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The Short Fic Weekly Challenge Thread!


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Even more pointless, unreadable drivel. Hurray!





"I'm no longer a Jedi," Broan chased a few stray mushrooms around his plate. "But I don't feel..." He trailed off and looked around. While he might feel comfortable voicing such opinions to Rochester, they were in public; both understood the need for propriety. Rochester smiled at him and nodded. "What does that make me, though?"


"How does the Force work?" The question caught Broan off guard. He blinked once or twice, before remembering Master Ashari's remarks, all those months before.


"Oh, yes. You can't feel it, can you?" Broan licked his lips and quickly eat a single mushroom. Force sensitivity was a delicate subject for most. He was especially nervous approaching the subject with Rochester, who hailed from a long line of Sith.


"No," His answer was measured, but Broan could still detect a hint of annoyance. "I'm not talking about myself, however, I am talking about you. Jedi utilise internal serenity, don't they?" He had a look of genuine curiosity, which made Braon wonder exactly what the purpose of this dinner was. He nodded, however he was still rather unsure of the truth of the statement, and allowed Rochester to continue. "Sith, as we all know, fuel it with emotion," They sat in silence for a while. The table nearest to them was being vacated. There had been no Sith sitting there before and they wanted to be sure no Sith would join them. "What do you use?" His voice was almost a whisper. He quickly moved closer to Broan, sliding over the cushions of the booth.


For a moment Broan was conflicted. Had Rochester moved to genuinely be closer to him, or was the officer merely trying to get a better view of the restaurant? His gaze was flitting everywhere; to Broan, the table, the doors. He got lost, focusing on those sharp grey eyes.


"Hm?" Broan snapped out of reverie as a shadow passed over them. A waiting servant was collecting their emptied plates. "I've not used the Force much in my time here, though I probably should have by now," He had been on Dromund Kaas for several months and though he spoke with a somewhat dismissive tone, he had made a conscious effort to avoid using the Force. "When I... on the ship, I mean... I did many of those things in anger. I regret that now."


"Do you regret leaving her?" That was one thing Broan had noticed. Where others might have tried to drag him back into the discussion of Jedi and Sith philosophies, Rochester allowed their conversations to grow, to avoid troublesome spots. He sighed and rested his chin on a hand.


"I do, I think. Your mother and I were angry at her, angry for different reasons. I do wonder, at times, what she would say if she saw me now. I think she knew I was... unstable. I was too old, too broken to become a Jedi - a good Jedi." He poured out a measure of wine, having already drained his second glass. Wine was not something which he had experience with and tonight was the first time he was truly drinking it. It certainly seemed to be having the desired effect; he was becoming far more comfortable.


"Master Ashari seemed broken as well."


"You can remember that?" Broan stopped with the glass to his lips, his breath catching in his throat. He was starting to feel uncomfortably warm.


"Only bits and pieces, not all of it; I read a lot of reports on the incident, however," Broan felt a slight pressure on his knee. Looking down, he realised that Rochester had placed his hand there. When had he gotten so close? "My Lord, I would suggest you refrain from imbibing further." The glass was gently removed from his grip and placed rather far away on the table. A waiting servant had appeared, explaining Rochester's sudden formality.


"I can do as I please." Broan brought the wine back, keeping it close to his meal. Another bottle appeared to replace the first.


"Indeed, my Lord," Rochester waited in silence as the servant disappeared. At once they were alone. "But to do as you please, a Sith must have power. Weak Sith are subject to the will of others and are not long for that life."


"And what if my will coincides with another's?"


"Then you lead, my Lord."



This is very intriguing. I need more.

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Confessions, Submssion 2


Title: An Awkward Reunion


Characters: Kirya, Twi’lek Gunslinger, Rixik, Twi’lek Mercenary. And Corso, of course.


Very minor smuggler story spoilers, chapters one and two, as follows:

That Syreena was with Skavik the whole time, and that Rogun the Butcher still has a bounty on the smuggler in Act 2.

No bounty hunter spoilers.


Fair warning, this came out pretty long, especially for this thread.



Wind-driven ice battered the wreck’s durasteel hull plating, the sound audible even this far into the ship. Kirya and Corso slipped through a pair of blast doors knocked off their tracks and jammed mid-close. Ahead lay a large open space. Heavy equipment sat jumbled together in a crazy pile at the lowest point of the room, shrouded in shadow. Stepping inside, Kirya slipped on the sloping, uneven floor grates. Corso caught her elbow before she went down.


“Thanks, love,” she said, her voice muffled through layers of cold-weather gear.


“Be careful,” he replied. He glanced around the remains of the bay, “You sure this is it?”


“Should be,” replied Kirya, glancing at the identifying number on the doors. She dug out a portacomp from her belt, her heavy gloves making her movements clumsy. Fumbling with the device for a minute, it finally switched on with a hum. She checked the readout, “According to the manifest, our prize should be in this hold,” she said, mincing her way across the irregular surface to a computer terminal beside a pair of cargo doors. Corso followed, his heavy boots crunching through the frost


Kirya brushed ice from the console and tapped the surface, but the computer remained unresponsive. A harder hit was no more successful, though a large sheet of ice broke free from the side of the terminal and shattered on impact. Kirya winced at the noise.


“Damaged or just out of power?” asked Corso.


Kirya examined the computer, “It looks okay. Probably just out of power. Can I borrow your generator?” she asked.


Corso disconnected the compact generator from his pack and handed it over, “Just don’t take too long,” he said, “or I might need to put on a jacket.”


“You and your climate-controlled armor,” she groused, fiddling with the device.


“Wait—I think I felt a draft,” he said.


Kirya gave him a playful shove, “I hate you so much,” she giggled.


“I know,” replied Corso, barely off balance. “I still owe you a honeymoon,” he said. He took up a position between Kirya and the entrance to the cargo bay.


Kirya crouched behind the console, fishing leads out of the access panel, “If this salvage plays out we can take some time off.”


