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Merc Pyro PvE Damage -- Good Stuff


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Greetings! I've done extensive testing with both the arsenal and pyro specs, and have personally found my pyro build to pull a considerable amount more damage than my arsenal build. I've read Aerro's amazing guide and posts here, and I must say, wow! Those are some crazy awesome numbers. Well done, sir. Yet, try as I might, I can't seem to hit anywhere near that range. I used my own rotation and the one recommended by Aerro, which actually were identical. I'm not quite as geared (552 power, 865.1 tech bonus dmg, 32.77% crit, and 73.87% surge), but I'm well on the way. So, from all my tests, my results on average were this: arsenal yields about 1100-1250 and pyro 1300-1500. Thus, I have decided that I quite love using pyro in raiding and all other things.


Out of curiosity, what sort of numbers are the other raiding pyro fans out there seeing?

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what pyro build are you using right now? In the past the build i have used for pyro was able to get really close to my arsenal dps level but it was never able to see a significantly higher amount of damage than arsenal.
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Don't know about you guys but I respecced today into Pyro, went on Belsavis for some dailies, fought a "couple" of mobs, warped ASAP on fleet to respec back into Arsenal.

Just to clarify, my gear is eliminator rakata/columi.

Edited by yoomazir
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Pyro is a lot of fun and it's definitely more interesting managing your heat resource, but I'm pretty sure that fully geared it can't out parse Arsenal and it definitely can't compensate for the armor debuff from TM.
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As of 1.2 -----> "The Tracer Missile debuff that increases Heatseeker Missile damage now only benefits the Bounty Hunter that applied it."


Maybe I missed it in my scan of patch notes since 1.2, but does anyone know if there's been a change? Even an "unnoticed" one like the sniper's Shatter Shot debuff not technically working as intended?

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As of 1.2 -----> "The Tracer Missile debuff that increases Heatseeker Missile damage now only benefits the Bounty Hunter that applied it."


Maybe I missed it in my scan of patch notes since 1.2, but does anyone know if there's been a change? Even an "unnoticed" one like the sniper's Shatter Shot debuff not technically working as intended?


That fix was for Heatseeker Missiles alone. Pre 1.2, Arsenal mercs were benefiting from each other's Heat sigs for HSM (5% damage per stack) which was giving them some really big hits.


As of right now, armor debuffs do stack, whether or not they are intended to stack is a different story, but we'll just have to wait and see.


Right now, IDT Pyro is worth it, there are a lot of fights where the DPS is split, so that makes armor debuffs that much more precious (I'm looking at you, Toth and Zorn and Tanks)

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That's true. What is the ops boss resistance % to elemental damage?


Elemental/Internal damage are not mitigated by armor, and I have no idea if they have any kind of DR to elemental/internal damage. But Pyros do not just use elemental damage :p Rail Shot, TD, Power Shot, and Unload are all affected by armor, and they all make up a good chunk of your DPS.

Edited by Areaz
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ya if you are testing on the training dummies its because they dont have any "defense" stat so you are going to be hitting alot more often with your off-hand shots from Unload and Power Shot then you would against a real boss.


That being said Pyro is still fully capable of dpsing in HM/NiM operations. I am 10/10 Nightmare operations and 3/4 HM Denova Pyro spec.

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