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The Short Fic Weekly Challenge Thread!


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Nightmare 1800 words




Author's Note


I've lost family members as a child and as an adult so I tried to express the confusion and chaos that takes over in the first few minutes of learning you've lost someone close. I remember by grandfather taking me to my cousin's casket when I was 7 and trying to hold it together. I see a lot of me in Ipha and I know that when my father passes I will be an absolute mess because we're so close. I was trying to capture all that strength and despair in as few words as I could so this wouldn't get too long. Losing my dad is my nightmare, and Ipha is the one that takes it hardest. I'm not sure where this falls in canon, after Alderaan obviously. I've had to massage the time line a little to allow for the fall of Panteer and Brei'yu living on Alderaan and defecting as a teen. Maybe one day I'll write that too.


Somehow I latched onto Brei'yu as the most familiar one here, to me anyway.


Also, thanks, Vik. You're a class act.

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Exploration, more or less, sort of tangentially for the scene that presented itself immediately after my starting image. This is my rough spontaneous sketch for the morning. Um, anyway, Imperial Agent Wynston, no spoilers. 800 words.




Wynston stepped clear of a nearly knee-high pile of something he didn't want to think about, and continued pushing through the trackless woods. "Remind me again what we're doing, Kaliyo?"


"Being vultures. There's a cache out here, belonged to a guy I knew, likely to have good stuff plus cred sticks. Old friend tipped me off once the guy died. She's too lazy for the scavenger hunt, but with a cut as generous as she's offering, I'll help retrieve it."


"Your cut's going to be all of it."


"Eh, I didn't say she was a very bright friend. Gorgeous, though. You would like her."


"It's so kind of you to think of me for these jobs."


"I'll make it worth your while," she purred. "Hey, which way's west?"


Wynston tapped his handheld nav gadget and it popped up a compass rose. "This way. I will say, the scenery's nice when we manage to get free of all these - " he waved irritably - "trees."


"Wynston the intrepid outdoorsman. I'll be sure to put this in our next report."


"Doesn't your dead friend have any caches in civilization? Or at least in forests that have been surveyed in the last fifty years?"


Kaliyo looked at her holonav. "We're almost there. I think."


He froze. "I hear something moving," he whispered.


"That's animals. They still have those in some corners of the galaxy."


He wanted to bring up his stealth generator, but it would do him little good in a place where crackling branches ruined all hope of silence. Instead he just walked to the sunlit clearing.


A woman was seated on a fallen log there. She was wearing neat practical leathers. She was, in fact, quite gorgeous, a blonde Zabrak who knew how to dress to advantage. She smiled at Kaliyo when the Rattataki stepped into the clearing. "Hey, lover. Only took you eight hours."


"Thought you said you couldn't make it out here."


"For you, I made the trip."


"Again?" said Wynston. "Honestly, Kaliyo, do you date anyone who doesn't end up trying to kill you?"


Kaliyo rolled her eyes. "You're one to talk."


"I don't go for the murderous ones. I can't remember the last time one of mine tried to kill me outright."


"Three weeks, Wynston. It was three weeks ago."


"That one didn't count. She was getting paid to do it. Your murder attempts, yours are labors of love."


"Yeah," said Kaliyo, "about that. Reiya, I thought you were playing me straight here. You always did good business."


"Money on your head's good business, sweetie. Old Voke back home isn't too happy with you."


"See, Wynston? This one doesn't count either. She's getting paid. Anyway, Rei, Voke can join the club. We gonna fight or what?"


"A fight wasn't exactly what I had in mind." The woman raised a hand, pressed a button, and a small dart shot with perfect precision, hitting Kaliyo's neck with a weird soft thump. Wynston considered, quickly, and decided to get the mystery dart out of Kaliyo's neck first.


"You don't need to worry," sang Reiya. "She'll be fine, at least until she's back in Voke's hands. I can cut you in on the bounty if you like."


Friendliness? He could work with that. He stood up slowly. "That's a generous offer for a total stranger."


"I got no fight with you. I'm sorry about Kaliyo, but if you've worked with her for more than thirty seconds you know she's nerf-humping crazy." She looked him over. "I can think of worse things to do with a bounty than share it with a guy like you."


The nice thing about this setup was that he could give her a once-over as bold as he liked. "Sweetheart, we've hardly been introduced."