“Where do you want to go?” he asked.


“Someplace warm,” Kirya replied immediately.


“How about Tatooine?” asked Corso. A snowball exploded on the back of his helmet and he looked over his shoulder. Kirya already had another prepared. He thumped his chestpiece with one fist, “Cli-mate-con-trolled,” he recited.


Kirya threw the snowball at him, “Someone’s going to be sleeping on the couch if he’s not careful,” she said.


He dodged it easily, “Do I get a blanket? Because someone always steals all the cov—“ the sound of nearby blaster fire interrupted his sentence. Corso spun, his own weapon at the ready. He switched on his helmet light and passed the beam over the wedged blast doors and the catwalk hanging askew above them. It revealed nothing. “Better get on that, Kirya. I don’t think the pirates are going to leave us alone much longer,” he said.






The smoking hole in the Nikto’s chest glowed bright in the thermal image displayed inside Rixik’s opaque faceplate. He stepped over the corpse and moved farther into the passage. Gault came up behind. Rixik heard the sound of the bioscanner, then Gault’s colorful curse. “Another nobody?” he asked.


“Yeah. He’s wanted a couple of places, but no bounty,” griped Gault, “You’d think with all these pirates around at least some of them would have prices on their heads.”


“Figures. These are all just grunts,” said Rixik, “Anybody worth anything’s going to be holed up someplace warm.”


“Wish I was,” said Gault, rising.


“You know my policy on staying behind,” said Rixik.


“Yeah. Forfeit half my share of the take?” asked Gault, “No thanks. I’ll freeze now in exchange for a wad of credits to spend somewhere fun.”


“Suit yourself,” replied Rixik. “Log the kill, though. We can turn it in if someone eventually offers a reward for him.”


“Already did,” Gault said, snapping the cover closed on the scanner, “He’s in there with the rest of them.” He snapped the bioscanner back into it’s sleeve on his belt and followed Rixik farther into the dreadnaught’s broken caracss.


Ahead, a human-sized pressure door sat wedged halfway open, blocking the entrance to a larger area. Voices echoed in the space beyond. Rixik crouched behind the door and peeked over it. Below was a cargo hold. Load-lifters and other heavy droids piled together against the far bulkhead where they’d slid during the crash. Near the loading bay doors, not far from the jumble, was a computer terminal. And by the terminal stood a pair of humanoids.

“Jackpot,” whispered Rixik. He waved Gault up. “Hand me the electrobinocs.” Gault did so and Rixik peered through them. The two figures showed up bright and clear. A female Twi’lek, and a male human. “That’s her,” he said. He passed the electrobinoculars back to Gault.


Gault adjusted the image. Then he pulled out the bioscanner and aimed it in their direction, “You sure? All I see is a Twi’lek and a human. Could be anyone looking for salvage. They’re too far away to get a solid ID,” he whispered.


“That’s her. Kirya Bilali. Trust me,” said Rixik, “One sweet payday.”


“If you say so. So who’s with her?” asked Gault.


“The brief listed known associates. It sure isn’t the wookie or the woman. That leaves the mercenary kid from Ord Mantell,” said Rixik. “You stay here. Take out the kid on my signal. Rogun’s paying more for her if she’s alive, so I’d prefer to keep her that way,” Rixik stood up, “But if she makes a break for it, shoot her. We get paid either way.”


“Got it,” said Gault.


Rixik crept over the damaged door onto the catwalk and maneuvered toward the stair. A dusting of soft powdery snow muffled his footfalls. He caught snatches of their conversation as he approached. The mercenary, despite his alertness, hadn’t spotted him yet.


“Blast it!” snarled Kirya, “No good. I can get enough power for the comp but the door motors are shot. No way we’re getting those open.”


Corso turned slightly back to her, “Any chance we can cut them?”


Kirya disconnected his generator and tossed it back to him. He reattached it to his pack. “Only if you have an industrial torch in there somewhere.”


Rixik strode forward, a blaster drawn but held at his side, “I have a flamethrower,” he asked, “Will that help?”


Corso spun, his own blaster pointed right at Rixik, “Stop right there, pal,” he said.


Kirya rose slowly, “You have got to be kidding me,” she said.


Rixik focused on Kirya, “Miss me, babe?” he asked.


She went pale, “You bastard son of a Hutt,” she said.


“Hey,” said Rixik, deopaquing his faceplate, “Is that any way to greet your husband?” he asked. He edged toward Kirya.


“You’ve got the wrong lady,” said Corso, “Kirya’s my wife. How’s about you just go away and nobody needs to get hurt.”


Rixik turned his attention to Kirya, “I’m crushed, dear,” he said, an exaggerated hurt expression on his face, “You didn’t tell him about us?”


“Shut up, Rixik!” exclaimed Kirya, “I should have guessed you’d fall in with the White Maw. They’re full of scum like you.”


Rixik edged still closer to Kirya, “I’m independent. Always was, doll, you know me.”


Corso cocked his head toward Kirya, still covering the interloper, “Wait a minute, you know him?”


“Jesp Rixik,” said Kirya flatly, “Makes Skavik look like a Jedi.”


“Who’s Skavik? Another boyfriend?” asked Rixik. This was too easy. He was almost in carbon-freeze range. Just a few meters more. “Aren’t you going to introduce your junior husband?” He turned his attention to Corso, “She still steal all the covers? I swear, your ship could be falling into a sun and she’d complain she’s cold—“


“Shut the hell up Rixik!” yelled Kirya.


Corso’s aim wavered, “You…you really married this guy, Kirya?” he asked.


“Still on file,” gloated Rixik, “I didn’t get any dissolution papers.” So close.


“It was Nar Shaddaa! Half the systems in the Republic don’t even recognize Nar Shaddaa marriages!” she cried.


“You sure screwed up the rest of my record, babe, not to mention my accounts,” Rixik growled, “I never got a chance to say thanks.”


