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The Short Fic Weekly Challenge Thread!


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After all, don't forget Scourge- I seriously hope that his character becomes an unlockable romance option. If he does, I am not quite sure if Eleya would be able to stay true to the code after Scourge comes around to see her side of things! ;)


(At least, she might allow herself to experience the pleasures of falling in love, regardless of whether she acts on it or not...)


Even if Scourge doesn't become romanceable, I might still work on writing some eventual scenes of thick UST between him and my JK eventually in my fanfiction. That is, if others want to read it. :p


JK/Scourge romances??? Yes please :D As you might have been able to tell from my stories, if Scourge becomes romanceable...um YEAH!!!

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JK/Scourge romances??? Yes please :D As you might have been able to tell from my stories, if Scourge becomes romanceable...um YEAH!!!



Ditto...My JK is still a baby, lvl 18, but I've seen youtube videos...I want my very own broody Scourge!

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Ditto...My JK is still a baby, lvl 18, but I've seen youtube videos...I want my very own broody Scourge!


You don't get him til after chapter 2. I have him, nothing to write home about. lol But then my two favorite species is human and Chiss, might be why I don't find him appealing. lol

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Haha, thank you. :) As for my JK; no, she isn't dating/married to Doc. In-game, I sometimes have her flirt with him just because it is so much fun listening to them go at it, though.


I have no intentions of having my JK and Doc tie the knot, though he and my JK are pretty close, and I love Doc too much to leave him alone. Alas, if the game does not allow it, I still write with the possible allure of Doc and Kira having some major UST, with Eleya on the outside looking in. (And trying not to laugh.)


That way, Kira and Doc both don't have to necessarily end up "alone", and Doc still gets to butt heads/go after a woman who isn't immediately impressed with his normal MO and presents an actual challenge to him.


As for my JK, she is deeply connected to her companions as well, but remains true to the Jedi Code and Order's policies regarding romance. She remains single and celibate, remaining faithful first and foremost to her vows and duties to the Republic.


At least, for now.


After all, don't forget Scourge- I seriously hope that his character becomes an unlockable romance option. If he does, I am not quite sure if Eleya would be able to stay true to the code after Scourge comes around to see her side of things! ;)


(At least, she might allow herself to experience the pleasures of falling in love, regardless of whether she acts on it or not...)


Even if Scourge doesn't become romanceable, I might still work on writing some eventual scenes of thick UST between him and my JK eventually in my fanfiction. That is, if others want to read it. :p


I'll read any pairing, but my fav is Doc. He's funny, ****ty, and just so darn cute. I have my own grump at home. He's broody. Scourge seems out of place in some parts. But he's a nice enough dude. I mean, if my trooper can be with Jorgan (she married him finally), I don't see why JKs cant get a choice to be with Scourge. I just don't find him attractive.

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I'll read any pairing, but my fav is Doc. He's funny, ****ty, and just so darn cute. I have my own grump at home. He's broody. Scourge seems out of place in some parts. But he's a nice enough dude. I mean, if my trooper can be with Jorgan (she married him finally), I don't see why JKs cant get a choice to be with Scourge. I just don't find him attractive.


For me, it's those lips, and those eyes, and that voice!!!! I'm also a sucker for Pierce, I like me some male body type 3.

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No love for Andronikos?? I just got him on my SI and man, he's really growing on me.


I think he's fugly, but my SI loves him to bits! Strange what she finds attractive. She loved her some body type 3 Sith male in her class story that she could boink. Mmm, hmm.

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Confessions, submission #2.

Ok, fair warning, Eanelinea, this one's going to be tough on anyone who likes the JK/Doc romance. I even teared up as I was writing it (course I'm a sap so take that with a grain of salt).

End of the Road

JK spoilers



“You’re avoiding me.”

Esma sighed as she tucked the folded shirt into the wardrobe. She turned around to face her husband. He was leaning against the door to their bedroom. He was a handsome man, there was no doubt about that.

“You’re right,” she said, motioning for him to come in as she sat on the bed.

“Have I mentioned how beautiful you are when you’re serious?” he said with an easy smile as he sauntered in and shut the door.

She shook her head at his silliness. In spite of the monster knot her stomach had developed, he could still make her smile.

“So what gives?”

“This…this isn’t working.”

“This meaning us.” He sounded calm, calmer than she felt.

“We just don’t fit.”

“Oh, I don’t know about that,” he said with a lecherous grin. She glared at him.

“This is what I mean. You don’t know when to be serious!”