"That a problem?"


He smiled. "When you put it that way, no."


Gratingly direct could work. It would get him out of here faster, anyway. He got in close, let her slide her hands up his chest, reached in to touch her waist, pulled a dart out of her belt, and yanked the hem of her shirt free to jab the dart directly into her side. She gasped.


"Sorry, gorgeous," he said. "I happen to be very fond of Kaliyo."


She was fading fast. Impressive stuff, that dart payload. Wynston grabbed another dart to take home for analysis, then gently eased Reiya's fall to the ground. "Tell your friend Voke...oh, whatever you like. But the lady is mine." He looked over at Kaliyo and laughed out loud to think what she would think of that statement. It did have an entertaining ring to it, though.


He hefted Kaliyo over his shoulder, cursed her again for being slightly bigger than he was, and fumbled his holonav active, grimacing as he tried to access the map. He hated wilderness. It was every bit as rough as civilization, but without any of the cantinas.


Edited by bright_ephemera
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Miriah woke, not for the first time that night. Her almost seven month’s pregnant self was having increasing difficulty getting comfortable, not to mention that her son was particularly restless at night. Hope that’s not an omen, she thought, I really don’t want Devin to be a fellow insomniac. She slid out of bed, knowing that Corso was working harder with the herds than ever, and was beyond tired when he finally came to bed. She quietly left their room, grabbed some clothes from the laundry area, and silently dressed.


Grabbing a bottle of water and some cookies she’d made yesterday, she walked outside and looked around. The moons were pretty full, and there was plenty of light. She had no idea what time it was, but she decided to walk for a little bit, thinking it might help with the restlessness. Miriah struck out toward the south pasture, since she knew there weren’t any animals there right now. As she got closer, she could hear the brook that she’d seen on the maps when they bought the place, she’d just never taken the time to walk out this way. She could see the bank now, and decided to walk along it to the lake it fed. The air felt clean, cool and refreshing, and she took several deep breaths. The baby had settled, being comforted by the motion of her walking, and she gently rubbed her expanding middle as she carefully navigated the bank. The water was crystal clear, and just lazily traveled down its path. The sound of it was soothing to her, and she felt herself relax. She crouched beside the brook, trailing her fingers in the cold water, and felt herself smile.


After she’d rested for a few minutes, enjoying a cookie, she stood and resumed her walk. She was just a few steps along when she heard it—a soft cry, questioning and alone. She stopped and looked around but didn’t see what it was at first. As she stood there she saw what appeared to be a lump of something in front of her. As she approached it, she saw that it was weakly moving and crying. It was a baby lynx, and it had been injured. It was so young that its eyes hadn’t opened yet, and it had claw marks along one side that were still bleeding. It was mewling pitifully now, in pain and scared. The mother instinct in Miriah wouldn’t let her leave it to suffer. She tore off her outer shirt and folded it, making a blanket to put the injured kit on. As soon as she touched it the kit started to purr and shiver. Wrapping the poor thing in her shirt, she lifted it to her chest and it quieted. It was so tiny it fit in one hand, and snuggled for warmth. She turned and started back the way she’d come, but she must have walked farther than she’d realized, because she got tired before she could see the house again.


Miriah decided to sit, just for a little bit, to get her bearings and check on the baby lynx. It was sleeping, she guessed, but at least it was still alive. Miriah was starting to shiver a little, since she was just in a thin tshirt now, but she knew the kit needed her other shirt more right now. She stood, and started back up the stream. Step after step, she felt herself growing weary, but she didn’t want to stop again unless she had to. As she came up over a rise, she could see her house with what looked liked every light possible on. Oh no, she thought, Corso had woken up and couldn’t find her.


She had only the pasture to get across now, but her legs were so tired. Just one foot in front of the other, she thought, I can do this. She was about halfway there when she stumbled and almost fell face first, startling the kit and waking the baby. She landed on her knees, the shock of it traveling up her legs and into her back. She sat, catching her breath and felt the kit move against her as her son moved inside her, both of them urging her to get up and move. She’d just gotten her feet under her when she heard Corso calling her.


“Over here!” she responded, and saw him break into a run in her direction. She knew she must have really frightened him. He was beside her in only a few seconds, fear evident in his eyes, and wrapped her in a hug before she could stop him.


