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Remake the Marauder Class


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Yes seriously... I am saying that as a lvl50 marauder who plays the game since beta and I do love my marauder, but the class is really broken.


We have like 20+ buttons to press, most of the have to press in specials situations, its even worse when you play as a Carnage marauder (thats why I gave up that skilltree a long time ago). Now with the way the UI works ingame its really a pain in the *** to play that class. You have boss encounters and the special attacks are short pop ups in the middle of the screen, where the screen is already fully spammed most of the time with white, yellow, green or red numbers etc. what I want to say its hard to sometimes not miss the announcement when some boss encounters do their special attacks. It had a reason why some of the boss encounter addons for world of warcraft exist and just think about Toth and Zorn... basicly you have to keep your eyes in the middle of the screen to not miss toth going green and enrage so you can use some of your def cds or not getting bashed by the red circles on the screen. Now just imagine you would also have to check the tiny little icons on your target to see which of your carnage attacks you can use... oh and dont forget you have to also look on your quickslot bar to see if the skills are even ready which is... well you know how the UI works, you press one attack and 90% of your 4 quickslot bars goes grey for a seconds cause of a global CD.


What I am saying is that it is a huge pain in the ... how the game works right now. You either miss boss encounters announcing their special attacks (if not someone on TS tells you carefull red circles etc.) or you miss pressing the right attack at the right time or you miss pressing an attack all together cause 90% of your quickslot bars is on global CD or normal CD. Not to forget that as a marauder we just have to many buttons to press.


A good game which is about skill and most of the games do that give you like 10 skills to use. In some of the games you can chose the 10 skills out of higher number of skills. Imo thats how it should work in the swtor aswell. I have no problem with having 20+ different attacks as a marauder, but I do have a problem if I have to use all those 20+ attacks at the same time in a fight. Maybe I should learn to play with my toes aswell, cause sorry I only have 10 fingers and not everyone has a razer naga at hand and yes its a bad game design imo when a game forces you to use that kind of hardware and even with that I have to double, tripple keybind some of the buttons, cause as I said I have to many buttons to press as a marauder.


But lets make it less a theory.


I have:


1. force charge

2. smash

3. assault

4. vivious slash

5. battering assault

6. deadly saber

7. rupture

8. annihilate

9. ravage

10. vicious throw


now this wouldnt be that bad if it would be everything we use but there is also


11. berserk or

12. predation or

13. bloodthirst


next we could use


14. frenzy to use the 3 skills above


but there is more


15. obfuscate

16. deadly throw

17. unleash

18. disruption


or even


19. crippling slash in pvp


but what about


20. disable droid ?


and dont forget our def skills


21. cloak of pain

22. saber ward

23. undying rage

24. force cloak


oh but wait we still have ...


25. retaliation

26. force scream

27. force choke

28. pommel strike

29. savage kick

30. intimidating roar


Now... wait we have 30 buttons to press? and as a good marauder you use 98% of them all the time. I admit 3 of them I rarely use if I use them at all (retaliation, pommel strike and savage kick) but imo there are situations in pvp etc. a stunned target where some of them are very handy. But my point is even with hardware like a razer naga you still have to many buttons to press and I still only have 10 fingers, but again maybe I should really learn to play with my toes aswell. Seriously Bioware... 30 different buttons to press? Its a way to complex now take in account we have to watch the screen for debuffs on targets, we have to see when most of those skills are ready again, we have to check on special attacks on boss encounters etc. and as a marauder we even have the pain to get knocked back all the time...


Marauder is by far the toughest class to play. Its easy to play a marauder but its hard to master it and I do have other level 50 chars (other classes) and its always fun to see people complaining about marauders beeing so op when you think of how hard it is to play a marauder and how easy it is to play a different class. Now those "2-3 bottonpress classes" complain about marauders doing more damage or beeing marauder unkillable etc...


In my opionion the marauder class needs to be changed.


I would be fine with having 10-15 different buttons to press. But 30? thats insane!


Give us:


1. 50% Class-Ability to resist knockbacks.

