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On dead servers, people leaving, and more.


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Well, OP...I do not believe that it is fair to the NON hardcore pvp'er to be unable to obtain a decent set of Battlemaster gear after 2 or 3 weeks of grinding. Some people can not spend 14 hours a day and have 7 other friends that pre make pvp groups and consider themselves "elite". With the new War Hero gear out, there is no reason that the old Battlemaster stuff not be made available to the less hard core pvp'ers for simply wz commendations. If the devs were to cater to only the "elite" then the game would surely crash as the casual gamers make an MMO possible.


Thanks for the giving me the ability to obtain a decent set of gear wtih WZ coms bioware :)


If you "eilte" players want to have a challenge, please participate in rated WZ's upon release, thanks


You are neglecting a main point here.


This is not about catering to elite, casual, whatever.


This is about keeping players in the game.


All these moves to make things easier has resulted in a dead, quiet, non existing community that has less players per server than games long thought to be dead and/or dying. The catering to the people who can only play 2 or 3 hours a week has killed the game for the playerbase that keeps MMOs alive, active and gives a community for those so-called casual gamers to play in.


It's not about catering to any side. It's simply about what works and does not work. Spoon feeding everyone/making things so easily achieved for players who only show up 4 hours a week fosters no community whatsoever except a silent, dead one that drives the majority (and it is by a wide margin they are the majority) of MMO players away.

Edited by Eirienie
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It sure did. And I remember playing with you quite a bit back then. (I am Aruru). It sucks to see how fast it all sank. But there isn't really any place that hasn't. They're just about all this way. :/ Maybe 3 or 4 that arent. But, just about all of them are.


You should xfer to the Swiftsure server when xfers become available and if Switfsure is available for transfers.

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You should xfer to the Swiftsure server when xfers become available and if Switfsure is available for transfers.


Nah, I won't leave the RP servers if I did move. But I also can't ditch my guild. <3 them. If it came down to having to transfer, I'd likely just unsub SWTOR and play Tera more often

Edited by Eirienie
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I resubscribed earlier as well and noticed how much my server has died within the last few months of my absence. I really hope transfers are coming out within a reasonable time frame. I was quite shocked when I logged in, since "The Swiftsure" and "Anchorhead" use to be the number one full/heavy servers to play on since release. This is a bummer. :(


yap, the swiftsure is dieing so fast, fewer and fewer ppl chatting,

but at the same time, the ASPA servers r more active and ppl r more like a adult,

unlike TS server.

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Yes that's what is needed. If only EA and Bioware could see past the fluff like like dead servers, buggy sounds. And lack of features such as cross server PvP and LFG tools!!!




Sounds small to you, but having chat bubbles would have given this supposedly social game some actual social aspect.

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Well,i 'll talk objective.I played all ''Other game''s,including this fresh one,D3,a.k.a ''Lord of Error'' And all i can see people are waiting and asking so much from developers.SWTOR is a new,fresh game.Of course it wont be full with some endgame contents like ''Other game'' has.Everybody wanted swtor to be an expension pack of other game.I know most of ''Hardcore guys'' came here from ''Other game'' like me.And i am asking,if they saw what did their precious gamemakers do with their fresh game.How many bugs,how many errors.But they'll buy whatever they give right? I know because i saw everyone did swear to swtor at General Chat at 15 May .They said ''This is the end.Its freaking or f...ing d3 i'll never play this game anymore.'' So did they see what they've got now? Or they wanna more? I am definitly not a fanboy of some company.I play whatever game is good.But lets be realistic.A 7 years old game with years of update,years of patches contents and i cant see why everyone is trying to compare it to some 7.5 month game.One says ''Put an arena to this game and it'll be allright.Another yells ''I want more pve i had it at bla bla bla.'' Guys i think everybody needs to calm down and give this game a chance.Every reasonable people can easly see they'll put everything right in some time.Personally,i stopped playing swtor for 2 weeks to really see if D3 really worth it.But i kept my subs alive.I dont say anyone to do that like me.I did it because i dont care 15 euro per month,its a funny number you can spend more within a casual day.Especially if you are sitting at some coffee shop with your gf :D