“Thank the stars you’re alright. What are you doing out here?” He realized she was holding something, and gave her a puzzled look, “What is this?”


“I found it, all alone and crying, and I couldn’t leave it to die,” she told him. He took the wrapped bundle and put his arm around her waist, leading her back to the house. “I woke up for the tenth time and didn’t want to disturb you, so I got up and the moons were so bright I thought I’d walk outside for a bit, fresh air and all. I’m sorry I worried you.”


He stopped and kissed her, “As long as you’re okay, I’m not upset.”


They went inside and Corso put the bundle on his work table to see what was inside. He couldn’t have been more surprised to see the lynx kitten, and figured the wounds were from one of the wild kath hounds that roamed around the ranch. He put some ointment on the wounds, and found a dropper and warmed some milk, feeding the kit until it was full.


“Poor little guy, or girl, rather. She surely wouldn’t have lasted until morning, Mir. See, she’s warm and full now. You keeping her for a pet?” He looked up at her hopefully, and smiled when she nodded. She’d found and lined a basket with soft towels and Corso put the sleeping kit inside. They took the new addition to their room and placed the basket in the corner, where they could hear her purr.


Corso led her to the bed, and they wrapped themselves around each other. “Never figured you’d be bringing home stray animals, love.” He chuckled, “She’ll have to be a house pet, she’ll never survive outside.” Miriah nodded and yawned, suddenly tired.


“Sorry for all this,” she told him, and just gently squeezed her, “I know how tired you must be.”


“Don’t worry about me,” he told her. He’d never tell her how afraid he’d been when he couldn’t find her, how he’d wondered if he’d upset her and she’d just taken off. Logically, he knew better but dead tired and half asleep it had seemed plausible. He just held her close as she drifted to sleep, feeling the faint kicks of his son as he, too, seemed to settle in for a nap.




I squealed IRL when I read this one. NOT ONLY is it Miriah, who is excellent, and Corso, who is also excellent, it's a story about cat rescue. Of course I'm gonna freak out. I rescued my feral kitten Lucky in the same way - except the reason I couldn't sleep was a physics test. So...I vote for Miriah naming the kitten Lucky. ;)


"ccmmmmmm,Zffdfkr%shkll" are her comments on the story. I think that means she liked it too.

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You make me hate Quinn, which Is okay.



Oh, dear. Ruth's Quinn has the disadvantage of being presented through the eyes of two of the people who hate him most. I have some sympathy for the man, but he's dealing with Wynston, who clashes with him on every imaginable level, and Ruth, who at this point has had a decade and a half to meditate on the most hateful possible interpretation of his brief time with her. I think he's less awful than Ruth and Wynston claim. I also think that, at least for now, the only person in the galaxy Quinn isn't too proud to present a defense to is too angry to listen if he tried. So he doesn't get to sound less hateable just yet.


I've enjoyed writing a number of characters with varying opinions of Quinn, expressed with varying levels of compassion and tact. I understand the man has his reasons, but I can't pretend the "harsh to monstrously unfair' judgement isn't fun. :jawa_angel:


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Oh, dear. Ruth's Quinn has the disadvantage of being presented through the eyes of two of the people who hate him most. I have some sympathy for the man, but he's dealing with Wynston, who clashes with him on every imaginable level, and Ruth, who at this point has had a decade and a half to meditate on the most hateful possible interpretation of his brief time with her. I think he's less awful than Ruth and Wynston claim. I also think that, at least for now, the only person in the galaxy Quinn isn't too proud to present a defense to is too angry to listen if he tried. So he doesn't get to sound less hateable just yet.


I've enjoyed writing a number of characters with varying opinions of Quinn, expressed with varying levels of compassion and tact. I understand the man has his reasons, but I can't pretend the "harsh to monstrously unfair' judgement isn't fun. :jawa_angel:




I've said before that the SW story was spoiled for me by a friend and thus I was in no hurry to roll a Fem War and get the incident all started. Being that I love Adris and his family is pretty much all Sith Warriors I'd really like to dig into the story, but Quinn turns me off. Ellivian can not not romance him, he's just too darn cute. Til the droids show up. And Vol'vikis, being broody and bad as he is, would hate Quinn for what he did but respect him for having the cajones to go up against him. That's the only way I can justify leaving him alive (because the game no longer lets you kill him.)