2. Force Charge

3. Smash (on 2 min CD with higher damage and a bit more AOE range)

4. Assault

5. Rupture

6. Annihilate

7. Saber Ward

8. Cloak of Pain

9. Force Cloak

10. Disruption

11. Vicious Throw

12. Obsfuscate

13. Force Push

14. Berserk

15. Predation

16. Bloodthirst

17. Unleash

18. Disable Droid

19. Intimidating Roar


No Frenzy, no ravage, no other skills. Increase the damage on assault so its like vicious slash and a good way to built up rage. No insta full rage tool like frenzy and no battering assault. Rage comes from attacking only. So main source of damage is your main attack assault. You charge in, do some assault attacks and pop your rupture dot your target (dot duration needs to be increased, but still cleansable). If you have built up enough rage you use your annihilate (damage needs to be increased and it doesnt finish the CD of rupture anymore). If you need a high AOE damage burst you can do your smash (so it works like death from above or orbital strike now). You go back to do some more assault attacks, cast an obsfuscate on your target or pop your cloak of pain. If you run low on hp pop your def cds. Disrupt your target, use your berserk when your furry is built up or pop bloodthirst or predation. No more insta predation in warzone games, you have to built furry first. Disable some droids before the fight starts or aoe stun your enemies and get out of sight with force cloak.


If balaced right the marauder class will do the same damage, has the same survivabilty like now but the playing the marauder is more about skill of the player instead of who can press most buttons or has the biggest mouse with the most buttons attached on it and best of it you dont have to keep 4 quickslot bars in sight all the time, so you can really start concentration on boss fights and in pvp on players around you, instead of checking when what skill is ready again all the time.

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Incoming complaint alert.


have you not realized that marauders/ sentinels are the best damage class - this is not because they are op it is because they need to know how to use all keys.


On my smuggler I have about 20 keys I need to use to make sure I can win a fight - that is a class that is heavily nerfed.


You cannot complain about the marauders keys it is like that so you can output maximum amount of damage.


Learn that you need to practice everything and work on quick keys.


Those 2 simple steps will quell this problem.

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I don't use a naga and I have everything bound. One thing you might not know is that you can reduce clutter by having hidden bars. I have 2 main action bars grouped into cd type (1 mainly for offensive cds and the 2nd one mainly for defensive, utility, adrenal, stim and cc). My 3rd bar is partially hidden with the medpac , buff and channel hatred on it(the hidden slots on a partially hidden bar don't work however).


My 4th bar is completely hidden because it has all the abilities without cd on it such as assault, vicious slash, sweeping slash, predation, berserk disable droid, crippling slash etc etc.


I think the number of abilities is fine. One of the perks of marauder is that although it is easy to get into when you practice, the sheer amount of abilities gives you freedom to do a lot of things too.

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More skills make a player more skilled, not less.... knowing when to use 1 abiltiy out of 30 instead of out of 7 is what defines the skilled players from the ones who arn't at that level...not gonna say it but....
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Ok it seems people dont really understand the point. I am using at least 27 of my 30 marauder skills on a regular basis. I have 4 full quickslot bars and I have keybindings and a razer mouse. Thats not the problem, the point is that in most new games you have a either only a few skills available or you have to pick a handful of skills from a list of skills. Its no fun when you have 30 different buttons to press and on top of that you have 20 more things to look at your screen and react to. Thats why they created pvp and raid addons for wow. You want to know when your skill is ready, you want to know when a boss does something special etc. and the reason why they create those addons is cause the game is to complex and you have to be aware of to many things at the same time, so you create those little things which helps you to press a button when ever you skill is ready or to never get hit by a cleave from a boss etc.


But the main problem is that game and the UI is broken and thats why they created those addons. In swtor you cannot have those addons and on top of that you have 2 times the skills to use. The game is not about tactic or how to play anymore, its about what person can look the fastest or just simple spam 10 keys a million times so you dont miss out to press a button.


You really want to tell me that you look down on your quickslot bar to notice oh my rupture in 1.5sec. annihilation in 3sec, force charge ready in 2sec. deadly saber in 2sec. aswell. oh and 28 stacks of furry already so berserk soon oh but wait dot is still running for roughly 3 sec on target no need to rupture yet. and with all that time your focused on your quickslot bar... damn i missed reading the short popup text that toth is going enrage in 1 sec. Oh but wait you have an addon which is called raidleader who screams toth enrage in TS, so you can pop force cloak in time. But wait... you are a sniper so you just sit at 30+ meters range and lol all the time.