In a swift movement he brought his gauntlet to bear. A shot rang out from the catwalk. It missed Corso and impacted the deck, sending up a puff of smoke. Kirya dove behind the computer terminal. Cryogas and carbonite sparkled in the air where she’d been only a second before, a cloud of silverized snowflakes. Corso, recovering quickly, sent a hail of blaster fire at Rixik, but the heavily armored Twi’lek had already activated a shield. Corso’s bolts pattered on its absorption interface, leaving Rixik unscathed.


“Gault, you idiot!” yelled Rixik, returning fire.


“Sorry, Boss!” came a voice from the catwalk. Another well-placed shot scrapped the computer, leaving it a smoking ruin.


“Run, Kirya!” yelled Corso, still firing his blasters at Rixik. He’d activated his own shield. Their faceoff was at a stalemate.


Kirya made a break for it, heading for the blast doors. Gault’s shots dogged her heels. She drew both blasters and returned fire, forcing the Devaronian back into cover. Rixik left off the mercenary and pursued Kirya. Two steps in he slipped on the icy deckplates and went down on one knee. He snarled and adjusted aim, sending more bolts after his fleeing target. But Corso blocked his way, backing out slowly and covering her escape. Rixik watched Kirya disappear into the passage beyond and swore.


Rixik recovered his feet and followed. He paused at the jammed blast doors. There was no sign of his quarry. Behind him, he heard Gault skittering down the stair and across the deck. “Gimme the scanner!” he ordered.


Gault handed it over and Rixik switched it on, sweeping it in a broad arc. Nothing. He adjusted it and tried again. Still nothing. Too much durasteel interfering with the signal. He shoved the scanner at Gault. Have to do this the old-fashioned way. Under other circumstances it would be easy. Snow, footprints…but the pirates patrolled through here regularly. It was impossible to separate their tracks from hers. He saw nothing, even in infrared. Nothing audible either. The snow muffled her footfalls. With the storm still raging outside, he heard nothing but white noise on all frequencies. She could be anywhere in this warren.


He’d lost her.


He spun on his heel and re-entered the cargo bay. It’s a bust,” he said finally.


Gault leaned against the bulkhead by the doors, “Wanna steal their salvage? At least this trip won’t be a total waste.”


“I hate freight,” griped Rixik, “besides, whatever she was after must be pretty big. The Kessel Won’t Have Me doesn’t have that kind of space.”


“You never know,” said Gault, “get a readout and see.”


“I would, but somebody smoked the comp,” said Rixik.


There was a long pause. Finally Gault spoke again, “Hmm, I bet Mako would be very interested to hear that you’re married,” he said. Rixik cocked his blaster. The sound echoed loudly in the frozen cargo hold. Gault backpedaled, “Then again, that’s not my story to tell,” he said quickly, “Let’s just get back to the base.”


Rixik kicked at the snow, “No, you’re right. Might as well see what they were after. If we’re lucky, they’ll come back for it,” he pointed at the droid jumble, “See if there’s anything useful in there for brute-forcing this door.”






Three decks down and more than a dozen compartments aft, Kirya and Corso paused in their flight. Safe for the moment. Kirya leaned against the bulkhead and slid down to the floor. She rested her arms on her knees and lowered her head.


Corso stood in the middle of the hall, still alert. “So…you’re…already married?” he asked.


Kirya looked up, “Do we really have to discuss this now?”


“Yeah we do kind of have to discuss this now,” replied Corso, “at least a little bit.”


Kirya sighed, “Alright. Long story short, when you’re young and stupid, you do stupid things. Like go to Nar Shaddaa with a man and marry him because he’s charming and he says he loves you.”


“He doesn’t seem very charming,” said Corso. He relaxed his stance.


“He can be when he wants to. Or he could back then anyway. It was a long time ago,” said Kirya. She sighed again. A tear slipped down her cheek and puddled at the bottom of her goggles, “He conned me. All he wanted was access to…look it’s about my family, and I can’t talk about them right now, I just can’t,” she sniffed, “I promise, we get back to the ship you can ask me anything about them, but not here. Not right now. Please?”


Corso looked at the floor, “All right,” he said finally, “That’s really why you let Syreena go, isn’t it?”


“Yeah,” said Kirya, “She was old enough to know better, but yeah,” Kirya sniffed again, “Can’t go around shooting people just because they make stupid mistakes, can you?” she said with a weak laugh. There was no humor in it.


“But why didn’t you say something earlier?” asked Corso, “That’s what hurts, Kirya.”


“I haven’t thought about him in years. Figured he’d be dead or in prison by now. It didn’t seem to matter,” she said. “And the time never felt right. How do I come out and say ‘oh, by the way, I got married when I was a stupid kid and the dissolution papers aren’t official because no one can find the jerk I married so technically I’m not really single even though I haven’t seen my so-called husband for ages’? I mean, plural marriage is not uncommon for Twi’leks, but I know Humans don’t feel the same way.”


“We don’t,” agreed Corso. He bent down and removed her goggles, “Don’t cry, Kirya,” he said with a sigh, brushing the tears from her face, “You’ll freeze the seal to your face.”


A bittersweet smile crossed her lips, “Like that crazy Zabrak on Taris,” she said with a broken giggle.


A pale echo of Corso’s happy grin appeared, “Then I won’t play pazaak with you anymore,” he said, standing, “Come on, let’s go.” He held out his hand to help her up. Kirya took it and rose. They made their way through the wrecked ship, searching for an exit.


Man. I loved your smuggler. I loved your Corso. I even loved your Bounty Hunter. A Twi'lek? Awesome. This was heartbreaking. I know it wasn't meant to be, but it was to me anyway. I need more. I need to find out what happens next! Awesome!