The whole Quinn saga makes me sad because Livvy is a little like Ruth, not so much in the naive way but she's good natured before meeting Quinn. If it had happened to her, I think she would have turned dark. Being that it happened to her dear brother instead, there's that break in association but still a question of trust. Bah. Stop thinking, go write Ipha. At least if Aric ever decided he needed to kill Fem Trooper he'd put the gun on her himself.


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I second this notion! (Have I mentioned lately how much I love your Ipha and Aric stories, cause I love them ;))


I was actually thinking of you when I wrote Aric's reaction to Ipha's bad news. I d'awwww'd myself thinking of him laying her down but staying in her sight as the sedatives put her out so he was the last thing she saw.


And someone mentioned how classy Vik is? I shock myself how well I can get him down sometimes. I have not safe for boards Trooper fics where Vik just comes out all Vik-ish and i wonder who I really am sometimes.

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I squealed IRL when I read this one. NOT ONLY is it Miriah, who is excellent, and Corso, who is also excellent, it's a story about cat rescue. Of course I'm gonna freak out. I rescued my feral kitten Lucky in the same way - except the reason I couldn't sleep was a physics test. So...I vote for Miriah naming the kitten Lucky. ;)


"ccmmmmmm,Zffdfkr%shkll" are her comments on the story. I think that means she liked it too.


Lucky it is!

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I was actually thinking of you when I wrote Aric's reaction to Ipha's bad news. I d'awwww'd myself thinking of him laying her down but staying in her sight as the sedatives put her out so he was the last thing she saw.

And I totally d'awww'd when that part came up! Lol! Love Aric!!

It's funny I was analyzing my toons' relationships and while I, obviously, adore Scourge, Aric is actually the type of husband material I'd prefer. Such a good, rock solid guy! Ok, I'll stop fangirling now hehe

Edited by iamthehoyden
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And I totally d'awww'd when that part came up! Lol! Love Aric!!

It's funny I was analyzing my toons' relationships and while I, obviously, adore Scourge, Aric is actually the type of husband material I'd prefer. Such a good, rock solid guy! Ok, I'll stop fangirling now hehe


I'm pretty sure Vector and Aric are the only male LIs I would actually voluntarily come within ten feet of. (Expand to 'male companions,' that list might pick up Talos.) I do heart me some Vector on this thread and elsewhere, and Aric is...yeah, solid is the term. Alongside decent and awesome.

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I'm pretty sure Vector and Aric are the only male LIs I would actually voluntarily come within ten feet of. (Expand to 'male companions,' that list might pick up Talos.) I do heart me some Vector on this thread and elsewhere, and Aric is...yeah, solid is the term. Alongside decent and awesome.

Those are exactly the adjectives for Aric, and Vector is next on my list. My baby ia is stuck on Dromund Kaas while Sana gets geared up to hit ops, but soon! I'm not sure what I'm going to think about Vector (hive minds typically freak me out) but I like what I've seen of him in Morgani's stories and a couple others around here. Sooo...open mind. (Don't anyone tell him about my tendency to use rocket launchers to kill ants.)

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I'm pretty sure Vector and Aric are the only male LIs I would actually voluntarily come within ten feet of. (Expand to 'male companions,' that list might pick up Talos.) I do heart me some Vector on this thread and elsewhere, and Aric is...yeah, solid is the term. Alongside decent and awesome.


funny thing is, corso bores me ingame, but he would be best suited for me irl.

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funny thing is, corso bores me ingame, but he would be best suited for me irl.


Even though I love Corso to bits, Andronikos would really suit me the best. We both love piloting and math, and hate the corporate world. Plus, I'd probably be too wild for Corso.


Seriously though when Andronikos was like "I used to be an accountant," I was like "tell me more about your math skills...sigh...". I'm just that much of a nerd.

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Even though I love Corso to bits, Andronikos would really suit me the best. We both love piloting and math, and hate the corporate world. Plus, I'd probably be too wild for Corso.


Seriously though when Andronikos was like "I used to be an accountant," I was like "tell me more about your math skills...sigh...". I'm just that much of a nerd.


lmao my bf and i are opposites attract poster children. i'm the art thinker, hes the math thinker. he tries to discuss math and code and whatnot to me, and i go " hurrr?"