Or you could just spamm 4-5 keys and dont even bother looking at your quickslot bar, so by the time rupture is ready it gets pressed, by the time force charge and deadly saber is ready it gets pressed, by the time berserk is ready it gets pressed etc...


That what you call skill? I call that bad game design.


Right now the best thing to do as a marauder is making a macro to press the keys 1 to 9 at the same time and put that on mouse button 4 ;) That whay you dont even need a quickslot bar anymore cause doesnt matter what kind of skill is ready it gets pressed as soon as it is ready ;)


Or you could just totally screw up your UI and increase the size of your quickslot bar and put it in the middle of the screen so you can focus at your CDs and the boss encounter at the same time. Oh and when you do that also put your target bar in the middle and increase its size aswell, so you see when you have to redot etc.


The point is the most competetive online games are the ones with only a handful of skills to use. In diablo 3 as an example you dont have 30 different buttons to klick....


Also thats why many people are leaving, they dont bother buying a 140$ mouse or to check on a million things on your screen at the same time, they want to play a game. Lets take KTOR as an example, did you have 30 buttons to press in that game did you have that many skills like you have in swtor? No you didnt and now again which game was more enjoyable to play KTOR or SWTOR? ask yourself that...

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I am not asking to nerf the class. I am asking to redesign the class to make it more enjoyable to play. To make the class skill-depended. As an example why do we have savage kick and pommel strike? Why not get rid of one of them? Why do we have vicious slash and assault? Why not get rid of vicious slash and make assault a bit better. Why having two extra skills which are not needed? Why having deadly saber? Just have rupture as a dot. Why berserk an extra skill? Why not have an "auto-enrage" after 30 stacks of furry? so Bersek is not an button you have to press its an enrage mode you have when you hit the 30 stacks of furry and within the duration of berserk your dots crit. No need to press a stupid button. Now you ask what about bloodthirst and predation then? Well when you are in "enrage" berserk then you can either keep enraged for a short duration and your dots crit or you could pop bloodthirst and berserk is gone but bloodthirst is on now for a short duration.


That way you still need skill to play but it wont be such a pain in the *** to play that class anymore and you would have less buttons to press and I bet it would be at least a hundred times more enjoyable to play.

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This is exactly what makes the class fun to play. Countless of skills to use and other things to look out for keeps you on your toes and makes it more exciting. How fun is it to play a class when its easy? Might be in the beginning but you will get bored alot faster. Less to do and watch out for equals more lazy playstyle and lazy people are bad players. The marauder is fine as it is.
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Naw. I'd rather you re-roll than change the class for other people just because you want it a certain way.


Many of the changes you're suggesting cater to only your playstyle, btw. PVE and Annihilation. Seriously? Auto-Berserk? Combine Assault and Vicious Slash? Look...you're only opening yourself up to massive flaming with those kind of suggestions...lol


1.2 already lowered the entry barrier for playing a Marauder. We don't need any more dumbing down of the class.

Edited by Swarna
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Its no fun when you have 30 different buttons to press and on top of that you have 20 more things to look at your screen and react to. Thats why they created pvp and raid addons for wow. You want to know when your skill is ready, you want to know when a boss does something special etc. and the reason why they create those addons is cause the game is to complex and you have to be aware of to many things at the same time, so you create those little things which helps you to press a button when ever you skill is ready or to never get hit by a cleave from a boss etc.


This is where I disagree with you because what you're talking about is everything I love about the sentinel/marauder class. I don't want/need addons. I do think that the game is bad at communicating how much harder a marauder is to play compared to a mercenary.

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The OP has a point.


Not everyone can manage 20+ key binds during a fight. Yes, for those that can it makes the game fun but how many people in the general public can do this? Are they having fun? Is it fun for them to know they will never excel at anything in this game past level 30 or so because they simply can't manage those key binds?


Yes, there are always those that say "dude I key bind all of my keys, can play them with my eyes closed and always rank at the top of any WZ ... notice how no one is ever ranked second? ... you just have to practice" The general public doesn't want to do back-flips ,,, they just want to play.


I guess you can just say "if you can't handle this game go play something else ... but do you really want to play alone on empty servers because the key press combinations coupled with no addons or macro scripts turn this game into work instead of fun?


I'm not throwing the old "doom and gloom" around, but there is a certain reality all games must face. If you make the game so hard that the general public doesn't have fun, you will lose customers. Games mechanics should never be designed for the elite gamer ... they must be designed for the average gamer or your game becomes a niche game with low populations and terribad word of mouth.


