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The Short Fic Weekly Challenge Thread!


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Rites of Passage:

With Lord Amilia and Lord Stion'n, hurray.




"I had touched my face; feeling for where the tears had run. They were there, the traces of them, at least. I was shocked by the scabs - they covered my face, my head, my lekku. They had put me in a tiny, dark little room, all by myself. I only had a mirror to keep me company. My eyes were so swollen I could not see." Amilia sighed. She and Stion'n were once again alone in their shared quarters. Having drunk a little too much wine to cope with Stion'n having taken one too many pain killers, Amilia was reminiscing.


"Did you hate him? Did you really hate him?" Stion'n was laying on her back, hands outstretched to the ceiling. There was a childish, musical quality to her voice. Amilia wondered if she would even remember this conversation.


"No. Not then, not immediately. I pitied myself first. I cried for hours," She swirled the wine around her glass. "They held me down. The filled me up with drugs," She threw back the last of the wine, not even taking in the taste anymore. "And when I woke, my face was gone."


"I would've shoved a lightsabre down his throat then turned it on."


"I used to be so beautiful," She half filled the glass with the remaining burgundy, before topping it up with another random red. "He took that away from me."


"Lightsabre. Throat." Stion'n made a vague stabbing motion at the air and then burst into a fit of giggles.


"Yes, I suppose," Amilia took a sip of her wine, accidently spilling some down her front. "I should have killed him, maybe. I was too weak back then. Just a child."


"No big strong man to protect you?" Stion'n turned to get a better look at the Twi'lek's reaction and almost rolled off the couch as result.


"He might have been, had he lived."


"What was his name?" Stion'n slid to the floor.


"It doesn't matter. What does the name of a slave matter? He questioned my master - our master - and died for it."


"Did he know?"


"Know what?"


"That you loved him."


"No," She drank again from the glass, this time taking long draughts, emptying the glass. "He was cold long before I had healed. And then I was gone. Shipped off to some damned Sith academy, to be beaten and humiliated on a whole new level." Amilia raised her glass in a mock toast.


"I'm sorry." Stion'n crawled across the floor, still managing to stumble. She rested her head on Amilia's knees and crossed her arms on her lap.


"For what?"


"For not being there to protect you. We're sisters," Stion'n yawned, showing rows of teeth, all slightly more pointed than normal. "Sisters're supposed to protect each other," She stretched her arms out, looping them about Amilia's waist in a loose hug. "I'm so high right now."


"And I am so very, very drunk."




Author's note:



This is very different from the one I originally started. That one I scrapped because it started out a bit too... bad for my liking and then the dialogue and the action simply weren't working.


So instead we have some awful drunken memories and a lot of dialogue. I really didn't think these two girls would work with each other, but they appear to be developing a rather bizarre relationship.


I was also listening to Nocturno, by Chopin, while writing this, so was feeling rather melancholic.




@GreyJedibp - you say you're not good at writing, maybe you just need some help?

Edited by Tatile
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Aww, I loved this. That's how I imagine my smuggler feels, the sky is her true love, the ship is her best friend, everything else is transient.


There's something so amazing about flying...I'm studying to be a doctor but I'd be lying if I said I didn't daydream about just giving it all up and flying charter jets for a living. Someday I'll get that license...


GreyJedi, you should try your hand at writing! I'm sure there are tons of people hanging around this thread and elsewhere who would be willing to help you edit your stories and such.

Edited by elliotcat
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I read somewhere once that the Imperial Royal Guard would have their students pair up until the end where their final test of loyalty to the Emperor would be killing the person that had helped them survive the rest of their training. Something like that. Anyway, I imagined they might do something similar in the regular military. In this case the test was actually for Donner, he was considered to be a "friendly nice guy" so he would be forced to kill his friend. No one expected Quinn to actually be quicker on the draw, everyone expected Quinn to die, but they would never have told him that. :)


The bit about the Royal Guard does sound familiar. Interesting you figured the test for Donner (perhaps just the instructors' side wagers). I interpreted it as more general. Each cadet uncovered information implicating their partner as a traitor or spy. The Empire wanted only the one willing to set aside personal feelings and take immediate action. Ruthless, but fitting with their culture.

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Not push RepublicGurl but U said have story by sunday well now it monday. is work keeping busy or just give up on it.


Hey; don't worry. :p It's in the works on my computer at home. I'm currently typing this to you while hogging this computer (which is supposed to be for business only at work-really quick while on a "smoke break". Though I don't smoke! Shhh!) A co-worker ended up in the hospital so I took on her shifts, as well as a double at my other job. I didn't expect it to take this long.


For now, though, could we consider it on hiatus? (On hold?) I want to write a gen Kira/JK story, but it isn't quite on my to-do list yet.


The story is coming eventually- when it does it'll be a surprise! :D


... As for the rest of you guys, I'll be back up and running soon just as I find time to breathe! (And clock out at work! Hahaha.) ;)


I will do the Rite of Passage prompt first, and then go back to Hidden Talents, as that one has turned into a massive monster... (what with it featuring both my Smuggler, Jedi Knight and their respective crews together!)