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Characters: Rochester and Broan

Words: 591 (really?)




"I'm scared. Mum? Mum, I'm scared."


Broan was home, in the tiny little flat he shared with his mother. There were noises coming from the other side of the locked door. He could not remember the door, but it had always been there. They never touched the door; they never looked at it. There was a wall on the other side; Broan could see it through the window.


"Mum? There are noises..."


He crept from the kitchen. The flat had only two rooms and his mother worked long hours to keep it. She was in the room, sitting up against the door.


"Mum? The noises... from the door..."


She was still. Her head was down, chin against her chest. Dirty and matted blonde hair covered her face. Broan touched her shoulder. She did not move.




He brushed her hair away. It tumbled away from his hand like dust. Bald green skin glistened underneath. He could hear himself breathing, but it was detached from his body. Gently he moved his hand to the back of her head and down to her shoulders.




As he moved her, little faults started to appear. She cracked like porcelain.


"Mum! Mum? The noises!"


Her body shattered and broke. Green shards turned to dust in his hands and covered him. The door started to pound. Broan could hear the screaming again, getting closer. The beat resounded through the universe. The walls and floors began to crack and fall away.


"Mum? Mum!"


Broan gasped, sucking in deep breathes. The darkness was gone. The room around him was softly lit and glowing orange. For a moment he felt lost. The room span and he grabbed the sheets, not wanting to tumble out of the bed. A strong arm wrapped around his shoulders, steadying him. A familiar scent filled his nostrils and he started to calm. Someone started to stroke his face and brush away the sweat.


"Broan, calm down, it's ok," He was rocked gently back and forth, his head resting against a shoulder. Slowly he recognised where he was and slowly the terror receded. Rochester was holding him, laying light kisses on his forehead. Broan shifted to look at him. "Everything's going to be ok."


"Did I..." Broan paused as he regarded the other man. Rochester seemed tired and drawn."Did I wake you?" Rochester shook his head, pulling Broan closer.


"I was already up."


Broan sighed and relaxed, fully putting his weight against Rochester. After a moment, he opened his eyes.


"Were you sleeping on the chair?" Broan gestured to the pile of pillows and blankets heaped on the single chair in the room. Rochester smiled sheepishly and nodded.


"You, ah... pushed me out of the bed." Rochester gave him a comforting squeeze and another kiss.


"I'm sorry, I just..." Broan could feel himself starting to cry. He felt haunted and empty. A lump formed in his throat. He took one long, shuddering breath and wept.


"You had a nightmare, it's ok. It's going to be alright." Rochester moved them both down to lie on the bed. He pulled the remaining sheets on to them and tried to get comfortable.


"How... how can you be such a good person?" Broan allowed the pillow to be fluffed under his head. He seemed oblivious to the care Rochester was taking; almost as if he were still dreaming.


"Go to sleep, Broan." They kissed, deep and tender, and soon Broan was asleep. Rochester stayed awake for a while longer, listening to the other man's breathing and contemplating his words.







Broan lost his mother quite young and was never really given then chance to deal with her death properly due to the type of training he received at the Jedi Academy. His nightmare is a mixture of guilt, half-formed memories and the events of the mansion.



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Characters: Rochester and Broan

Words: 591 (really?)




"Did I wake you?" Rochester shook his head, pulling Broan closer.


"I was already up."


Broan sighed and relaxed, fully putting his weight against Rochester. After a moment, he opened his eyes.


"Were you sleeping on the chair?" Broan gestured to the pile of pillows and blankets heaped on the single chair in the room. Rochester smiled sheepishly and nodded.


"You, ah... pushed me out of the bed." Rochester gave him a comforting squeeze and another kiss.


"I'm sorry, I just..." Broan could feel himself starting to cry. He felt haunted and empty. A lump formed in his throat. He took one long, shuddering breath and wept.


"You had a nightmare, it's ok. It's going to be alright." Rochester moved them both down to lie on the bed. He pulled the remaining sheets on to them and tried to get comfortable.


"How... how can you be such a good person?" Broan allowed the pillow to be fluffed under his head. He seemed oblivious to the care Rochester was taking; almost as if he were still dreaming.


"Go to sleep, Broan." They kissed, deep and tender, and soon Broan was asleep. Rochester stayed awake for a while longer, listening to the other man's breathing and contemplating his words.