He walked over, sat down, and took her hands, “You need to live a little, relax. Bask in the adoration of all those people whose lives you’ve saved. It’s fun, trust me.”

She pulled away in frustration. “There are bigger things in this galaxy. Things we need to take seriously, and all you’re interested in is getting me into bed and being famous!”

“Both completely reasonable goals.”


They were both silent for a moment.

“Why did you ask me to marry you?” Esma finally said.

“What? You said we had to end this if it wasn’t going anywhere, and I couldn’t get you out of my head.” He sobered for once, “You are unlike any woman I have ever met before. Unique. And a better one than I deserve. If marriage was what it took to keep you, it was worth it.”

“Aw, Doc,” Esma said, feeling tears threaten.

“Why did you say yes?”

“I’m not sure,” she said with a sad smile, “After being the Emperor’s plaything and fighting for survival on a daily basis, it felt good to smile and you have a gift for that.”

“And now?”

She looked at him for a long moment. “I need someone who understands what we’re up against and is willing to do what it takes without applause or accolades, and you need someone who will adore you for the brilliant, amusing man you are. I just don’t think we’re right for each other.”

“So this is the end.”

“Yes, I think it is. Are you okay with that?”

He sighed. “I think I knew this was coming.” He kissed her softly, “I’ll always love you, you know that.”

She laughed sadly as the tears started flowing, “You say that to all the girls.”

“True,” he said with a tiny grin, “but I mean it this time.” He wiped away her tears with his thumb.

“Will you stay on the crew? I’d hate to lose you.”

He was quiet for a moment. “There’s a research center on Coruscant that’s been after me to work on a project. It’ll take a couple weeks, but I’ll be back. Can’t let you have the glory of saving the galaxy all by yourself.” His grin was strained as he tweaked her nose.

He stood up and walked to the door.

“I’m sorry,” she said quietly, her voice thick with tears.

“Me too, beautiful, me too.” He walked out the door. Esma curled up on the bed and cried for a long long time.



Author's Note:


When you make a mistake you have to admit it, take your knocks, deal with the fallout, and move on. Which is pretty much what we have here - my Esma never should have hooked up with Doc. Even if nothing ever comes of Scourge, she should never have gone with Doc. If only he'd been a bit less shallow...sigh...could have been great. Alas.


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Confessions, submission #2.

Ok, fair warning, Eanelinea, this one's going to be tough on anyone who likes the JK/Doc romance. I even teared up as I was writing it (course I'm a sap so take that with a grain of salt).

End of the Road

JK spoilers



“You’re avoiding me.”

Esma sighed as she tucked the folded shirt into the wardrobe. She turned around to face her husband. He was leaning against the door to their bedroom. He was a handsome man, there was no doubt about that.

“You’re right,” she said, motioning for him to come in as she sat on the bed.

“Have I mentioned how beautiful you are when you’re serious?” he said with an easy smile as he sauntered in and shut the door.

She shook her head at his silliness. In spite of the monster knot her stomach had developed, he could still make her smile.

“So what gives?”

“This…this isn’t working.”

“This meaning us.” He sounded calm, calmer than she felt.

“We just don’t fit.”

“Oh, I don’t know about that,” he said with a lecherous grin. She glared at him.

“This is what I mean. You don’t know when to be serious!”

He walked over, sat down, and took her hands, “You need to live a little, relax. Bask in the adoration of all those people whose lives you’ve saved. It’s fun, trust me.”

She pulled away in frustration. “There are bigger things in this galaxy. Things we need to take seriously, and all you’re interested in is getting me into bed and being famous!”

“Both completely reasonable goals.”


They were both silent for a moment.

“Why did you ask me to marry you?” Esma finally said.

“What? You said we had to end this if it wasn’t going anywhere, and I couldn’t get you out of my head.” He sobered for once, “You are unlike any woman I have ever met before. Unique. And a better one than I deserve. If marriage was what it took to keep you, it was worth it.”

“Aw, Doc,” Esma said, feeling tears threaten.

“Why did you say yes?”

“I’m not sure,” she said with a sad smile, “After being the Emperor’s plaything and fighting for survival on a daily basis, it felt good to smile and you have a gift for that.”

“And now?”

She looked at him for a long moment. “I need someone who understands what we’re up against and is willing to do what it takes without applause or accolades, and you need someone who will adore you for the brilliant, amusing man you are. I just don’t think we’re right for each other.”

“So this is the end.”

“Yes, I think it is. Are you okay with that?”