Games have to balance complicated game play against simpleton game play. Neither extreme is a good thing. Personally, I think SWTOR may have skewed it towards one end more than the other.

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I am not asking to nerf the class. I am asking to redesign the class to make it more enjoyable to play. To make the class skill-depended. As an example why do we have savage kick and pommel strike? Why not get rid of one of them? Why do we have vicious slash and assault? Why not get rid of vicious slash and make assault a bit better. Why having two extra skills which are not needed? Why having deadly saber? Just have rupture as a dot. Why berserk an extra skill? Why not have an "auto-enrage" after 30 stacks of furry? so Bersek is not an button you have to press its an enrage mode you have when you hit the 30 stacks of furry and within the duration of berserk your dots crit. No need to press a stupid button. Now you ask what about bloodthirst and predation then? Well when you are in "enrage" berserk then you can either keep enraged for a short duration and your dots crit or you could pop bloodthirst and berserk is gone but bloodthirst is on now for a short duration.


That way you still need skill to play but it wont be such a pain in the *** to play that class anymore and you would have less buttons to press and I bet it would be at least a hundred times more enjoyable to play.


Making it easier does not make it skill dependent. Skill would be knowing when to use berserk and when to use predation instead with your 30 stacks of fury. The fact that you're suggesting it just automatically do it shows that you're trying to dumb down the class which is ultimately a nerf.


Honestly it sounds to me like you just need some practice on the training dummies until you're comfortable with your keybinds. My carnage rotation is V, F, R, C, T->R, E, R, E->V,F,R,C,R,E,R,E etc. It's very easy for me to do that. Middle mouse is interupt, Shift+Middle Mouse is choke. Mouse button 4 is cloak of pain, Shift + Mouse button 4 is saber ward. And I just practice, until I can get it down without looking at the keys or thinking about it. I don't think to myself, "I need to obfuscate so let me hit Q", I just think "Obfuscate is what I need" and the Q key gets pressed without thought because I have practiced it substantially.


Similarly speaking my UI is suited to my playstyle. All my "no cooldown skills" go on a toolbar that is hidden. My stances and stuff I will only click go on a side bar to avoid cluttering the middle of the screen. Then I have two bars that are separated into main rotation of attacks (top left), damage reduction skills (bottom left), utility skills (top right) and consumables (bottom right). I pull the bars and portraits up to the main screen and scale them so I can easily see debuffs and it is very successful. My only gripe is that clicking on an enemy debuff with your mouse or some other UI element while trying to place the huttball targeting reticle should not prevent it from firing (I hate trying to navigate around the UI).

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This entire thread is just fail. There is nothing difficult about playing a Marauder. I sat around and got bored of my rotation as Anni in my last raid. It's so easy to just glance at my bars, then focus on what's going on in front of me. You guys do realise although we have to manage 30+ keybinds (I don't use a razer btw) there's a setting in your preferences that displays the remaining cool down of your ability and I recall it flashing, too. So 1 glance to see where everything is and then you're back to focusing on what you were doing.


The OP makes it sound like it is as if we're doing some heavy duty lifting, at least that's the impression I got when I read his post. To me, you guys seem lazy and cba doing anything about it; you cba with change, of play style and otherwise and instead are moaning that the class has too many abilities to use all at once. All of our defensive cds are fire and forget, our offensive abilities may need a little more due care because of rage management, if such a thing exists anymore ( I know I don't have to manage it ) and we can only use 1 of our 3 "utilities" at any one point, unless you Frenzy at which case is 2 every 2 mins.


Stop your whining and deal with it. If you don't like it, then play another class that's just as competitive but requires less button management. Youve dealt with it up til now, why exactly are you complaining now?

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The OP makes it sound like it is as if we're doing some heavy duty lifting, at least that's the impression I got when I read his post. To me, you guys seem lazy and cba doing anything about it; you cba with change, of play style and otherwise and instead are moaning that the class has too many abilities to use all at once.


Yeah, this is how I feel, too.


Marauders are borderline god-mode in solo PVP and Annihilation potentially pulls the highest damage in operations. After 1.2, Marauders are a lot easier to play. If you can't be bothered to put in minimal effort required to reap the benefits, idk what to say.