Finally,as a game lover all i can say i am not playing swtor right now.But its not because of this game is bad.Real reasons for me is my friends and low population.And i'll be back when i can see good numbers on fleets.I know Bioware is a good,capable company.They'll fix a lot of things with some time.BtW D3 is not what was i expected.And i am reading half of the world also thinking like me.Yes,its also definitly a good game with some great potential.But if people will give D3 the chance Swtor hasnt got,it'll make me sad.Its definitly will be a brain-washing if that happens.You can just read what i wrote down here and pass it away but you'll see it in time.GW2 comes out soon,am i correct? And everybody will rush there for their dream game.But it also wont be perfect.Or should i say it wont be ''what they dreamed like.'' We saw it at D3 fails.It'll have bugs,problems,some pve lovers wont love it or something else.Or other games or mmos i dont know what could i say.We still arent in a perfect age.By the time we all played ''Other game'' because it had no other option in its time.Being perfect wasnt the reason why it hit the millions.


Complaining wont help the game,open threads with some real good ideas.Instead of humilating them,tell your ideas.We did it about social gear optimization for medium and heavy armor and now i see they really doing it.Its a minor change but it shows they care about your ideas.There is some basic logic.If they are doing it,it means its a doable thing.If they arent doing it,it means they have better or some secret weapon thing in their hands.I mean,it would be really funny if we knew the game making more than BW employees.Really? So why cant we do our own mmo and conquer the world :D Guys,seriously.This guys are doing this since most of us were kids.Have some faith.Or become a game designer,create your own perfect mmo and i promise,i'll be the first one who 'll pay to you.Will see you on new updates. :)

Edited by Nimarien
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I'm not saying everything should take years to complete or something, btw. But yes. The over simplicity of so much of the core MMO concepts is driving people away, and its killing the game.


I can't speak for anybody else, but the oversimplification is one of the reasons why I am leaving. Sure i don't want a second job (ok id kill for a RL job since I am one of the unemployed in this country, but the point remains) but at least -some- complexity never hurt. MMOs are not in the same genre as console games for a reason. :-/

Edited by Ironcleaver
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I can't speak for anybody else, but the oversimplification is one of the reasons why I am leaving. Sure i don't want a second job (ok id kill for a RL job since I am one of the unemployed in this country, but the point remains) but at least -some- complexity never hurt. MMOs are not in the same genre as console games for a reason. :-/


That is exactly my point.


MMO's thrive upon replayability and the desire to replay something to achieve a goal. This game lacks that due to the ease in which it is all accomplished.

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Which mmo has hard contents at 2012? can you tell one.Seriously i'll try my luck there.Because there are 2 types of fellas which one is wants hard content like us,others want to take something easily and if content is too hard for them,they leaves.If content is too easy,we leave.I left WoW for this.After lfg tools everybody took the same items,fight difficulties lowered to easy.From what i've heard,they even put LfR after i left.I laughed so much after what i've heard.10 man raids can take the same item levels with 25 mans,only more drops at 25 man.
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I, among many others, said this exact same thing back in January. They had months to adjust the difficulty of the content and to add something meaningful and long-term for people to keep them playing yet did absolutely nothing.
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As mush as i agree with lots of the things ppl r saying......these post are pointless, they don't listen to them


That's true! They do however listen to loss revenue so if you want change now your best course of action is to quit the game in protest. That's what I tell people who play mmorpgs. That's the only way mmorpg companies listen unfortunately.

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Yes that's what is needed. If only EA and Bioware could see past the fluff like like dead servers, buggy sounds. And lack of features such as cross server PvP and LFG tools!!!




Sounds small to you, but having chat bubbles would have given this supposedly social game some actual social aspect.


LOOOL!!! Oh yes because then the 3 other people on my server will be so happy. Yes much more important than server transfers. Get your head out your ***.....


Wait... Have I just been trolled?