He sighed. “I think I knew this was coming.” He kissed her softly, “I’ll always love you, you know that.”

She laughed sadly as the tears started flowing, “You say that to all the girls.”

“True,” he said with a tiny grin, “but I mean it this time.” He wiped away her tears with his thumb.

“Will you stay on the crew? I’d hate to lose you.”

He was quiet for a moment. “There’s a research center on Coruscant that’s been after me to work on a project. It’ll take a couple weeks, but I’ll be back. Can’t let you have the glory of saving the galaxy all by yourself.” His grin was strained as he tweaked her nose.

He stood up and walked to the door.

“I’m sorry,” she said quietly, her voice thick with tears.

“Me too, beautiful, me too.” He walked out the door. Esma curled up on the bed and cried for a long long time.



Author's Note:


When you make a mistake you have to admit it, take your knocks, deal with the fallout, and move on. Which is pretty much what we have here - my Esma never should have hooked up with Doc. Even if nothing ever comes of Scourge, she should never have gone with Doc. If only he'd been a bit less shallow...sigh...could have been great. Alas.


Awww, that was sweet and sad. Poor Esma (and Doc... kind of).

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Hidden Talents


IA chapter 2 spoilers.



"Hey bug boy, she's baking again" Kaliyo called out to Vector, his meditation broken, the tiny Kilick companions chittered excitedly. There would be crumbs! Vector frowned troubled, something had changed in Shiloh, the smooth light green aura he had met her with was, stormy, sharp, dark. It had been like this for the past few months, ever since she had gone to work for the Republic, as a double agent, something in her had changed, and he worried. Cruumbs! the fingerlings urged, he stood up and followed Kaliyo to the galley.


Shiloh cracked another egg into the bowl, she was on her sixth batch of squares, having run out of ingredients for cookies. The cookies were piled high on plates, untouched, they were moist and chewy, the last of the Alderaanie chocolate chips used. He was there again, last night, in her head, the voices, the images. Chance had been there too, only he appeared to her as she had left him, body riddled with holes, the back of his skull was missing, she could see right through him.


I was scared Legate, I needed you to come, but I couldn't say it. I can say it now, onomatophobia.


You're mind is snapping agent, can you feel it. It's bending. Watcher X purred in her mind.


Shiloh stired harder, then poured the batter into a pan, set the timer.


"Quesh has answers, I'm going to Quesh just as you said, you had better not be lying to me" Shiloh muttered to him, only he wasn't there, she had killed him too, executed him on Nar Shaddaa. She started stirring another batch, Kaliyo took off with one of the larger cookie trays.


"Thanks for the cookies agent nutso!!" She called over her shoulder


"Is that Alderaanie chocolate in those cookies?" Dr. Lokin inquired as he took a bite, "Oh dear, these are divine!"


"Doctor?" Vector looked again at the new arrival, he could see it, sparks in her aura, spitting and angry, she wasn't well.


"Physically she's fine Vector, I've told you this, and she refuses to talk about it....I can't help her anymore then I have." He gave the joiner a sympathetic look and followed Kaliyo to his med bay. Closed the door, a twinkle in his eyes.


"three cups of flour"


This is pointless


"two eggs"


I just wanted help, I'm sorry!


"one and a half cups of cocoa....I'm out of cocoa, we'll need to pick up more."


You're wasting your time


"SHUT UP!! GET OUT, LEAVE" Shiloh screamed at both of them, she threw her last two remaining eggs at Watcher X, the passed through him, she heaved the heavy tray of cookies at Chance, they fell to the floor, breaking and spinning in every which way. She spun around, they were gone, she was alone in the galley, cookies and crumbs littering the floor, Vector stood in the doorway.


"We won't abandon you Agent" He said softly, he took a tentative step forward, the fingerlings escaped from his robes gorging themselves on the sugary confections. "We want to help you, you are in pain, we can see that."


Shiloh fought to regain her composure. She looked at Vector, this man, his voice calmed her, his dark black orbs engulfed her. She wondered how he did it, lived with the voices from the hive in his mind, she was breaking with just one, now two.


"What's wrong Shiloh" he wrapped his lips around her name, he enjoyed the cadence of it. "We might listen at the very least."


I'v been brainwashed, by the republic, i can't control my actions, they could order me to kill all of you tomorrow and there would be nothing I could do, I'm scared Vector, I'm terrified. I'm breaking, I see the faces of people I have killed, the speak to me, they stand in front of me. One of those voices is telling there are answers on Quesh, that's where we're going, I need my mind back, I need you to stay with me, I feel like I'm drowning when you aren't here.