Aw. Have a shot of raw poignancy. Love this passage.

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It's midnight and people are clamoring for the new prompts. I am posting three this week, which I know is a lot, but I've had some requests. You can do just one or all of them, whatever you feel like doing. :D


Thanks so much for the index, kabeone!! :D I'll get that updated asap.


Week of 7/27/12


Family - Dealing with a war sucks. It's already complicated enough, but family complicates things even more. Some of our characters' families are different species, or have different alligiances. How do they deal with the complications that family can bring? Suggested by Eanelinea.


Discovery - In our characters' journeys, we make some surprising discoveries. Sometimes they're things about ourselves or our friends, other times they're discoveries about the world around us. Either way, they usually take us by surprise. Suggested by Crezelle.


Canned Response - When we click on our companions, they give us one of a set of responses. Unfortunately, that's all the endgame interaction we get with them - but let's make the best of it! Pick a phrase (one or more) a favored companion says to you and write a fic around why they are saying it. Suggested by Morgani.

Edited by elliotcat
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It's midnight and people are clamoring for the new prompts. I am posting three this week, which I know is a lot, but I've had some requests. You can do just one or all of them, whatever you feel like doing. :D


Thanks so much for the index, kabeone!! :D I'll get that updated asap.


Week of 7/27/12


Family - Dealing with a war sucks. It's already complicated enough, but family complicates things even more. Some of our characters' families are different species, or have different alligiances. How do they deal with the complications that family can bring? Suggested by Eanelinea.


Discovery - In our characters' journeys, we make some surprising discoveries. Sometimes they're things about ourselves or our friends, other times they're discoveries about the world around us. Either way, they usually take us by surprise. Suggested by Crezelle.


Canned Response - When we click on our companions, they give us one of a set of responses. Unfortunately, that's all the endgame interaction we get with them - but let's make the best of it! Pick a phrase (one or more) a favored companion says to you and write a fic around why they are saying it. Suggested by Morgani.


Woot! Can't wait to do these!

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Ha! I *love* the Canned Response prompt! But, Family is the first one that sprang to mind, returning to Sith Warrior Ruth, no plot spoilers, 600 words:




(This time period would be very shortly after Ruth runs into her estranged husband Quinn, before any actual understanding has been reached between them.)


Ruth navigated the dimly lit warren of the Korriban Academy’s dormitories with ease. The hallways were busy with armed hall monitors and passing students; they all made way for the Emperor’s Wrath, and she worked her way to one particular cell, where her son Rylon was currently stretched out on the narrow bed fiddling with a shield generator.


“Good afternoon,” said Ruth.


Rylon set down his work and pushed up to sit with his back against the wall. “Mom.”


“I just got through with some Council business. I thought I would drop by and see how you’re settling in.”


“Dad’s on planet, you know.” It was somehow funny to hear that from such a perfect copy of Quinn’s own face.


“Yes, I know.” In fact, Ruth had arranged to meet Quinn here, since they both already had plans to visit Rylon in his new home. “I’ll likely be seeing him later.”


The teenager stiffened. “Really.”


“You’re welcome to dine with us. Since I saw him…you know, on Dromund Kaas…we thought it might be constructive to open communications again.”


His anger flared warm in her awareness. “Are you f***ing him?”


“Rylon! That’s a hell of a way to-”


“You’re my parents. Don’t I get some kind of right to know, especially since you felt you had to kick me out of the house to start whatever you’re doing? Are you f***ing him?”


Ruth always tried to answer her son’s questions directly and answer them honestly, even when she didn’t want to answer at all. Honesty with her kin was important; it made her better than her ex-husband. “No.”


“You gonna start?”


“I don’t know yet.”


They glared at each other for a moment.


“Would you like to come to dinner with us?” said Ruth.


“No," he said sullenly. "I don’t want to see you two together at all.”


“I see. Until your father and I decide whether we’re going to reinstate the shooting war, perhaps it’s just as well you stay clear. But that’s all beside the point. I wanted to ask how things are here. Whether there are any questions you had that a veteran might be able to answer.”




“Are you liking it here?”


He shrugged. “It’s okay.”


“Anybody try to kill you yet?”


“A couple.”


“Are they still alive?”


Rylon scowled. “Yeah. They got witnesses.”


