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[POLL] Extra Character Slots per Server?


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We for sure need 16 on at least 1 server with legacy now in the game it would make it alot nicer.


They could make it so when you get a char to 50 then you get a unlock for another slot.

Edited by Burtlebe
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I would like 16 slots on the same server. I don't need 16 per server for each server, just 16 on any server I choose. This is so I can play every advanced profession while they all contribute to my legacy and be able to share money, gear, crafting resources, birthright/legacy items.


Afterall, Bioware wants us to keep playing right? Well what happens when my 8 slots are full and I'm bored with them? You want me to cancel my sub after 8? Or do you want me to level another 8 characters? I thought so.

Edited by Anakis
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I would like for extra char slots, i dont need them right now because i have no species/class's i wish to create at this time as i have 8 chars created and more or less all completed storys etc. The time that i would like for more slots to become available for myself is when new races or even a new class comes out but having them there ready does no wrong in my eyes.


I think a good cap would be once you have x slots taken by high level chars then another 4 become available.

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that being said, I'd definitely need some more character slots, even if just for the fact that I want to play all class stories, and the different advanced classes are just too much fun to pass (just because I want my main characters to be Republic doesn't mean I don't want to at least see the storylines of the Empire classes aswell, but I still want to be able to play both a sage and a shadow, and a scoundrel and a gunslinger...)


So it's a good thing there are only 8 advanced classes as well. You did know that a sorcerer is the same gameplay as a sage, an assassin is the same as a shadow, the operative is the same as the scoundrel, and the sniper is the same as the gunslinger, right?


I have 8 characters. Sage, Assassin, Guardian, Marauder, scoundrel, sniper, vanguard, merc. One of each AC, one for each story. I have no desire/need for any more. Always planned it this way, even before cross faction e-mail. Use the HUTT for transfers.

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So it's a good thing there are only 8 advanced classes as well. You did know that a sorcerer is the same gameplay as a sage, an assassin is the same as a shadow, the operative is the same as the scoundrel, and the sniper is the same as the gunslinger, right?


I have 8 characters. Sage, Assassin, Guardian, Marauder, scoundrel, sniper, vanguard, merc. One of each AC, one for each story. I have no desire/need for any more. Always planned it this way, even before cross faction e-mail. Use the HUTT for transfers.


With LS/DS it can be worth playing the 2 AC of each class type on both sides.


Not to mention looks and sometimes differences in abilities (they are supposed to be mirrored but it's not quite 100% due to mechanics or animations) or weapons (a sniper rifle playes a bit different to 2x blasters strangely).

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I am all for having more character slots per server. However, I feel that asking for 8 more on top of the 8 we already have is a tad extreme. 4 more slots, a total of 12 character slots should be more then enough at this time. But that is just my opinion. :confused:
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Months ago, when my server seemed to die, i rerolled on the Red Eclipse. I love my new empire characters there. I have 7 of them and i play them all.

But sometimes i missed my old republic characters from Rogue Moon. I was pleased to see that Rogue Moon allowed server transfer to The Red Eclipse. But now i only have 1 open slot to receive them.


So I need to make choices that i don't want to make. Either leaving some behind on Rogue Moon and only transferring my main from there or deleting a few of my so beloved imperial girls.


2-4 more slots would solve this cruel deal i'm put in. So yes please, give us more slots.

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Thanks to combining all the east coast RP servers, I had to delete multiple alts and not transfer others. I could roll them on a different server, but then I'd have to re-earn a legacy name and racial unlocks. Being able to acquire new slots (especially if it was through in-game means as well as real-world cash) sounds amazing.
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At minimum, I'd like to have 10 slots. It would be ideal to have 16 slots considering there are 16 ACs, different ways to play the same class story, etc. Especially considering how easy it will be to level with the upcoming legacy perks.

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First of all i apologize. I´m german and my english is very rusty :o

It would be ideal to have 16 slots considering there are 16 ACs, different ways to play the same class story, etc. Especially considering how easy it will be to level with the upcoming legacy perks.


There should be at least 16 slots per server. For the future due to new races or classes i would prefer more slots. Even if i won´t level all of my toons to the max, it would be a hard decision to erase one or the other.

Don´t know if someone posted it already, but in the german forums someone suggested to go by slots per account and not per server. Let`s say 40 or 50 slots per account. This could be a solution.

Edited by Clipperson
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I don´t need additional character slots, but i support this suggestion for the players who need them.


If it is inserted as free extra slots for everyone, legancy perk(s), micro-payment per slot or as part of an expansion doesn´t matters so much i think, just give the option to have more slots if needed.



Don´t know if someone posted it already, but in the german forums someone suggested to go by slots per account and not per server. Let`s say 40 or 50 slots per account. This could be a solution.

I think WoW will go this way with the next expansion, also a good solution.

Edited by Syadasti
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I don't need additional character slots. I still have 6 unused. Although obviously is wouldn't bother me if more slots were available since it wouldn't affect me at all..


By the way, how do you guys find the time to play 16 characters?

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I would like to see 12-16 slots.


I already have all 8 slots filled (50, 50, 45, 38, 34, 34, 15, 10). Sure some of them are low, but I have created them all with specific personalities in mind. I have some ideas for new characters, but don't want to roll on a new server where I have none of my Legacy perks.

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I need them even BW is asking for money for them (as a matter of micro-transaction).


I have just completed the class story of my Op, and I want to do it again but this time perhaps as a different AC so I can actually use more of those companions that I did not use so much before.


In fact I have 2 troopers: one does just about any quests available; the other skips most but uses WZs to supplement the shortage of exp. Also, one is DS and the other is LS: in which case I can see both sides of the story. And for me, it was fun!


I want to have all 8 classes but I also want to have 2 of some of them simply because I enjoy playing them - enjoyment, that is all about it in a game.


So please...

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As there was no whole picture view of the transfer process upfront, I and others have transferred as transfers became available, now it looks increasingly like The Red Eclipse is going to tbe the only EU PVE destination and I now have no free slots. My higher levels have not been allowed to transfer from their server yet, if they can today and its to The Red Eclipse then either I delete characters to make room (if I had known I would not have transferred them) or I dont transfer my high levels toons.


FFS BW can you get nothing right? This was your last chance and everyone was over the moon you finally (3 months too late) got around to transfers, but you have not thought it through have you, the cap of destination servers needs to be much bigger, logically it needs to be 8 times the number of orgin servers transferring in or do you expect people to HAVE TO DELETE TOONS!

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As it stands now they allow for 8 per server across 5 servers for a total of 40 characters... Remove the restriction of across 5 servers... do I want to make 40 on one server... NO, but I wouldnt mind consolidating my Rep and Imps on one server WITH a generous amount of room to make alts of the races I've unlocked or as new races are added.





PS) where is the poll?

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