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New prompt yay! I hope this is a good one; I've been feeling uncreative since I accidentally deleted a fic I was working on. :(


6/22/12 - Rites of Passage

Sort of related to the cultural theme, there are tons of different rites of passage our characters go through. Some are common across cultures, like weddings. Some are specific to a culture, like coming-of-age ceremonies. And sometimes they are just an internal realization that your life has changed. Feel free to take this in any direction you would like.


...Can you tell I have an anthropology degree?

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New prompt yay! I hope this is a good one; I've been feeling uncreative since I accidentally deleted a fic I was working on. :(


6/22/12 - Rites of Passage

Sort of related to the cultural theme, there are tons of different rites of passage our characters go through. Some are common across cultures, like weddings. Some are specific to a culture, like coming-of-age ceremonies. And sometimes they are just an internal realization that your life has changed. Feel free to take this in any direction you would like.


...Can you tell I have an anthropology degree?


Oo. This one's a toughy. I'll have to sit and think. I'm a literal person, so I just KNOW I'll think about wondering what rites they can go through. Psst...next one be about romance. *nods hard* =D

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Oo. This one's a toughy. I'll have to sit and think. I'm a literal person, so I just KNOW I'll think about wondering what rites they can go through. Psst...next one be about romance. *nods hard* =D


"Rites of passage" includes weddings, birth of a child, etc...so there's tons of romance potential. ;)


I was going to just go with weddings but decided to make it more general.

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"Rites of passage" includes weddings, birth of a child, etc...so there's tons of romance potential. ;)


I was going to just go with weddings but decided to make it more general.


Oh man. My head canon just uses the weddings the game throws at us and the births (only 3...so far) are mostly all on their ships. They LIVE on those ships of theirs. Poor children never grow up in houses on planets. Nope, all on Mommy's ship. lol


So...rites of passage CAN be romance? Like dating? (I'm a business major). Just want to be sure before I think something different. =D

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Oh man. My head canon just uses the weddings the game throws at us and the births (only 3...so far) are mostly all on their ships. They LIVE on those ships of theirs. Poor children never grow up in houses on planets. Nope, all on Mommy's ship. lol


So...rites of passage CAN be romance? Like dating? (I'm a business major). Just want to be sure before I think something different. =D


Oh sure, I would definitely include something like a first date, first kiss, etc to be a rite of passage. It's usually a "first" of some kind.

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Ok I just couldn't resist.




Miriah stood next to the aisle, on the front row of seats, her entire family filling the rest of the row. I’m glad, she thought, that I don’t have to stand up there with Mags, there must be at thousand people here. This would be the first Jedi wedding in ten years, and it seemed everyone was excited about it. The musicians were doing a beautiful job, and the scent of the flowers infused the crowd. She smiled at Corso when he took her hand, and leaned into him. She’d convinced him to leave his dreads down, and he was quite handsome in his dark suit. Nothing like a wedding to bring out the romantic in people, she thought, as she saw Aric’s arms encircle Marua from behind her, pulling her to stand closer to him


Her mother stood on the other side of Corso, then Maura and Aric, her cousins Obomonus and Mina, and her aunt. She hadn’t gotten a chance to talk to her cousins yet, but she was looking forward to the reception so they could visit. As she caught Mina’s eye and smiled at her, she heard the music change, and Felix walked out of the temple and took his position at the halfway point of the path. The crowd grew quiet, and Felix looked back at the family, a huge grin on his face. He wore his military dress uniform, all his commendations and medals present.

When Magdalane appeared at the far end of the path, she didn’t have to look to see her sister, the sounds of the crowd, a low “ooooooooh”, told her she was there. Oh my stars, look at her, Miriah thought. She squeezed Corso’s hand, and he winked at her. Magdalane started walking slowly along the path, surrounded by the tall vases, and she looked so beautiful. She had a serene look on her face, her eyes sparkling. Mags had told Miriah that the first half of the path represented her life up until now, that she had walked alone. As she reached Felix, he smiled at his bride and whispered something to her that made her smile back. She reached out her right hand, and he took it, tucked it in the crook of his arm, and walked with her to the temple entrance.


Grandmaster Shan met them there to perform the ceremony, still teary-eyed from before. As the crowd quieted, Magdalane turned to Felix, and smiled at him as her aura flared. Miriah thought, he still does that to her, and it made her heart happy to see. She knew there would only be this formal ceremony, no personal vows or humorous touches, not like her’s and Corso’s ceremony, performed on the bridge of the Stardancer. Miriah thought she liked her way better, but was glad that Mags was at least getting this. Grandmaster Shan started off by explaining the reasoning behind the path, and continued.


“The path we walk as Jedi does not often lend itself to relationships, but there are instances where a Jedi’s path IS a relationship. Our history shows us that it is the rare force user who can take power from love and use it positively, remaining true to the Jedi beliefs. Magdalane has proven that she is such a Jedi. She has endured many trials in her young career, and her heart has remained true to the tenets of the Jedi profession even as it has made room for Felix.


“Felix has endured many hours of conversation with the council, conversations that weren’t easy, in order to take this step. We have found him to be loyal and true, his love for Magdalane sustaining him through our rigorous testing. With the unanimous approval of the Jedi council, I am honored to join Master Magdalane Celine Chantalle and Lieutenant Felix Iresso in marriage.”


She heard loud sniffing coming from her left, and saw Corso hand tissues to her mother, putting his arm around her shoulder. Miriah looked at Maura and rolled her eyes. They both knew Mags was, as the force sensitive one, the favorite daughter, but they had long ago made peace with the idea. Miriah turned her attention back to the ceremony, watching as Shan took a glittering golden ribbon from a carved box, and explained the next step to the crowd.