“And you didn’t pursue and engage? Good. If you must kill, make it discreet; otherwise don’t even start.”


He slouched a little more. “I know, Mom.”


“But you should watch for the chance to finish them. Enemies never just wander off and forget about you.”


Rylon rolled his eyes. “I know, Mom.”


“I get to repeat tired advice, because I’m your mother and I worry about you.”


“You’re worse than Dad.”


“I cannot possibly be offering more tactical direction than Quinn would.”


Rylon glowered expressively at her.


“Just keep your blade ready and your wits about you, all right? And for hate’s sake take good notes in Overseer Tethran’s history class. I wasn’t joking when I described the fatal field work he assigns to the students who fail his tests.”


He shrugged. “Yeah. Can I get back to work now?”


“Be sure to write. Especially if anybody hits you with any interesting murder attempts. Students come up with some amazing tactics, I like to stay informed.”




“I love you.”


Rylon rolled his eyes once more and picked up the generator, turning the whole of his presence away from her.


Ruth made her way back out into Korriban’s pitiless daylight. Then she stopped and took a deep, steadying breath, and tried to steel herself for the evening ahead.


Quinn had a good shot at being the friendliest person she would interact with today. And that prospect terrified her.






I get an unending kick out of failing to have a proper Sith attitude. Ruth can walk the walk and talk the talk when she has to, but with her family and close loved ones? She is an absolutely awful Sith. One big walking failure.


In detail, this would be a few weeks after Catching Up wherein Ruth and Quinn meet up and decide it's time to send Rylon to Korriban; and it's well before Dreams, where for at least one moment Ruth and Quinn are on good romantic terms, and Nightmares, where they emphatically aren't.


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Ha! I *love* the Canned Response prompt! But, Family is the first one that sprang to mind, returning to Sith Warrior Ruth, no plot spoilers, 600 words:




(This time period would be very shortly after Ruth runs into her estranged husband Quinn, before any actual understanding has been reached between them.)


Ruth navigated the dimly lit warren of the Korriban Academy’s dormitories with ease. The hallways were busy with armed hall monitors and passing students; they all made way for the Emperor’s Wrath, and she worked her way to one particular cell, where her son Rylon was currently stretched out on the narrow bed fiddling with a shield generator.


“Good afternoon,” said Ruth.


Rylon set down his work and pushed up to sit with his back against the wall. “Mom.”


“I just got through with some Council business. I thought I would drop by and see how you’re settling in.”


“Dad’s on planet, you know.” It was somehow funny to hear that from such a perfect copy of Quinn’s own face.


“Yes, I know.” In fact, Ruth had arranged to meet Quinn here, since they both already had plans to visit Rylon in his new home. “I’ll likely be seeing him later.”


The teenager stiffened. “Really.”


“You’re welcome to dine with us. Since I saw him…you know, on Dromund Kaas…we thought it might be constructive to open communications again.”


His anger flared warm in her awareness. “Are you f***ing him?”


“Rylon! That’s a hell of a way to-”


“You’re my parents. Don’t I get some kind of right to know, especially since you felt you had to kick me out of the house to start whatever you’re doing? Are you f***ing him?”


Ruth always tried to answer her son’s questions directly and answer them honestly, even when she didn’t want to answer at all. Honesty with her kin was important; it made her better than her ex-husband. “No.”


“You gonna start?”


“I don’t know yet.”


They glared at each other for a moment.


“Would you like to come to dinner with us?” said Ruth.


“No," he said sullenly. "I don’t want to see you two together at all.”


“I see. Until your father and I decide whether we’re going to reinstate the shooting war, perhaps it’s just as well you stay clear. But that’s all beside the point. I wanted to ask how things are here. Whether there are any questions you had that a veteran might be able to answer.”




“Are you liking it here?”


He shrugged. “It’s okay.”


“Anybody try to kill you yet?”


“A couple.”


“Are they still alive?”


Rylon scowled. “Yeah. They got witnesses.”


“And you didn’t pursue and engage? Good. If you must kill, make it discreet; otherwise don’t even start.”


He slouched a little more. “I know, Mom.”


“But you should watch for the chance to finish them. Enemies never just wander off and forget about you.”


Rylon rolled his eyes. “I know, Mom.”


