand you find out that he has been leading you on a wild goose chase to keep you distracted from the emperor's true plan.


IA: The chapter would be about a plot to replace key senators with sith sleeper agents to weaken the republic from within.


BH: Essentially your now hired to track down and kill a jedi councial member.


SM: Your sent to track down and then rescue a jedi councial member that has gone missing.


RT: Your essentially escorting and protecting a key senator who will have a large impact on how the republic procceeds with the war.


Along with this to add player impact to the game SW and SI would each be given a councial set who their vote is considered the deciding vote and they have like 3 choices to chose from. During a certain time frame all sw and si who complete the quest that has the vote would have the vote tallied and at the end all the votes from all servers would be added together and the npcs with the most votes would become the cannon replacement in the following chapters.

Edited by DesAnvos
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Okay, so I've primarily been playing a Sith Warrior/Juggernaut, and seeing as how the ending to Act III could've been better and left things open for the future, how should the Warrior story continue from what we already know??


1) Sith Warrior is now the Emperor's Wrath

2) The Treaty of Coruscant it broken

3) Darth Baras is dead

4) The true Voice of the Emperor and the Emperor are in hiding


Baras doesnt have to die you realize that right?

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WTH??!! Just because he said "From beyond darkness, I shall strike at you! Someday, vengeance will be mine! I cannot be destroyed!" 0_0 No. Fricking. Way. Baras deserves to die and he better be left to die.


Actually i hope he comes back to life, he was amazing.

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Personally based on how so far rep got the better end of the opening acts and a book with reps as main characters, I say chapter 4 should be an empire strikes back expansion where angry at the damage done to the dark councial and the emperor losing a voice to the reps the councial and emperor launch back after the jedi councial and senate.


Chapter IV: Retribution


Sith Warrior and Sith Inq would have a somewhat intertwined plot where your helping the emperor with a plot to capture Satele so she can be hollowed and corrupted into the new emperor's voice.


SW: At the begining of the chapter to help stablize the situation the councial gives you interim status as Baras' replacement on the councial (setting up an choice between whether your more loyal to the councial or emperor over the further course of the story). As you are the emperor's enforcer your role in the plot would be to gather forces from the planets released in the chapter expansion to launch a raid on Thyton to draw a large portion of the jedi and republic forces back to the planet to leave Satele exposed. In the finale as you aproach the main jedi temple you are confronted by Lord Scourge who believing you are a threat to the fate he has forseen for the JK he faces off against you. Leaving Lord Scourge defeated, missing an arm, and mortally wounded the sw then proceeds on with the invasion and ultimately faces off with a member of the Jedi Councial to acquire the codes need to send your trap messege leading the republic and jedi to believe your attack is far larger than it actually is.


JK: Their chapter is about trying to determine if the emperor is truly dead, until in the end you are called back to Thyton by a jedi who escaped the attack. Over the course of the story Scourge would excuse himself from your party for a while leaving behind a crafting droid to work for you. As you reach the planet you find Scourge on the brink of death and taking him back to your ship to stabalize him and get a robotic prostetic arm he explains that he went off to confront the emperor's new wrath and failed. From there you rally the surviving forces you find on the planet and push back the imperial forces. Retaking the main temple as the republic fleet and other jedi arrive you find the main force of imperial forces has already departed.


SI: Due to your quick and recent rise in the ranks of the sith the emperor's hands aproach you for a mission of upmost importance to the emperor and stability of the empire. Over the course of the planets you are collecting sith artifacts that will help you weaken Satele and then once defeated pacify her to be brought back to begin the process of turning her into the emperor's new voice. After collecting the artifacts you get a messege that the wrath has begun their assault on Thyton and you are to put the emperor's plan into motion. Essentially then you and a group of imperial guards lead an assualt on Satele and the remaining jedi and pub forces protecting her.


JC: The chapter is essentially tracking done one of the emperor's hands since the jedi councial believes the sith are planning a ritual to bring back them emperor. Eventually confronting the hand you find out that he has been leading you on a wild goose chase to keep you distracted from the emperor's true plan.


IA: The chapter would be about a plot to replace key senators with sith sleeper agents to weaken the republic from within.


BH: Essentially your now hired to track down and kill a jedi councial member.


SM: Your sent to track down and then rescue a jedi councial member that has gone missing.


RT: Your essentially escorting and protecting a key senator who will have a large impact on how the republic procceeds with the war.


Along with this to add player impact to the game SW and SI would each be given a councial set who their vote is considered the deciding vote and they have like 3 choices to chose from. During a certain time frame all sw and si who complete the quest that has the vote would have the vote tallied and at the end all the votes from all servers would be added together and the npcs with the most votes would become the cannon replacement in the following chapters.


I really like this post this would be very interesting.

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Unfortunately because of the book that's scheduled to be released later this year, Satele can't die.


SW story will probably revolve around the Emperor's revenge for the attack on Dromund Kaas, except we obviously can't kill JK companions, so either we'll try to kill Satele only to let her escape, or we'll be stuck with some secodary supporting characters.


SI story will most likely focus on continuing to build the power base and the internal power struggle inside the dark council, and since it's been stated that Darth Marr will play a major role in the future story updates, we'll probably get to become best buddies with him, with Ravage getting all whiny about it and trying to kill the SI. And of course getting Zash a new hot body. :D

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Unfortunately because of the book that's scheduled to be released later this year, Satele can't die.


SW story will probably revolve around the Emperor's revenge for the attack on Dromund Kaas, except we obviously can't kill JK companions, so either we'll try to kill Satele only to let her escape, or we'll be stuck with some secodary supporting characters.


SI story will most likely focus on continuing to build the power base and the internal power struggle inside the dark council, and since it's been stated that Darth Marr will play a major role in the future story updates, we'll probably get to become best buddies with him, with Ravage getting all whiny about it and trying to kill the SI. And of course getting Zash a new hot body. :D


Actually unless your talking about a book I don't know about that book takes place somewhere after the end of chapter 3 and before the start of chapter 4. Also just because companions can't die it doesn't mean they can't have a plot encounter between one class' comp and another class that leaves the comp changed.


Also Satele being captured to be turn into the emperor's next voice doesn't mean she would die. Actually it could be used to create a true war event that determines wether the pubs manage to rescue her or the empire holds off the rep rescue force long enough for Satele to be turned into the emperor's new voice.

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Actually unless your talking about a book I don't know about that book takes place somewhere after the end of chapter 3 and before the start of chapter 4.


My mistake, i thought i read somewhere it would take place several years after the curent events.

Looks like we might get to fight her after all.... wonder how would that work for LS SWs. I mean, after sparing the Jedi master on Tatooine, turning Nomen Karr over to the Jedi council, convincing Jaesa to join you and take down the empire from within, you now capture their grandmaster and turn her into the Emperor's puppet?

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My mistake, i thought i read somewhere it would take place several years after the curent events.

Looks like we might get to fight her after all.... wonder how would that work for LS SWs. I mean, after sparing the Jedi master on Tatooine, turning Nomen Karr over to the Jedi council, convincing Jaesa to join you and take down the empire from within, you now capture their grandmaster and turn her into the Emperor's puppet?


Lightside sith doesn't mean your secretly a jedi or have to care for the jedi order. Also from what I've seen of the story part of the light side inquisitor's story is about using your position to try and change the empire from within. Thus you would initially go along with the emperor's plan since it helps you get closer to him and then at the end of the story their could be a light/dark choice where after the battle with Satele you can chose to either lash out with your remaining energy to disable Satele or give her an opening to escape. If you would chose the light side though the imperial guards with you would intervene in time to stop the highly weakened Satele from escaping.

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