Sorry for being late. *cough*as usual *cough*

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I will do the Rite of Passage prompt first, and then go back to Hidden Talents, as that one has turned into a massive monster... (what with it featuring both my Smuggler, Jedi Knight and their respective crews together!)


Sorry for being late. *cough*as usual *cough*


Neat. I started out writing a crossover between my JK and Smuggler too waaay back for the first prompt "Culture Shock", I was trying to keep it light and funny but I'm not really any good at happy. So I turned into something else which I morphed into a romance with Scourge hehehe. :)

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Neat. I started out writing a crossover between my JK and Smuggler too waaay back for the first prompt "Culture Shock", I was trying to keep it light and funny but I'm not really any good at happy. So I turned into something else which I morphed into a romance with Scourge hehehe. :)


Awesome. Anything with Scourge is pretty neat in my book. ;)


But that's because I'm biased and a pathetic Scourge fangirl. :rolleyes:

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Have I mentioned how pleased I am with the Lord Scourge love circle here? Because I'm pretty pleased with it. :p


Yes. I think almost everyone here in this thread belongs to SSA (Scourge Stalkers Anonymous), but we're all here to say why we love him so- not to try and give him up!

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Yes. I think almost everyone here in this thread belongs to SSA (Scourge Stalkers Anonymous), but we're all here to say why we love him so- not to try and give him up!


:) "My name is Bright Ephemera, and I'd hit that."


:o:p;):D:cool: *Hi, Bright Ephemera!*


So much thoughtful win in Lord Scourge. Thoughtful, proud, cunning win.

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Im good coming up with plot but im at bad at it writing that all


and I would like some help


Start a new thread where you can post passages you've written - perhaps then we can anaylse them and make suggestions.

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Yes. I think almost everyone here in this thread belongs to SSA (Scourge Stalkers Anonymous), but we're all here to say why we love him so- not to try and give him up!


Sign me up for that support group! (And I'm quite content with my Scourge addiction, tyvm :D)

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This story attaches to my last JK fic.


Shots and Bonfires

JK - minor Kira spoilers


"Ok, what gives?"

Esma rolled her head across the pillow toward the door of her bedroom. Her bedroom, just hers. Nobody else's. Sigh.

"You've been moping for days," Kira said, walking in and picking up a bag that used to contain junk food.

"A girl can't mope?"

Kira raised an eyebrow.

"Fine," Esma said, sitting up in bed, "Doc and I are done. I filed for a divorce."

"Really?" Kira plopped down on the bed, "What happened? I mean other than the whole chasing-anything-in-a-skirt thing?"

Esma glared, "He's not that bad. Besides, I was wearing pants when we first met."

Kira rolled her eyes.

"We're just too different."

"No offense, but duh."

Esma threw a pillow at Kira who deflected it midair.

"So I'm guessing that's why he's on an extended vacation playing Doctor Hero."

"Listen, don't tell Rusk or T7, and pleeease don't tell Scourge."

"Okaaay, but don't you think they'll notice? On second thought, don't you think Scourge will notice?"

Esma sighed, "I'll tell them, but I want to do it myself. Well, don't WANT to, but I will. On second thought, maybe I can just never tell Scourge. Ever."


"Cause that would mean he was right about Doc. I hate when he's right about stuff," Esma pouted.

"You know what this means, don't you?"

Esma looked at the redhead cautiously. "What?"

"Girl's night! Makeovers, shots, and a bonfire of Doc's stuff!"

Esma groaned and buried her head under the pillow. Kira began tugging at her feet.

"Come on! It's tradition after a break-up!"

"Like you know anything about break-ups," came the muffled reply.

"Oh please, I spent my teen years on Nar Shaddaa."

Esma's legs were halfway off the bed at this point, although she was maintaining custody of the pillow.

"Come on, come on, come on!"

"You're really irritating when you're bouncy." She threw the pillow aside. "Fine, but we're not burning anything."




"Shhhhhhhh....." Esma whispered none-too-quietly to an equally drunk Kira as they opened the hatch to the ship. "Don' wan' wake 'nybody."


The women shrieked as the overhead lights were flipped on.

"Damnit Rusk! Don' you ever sleep?!?" Esma complained, shielding her eyes which were not adjusting to the light all that well.

"Sorry, sir, just doing my rounds," Rusk opened his mouth to ask a question relating to two drunk Jedi sneaking back on board in the middle of the night, but then shut it.

"I need sleep," Kira mumbled, keeping hold of the wall as she headed towards her quarters as Rusk determinedly did not look curious, "Water and sleep." She stopped and leaned against the wall. "Where you goin'?"

Esma tottered at the top of the stairs to the lower level, "Need to burn somethin'." She leaned against the doorframe. "Tha's how this goes, right?"

Kira nodded heavily, "Yep."

"Uh, sir, could I be of assistance?"


Esma half walked, half slid down the stairs. She tottered into Doc's medbay, looking around. She'd stashed all "their" stuff down here after the "talk." He'd left immediately for Coruscant so it was still all in boxes. She went through two boxes before she found it. A sentimental paper copy of their marriage license. Perfect.

"I assume you have a purpose for being down here?"