“This ribbon symbolizes the universe. As it binds Magdalane and Felix together, it also binds them to the universe.” Magdalane held Felix by his left hand with her right, lifting them to Grandmaster Shan. Shan wove the ribbon around their clasped hands, starting at Magdalane’s wrist and ending at Felix’s. They raised their bound hands to the crowd, and as they did so the ribbon started to get shiny and glow, brighter and brighter, then slowly dimmed. They lowered their hands then, and Shan removed the ribbon. “The marriage is made. Felix, you may now kiss your wife.” At that declaration, the crowd cheered, and of course the kiss made made them cheer harder. A flushed and smiling Magdalane turned to her family then, and led Felix over to them for the traditional presentation.


Edited by Magdalane
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ohhh i could write about phi-ton :o

or someone else can!


Be sure to include Vector! Our dancing and sharing of him just wasn't enough for him! BTW, posting the screenies I took on the character screen shot thread! =D *evil laugh*

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Ok I just couldn't resist.




Miriah stood next to the aisle, on the front row of seats, her entire family filling the rest of the row. I’m glad, she thought, that I don’t have to stand up there with Mags, there must be at thousand people here. This would be the first Jedi wedding in ten years, and it seemed everyone was excited about it. The musicians were doing a beautiful job, and the scent of the flowers infused the crowd. She smiled at Corso when he took her hand, and leaned into him. She’d convinced him to leave his dreads down, and he was quite handsome in his dark suit. Nothing like a wedding to bring out the romantic in people, she thought, as she saw Aric’s arms encircle Marua from behind her, pulling her to stand closer to him


Her mother stood on the other side of Corso, then Maura and Aric, her cousins Obomonus and Mina, and her aunt. She hadn’t gotten a chance to talk to her cousins yet, but she was looking forward to the reception so they could visit. As she caught Mina’s eye and smiled at her, she heard the music change, and Felix walked out of the temple and took his position at the halfway point of the path. The crowd grew quiet, and Felix looked back at the family, a huge grin on his face. He wore his military dress uniform, all his commendations and medals present.

When Magdalane appeared at the far end of the path, she didn’t have to look to see her sister, the sounds of the crowd, a low “ooooooooh”, told her she was there. Oh my stars, look at her, Miriah thought. She squeezed Corso’s hand, and he winked at her. Magdalane started walking slowly along the path, surrounded by the tall vases, and she looked so beautiful. She had a serene look on her face, her eyes sparkling. Mags had told Miriah that the first half of the path represented her life up until now, that she had walked alone. As she reached Felix, he smiled at his bride and whispered something to her that made her smile back. She reached out her right hand, and he took it, tucked it in the crook of his arm, and walked with her to the temple entrance.


Grandmaster Shan met them there to perform the ceremony, still teary-eyed from before. As the crowd quieted, Magdalane turned to Felix, and smiled at him as her aura flared. Miriah thought, he still does that to her, and it made her heart happy to see. She knew there would only be this formal ceremony, no personal vows or humorous touches, not like her’s and Corso’s ceremony, performed on the bridge of the Stardancer. Miriah thought she liked her way better, but was glad that Mags was at least getting this. Grandmaster Shan started off by explaining the reasoning behind the path, and continued.


“The path we walk as Jedi does not often lend itself to relationships, but there are instances where a Jedi’s path IS a relationship. Our history shows us that it is the rare force user who can take power from love and use it positively, remaining true to the Jedi beliefs. Magdalane has proven that she is such a Jedi. She has endured many trials in her young career, and her heart has remained true to the tenets of the Jedi profession even as it has made room for Felix.


“Felix has endured many hours of conversation with the council, conversations that weren’t easy, in order to take this step. We have found him to be loyal and true, his love for Magdalane sustaining him through our rigorous testing. With the unanimous approval of the Jedi council, I am honored to join Master Magdalane Celine Chantalle and Lieutenant Felix Iresso in marriage.”


She heard loud sniffing coming from her left, and saw Corso hand tissues to her mother, putting his arm around her shoulder. Miriah looked at Maura and rolled her eyes. They both knew Mags was, as the force sensitive one, the favorite daughter, but they had long ago made peace with the idea. Miriah turned her attention back to the ceremony, watching as Shan took a glittering golden ribbon from a carved box, and explained the next step to the crowd.


“This ribbon symbolizes the universe. As it binds Magdalane and Felix together, it also binds them to the universe.” Magdalane held Felix by his left hand with her right, lifting them to Grandmaster Shan. Shan wove the ribbon around their clasped hands, starting at Magdalane’s wrist and ending at Felix’s. They raised their bound hands to the crowd, and as they did so the ribbon started to get shiny and glow, brighter and brighter, then slowly dimmed. They lowered their hands then, and Shan removed the ribbon. “The marriage is made. Felix, you may now kiss your wife.” At that declaration, the crowd cheered, and of course the kiss made made them cheer harder. A flushed and smiling Magdalane turned to her family then, and led Felix over to them for the traditional presentation.


Love this! Perfect. I should do something like this for my girls since they all married on their ships or took off real fast (I'm looking at your SI) to get married. *sigh* This is awesome! Thanks for writing this. =D

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Tatooine Sunset


Rite of passage prompt


Some Chapter 1 Trooper spoilers and a Gone with the Wind reference.



Mitka stood on the balcony of the small house the mayor had offered Havoc to use as their base of operations. Armor long forgotten she stood there in a black tank top and light weight cargo pants, she was enjoying her first Tatooine sunset. Elara was nose deep in a book outlining common desert planet ailments and treatments, 4X was in sleep mode, avoiding unnecessary motor and circuit overheating. She had sent Jorgan out to secure speeders for the following day, she wasn’t ready to deal with him yet. The dossier on Fuse was on the table inside of the house, she had read it, and re-read it, she knew she shouldn’t trust him, but something about him, she wanted to.


The first sun dipped under the horizon, the sky was on fire with reds, and pinks, and oranges, against an impossible blue sky. She heard him come in the front door, his armor hit the floor with a thud, it was hot out easily 45 degrees Celsius, and she imagined the Cathar was sweltering in his fine layer of fur. He emerged from the house in a t-shirt and the same regulation pants she had on. She followed him with her bright yellow eyes, a slight frown on her burgundy lips.


