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What is Fun About Being Forced to Carry Bad Players?


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The funny thing happened recently.. Camping the Alderaan turret in game we already won i checked the people gear and found out that one of players have 400Expertise and running in Champion gear..

So i *really politely* advise him to buy Recruit gear so he could be more profitable in WZ..

And know what? That player start insulting me for being noob.. that he played swtor since the release and know everything about it and he is very skilled and im just jerk.. Moreover, he put me in Ignore while i tried to find words to make an answer him.. lol..


At least your not on my server. There is an entire GUILD like that, except instead of champion gear they run in quest blues and greens and do so until they get Battlemaster. After repeatedly telling them to get geared they all now yell at me any time I end up in a WZ with them.


The best has to have been when my guilds premade (a good few of whom were in Recruit gear only) ended up with that guilds premade. It degraded into a very funny shouting/name calling match on our own team! Oddly enough we won the match as well. Probably because my entire premade was in Vent. Medals/stats come up and the other guild were the bottom four players for the match, while my guild was scattered about in the rankings. Suffice to say the other guild learned their lesson....and STILL refuse to buy Recruit gear.

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As long as you're judging a 'bad' because they are in actual fact really bad and not on the amount of HP they have is fine.


There's always one in the warzone that says 'omg 13k hp go buy recroot gear n00b' when actually they're wearing full recruit gear with 1-2 battlemaster pieces.


I really don't care if there is a 'bad' on my team, I'm not going to 'call them out' or anything as that's just childish. Who cares if you lose a WZ, the rewards for losing are huge, you just go queue up for another. (Unless you're on a dead server I guess :p)

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I am curious, does anyone find getting completely destroyed repeatedly in a game with no personal control over said situation to be a fun and exciting experience? Am I missing something? Why can't I be grouped with people of my skill level? Heck, why can't I chose to play with people I know (if they had not quit the game)?


The reason you, and people like you, can never find anyone of your "skill level" is because you clearly feel as though nobody has reached that lofty height. Grats on reaching critical head-size mass.

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idk about bads, but man i did a re-roll and i swear when i enter a WZ i am usually the WZ leader at lvl 38 and 38 valor(not boasting just saying). i usually get a squad full of level 15 and under with maybe like another 30. which is a sign of a massacre from my experience..considering the other team usually has lvl 40s and a wide range of players. i just do not understand the matchmaking concept..


* this is solo pug

* this started just recently seems like a lot more reroll and everyone that was 30-40 when i was 10 are at 50 by now


no rant- just my view



oh and the helpless douche-bags that rock there orange light sabers and wrist and waist gear only.. talking to you bossbossness boss guild

Edited by JMESUN
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I am curious, does anyone find getting completely destroyed repeatedly in a game with no personal control over said situation to be a fun and exciting experience? Am I missing something? Why can't I be grouped with people of my skill level? Heck, why can't I chose to play with people I know (if they had not quit the game)?


Look at this way; atleast it's fun if you're one of the baddies?


But yeah, not allowing full premades from day one was a terrible mistake (and something complained about since beta stages). BioWare was really smart in ignoring the signals there /sarcasm.

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The only test of skill in this game currently is whether or not you can carry bad players. I'm not saying it's great game design, but that's kinda what's fun about it.


Plus, don't forget that the other team almost always has to carry bad players, too.

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no its no fun at all hence why I quit those warzones each and everytime.


I shouldnt be forced to roll a premade just to be competive against premades. im sick and tired of under geared noobs who death match in a huttball , or who cant press "M" and check how many defenders are on each side of the spawn area in voidstar (they need to be spoonfed instructions go left or go right lol. ) , or dont understand attacking/defending zergs in novare and are slow to react, or cant work out what interceptive cc is for in civil war. some players think target marking is fun!


cant they make something that detects valor rank and or gear? and matchs pvp on that sort of data? its not going to fix the problem but its a start to have equaly geared players fighting each other. valor being a indication of time invested in pvp.