Esma frowned at Scourge who was standing in the doorframe with his arms crossed. "Doesn' 'nybody sleep round here?"

He waited in his I-can-stand-here-till-the-end-of-time way while he surveyed her new hair cut and clothes.

"Gonna burn this."

He raised an eyebrow. "Interesting. And how do you propose to do that?"

"Watchman," she said, pointing at herself, "I set things on fire."

"With a lightsaber," he said pointedly, eyeing her empty belt.

Esma pouted and sat back against the wall. "Poo."

"Are you certain you need to burn this particular paper tonight?"

"Marriage is done, license needs to go," she said, sadly staring at the paper.

Scourge went very still.

"Woops," she said, clapping a hand over her mouth, her eyes wide as she looked up at him. "Was gonna tell you...later."

He looked at her for another moment and then reached down and handed her his lightsaber.

Her drunk haze cleared for a moment as she struggled to her feet, focused on the saber. She lit it, the length red instead of her normal green. She focused, poured energy into the blade, temporarily overloading it, and then touched it to the paper. The license flamed in a brief bright light and then crumbled into gray ash just as quickly.

She shut it off and handed it back to him.

"Thank you."

"Do you still wish for him to live?"

"Yes," she frowned at Scourge, "I don't hate him."

She stumbled a little as she took a step toward the door, exhaustion hitting hard. The room was beginning to spin.

"You are such a strange creature, little Jedi."

The feel of a solid arm around her waist was the last thing she remembered until she woke, safe and snug, in her own bed the next morning. The headache was quick in coming.



Author's Note:


Finally got a story together. Took a lot longer than I normally do, but I kept blanking! I've got a number of rough stories kind of lined up in my files, but I couldn't think of any place to insert a "rite of passage" event that wasn't completely out of my timeline. And then I gave up and wrote another story with Scourge in it, (with a rite of passage of sorts), hehe.


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D'aww, everyone keeps going on about Lord Scourge. I'd roll a Jedi Knight if I could stomach the voice acting. Hoyden got so close with that latest fic.


I know I'm Doing It Wrong, but I never have sound on. I'm too addicted to Law and Order.

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D'aww, everyone keeps going on about Lord Scourge. I'd roll a Jedi Knight if I could stomach the voice acting. Hoyden got so close with that latest fic.


The fem JK voice acting does take some getting used to. I leveled a trooper and a bounty hunter first, and they both have these lovely smarta** alto voices. The JK I've never been particularly fond of, although I've gotten used to it.

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The fem JK voice acting does take some getting used to. I leveled a trooper and a bounty hunter first, and they both have these lovely smarta** alto voices. The JK I've never been particularly fond of, although I've gotten used to it.


I was wondering if she was trying to sound younger in the beginning or if I just got used to her voice after a while.


Loved your story, never can have too much Scourge.

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This is my frist story go easy me.

Kira and female jedi knight story




On the Defender Kira was meditate in her quarters until someone knock on her door. She got up check who at the door.


Kira was shocked to see it was her former master Sarah Gery “Sarah do want to talk about something?".


Sarah Gery smile and said "I just want to talk to u Kira about something".


“What do want to talk about Sarah” said Kira and Kira noice that Sarah look nervous.


Kira was shocked to see her master nervous. Sarah was never nervous about anything


“I just want to talk about u being jedi knight now and how do feel about it” said Sarah rubber back of head . Kira was growing more concerned. Sarah know how she feel about her being jedi knight and she just that as exuse not tell way she really want to said wanted to say.


“Sarah don't way do really came.” Kira said worried. “Yeah Kira your right that way I really came down here." she said looking scared. But then she ran her hand down Kira’s arm. “come here and show u.” she pull her arms and kiss her lips.


Kira was suprise but then she give in to kiss. Sarah pull away and brush and nervous.


“Kira Im Im so sorry I should not....” Sarah started but she cut off by kira grabbing her around the waist and lifted her off her feet and kissong her agian . Kira then let her down and said “I think u are cute when nervous Sarah and I think look beautiful master so came here .” Kira pulling Sarah in her arm again and kiss neck this time.


Sarah moaned and Kira lift her up again and she carring her to bed. They fell and sarah was on top of kira then she bent down kiss kira again. Kira put arms her around Sarah waist. Kira then began remove Sarah's Belt and Sarah remove Kira robe.


:2 Hours later:


Sarah was laying on top of kira naked and tried. She watched her breath, her eyes were closed, she thought Kira was sleeping, “Glad we got that out way. who all fun in the anticpaptiobn was just Lazy” He said.


“You said it.” Sarah agreed.

Sarah look up and smile and kiss Kira again. "I love you Kira when frist meet u and alway will". she said

“I love u too Sarah” said Kira.


"Sarah Can ask someting?". She asked .


“Sure" said Sarah.


“where are T7 and C3PO,” She asked and look at her former master eyes


“Well let just said I send out somewhere on a imporrtion misson.” She answered chuckling.


:Meanwhile With T7 and C3PO on tatioone:


Three women where had cleaning rag and giving T7 a shine

“T7 should not get these item back to our master soon.” said C3PO


T7 was Ignore and conuite getting shine by three women.

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