“I brought a peace offering” He held up a bottle of beer, dripping with condensation, she grabbed it, thankful. A beer was exactly what she needed. He let out a low whistle when he looked out at the view, “wow!”

They both took long deep swings from their beers, the cool smooth drink, cooling them from the inside.


“Did you know beer is cheaper then water here? He asked, he was avoiding, looking past her, he was feeling guilty. Finally he sighed, and his emerald green eyes met hers.


“Look, I’m sorry for what I did on Nar Shaddaa” he took another swig, “I was out of line, I just…I know guys like Balkar, all looks, and charm and only ever after one thing. I was trying to…”


“Protect me?” Mitka finished his sentence for him, he nodded sheepishly. She wasn’t angry, his heart was in the right place, but she was sad, it was a sadness that had persisted throughout most of her life.


“Aric, I have a ridiculously over protective father, and two older brothers, my honor has all the protection it’ll ever need.” She ran a hand through her dark hair.


“I don’t need another brother, or a second father, I need….”


“A friend.” It was Aric’s turn to finish her sentence.


“Growing up, guys like Jonas Balkar, never gave me a second look, if they ever looked at all. I never went to prom, or had a boyfriend, Aric, I’ve never been kissed, I’ve never….been with…a man. Boys would look at me….and see my red skin, and my impeccable Sith bone structure, they would see the enemy” She took a long drink from her beer, thankful for her red skin hiding her blush. “Want to know why I was top of my class at the academy? I had to prove myself every day, to the other cadets, my instructors, prove that I belonged there, because I sure as hell didn’t look like I belonged there.”


“So when a handsome SIS agent flirted with me, told me I was pretty….Asked me out. I said yes, I didn’t care if it would have never turned into anything serious. I was happy for the attention. He’s the first man to have ever called me pretty outside of my father.” She turned away from him then. “And you go and call him, and chase him off.”


She heard Aric take another drink and put his bottle down.


“Jonas was wrong” Aric spoke to the back of her head, she reminded him of the sunset, breath taking, the same colours, a cool wind picked up and tussled her short bob, revealing ridges on the back of her neck. “You’re not pretty” He reached out and took her arm, turned her to face him, saw the hurt in her eyes at what she thought he was saying, “You’re beautiful, stunning. And all those boys from your past are idiots, if all Jonas saw was pretty he’s an idiot too, because you are so much more than that.”


Mitka looked at Aric Jorgan, his hand was still on her arm, soft, almost like velvet, not at all what she thought his touch would feel like. She had never thought of Aric like this, but the electricity was undeniable. Her heart beat fast, he leaned down and his hand rode up her arm to cup her face, his thumb caressed the ridge on her cheek, and then he kissed her. His lips were soft, but insistent, there was passion there, but he held back, wrapped his other arm around her waist, held her lips captive for a moment longer. Mitka was dazed, her knees weak, her eyes closed, she bit her lower lip, still tasting him there. He waited until she opend her eyes again, and was steady on her feet.


“You are the kind of women who should be kissed, often, by a man who knows how.” His voice was low, husky.


He left her on the balcony, her fingers came up and touched her lips again, she looked back up at the sky, getting darker, the second sun dipped below the horizon. It was Mitka’s 23rd birthday.


Edited by Earthmama
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Rites of Passage


Major Imperial Agent spoiler/Very minor JK spoiler


I just wrote the longest thing I've ever written about my Jedi Knight while I'm replaying her so that I can talk to Scourge again. I can't post it here though, it might need it's own thread and I'm a bit hesitant to make my own.



Everything I write about my Knight is a thinly veiled attempt to get into Scourge's pants.




hmmm.... oh yeah this thing.


The True Test of the Path



The young padawan lit the brand and started up the mountain path, he was eager to prove himself. He could see the signs of flesh raiders and vicious creatures that lived along this trail. This was not a Jedi ritual, but the Twilek at the bottom of the hill had told him many padawan had attempted this trial. Many had failed.


He found the first signal, he touched his brand to it, and the flames rose high. He looked around cautiously, expecting an attack to be a part of this test. There was nothing. He continued up the slope.


Upon reaching the second signal, he saw signs of those who had come before. Bones were strewn around, but they were old. Certain that this would be a trap he drew his training blade in his right hand, lighting the signal with his left. He stepped back, turning in a slow circle waiting for the attack. It never came. Confused, the padawan continued up the slope.


The third signal had a larger pile of bones, some of these were newer, his heart pounded, he centered himself repeating the mantra there is no emotion, there is only peace. Lighting the signal he leaped back, ready for the deadly attack that was certain to come. His listened for signs of flesh raiders or mankas. Sorely puzzled, he extended his force senses as well as he could. He searched for signs of any life. There was nothing on the path, nothing at all.


He walked to the fourth and final signal wondering how any padawan could fail this test. There were no bones here, he touched the brand to the signal. He thought he heard a sound coming from the tower, turning to face it, he never saw the boulder that crushed him.


“Well done Lena,” the Old Man said. “You waited until he was unaware, and you caused what will look like an accident. A blaster bolt through a padawan is highly suspicious." He nodded with approval, "Someday you may be a guardian of the Cabal.”


A young man looked up at him but said with a woman’s voice, “My name is Hunter.”


“Of course,” the Old Man said. “I will inform Kolovish that we are done here.”





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Rites of Passage


Major Imperial Agent spoiler/Very minor JK spoiler




The True Test of the Path



A young man looked up at him but said with a woman’s voice, “My name is Hunter.”


“Of course,” the Old Man said. “I will inform Kolovish that we are done here.”







I love this turn. Fantastic, pithy story.


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Rite of Passage


Title: As Time Goes By


Characters: Varrel Umrahiel, Sith Marauder, Jaesa Willsaam.


Spoiler for Sith Warrior chapter one (though I think everyone knows the ending of SW chapter one, so not much of a spoiler). Very short. I suppose this counts for the theme, but really, I just like puns.