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My carnage rotation is V, F, R, C, T->R, E, R, E->V,F,R,C,R,E,R,E etc. It's very easy for me to do that. Middle mouse is interupt, Shift+Middle Mouse is choke. Mouse button 4 is cloak of pain, Shift + Mouse button 4 is saber ward.


Not everyone can manage a rotation like that... i couldn't do that, probably ever. I prefer my numbers for skills, and clicking. That's what I've been doing on every other game. Honestly, I don't mind the Marauder class as it is, other than the fact that I am paper, but I can live with that!

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I use everything that OP uses all 27 that he mentioned minus slice droid.

And I have a regular 5 dollar keyboard, and a logitech anywhere mouse (yea its a laptop traveling mouse).

Naga makes marauder life much easier. But I am used to manage wayyyy more complicated key combinations by multiplying my PRECIOUS 5 programmable mouse buttons into 20. I am afraid I will lose my touch if I pick up a naga lol.


e.g (also tips for those who arent lucky enough to own "skill booster" hardwares like G15 K/B or a Naga mouse but still wanna try their limits of their FINGERING SKILLzzz)

I bind my 5 mouse buttons (its actually only 3 physical extra buttons mind you...)

Side button 1 (Shift 1)

Side button 2 (Shift 2)

Middle Mouse Button (Shift 3)

Mouse wheel tilt Left (Shift 4)

Mouse wheel tile Right (Shift 5)


Thats 5 abilities you can keybind.

Then you can keybind 5 more skills with (Shift+Alt + 1~5) by holding down alt key while you click your mouse buttons it will execute skills within this group.

Then keybind 5 more with (Shift+Ctrl + 1~5) same thing if u hold down ctrl while click mouse you use abilities from this set.

Last but not least keybind (Shift+Ctrl+Alt + 1~5) thats 5 more abilities with mouse button + Ctrl and Alt held down.


There thats how I do it, tricky on the fingers but not that bad after you have enough practice... the easier way is still buy a naga mouse and its all there and done for you plus the macroing functions.

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I guess I dont fully understand. So your complaining that your have too many useful abilities? Really.....


Sent/Maur are one of the best classes huge DPS and great Defensive abilities. I always tell the people in my guild thinking about rerolling that if you want to be a high quality sent/maur be ready to learn to use 20-25 abilities whenever the situation presents itself. If that is not what you looking for roll a commando gunnary or smuggler gunslinger for huge DPS but less abilities to use.


I play a sage healer and I would kill be more abilities/buttons to push to help mitigate some damage. I still cant believe someone is complaining about this lol. I guess there is one maur that will be happy when the nerf bat comes a swingin lol.

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The OP has a point.


Not everyone can manage 20+ key binds during a fight. Yes, for those that can it makes the game fun but how many people in the general public can do this? Are they having fun? Is it fun for them to know they will never excel at anything in this game past level 30 or so because they simply can't manage those key binds?


Yes, there are always those that say "dude I key bind all of my keys, can play them with my eyes closed and always rank at the top of any WZ ... notice how no one is ever ranked second? ... you just have to practice" The general public doesn't want to do back-flips ,,, they just want to play.


I guess you can just say "if you can't handle this game go play something else ... but do you really want to play alone on empty servers because the key press combinations coupled with no addons or macro scripts turn this game into work instead of fun?


I'm not throwing the old "doom and gloom" around, but there is a certain reality all games must face. If you make the game so hard that the general public doesn't have fun, you will lose customers. Games mechanics should never be designed for the elite gamer ... they must be designed for the average gamer or your game becomes a niche game with low populations and terribad word of mouth.


Games have to balance complicated game play against simpleton game play. Neither extreme is a good thing. Personally, I think SWTOR may have skewed it towards one end more than the other.


You know, there are some people who are meant to play football, and then there are people meant to play soccer.


Some people just won't be able to handle Marauder/Sentinel because of the skill level it requires. That means that they probably shouldn't be playing it. If they really want to play it, they will learn to adapt, and if they do not, they will fail.


I used to play a game called GunZ: The Duel. When it first came out, it was typical shooter with an over the shoulder view. However, suddenly the Korean players (which the game is from Korea) found a glitch in the game. They found you could pull out your sword (in a game called "GunZ," the irony that would bring) and then jump, slash at a wall, and you could get a second jump. They would then jump, slash, dash at the wall, and repeat, and suddenly people were reaching parts of maps that would normally take much longer to get to and be far more difficult.