Her lips trembled, she tried so hard to force the words out, "I'm fine Vector." I'm not fine, I'm not fine, I'm not fine!

"No you're not" he stepped closer, he saw the desperation in her eyes, he wished he could here her mind, it was so hard not hearing her inner voice, her aura wavered violently.


A single tear fell down her cheek, she sunk to the floor, Vector dropped down with her, never breaking his gaze.


Kiss me, make me forget, kiss me, you're beautiful and I want you like no one I've ever known.


"Have a cookie Vector, they're quite good."


Vector wrapped his arms around her and hugged her tightly, not knowing what else to do.


oh man, chapter 2 was crazy for my agent. she was MAD. that was quite beautiful. i bet them cookies were still darn good :3

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Confessions, submission #2.

Ok, fair warning, Eanelinea, this one's going to be tough on anyone who likes the JK/Doc romance. I even teared up as I was writing it (course I'm a sap so take that with a grain of salt).

End of the Road

JK spoilers



“You’re avoiding me.”

Esma sighed as she tucked the folded shirt into the wardrobe. She turned around to face her husband. He was leaning against the door to their bedroom. He was a handsome man, there was no doubt about that.

“You’re right,” she said, motioning for him to come in as she sat on the bed.

“Have I mentioned how beautiful you are when you’re serious?” he said with an easy smile as he sauntered in and shut the door.

She shook her head at his silliness. In spite of the monster knot her stomach had developed, he could still make her smile.

“So what gives?”

“This…this isn’t working.”

“This meaning us.” He sounded calm, calmer than she felt.

“We just don’t fit.”

“Oh, I don’t know about that,” he said with a lecherous grin. She glared at him.

“This is what I mean. You don’t know when to be serious!”

He walked over, sat down, and took her hands, “You need to live a little, relax. Bask in the adoration of all those people whose lives you’ve saved. It’s fun, trust me.”

She pulled away in frustration. “There are bigger things in this galaxy. Things we need to take seriously, and all you’re interested in is getting me into bed and being famous!”

“Both completely reasonable goals.”


They were both silent for a moment.

“Why did you ask me to marry you?” Esma finally said.

“What? You said we had to end this if it wasn’t going anywhere, and I couldn’t get you out of my head.” He sobered for once, “You are unlike any woman I have ever met before. Unique. And a better one than I deserve. If marriage was what it took to keep you, it was worth it.”

“Aw, Doc,” Esma said, feeling tears threaten.

“Why did you say yes?”

“I’m not sure,” she said with a sad smile, “After being the Emperor’s plaything and fighting for survival on a daily basis, it felt good to smile and you have a gift for that.”

“And now?”

She looked at him for a long moment. “I need someone who understands what we’re up against and is willing to do what it takes without applause or accolades, and you need someone who will adore you for the brilliant, amusing man you are. I just don’t think we’re right for each other.”

“So this is the end.”

“Yes, I think it is. Are you okay with that?”

He sighed. “I think I knew this was coming.” He kissed her softly, “I’ll always love you, you know that.”

She laughed sadly as the tears started flowing, “You say that to all the girls.”

“True,” he said with a tiny grin, “but I mean it this time.” He wiped away her tears with his thumb.

“Will you stay on the crew? I’d hate to lose you.”

He was quiet for a moment. “There’s a research center on Coruscant that’s been after me to work on a project. It’ll take a couple weeks, but I’ll be back. Can’t let you have the glory of saving the galaxy all by yourself.” His grin was strained as he tweaked her nose.

He stood up and walked to the door.

“I’m sorry,” she said quietly, her voice thick with tears.

“Me too, beautiful, me too.” He walked out the door. Esma curled up on the bed and cried for a long long time.



Author's Note:


When you make a mistake you have to admit it, take your knocks, deal with the fallout, and move on. Which is pretty much what we have here - my Esma never should have hooked up with Doc. Even if nothing ever comes of Scourge, she should never have gone with Doc. If only he'd been a bit less shallow...sigh...could have been great. Alas.



Oh, it's all good! We ALL have our unique head canons even if some don't agree with them! *hugs*


Even though I'm squishing Doc to my bosom because my JK adores Doc (they fit together perfectly) I loved this. At least she wasn't a ***** to him. So even though it hurts, I was able to sit back and enjoy this. =)


Besides, I showed how Doc can definitely work my JK's nerve in the Meet the Parents silly fic I wrote. (Not sure if you read that). Anyway, thank you for sharing and again, for having them end it amicably.


