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James Ohlen: Major patches every month?!


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I believe James Ohlen said that we'd get new content updates evey month a few months back to hype up 1.2. What a load of utter ***** that was. June and no 1.3 even on test servers. Pretty poor show. Edited by Artthen
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I believe James Ohlen said that we'd get new content updates evey month a few months back to hype up 1.2. What a load of utter sh*te that was. June and no 1.3 even on test servers. Pretty poor show.


That is hearsay, he was not speaking to you mate he was speaking to the stockholders.

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I feel sorry for us and the stockholders. It is so sad for the stockholders, that they got false informations. I think they will be happy for this fact, really, they will love it. Stockholders dont like money, they waste it. And I am pretty sure, the will love him for this informations. Yeah, really,


We players already knew, stockholders suck, so its just fun lying to them. And we already knew it was a lie.


So, we are much more smarter than these dump stockholders.



Edited by schmerzbringer
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Er no he wasn't mate i'm pretty sure he said that in an interview.


Yep sorry, I was inferring that it was PR spin to make stockholders happy as opposed to a statement of intent to the community. Did not make myself clear enough I guess.

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^^ If only it were that easy to hold his words as the truth.


I have a bad feeling JO will come in here and tell us we do get major content patches every month. Silly JO, a long list of patch notes isn't a huge content update.

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It depends, do you count the Rakghoul Virus as a content update. I'm pretty sure they do.


Yes they'd still be late for this update but still not as late as you think they are


Maybe they should have delayed the rakghoul virus until a full month had passed after 1.2 to keep to this non-specific schedule.

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I don't think the devs are going to get anything done without the threat of losing their job (which exists) or the threat of violence. People just don't get things done without one or the other. If I were EA, I'd be telling the devs "you don't get paid until you get **** done."


I feel the same way about U.S. legislators, too.

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I feel sorry for us and the stockholders. It is so sad for the stockholders, that they got false informations. I think they will be happy for this fact, really, they will love it. Stockholders dont like money, they waste it. And I am pretty sure, the will love him for this informations. Yeah, really,


We players already knew, stockholders suck, so its just fun lying to them. And we already knew it was a lie.


So, we are much more smarter than these dump stockholders.




Not sure where you are going with this or whether that is my fault or yours:confused:

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I thought it was a promise for major server downtime every week?


thats what i thought maybe its both.

anyway they can promise things and maybe they hoped 1.3 would be out by now but if they have ran into problems then it that could be it.

programming its anoying no matter how much work u do on it chances are you will miss a bug and bioware dont want that.

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Well when EA fired what 150 + devs etc at bioware Austing according to rumors what do you except.


Remember the same thing with Cryptic,after launch of STO most of the dev team were moved to

work on Neverwinter with only a small dev team left on STO.And after launch there have been very

little content updates to the game, i think we will see the same thing here sadly.You see the suits

who dont understand gamers dont understand more content and better content actually gives more

subs in the long run.Look at wow,.Just hope bioware actually tries for a time first to improve the

game before they settle with the subs they have.

Edited by Lord_Karsk
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I don't think the devs are going to get anything done without the threat of losing their job (which exists) or the threat of violence. People just don't get things done without one or the other. If I were EA, I'd be telling the devs "you don't get paid until you get **** done."


I feel the same way about U.S. legislators, too.


This reminds me of the training method the troop corpoaral in my old unit used. He called it 'the montenegran peasant method'. In short, the principle was 'failure means pain'. He would tell someone how to do something then ask them if they understood, if they said no then he would explain it again until they said yes they understood. if after saying 'yes' they did it incorrectly he would crack them round the head and rinse and repeat the process. In all my years it is the most effective method of training I have ever been witness to;)

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