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Leaving warzones....


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Not trolling, just kind of laughing at you getting all worked up over quitters.


I dunno. I just check my blood pressure, and it seems pretty good. This is a thread, not in game. I am not spamming general chat complaining about quitters. In fact, in-game I dont even think much about them. There are notorious ones on my server, and when I queue with my group and see some of them, we start taking bets on who will leave first and we have fun with it.

Here on this thread however, I will speak my mind about the attitude of a quitter. First of all, I am trying to support the OP so hopefully he doesnt pack up and leave the game like many others. Second, maybe by some miracle, I would actually get through to even one person and make them stop doing it. If not, hey I am just wasting my time on the forum like everyone else.

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I think BW should DEFINITELY implement the "Deserter" flag.




This will not fix the problem not at all........... I will simply find a spot to hide in and if I get the warning that I will be kicked due to inactivity I will run out attack someone die and go back to hiding...... Or if I am stealth lol you get my point.


Only selfish bad players want decent players to stay in a WZ as they believe that decent players should be their handicap.....


I mean really you walk into a game where in the 1st 30 seconds of the game the enemy has all 3 nodes because your group is full of bads that really have no right to be pvping. Yet you want me to stay lol.

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I think BW should DEFINITELY implement the "Deserter" flag.




This will not fix the problem not at all........... I will simply find a spot to hide in and if I get the warning that I will be kicked due to inactivity I will run out attack someone die and go back to hiding...... Or if I am stealth lol you get my point.


Only selfish bad players want decent players to stay in a WZ as they believe that decent players should be their handicap.....


I mean really you walk into a game where in the 1st 30 seconds of the game the enemy has all 3 nodes because your group is full of bads that really have no right to be pvping. Yet you want me to stay lol.


Thank god you're NOT leading a country, leading a platoon, leading a boyscouts group, leading a professional sports team or even a local community kids sports team. Imagine the type of attitude you would shape in them with that kind logic. Pretty sad really.

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I shouldn't have to play with you. This is my $15 a month. Go be bad on your own time and your own dime.


This ^


I don't mind getting beat. I'll take my losses and lumps. But when it happens continually because of the same baddies, I'm not going to stick around.

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Yea I know, not everyone is born with courtesy, social manners, respect and regards for others. Kids these days arent taught anything besides selfishness and greed. The attitude of some young people these days is mind boggling. I have no idea how they are going to amount to anything in society.


See now here we go. Perhaps leaving a warzone is rude, but you know what is even ruder? Showing up to pvp with no pvp gear, not knowing the objectives, not understanding the basics of pvp team work, etc.


If I am on a team that seems to know what they are doing (with a couple of mistakes here and there), but is being out played, I will never leave. I can take a lose, especially since I love a challenge. That said, I have no issue leaving a warzone where it is obvious my team has no clue what they are doing. Why? Read my first paragraph.


Its not my job to train anyone. If you don't know what you are doing, there are several sites, blogs, videos, etc to teach you. Not knowing objectives, not wearing gear, not knowing pvp (ie, killing healers, focus targeting, etc) is just a sign of laziness. I have no obligation to carry a lazy person.


It would be like asking me to go play a pickup game of basketball and tell me I have to stay in a game where if I pass it to a teammate all they do is throw the ball out of bounds. If they don't know the basics, my time is too valuable to endure that garbage.


And for the record, in my experience, the players that leave warzones are the good ones. The ones who complain about it are either the ethic boy scouts (your choice) or the bad players in denial that want to be carried.

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Scre* all of you that leave before the end. If you are so terrible that you can't make a show of a match at least be civil enough to stay and take your lumps so I don't have to endure load screens to watch the last 30s of your loss.


Bioware PLEASE add a desertion penalty already. 2 in a row tonight... I am out and will go PvP elsewhere. As it is I avoid PvPing at specific times of the day cause I am likely to be annoyed with 50% of my pops being matches that are 80% over and badly lost. Much more of that sort of annoyance and the other games I play may just grow on me again. Thanks.


As long as BW does not fix class balance and the Premade vs PUG issues. I always will leave when i feel so regardless of the consequences. Also the last time i checked I actually pay for playing this game so for my own money nobody tells me what to do not even BW.

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Buck up. There are worse things in this game, and this issue is not big enough to get mad about.


Actually your absolutely incorrect, leaving warzones = people logging into matches already in session which means we are logging into someone elses mess.


It is constant cause there is no penalty, therefore these selfish people get away with leaving a mess for everyone else to worry about.


That is called BS.


I will use your phrase and say players need to buck up and stick it out.


I pray that Bioware installs a deserter buff asap.

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Quitters used to bother me, but having played many, many warzones, I'd have to say that quitters obviously tend to be the more selfish, self-centered players, and the least enjoyable people to play with, so I don't mind them leaving, as they often are replaced by more team-oriented players with a greater sense of determination, and every once in a while--not often, but sometimes--those players help turn around what was a losing match, and even if this doesn't happen, they're still infinitely more fun to play alongside than the attitudinally deficient quitters. And as for popping into a losing warzone as a replacement, hey, as long as I have time to get a medal so I can get some credit, I don't mind a quick opportunity to scoop up some of the commendations and other rewards that the quitter abandoned, rendering whatever amount of time he spent in the match a total waste. So I say go right on quitting, quitters. I, for one, do not miss you.
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Thank god you're NOT leading a country, leading a platoon, leading a boyscouts group, leading a professional sports team or even a local community kids sports team. Imagine the type of attitude you would shape in them with that kind logic. Pretty sad really.


lol your comparing a VIDEO GAME with real life get over yourself.

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