P.S. I'm like the only one whose SW completely forgave Quinn for his treachery even though it took her YEARS to completely trust him again.


Edited by Eanelinea
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Confessions, submission #2.

Ok, fair warning, Eanelinea, this one's going to be tough on anyone who likes the JK/Doc romance. I even teared up as I was writing it (course I'm a sap so take that with a grain of salt).

End of the Road

JK spoilers



“You’re avoiding me.”

Esma sighed as she tucked the folded shirt into the wardrobe. She turned around to face her husband. He was leaning against the door to their bedroom. He was a handsome man, there was no doubt about that.

“You’re right,” she said, motioning for him to come in as she sat on the bed.

“Have I mentioned how beautiful you are when you’re serious?” he said with an easy smile as he sauntered in and shut the door.

She shook her head at his silliness. In spite of the monster knot her stomach had developed, he could still make her smile.

“So what gives?”

“This…this isn’t working.”

“This meaning us.” He sounded calm, calmer than she felt.

“We just don’t fit.”

“Oh, I don’t know about that,” he said with a lecherous grin. She glared at him.

“This is what I mean. You don’t know when to be serious!”

He walked over, sat down, and took her hands, “You need to live a little, relax. Bask in the adoration of all those people whose lives you’ve saved. It’s fun, trust me.”

She pulled away in frustration. “There are bigger things in this galaxy. Things we need to take seriously, and all you’re interested in is getting me into bed and being famous!”

“Both completely reasonable goals.”


They were both silent for a moment.

“Why did you ask me to marry you?” Esma finally said.

“What? You said we had to end this if it wasn’t going anywhere, and I couldn’t get you out of my head.” He sobered for once, “You are unlike any woman I have ever met before. Unique. And a better one than I deserve. If marriage was what it took to keep you, it was worth it.”

“Aw, Doc,” Esma said, feeling tears threaten.

“Why did you say yes?”

“I’m not sure,” she said with a sad smile, “After being the Emperor’s plaything and fighting for survival on a daily basis, it felt good to smile and you have a gift for that.”

“And now?”

She looked at him for a long moment. “I need someone who understands what we’re up against and is willing to do what it takes without applause or accolades, and you need someone who will adore you for the brilliant, amusing man you are. I just don’t think we’re right for each other.”

“So this is the end.”

“Yes, I think it is. Are you okay with that?”

He sighed. “I think I knew this was coming.” He kissed her softly, “I’ll always love you, you know that.”

She laughed sadly as the tears started flowing, “You say that to all the girls.”

“True,” he said with a tiny grin, “but I mean it this time.” He wiped away her tears with his thumb.

“Will you stay on the crew? I’d hate to lose you.”

He was quiet for a moment. “There’s a research center on Coruscant that’s been after me to work on a project. It’ll take a couple weeks, but I’ll be back. Can’t let you have the glory of saving the galaxy all by yourself.” His grin was strained as he tweaked her nose.

He stood up and walked to the door.

“I’m sorry,” she said quietly, her voice thick with tears.

“Me too, beautiful, me too.” He walked out the door. Esma curled up on the bed and cried for a long long time.



Author's Note:


When you make a mistake you have to admit it, take your knocks, deal with the fallout, and move on. Which is pretty much what we have here - my Esma never should have hooked up with Doc. Even if nothing ever comes of Scourge, she should never have gone with Doc. If only he'd been a bit less shallow...sigh...could have been great. Alas.


Very nice. And sad. Wish the breakup scenes in game read like this.

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Confessions, submission #2.



When you make a mistake you have to admit it, take your knocks, deal with the fallout, and move on. Which is pretty much what we have here - my Esma never should have hooked up with Doc. Even if nothing ever comes of Scourge, she should never have gone with Doc. If only he'd been a bit less shallow...sigh...could have been great. Alas.


Dunno what it says about me that a conversation like this can feel like such a relief. :rolleyes: You know? No matter how bad it hurts, just getting it out with compassion can be the most necessary healing thing in the world.


P.S. I'm like the only one whose SW completely forgave Quinn for his treachery even though it took her YEARS to completely trust him again.



Hey, I'm working on it! On my third headcanon warrior I started in on some revenge fanfic that, after some fifty posts elaborating on how awful he is, I'm starting to think might eventually possibly come around to my character forgiving him for real. Three characters, five months, 35,000 words, and now I'm starting to consider the remote possibility.