Then, these same players found that you could both block and slash with your sword at the same time due to another glitch. Then, they found you could slash and switch to your gun to shoot while in the air. And before you knew it, we had

for gameplay. Just to give some perspective by the way, they are playing at about 10 kps (keys per second), which is considered slow and sloppy compared to what players do today. A typical "easy" move is:


(Dash) » Jump » Slash » Gun 1 » Shoot » Reload » Sword » Dash » Slash » Gun 2 » Jump » Shoot » Reload » Dash » Gun 1


All of those count as 1 key with the exception of dash, counting as 2, and that one step is performed in 1 second.


So, what was the point of all this? Well, most people just weren't cut out for playing that game because it required too much skill, coordination, and nearly inhuman reflexes. Just the same, Marauder/Sentinel just isn't meant for some people because they can't concentrate on 30 skills and all of the boss mechanics at the same time. It doesn't mean the class needs to be changed, it simply means they will never be able to play as effectively unless they take the time to learn to play well.


OP, if anything the class needs more skills and quickbars.

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. Its no fun when you have 30 different buttons to press and on top of that you have 20 more things to look at your screen and react to.


Then don't play the Marauder!!!

You kids these days have a sense of entitlement and want everything changed to suit your wants,instead of adapting to a situation.

Newsflash: mommy isn't here to fix it for you, this is how the class is, stop trying to redo the entire class.

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Ok it seems people dont really understand the point. I am using at least 27 of my 30 marauder skills on a regular basis. I have 4 full quickslot bars and I have keybindings and a razer mouse. Thats not the problem, the point is that in most new games you have a either only a few skills available or you have to pick a handful of skills from a list of skills. Its no fun when you have 30 different buttons to press and on top of that you have 20 more things to look at your screen and react to.


Absolutely true that someone is not getting the point, but I think you're pointing the finger the wrong direction.


Look at the gaming market today and list all the games out there. There are hundreds of games where I can play PvE (e.g. Diablo) or PvP (World of Tanks). There are hundreds of games out there which are optimized to work with a simple controller with directionals and a few buttons (e.g. an Xbox controller or arrow keys plus mouse). One of the things which sets this game and especially this class apart is the ability to pull the right skill out of the toolbox at the right time to make a difference. That makes for a challenge which is what a number of people actually *want*. I know there is an argument that some people want their hobbies or games to be easy but that's far from universal. Consider the people who do complex, detailed crafts or play competitive sports for recreation... They're specifically doing hard things that require skill as recreation. (Yes, there are also less competitive leagues where people work less hard, but you'll note that they don't suggest that everyone lower the level of competition in all venues...)


In particular, if you want a simpler rotation or fewer abilities which matter, go play an Inquisitor. You can go Assassin for melee or Sorcerer for range and come out with half as many abilities that matter. There's no reason to hamstring people who excel at the challenge and even seek it out if that challenge doesn't suit you.

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Sent/Maur are one of the best classes huge DPS and great Defensive abilities. I always tell the people in my guild thinking about rerolling that if you want to be a high quality sent/maur be ready to learn to use 20-25 abilities whenever the situation presents itself. If that is not what you looking for roll a commando gunnary or smuggler gunslinger for huge DPS but less abilities to use.


Gunslinger has a more difficult rotation actually, but less moving so it evens out.

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Big reveal: every class has to do it. Every rotation has 5-8 damaging/healing skills and an average of 10 utility skills. Add trinkets/specific utility to it (stealth, aggrocontrol), and you have yourself 20+ buttons.

Aside from scoundrels/agents, I guess. Those have about 28, because they have stealth and healing both.

Edited by Shadenuat
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If there is anything truly wrong with the Marauder class its that we don't have an actual CC like Jedi Sentinels or majority of other classes do. I would say all but I wouldn't be able to say for sure. Sure we can stun with Smash, Force Scream, and Intimidating Roar but they all don't ever work in PvP (except roar) but intimidating roar only stuns a group for 6 seconds and is broken upon damage which is virtually useless in a group tussle and especially 1 on 1 and we can truly only CC droids which are never in PvP. Yet Sentinels who essentially a lightside Marauder style class gets Force Stasis and Lift. I don't know how many times that has prevented me from claiming victory over another opponent.
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