“I get to repeat tired advice, because I’m your mother and I worry about you.”


“You’re worse than Dad.”


“I cannot possibly be offering more tactical direction than Quinn would.”


Rylon glowered expressively at her.


“Just keep your blade ready and your wits about you, all right? And for hate’s sake take good notes in Overseer Tethran’s history class. I wasn’t joking when I described the fatal field work he assigns to the students who fail his tests.”


He shrugged. “Yeah. Can I get back to work now?”


“Be sure to write. Especially if anybody hits you with any interesting murder attempts. Students come up with some amazing tactics, I like to stay informed.”




“I love you.”


Rylon rolled his eyes once more and picked up the generator, turning the whole of his presence away from her.


Ruth made her way back out into Korriban’s pitiless daylight. Then she stopped and took a deep, steadying breath, and tried to steel herself for the evening ahead.


Quinn had a good shot at being the friendliest person she would interact with today. And that prospect terrified her.






I get an unending kick out of failing to have a proper Sith attitude. Ruth can walk the walk and talk the talk when she has to, but with her family and close loved ones? She is an absolutely awful Sith. One big walking failure.


In detail, this would be a few weeks after Catching Up wherein Ruth and Quinn meet up and decide it's time to send Rylon to Korriban; and it's well before Dreams, where for at least one moment Ruth and Quinn are on good romantic terms, and Nightmares, where they emphatically aren't.


I know Ruth is your more serious SW character (vs Nalenne) but that little exchange between mother and son had me cracking up, discussing murder and history classes. Loved it!

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I hesitate to do this, but it just fits too well. This is a chapter of my ongoing fanfic, which is entirely about my Legacy family. This would come after Magdalane's wedding, and is told from her mother, Sarai's viewpoint. I've posted the wedding previously, in greyjedibp's thread, I believe.



Sarai surveyed the party, and was pleased. She had wondered if things would be different from her own wedding almost thirty years ago now. Oh Ian, if only you’d been here today, she thought, how proud of your daughters you would have been! Magdalane, she was so beautiful in her robe, and her new husband, so handsome. Sarai was almost in tears again just thinking of it. Ian had looked at her like Felix had looked at her daughter, after all the roadblocks the council had thrown in their way, they’d made it. Sarai knew her other daughters thought Magdalane was the favorite, but really it was just that Sarai knew the burden and responsibility of force sensitivity and use, and Mags had scored off the charts even as young as three years old.


And yes, she was feeling guilty, thinking back to all the years she’d left Maura and Miriah to fend for themselves. Maura, she thought, it made her tough, gave her leadership skills, helped her become the soldier she was today. She saw Maura and her husband sitting together, Aric whispering to her, Maura looking into his eyes, stroking his cheek. Sarai had only known a few Cathar, but she truly liked Aric. Those were going to be beautiful babies in about four months, she smiled to herself. And they would have plenty of hands helping with them, since Maura’s squad had become a surrogate family. Sarai supposed they would have had to be, since they really couldn’t discuss what they did every day outside their unit.


She spotted Miriah then, dancing with her husband. I didn’t think I’d like that hair, she thought of Corso, but it suits him. The girls at the temple deemed him “hot”, but she didn’t think he was aware of his looks. Miriah looked like a girl herself, her small stature belying an inner giant. That one, Sarai thought, has been so hard to watch grow up. She reminded Sarai so much of her late husband, the black hair and silver eyes, her easy laugh- and since she’d become well known to Republic forces, the confident, hardass smuggler who would take on anyone and refuse to back down. She had Ian’s personality, and that made it hard to get close to her once she’d decided her mother didn’t want her. Sarai sighed, knowing that was her own fault too. She watched as they walked back to their table, sat with Maura and Aric. Corso lifted a bite of cake to her and she took it, licking the icing off his hand. As he blushed and the others laughed, she realized Miriah had chosen well.


Magdalane saw her mom sitting there, a vague smile on her face, watching the party go on around her. She walked over and knelt beside Sarai’s char. “Mom, why are you here by yourself? Come, sit with us before we leave. Is everything okay?”


“Oh, dear girl,” she said, “everything is fine. I was just thinking of how proud your dad would have been to see you today, and your sisters.” As she walked back to the party, she looked up, and she would have sworn the stars sparkled a little brighter.




Edited by Magdalane
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