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Hidden Talents - All of our characters are good fighters, but people are good at more than one thing. What else are they good at - and how do their friends and family react to learning about this hidden skill?



BH blizz and mako



"Mother nerfer" Mako muttered under her breath, " why do they always leave it up to ME to clean whatever they bring back from their hunts". She stared at the dead beast lain unceremoniously in front of her in the cargo bay. She had no idea what it was. It was big, 1.5..maybe 2 meters at the shoulder, and well over a metric tonne. Mud caked it's horns and thick, long fur. And then there was that smell. Oh goodness that SMELL. How the heck Torian was able to cook descent food from such ghastly beasts was beyond her. Why couldn't her boss chose more, oh, say NORMAL dates to go on with her husband?! Or at least help with skinning and butchering instead of just dumping the carcass in the cargo bay and dragging her little blonde toy up to her room to continue with the festivities.

She tried to get Gault to help, but you might as well have asked a manka cat to walk politely on a leash. Skadge was more than willing to help butcher the meat, but he left more of a mess than properly prepared meat cuts. So, it was up to her. She held her nose, grabbed her knife, and began skinning the beast. Boss wanted to keep the hide as a rug. hopefully the smell washes out.

" What Mako do? What bad smell?" Mako rolled her eyes as Blizz curiously skittered in the room. As cute as he is, now was NOT the time to deal with an over-curious jawa. " I'm sorry Blizz, but i'm busy here"

" Ohhhh! Blizz help Blizz help!" He was nearly hopping up and down now. Once he gets this excited, you can't tell him to go away. " Fine... was your hands really well, and grab one of the knives over there we need to take apart this here thi-"

" Ohhh! take apart? like droid?"

" Um... kinda...?"

" Ohhh Ohhh! Blizz good at take-apart!"

And with that, Mako was astonished to watch such small hands hack nimbly away at the beast, Neatly separating it into smaller, more manageable portions. She guessed it made sense, droids and machines are also made of limbs and joints, wires instead of tendons, metal instead of flesh. Things were a little haphazard, but it sure beat doing it all herself, as it meant far less time working with that smell.... ugh.

" finished!" Blizz exclaimed, the beast now reduced to large, but still manageable cuts of separated muscle groups, bones, and a pelt ready to be tanned on the side. It was all easily packed into the large freezer space.


Now if only she could get Torian to teach Blizz how to cook. Maybe not.... Jawas can take things apart well...but sometimes putting things together is a different story.


Edited by Crezelle
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I would want somebody to write a short story about Kira/Doc cause can't find one anywhere or Jk/kira story.


Casue Kira my fav compation to have and Doc too. It be cute to see those two together.


Resons I can't casue not good at writing story I hope somebody will


Ohh! I will! I will! :D What would you like to see??

Edited by RepublicGurl
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This week I've been working a ton, which meant I got a lot of ideas for prompts (they always seem to come to me when I'm working...) so I'm going to post two. Do one or both, it's up to you.


Week of 6/15/12


Confessions - Everybody has things they don't like to admit. Sometimes it's big, sometimes it's just something small. Sometimes it's nice to finally let it out. What does your character need to admit - and to who?


Archive is up!


(Featuring my Smuggler; Dean Stryder. And though the game mechanics only allow certain races at the moment, for my head-canon purposes he is an Epicanthix.)



“You ever thought about growing up to be something other than a Captain?” Corso asked lightly, leaning his head back to take another swig of his drink. It was a rather slow evening, and now that Dean had berthed his ship in the port, the others had taken off almost immediately to the nearest cantina.


Corso had left with them, but returned soon afterwards with drinks and food to share between him and the Captain who had declined the offer to join the rest. Said food was now demolished, the wrappers and containers lying open on the caf table.


Slouched down next to Corso in the lounge couch Risha had swindled from a friend awhile back, with his long legs perched up on the small table, Dean’s brow furrowed. He absently crossed his left leg over his right, and settled the chilled glass bottle of his beverage on his thigh as he pondered a response to his companion and second in command.


“Not really, I suppose,” he offered after a moment of silence.


He took a sip of his drink, and then turned his head to gaze at Corso, his golden near-Human eyes glinting under the overhead artificial lighting. His sculpted jaw was slightly darkened by the onset of an early five-o’clock shadow, and when he reached up to lazily scratch an itch the scratching sound was a little loud in the otherwise silent compartment.


