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Ion Cell Broken?

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I was messing around on a training dummy yesterday practicing the rotation for Iron Fist (struggling a bit with ammo management). I noticed that Ion Cell was doing far less damage than it should. I'm going to be doing some better testing when I get home from work today, but here's roughly what I found.


Against the level 10 training dummy on the Gav Daragon (so armor would be really low), I tested several weapon damage attacks. Full Auto was doing 80-90% of what it was supposed to, and Gut's first hit was also doing 80-90%. I'll nail down the exact armor value later, but it was somewhere slightly over 10% for me.


Ion Cell was doing 243 damage. My tooltip has somewhere around 750 energy damage as the number it should be doing. Based on findings with the other skills, I would expect it to be doing over 600 damage.


This is a huge DPS drop. Stock Strike (which I use on cooldown) always triggers Ion Cell. Also, Hammer Shot (which I use almost every other skill) has a 2/3 chance to trigger it. This means that over a period of 9s, I'm losing out on nearly 1k energy damage from Ion Cell procs. That's a DPS loss of 80+ (factoring in 25% armor).



This is really starting to upset me. That's two vanguard trees that have large bugs, and (as of 6/1) neither of them are even acknowledged by BioWare. It's not that they're working on a fix and I'm impatient, it's that they aren't even on the list of "high-priority in in-game issues" that "will affect the player experience". It's clearly affecting our experience, so... I guess it's not high-priority?

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I was messing around on a training dummy yesterday practicing the rotation for Iron Fist (struggling a bit with ammo management). I noticed that Ion Cell was doing far less damage than it should. I'm going to be doing some better testing when I get home from work today, but here's roughly what I found.


Against the level 10 training dummy on the Gav Daragon (so armor would be really low), I tested several weapon damage attacks. Full Auto was doing 80-90% of what it was supposed to, and Gut's first hit was also doing 80-90%. I'll nail down the exact armor value later, but it was somewhere slightly over 10% for me.


Ion Cell was doing 243 damage. My tooltip has somewhere around 750 energy damage as the number it should be doing. Based on findings with the other skills, I would expect it to be doing over 600 damage.


This is a huge DPS drop. Stock Strike (which I use on cooldown) always triggers Ion Cell. Also, Hammer Shot (which I use almost every other skill) has a 2/3 chance to trigger it. This means that over a period of 9s, I'm losing out on nearly 1k energy damage from Ion Cell procs. That's a DPS loss of 80+ (factoring in 25% armor).



This is really starting to upset me. That's two vanguard trees that have large bugs, and (as of 6/1) neither of them are even acknowledged by BioWare. It's not that they're working on a fix and I'm impatient, it's that they aren't even on the list of "high-priority in in-game issues" that "will affect the player experience". It's clearly affecting our experience, so... I guess it's not high-priority?


I played shield spec for the longest time, Ion cell is not a main damage dealer at all, Ion cell's damage is dot based, so each tick is reduced by armor. I have seen posts about DPS loss along these lines before but the parser proved otherwise, would you be able to get a combat log?

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Ion Cell was doing 243 damage. My tooltip has somewhere around 750 energy damage as the number it should be doing. Based on findings with the other skills, I would expect it to be doing over 600 damage.


Ion Cell is a dot. 750 energy damage over six seconds. One tick of 243 every 2 seconds. 3 ticks totalling 749 damage. Massive facepalm.

Edited by Ithakos
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Ion Cell is a dot. 750 energy damage over six seconds. One tick of 243 every 2 seconds. 3 ticks totalling 749 damage. Massive facepalm.


I'm sorry, but it's actually you that's having a stupid moment. Ion Cell has a proc for straight damage. The talent "Ion Overload" adds a DoT component. For reference, here are screenshots of the tooltips:


Ion Cell

Ion Overload


So, for me, it SHOULD do 716 damage and THEN 284 over 9 seconds. As far as I can tell, the DoT portion is working correctly. For reference, here's a parse showing it hit for roughly 1/3 of what it's supposed to. That parse was with a power generator (~760 on the Ion Cell tooltip), and against the lvl 10 training dummy, which should have next to no armor. It's not just a glitch on that dummy, either. I've tried it on other targets.

Edited by Philosomanic
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I'm sorry, but it's actually you that's having a stupid moment. Ion Cell has a proc for straight damage. The talent "Ion Overload" adds a DoT component. For reference, here are screenshots of the tooltips:


Ion Cell

Ion Overload


So, for me, it SHOULD do 716 damage and THEN 284 over 9 seconds. As far as I can tell, the DoT portion is working correctly. For reference, here's a parse showing it hit for roughly 1/3 of what it's supposed to. That parse was with a power generator (~760 on the Ion Cell tooltip), and against the lvl 10 training dummy, which should have next to no armor. It's not just a glitch on that dummy, either. I've tried it on other targets.


get him good with the tool tips =p. but wheres the parse?

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Oh, sorry, forgot to link it. Parse HERE.