This is the arguement that absolutely kills me. "MAN, I shouldn't have to premade inorder to be competitive against premades." Seriously? You pug. That's that chance you take. Premades are going to have better communication and coordination. Just how it is. If you don't want to get grouped with "baddies" then get 3 others who are just like you and premade. IF you can't handle that, then don't play. Pretty simple.


Premades and queue timing. 2 things that we as players can have control over, yet people still complain. Bottomline is if you don't want to put the time in to find/create a premade, then don't complain if others use that advantage over you. Not their fault that they're playing smart and you're not...

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SO op cries about randoms in a pug?


First just focus on your own playing. If you think you have the answer for how a random should play,,**** noone cares. Smacking in local doesn't get you anywhere..

The random will mute you and you will frustrate yourself.


See it as a challenge to get some kills in if your team sucks, and spends most of their time doing **** dps and zero teamplay. SWTor is infested with the n00b generation, often stuck in default zoomed in camera mode with non pvp awareness.


Solo Q is random, but smart players knows where the pvp is good (and reroll there), or feel out the community on the zerver and adapt.



I can almost picture OP as the angry German Kid screaming at is monitor .""Neeeeinnn don't go grass!""


It's much more boring being part of premade that just roflstomps pugs.I rather fight overwhelming odds than taking easy candy from a baby..

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I am curious, does anyone find getting completely destroyed repeatedly in a game with no personal control over said situation to be a fun and exciting experience? Am I missing something? Why can't I be grouped with people of my skill level? Heck, why can't I chose to play with people I know (if they had not quit the game)?


I see this complaint in warzones from time to time. And the one thing in common with this and all their 'losing streaks' is themselves. It's soooo much easier to blame someone else(a teammate or an entire faction) than it is to actually look at and judge/critique yourself.


EDIT - there is a way to avoid this though. And that's get in with some pre-mades(or form your own). I've been through a couple servers and it doesn't take much to get noticed by good players and get invited into a pre-made.

Edited by FourTwent
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This is the arguement that absolutely kills me. "MAN, I shouldn't have to premade inorder to be competitive against premades." Seriously? You pug. That's that chance you take. Premades are going to have better communication and coordination. Just how it is. If you don't want to get grouped with "baddies" then get 3 others who are just like you and premade. IF you can't handle that, then don't play. Pretty simple.


Premades and queue timing. 2 things that we as players can have control over, yet people still complain. Bottomline is if you don't want to put the time in to find/create a premade, then don't complain if others use that advantage over you. Not their fault that they're playing smart and you're not...


the quailty of the majority of pug players is the issue and my gripe. I dont care if i meet a premade in a wz. but at least give me some players in the pug, who arent terrible and i mean terrible and understand how to play their OWN CHARACTERS to the extent where they contribute to the wz. its a l2p issue. it really is.


Ive been in dozens of warzones where i have done the bulk of the work by myself or with one/two other players who know their characters and how pvp works, alot of the time 2 players out of a group of 8 isnt enough to bring it home against a premade and some average players.


I shouldnt have to roll a premade just because other people cant play.

Edited by falcon_Xtreme
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Heh. I really think there's a difference between "not yet good" and "bad". The latter won't listen to tactics (and yell at you for talking about them), think they have nothing to learn, and/or just won't read ops chat.


Anyone who shuts down to new information is bad. Not just at gaming, but at life. Always learn, no matter how good you get.

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Sometimes it's obvious when your team sucks.. but really, who cares - everyone's trying their best (mostly).


The ONLY thing that really gets me down in Warzones is when people give up prematurely.. I hate it when 3 people are camping a node on Alderaan (sitting down etc) for instance, when it's obvious the fightings going down elsewhere, just to get the defender points or maybe they're just lazy...


I prefer to go down fighting at least!


Looking forward to hitting 50 (am 48 at moment) - PvP has become my favourite thing in the game.. which is ironic, as before starting SWTOR the thought of fighting other players constantly made me cringe big time. Go figure.


I also used to suck.. but now find I'm nearly always top damage/kills/objective points and either 1st, 2nd or 3rd on the table. Whoever said Vigilance Guardians suck at PvP needs their head examined.. they rock IMO.


Learning new things is rad, etc. :D

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