Jaesa refilled their wineglasses, “I was just thinking, husband, of the first planet we visited together,” she said, taking a seat beside Varrel. Lightning flashed in Dromund Kaas’ dark sky, illuminating the café.


He wrapped one arm around her shoulders, “You were?” he asked. They both gazed out the windows. Rain sheeted down. Flowing water distorted their view of the street beyond.


“Yes,” she said, sipping her drink, “It was lovely. All ruin and decay, full of monsters and broken promises. And the other Sith, bloodthirsty and out of control, just as I was at the time. I see now it was a metaphor of my life. I didn’t understand it then, but I do now.”


Varrel nodded, raising his glass in a toast, “We’ll always have Taris,” he said.




Please, please don’t hurt me :D

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Be sure to include Vector! Our dancing and sharing of him just wasn't enough for him! BTW, posting the screenies I took on the character screen shot thread! =D *evil laugh*


aww..i cant,....i try and think it up...but i can't

mostly cause im unsure still how vector took it, even if i got no affection down ; ;

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Tatooine Sunset


Rite of passage prompt


Some Chapter 1 Trooper spoilers and a Gone with the Wind reference.



Mitka stood on the balcony of the small house the mayor had offered Havoc to use as their base of operations. Armor long forgotten she stood there in a black tank top and light weight cargo pants, she was enjoying her first Tatooine sunset. Elara was nose deep in a book outlining common desert planet ailments and treatments, 4X was in sleep mode, avoiding unnecessary motor and circuit overheating. She had sent Jorgan out to secure speeders for the following day, she wasn’t ready to deal with him yet. The dossier on Fuse was on the table inside of the house, she had read it, and re-read it, she knew she shouldn’t trust him, but something about him, she wanted to.


The first sun dipped under the horizon, the sky was on fire with reds, and pinks, and oranges, against an impossible blue sky. She heard him come in the front door, his armor hit the floor with a thud, it was hot out easily 45 degrees Celsius, and she imagined the Cathar was sweltering in his fine layer of fur. He emerged from the house in a t-shirt and the same regulation pants she had on. She followed him with her bright yellow eyes, a slight frown on her burgundy lips.


“I brought a peace offering” He held up a bottle of beer, dripping with condensation, she grabbed it, thankful. A beer was exactly what she needed. He let out a low whistle when he looked out at the view, “wow!”

They both took long deep swings from their beers, the cool smooth drink, cooling them from the inside.


“Did you know beer is cheaper then water here? He asked, he was avoiding, looking past her, he was feeling guilty. Finally he sighed, and his emerald green eyes met hers.


“Look, I’m sorry for what I did on Nar Shaddaa” he took another swig, “I was out of line, I just…I know guys like Balkar, all looks, and charm and only ever after one thing. I was trying to…”


“Protect me?” Mitka finished his sentence for him, he nodded sheepishly. She wasn’t angry, his heart was in the right place, but she was sad, it was a sadness that had persisted throughout most of her life.


“Aric, I have a ridiculously over protective father, and two older brothers, my honor has all the protection it’ll ever need.” She ran a hand through her dark hair.


“I don’t need another brother, or a second father, I need….”


“A friend.” It was Aric’s turn to finish her sentence.


“Growing up, guys like Jonas Balkar, never gave me a second look, if they ever looked at all. I never went to prom, or had a boyfriend, Aric, I’ve never been kissed, I’ve never….been with…a man. Boys would look at me….and see my red skin, and my impeccable Sith bone structure, they would see the enemy” She took a long drink from her beer, thankful for her red skin hiding her blush. “Want to know why I was top of my class at the academy? I had to prove myself every day, to the other cadets, my instructors, prove that I belonged there, because I sure as hell didn’t look like I belonged there.”


“So when a handsome SIS agent flirted with me, told me I was pretty….Asked me out. I said yes, I didn’t care if it would have never turned into anything serious. I was happy for the attention. He’s the first man to have ever called me pretty outside of my father.” She turned away from him then. “And you go and call him, and chase him off.”


She heard Aric take another drink and put his bottle down.


“Jonas was wrong” Aric spoke to the back of her head, she reminded him of the sunset, breath taking, the same colours, a cool wind picked up and tussled her short bob, revealing ridges on the back of her neck. “You’re not pretty” He reached out and took her arm, turned her to face him, saw the hurt in her eyes at what she thought he was saying, “You’re beautiful, stunning. And all those boys from your past are idiots, if all Jonas saw was pretty he’s an idiot too, because you are so much more than that.”


Mitka looked at Aric Jorgan, his hand was still on her arm, soft, almost like velvet, not at all what she thought his touch would feel like. She had never thought of Aric like this, but the electricity was undeniable. Her heart beat fast, he leaned down and his hand rode up her arm to cup her face, his thumb caressed the ridge on her cheek, and then he kissed her. His lips were soft, but insistent, there was passion there, but he held back, wrapped his other arm around her waist, held her lips captive for a moment longer. Mitka was dazed, her knees weak, her eyes closed, she bit her lower lip, still tasting him there. He waited until she opend her eyes again, and was steady on her feet.


“You are the kind of women who should be kissed, often, by a man who knows how.” His voice was low, husky.


He left her on the balcony, her fingers came up and touched her lips again, she looked back up at the sky, getting darker, the second sun dipped below the horizon. It was Mitka’s 23rd birthday.



That was great. You figure Jorgan differently than i do. In my fics he's the inexperienced one. With the military taking up his entire life from a young age he's sacrificed most experiences with women. Not that he has no experience, but it's low on his list of important stuff. i liked your take on him, the go getter. His attitude on Nar Shaddaa when I talked to Jonas didn't strike me as jealousy at the time, but looking back i think you're on to something.

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Tatooine Sunset


Rite of passage prompt


Some Chapter 1 Trooper spoilers and a Gone with the Wind reference.