He’d been told more than once before that if he ever gave up the life of smuggling he could always make a solid career on his looks and physique alone. While it was incredibly tempting, Dean preferred his current avenue of credit-making to modeling and plastering his face on HoloNet channels; he had enemies in both high and low places.


It would be incredibly stupid of him if he gave them an easier way to find him.


Corso pulled one leg up to curl under him and turned his body slightly in his seat to face his Captain more comfortably. He cocked his head slightly in question.


“Whaddya mean?” he asked curiously, his drink now laying limp in his grip, forgotten.


“Well,” Dean started, leaning his head back onto the couch, mashing his already wayward and relentlessly untidy, thick dark hair against the seat cushion. “As a kid growin’ up in the Empire,”


At this, Corso’s eyes widened, but he remained silent. He never knew the Captain wasn’t a native Republic citizen. Even though they have spent quite the time together ever since Ord Mantell, there was still so much about Dean that Corso just didn’t know.


Not that the Captain was fond of just spouting off anything about his past to begin with.


“Most of my days were full of making sure I had enough food to eat, and a place to lay my head at night. Not only was I only a near-Human in a rather Human superior society, I was also an orphan.”


For only a moment, Dean fell silent and his eyes looked off into something faraway and ghostly. When Corso continued to stare at him, silently waiting for him to continue, Dean gave a rather soft yet, indignant snort before continuing.


“I guess you could say that after spending so many nights alone outside, I grew an affinity for seeing the stars overhead. It became sort of like a method of escape. I thought only about being able to be free- from my situations, my problems… Hell, free from my life. Once I escaped, I never looked back.”


Dean gave Corso a half-grin, though the usual mirth and spirit that shone in his eyes were slightly clouded.


“I never thought of being a Captain until I stumbled upon the job. Before that, I was content doing things my way and having to answer to nobody.”


Corso nodded, feeling another level of respect rising in him for his Captain.


“And now?” he asked, just for jest.


This time the devil-may-cry smile that twisted Dean’s lips was completely genuine, and Corso found himself smiling along, too. His Captain’s infectious charm was like gravity itself- wherever it formed, those around it usually fell into its pull.


It was exceedingly hard to pull away from, but Corso knew that he didn’t mind the weight of it at all.


“Well, now,” Dean said, the usual laughter lacing his voice and making the atmosphere seem ten times brighter within seconds. “Now, I’m a Captain, I control my situations, my problems, and my life. I have to answer to nobody, and I make credits to boot. The last thing on my mind is being stuck somewhere, starving, with nowhere to go.”


“Must be nice,” Corso agreed absently.


The look of pure contentment that settled over Dean’s face did something funny to Corso’s chest.


“It’s as close to Heaven as I’ll ever get,” Dean assured his friend.


“You and me, both.” Corso muttered causing Dean to chuckle in agreement.


The two men stared at each other silently, that level of communication they’d developed over the time spent working together seeming to pass between them without hindrance. After another moment, Corso grinned and lifted his bottle.


Dean lifted his as well.


When they collided their drinks together in silent toast, the sound rang out through the compartment; loud and clear.



Author's Note: I just wanted to try my hand at another of my characters- but I shall be returning to my JK soon enough! ;) Maybe there will be future crossovers and cameos between them? :p

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JK/Scourge romances??? Yes please :D As you might have been able to tell from my stories, if Scourge becomes romanceable...um YEAH!!!


Yaaay! I'm not alone! (And yes, I read your stories. A. Mazing.)


I thought I was the only one who (not so) secretly wants Scourge to become a romance option! Guess great minds think alike eh?

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Well I would like Story that they can hook up or they hook up and having having danger part in there relationship and kira qutoin about jedi code. Your should make Jk jealous of Kira (or Doc if Jk male) that would be good story to read
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Oh, it's all good! We ALL have our unique head canons even if some don't agree with them! *hugs*


Even though I'm squishing Doc to my bosom because my JK adores Doc (they fit together perfectly) I loved this. At least she wasn't a ***** to him. So even though it hurts, I was able to sit back and enjoy this. =)


Besides, I showed how Doc can definitely work my JK's nerve in the Meet the Parents silly fic I wrote. (Not sure if you read that). Anyway, thank you for sharing and again, for having them end it amicably.


P.S. I'm like the only one whose SW completely forgave Quinn for his treachery even though it took her YEARS to completely trust him again.