That's against the lvl 10 combat dummy on the Gav Daragon. It has tiny armor against my attacks (under 10%). I got similar results (although mitigated more) against all the other dummies, so it's not a glitch on just the one.

Edited by Philosomanic
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Ion cell hasn't worked since beta. Plenty of people have bug reported and posted it in the forums. Plasma cell was also broken since beta and it took them up till about a month ago to fix it. Trooper bugs just seem very low in priority for Bioware.
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The degree of this DPS loss is driving me insane. For that parse I linked, Ion Cell is doing 69 DPS. I'm doing a total of 870 DPS. If Ion Cell was doing 3x as much damage (i.e. the tootlip value), that'd give me an extra 138 DPS, or 15.9%. That's a huge boost, especially for a tank spec!
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The degree of this DPS loss is driving me insane. For that parse I linked, Ion Cell is doing 69 DPS. I'm doing a total of 870 DPS. If Ion Cell was doing 3x as much damage (i.e. the tootlip value), that'd give me an extra 138 DPS, or 15.9%. That's a huge boost, especially for a tank spec!


Maybe that's exactly why they haven't fixed it, like they did for plasma cell....you know..for the DPSers. I'm not saying I agree with it, I'm just sayin. Perhaps it's BW's way of providing balance....with broken mechanics :p

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Maybe that's exactly why they haven't fixed it, like they did for plasma cell....you know..for the DPSers. I'm not saying I agree with it, I'm just sayin. Perhaps it's BW's way of providing balance....with broken mechanics :p


Then they should fix the **** **** **** tooltip. Balancing is something I understand. It sucks to have your class balanced down, but it sometimes has to happen and it's overall good for the game. If they dropped the tooltip to display the damage it's actually doing, then I'd be happy. After all, I'm already doing plenty of damage; I'm typically in the top 25% of a warzone and I don't even care about damage (priority is objectives -> guard -> taunts -> debuffs -> CC/pulls -> DPS). I could see a case for the actual tooltip value being too high.


However, as things stand right now, it's broken.

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Maybe that's exactly why they haven't fixed it, like they did for plasma cell....you know..for the DPSers. I'm not saying I agree with it, I'm just sayin. Perhaps it's BW's way of providing balance....with broken mechanics :p


Well, the thing with that is plasma cell was always working fine for pyrotechs on the Sith side. If it's indeed a way to control dps they would have never of fixed it. Plus, dps in this game is no where near balanced between the classes.


I'm not sure if the sith version of ion cell is working. Wouldn't surprise me if it did.

Edited by icegreentea
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I'm sorry, but it's actually you that's having a stupid moment. Ion Cell has a proc for straight damage. The talent "Ion Overload" adds a DoT component. For reference, here are screenshots of the tooltips:


Ion Cell

Ion Overload


So, for me, it SHOULD do 716 damage and THEN 284 over 9 seconds. As far as I can tell, the DoT portion is working correctly. For reference, here's a parse showing it hit for roughly 1/3 of what it's supposed to. That parse was with a power generator (~760 on the Ion Cell tooltip), and against the lvl 10 training dummy, which should have next to no armor. It's not just a glitch on that dummy, either. I've tried it on other targets.


The Ion Cell DoT component is broken and has been since launch. Right now it's doing just under 25% of the damage that it's supposed to (again, has been broken since launch). So bad is it that the Super Charged Ion Cell talent is really only a 3% damage increase to that broken FAIL DoT.


If you're a Vanguard or a PT, and you have talented for this, you are doing it wrong.


I'm suprised that people don't know this because it was discussed, proven and discussed at length for several months. The only thing that I can think of is that the people who knew about this simply left the game, thus the word stopped spreading.


Anyhow...Ion Cell DoT is broken and HAS been broken since launch.

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The tooltip is wrong.


It's not 15%, it's more like 45-55%. It procs a lot so its logical the damage is reduced relative to the percentage chance.


On the PTR I believe it's completely bugged right now. For me it only hits for 161 initials, 75 dot ticks. No more, no less. On live it's almost double that and I don't think it's scaling with power properly ATM on the PTR. I mean, even on live the numbers are random.


Also, they added a new effect on the PTR. When Ion Cell ticks it shoots a beam of lightning from the target to you.

Edited by ComeAndSee
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Also, they added a new effect on the PTR. When Ion Cell ticks it shoots a beam of lightning from the target to you.


Yeah, that beam of lightning is actually kinda cool, especially when it's on multiple people. However, it bugs me how it's actually a triangle between you, your target, and a spot on the floor near where you were standing when IC activated. It can look really odd if you move too much.

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Well after reading this post, I decided to run some numbers of damage with the vanguard. This was also on a level 10 dummy on the gav. With these numbers i had no spec, i De-specced before tryin the numbers to try to reduce abilities gettin in the way of damage numbers. All these were with ion cell active. Now I am not a tester by any means. Just ran a quick number crunch on a dummy.




I am going to start a thread in the customer service forum so they hopefully will read it.

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