Mitka stood on the balcony of the small house the mayor had offered Havoc to use as their base of operations. Armor long forgotten she stood there in a black tank top and light weight cargo pants, she was enjoying her first Tatooine sunset. Elara was nose deep in a book outlining common desert planet ailments and treatments, 4X was in sleep mode, avoiding unnecessary motor and circuit overheating. She had sent Jorgan out to secure speeders for the following day, she wasn’t ready to deal with him yet. The dossier on Fuse was on the table inside of the house, she had read it, and re-read it, she knew she shouldn’t trust him, but something about him, she wanted to.


The first sun dipped under the horizon, the sky was on fire with reds, and pinks, and oranges, against an impossible blue sky. She heard him come in the front door, his armor hit the floor with a thud, it was hot out easily 45 degrees Celsius, and she imagined the Cathar was sweltering in his fine layer of fur. He emerged from the house in a t-shirt and the same regulation pants she had on. She followed him with her bright yellow eyes, a slight frown on her burgundy lips.


“I brought a peace offering” He held up a bottle of beer, dripping with condensation, she grabbed it, thankful. A beer was exactly what she needed. He let out a low whistle when he looked out at the view, “wow!”

They both took long deep swings from their beers, the cool smooth drink, cooling them from the inside.


“Did you know beer is cheaper then water here? He asked, he was avoiding, looking past her, he was feeling guilty. Finally he sighed, and his emerald green eyes met hers.


“Look, I’m sorry for what I did on Nar Shaddaa” he took another swig, “I was out of line, I just…I know guys like Balkar, all looks, and charm and only ever after one thing. I was trying to…”


“Protect me?” Mitka finished his sentence for him, he nodded sheepishly. She wasn’t angry, his heart was in the right place, but she was sad, it was a sadness that had persisted throughout most of her life.


“Aric, I have a ridiculously over protective father, and two older brothers, my honor has all the protection it’ll ever need.” She ran a hand through her dark hair.


“I don’t need another brother, or a second father, I need….”


“A friend.” It was Aric’s turn to finish her sentence.


“Growing up, guys like Jonas Balkar, never gave me a second look, if they ever looked at all. I never went to prom, or had a boyfriend, Aric, I’ve never been kissed, I’ve never….been with…a man. Boys would look at me….and see my red skin, and my impeccable Sith bone structure, they would see the enemy” She took a long drink from her beer, thankful for her red skin hiding her blush. “Want to know why I was top of my class at the academy? I had to prove myself every day, to the other cadets, my instructors, prove that I belonged there, because I sure as hell didn’t look like I belonged there.”


“So when a handsome SIS agent flirted with me, told me I was pretty….Asked me out. I said yes, I didn’t care if it would have never turned into anything serious. I was happy for the attention. He’s the first man to have ever called me pretty outside of my father.” She turned away from him then. “And you go and call him, and chase him off.”


She heard Aric take another drink and put his bottle down.


“Jonas was wrong” Aric spoke to the back of her head, she reminded him of the sunset, breath taking, the same colours, a cool wind picked up and tussled her short bob, revealing ridges on the back of her neck. “You’re not pretty” He reached out and took her arm, turned her to face him, saw the hurt in her eyes at what she thought he was saying, “You’re beautiful, stunning. And all those boys from your past are idiots, if all Jonas saw was pretty he’s an idiot too, because you are so much more than that.”


Mitka looked at Aric Jorgan, his hand was still on her arm, soft, almost like velvet, not at all what she thought his touch would feel like. She had never thought of Aric like this, but the electricity was undeniable. Her heart beat fast, he leaned down and his hand rode up her arm to cup her face, his thumb caressed the ridge on her cheek, and then he kissed her. His lips were soft, but insistent, there was passion there, but he held back, wrapped his other arm around her waist, held her lips captive for a moment longer. Mitka was dazed, her knees weak, her eyes closed, she bit her lower lip, still tasting him there. He waited until she opend her eyes again, and was steady on her feet.


“You are the kind of women who should be kissed, often, by a man who knows how.” His voice was low, husky.


He left her on the balcony, her fingers came up and touched her lips again, she looked back up at the sky, getting darker, the second sun dipped below the horizon. It was Mitka’s 23rd birthday.


OMG I LOVE THIS!!! Love love love it!!

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That was great. You figure Jorgan differently than i do. In my fics he's the inexperienced one. With the military taking up his entire life from a young age he's sacrificed most experiences with women. Not that he has no experience, but it's low on his list of important stuff. i liked your take on him, the go getter. His attitude on Nar Shaddaa when I talked to Jonas didn't strike me as jealousy at the time, but looking back i think you're on to something.


It kind of depends on the options you pick in conversations, but he's not terribly shy. He'll follow your lead if you're aggressive, but if you're not he makes up for it. And it's jealousy on Nar Shadaa; if you check out how he reacts to the male trooper hooking up with Jaxo there's not nearly the level of pissed off there. Nope, it's all jealous protective stuff. So much fun!

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It kind of depends on the options you pick in conversations, but he's not terribly shy. He'll follow your lead if you're aggressive, but if you're not he makes up for it. And it's jealousy on Nar Shadaa; if you check out how he reacts to the male trooper hooking up with Jaxo there's not nearly the level of pissed off there. Nope, it's all jealous protective stuff. So much fun!


In my head cannon, Jorgan has 10 years on my Trooper, he's been seriously in love at least once before, he has experience, but it's been a while, and he keeps his private life, private, but he thought it was absolutly criminal that Mitka had never been kissed. My Trooper up until this point looked up to him, like a mentor, she secretly needed his approval, she might have the rank, but he was still that hard *** lieutenant from Ord Mantell in her eyes. She never expected this, mind you she never expected ANY kind of male attention. Her head is spinning hard right now. Need to wrap up Force of Wills so Mitka can grow up.

Edited by Earthmama
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