I really like your JK/Doc pair, actually :) She's tolerant and finds his antics amusing rather than irritating, so it works. I think a lot of the pairs really depend on how you've built your toon and what kind of personality they have. Some just aren't compatible and some (like my trooper and Aric) fit so well they wouldn't even be able to imagine being with anyone else.

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Well I would like Story that they can hook up or they hook up and having having danger part in there relationship and kira qutoin about jedi code. Your should make Jk jealous of Kira (or Doc if Jk male) that would be good story to read


Haha. I'll make a general story of Kira and Doc dancing around each other, and the JK being jealous of Doc. (This JK being male.)


(Maybe even throw a little danger in there to spice things up, too.)


That good? ;)

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Yaaay! I'm not alone! (And yes, I read your stories. A. Mazing.)


I thought I was the only one who (not so) secretly wants Scourge to become a romance option! Guess great minds think alike eh?


Thank you very much :) And I think you'll find more than a couple Scourge fans wandering about...cause he's awesome! Hehe!

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Hey, I'm working on it! On my third headcanon warrior I started in on some revenge fanfic that, after some fifty posts elaborating on how awful he is, I'm starting to think might eventually possibly come around to my character forgiving him for real. Three characters, five months, 35,000 words, and now I'm starting to consider the remote possibility.


I had to delete my DS Sith War, she was on a server that was able to transfer to the same as my main toons and well, my main toons have my heart more. Also? Woot! Can't wait to see it!

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Hidden Talents - All of our characters are good fighters, but people are good at more than one thing. What else are they good at - and how do their friends and family react to learning about this hidden skill?



BH blizz and mako



"Mother nerfer" Mako muttered under her breath, " why do they always leave it up to ME to clean whatever they bring back from their hunts". She stared at the dead beast lain unceremoniously in front of her in the cargo bay. She had no idea what it was. It was big, 1.5..maybe 2 meters at the shoulder, and well over a metric tonne. Mud caked it's horns and thick, long fur. And then there was that smell. Oh goodness that SMELL. How the heck Torian was able to cook descent food from such ghastly beasts was beyond her. Why couldn't her boss chose more, oh, say NORMAL dates to go on with her husband?! Or at least help with skinning and butchering instead of just dumping the carcass in the cargo bay and dragging her little blonde toy up to her room to continue with the festivities.

She tried to get Gault to help, but you might as well have asked a manka cat to walk politely on a leash. Skadge was more than willing to help butcher the meat, but he left more of a mess than properly prepared meat cuts. So, it was up to her. She held her nose, grabbed her knife, and began skinning the beast. Boss wanted to keep the hide as a rug. hopefully the smell washes out.

" What Mako do? What bad smell?" Mako rolled her eyes as Blizz curiously skittered in the room. As cute as he is, now was NOT the time to deal with an over-curious jawa. " I'm sorry Blizz, but i'm busy here"

" Ohhhh! Blizz help Blizz help!" He was nearly hopping up and down now. Once he gets this excited, you can't tell him to go away. " Fine... was your hands really well, and grab one of the knives over there we need to take apart this here thi-"

" Ohhh! take apart? like droid?"

" Um... kinda...?"

" Ohhh Ohhh! Blizz good at take-apart!"

And with that, Mako was astonished to watch such small hands hack nimbly away at the beast, Neatly separating it into smaller, more manageable portions. She guessed it made sense, droids and machines are also made of limbs and joints, wires instead of tendons, metal instead of flesh. Things were a little haphazard, but it sure beat doing it all herself, as it meant far less time working with that smell.... ugh.

" finished!" Blizz exclaimed, the beast now reduced to large, but still manageable cuts of separated muscle groups, bones, and a pelt ready to be tanned on the side. It was all easily packed into the large freezer space.


Now if only she could get Torian to teach Blizz how to cook. Maybe not.... Jawas can take things apart well...but sometimes putting things together is a different story.


Dude, this made me LAUGH!!! I knew Blizz held more secrets than he let on. Hehe. Can't feel sorry for Mako though. Don't like her too much. HRMPH! Trying to steal my man, hells no! Write more!!! Gotta have Crez and Vector, woman!

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Dude, this made me LAUGH!!! I knew Blizz held more secrets than he let on. Hehe. Can't feel sorry for Mako though. Don't like her too much. HRMPH! Trying to steal my man, hells no! Write more!!! Gotta have Crez and Vector, woman!


well its not so much hes used to tearing apart huge monsters, but i figured he would do well if he pictured field dressing and butchering a large meat carcass like disassembling a droid. Take it apart into manageable pieces, and salvage the edible bits.

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