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Yes that's what is needed. If only EA and Bioware could see past the fluff like like dead servers, buggy sounds. And lack of features such as cross server PvP and LFG tools!!!




Since this is nine pages away I doubt you will see this but either way.


I see your sarcasm, but the population issues wont be fixed by server megers. People left because this game is missing alot of small things that accumulate into on big issue...."hanging out of fleet waiting for ques or groups".


If there is nothing to do out of warzones and flashpoints and no reason to leave fleet then people will not stay, and this time next year server mergers or transfers will be brought up once again.

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The really sad part is that they will most likely charge what WoW charges for transfers, which is currently $25.00 US. WAY overpriced, but you watch; even though SWTOR's subscription numbers can't even hold a candle to WoW's subscriber numbers, EA will insist that we pay the same amount.


When complaining about the current state of the game is not enough: Make stuff up, and then complain about it.

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Since this is nine pages away I doubt you will see this but either way.


I see your sarcasm, but the population issues wont be fixed by server megers. People left because this game is missing alot of small things that accumulate into on big issue...."hanging out of fleet waiting for ques or groups".


If there is nothing to do out of warzones and flashpoints and no reason to leave fleet then people will not stay, and this time next year server mergers or transfers will be brought up once again.


Exactly. This is the truth, thank you very much.


To illustrate this: have a look at the main community page. The first item listed there is yesterday's community update. Look at the picture they chose. It shows a nice, populated(!) cantina, which sadly is something that doesn't occur in this game. Not in cantinas, not on planets, nowhere except the PVP mission terminal. There is absolutely no interaction and that's all that is wrong with this game and has been from the start.

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Yes that's what is needed. If only EA and Bioware could see past the fluff like like dead servers, buggy sounds. And lack of features such as cross server PvP and LFG tools!!!




Just speaking for myself, I'd rather have chat bubbles and voice emotes come before any PvP content (which I never did in my 3 yrs at The Other MMO Whose Name Shall Not Be Named) or Ranked War Zones (whatever that is...).


Have a nice day.



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Kudos to the OP - this is the most eloquent post on the problem I have read. If only the devs could take note, and at least tell us they recognise this.


I agree with the addition suggested by others here - lack of endgame content + lack of server pop to share it with leads to the exodus of subs. I'm generally more of a PvPer, and my sub is up in mid June. I just dont think that 1.3 is enough to keep me on. And as the OP points out, leveling an alt would be fun if I didn't have to grind through all the same areas and missions again for the fourth time.


I desperately want this game to succeed; but I share the sinking feeling that others do here, and fear it might be too late.


Well, there is always the Elder Scrolls. But if Bioware created a single player MMO then what hope is there for Bethesda?

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Just speaking for myself, I'd rather have chat bubbles and voice emotes come before any PvP content (which I never did in my 3 yrs at The Other MMO Whose Name Shall Not Be Named) or Ranked War Zones (whatever that is...).


Have a nice day.




and to counter I would rather have more content, decent pvp and dual spec way before anything that I toggle off in any other game.

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I guess this is why I played Age of Conan for 4 years. it was HARD. Everything required time, effort. And when you finished something, you felt like you achieved something - and above all, you felt like you got your money's worth out of the game. And the leveling, raiding, etc were so hard that you were EAGER to see how well you'd handle it as another character class. So you go through it all again with excitement.


But that same difficulty is why it was never a huge success. And the lack of difficulty is why WoW is a huge success. Choosing to appeal to the childish pick up and play and be great model, or the advanced lots of learning curve and strategy model, is hard on a company. They see games like AoC and say, well, that company isnt making billions. But WoW is. So lets go the WoW model. The problem is, WoW is the EXCEPTION, not the rule.


Some of the best MMOs in gaming history were of the difficult, time consuming, effort requiring models. And those games put MMOs on the map. EQ, UO, etc were hard and had a cult following of millions of players who stayed to the bitter end of the game, and were heartbroken when such a journey ended. While WoW players come and go like a revolving door, make the community one of the worst in any MMO in history.


TOR is not failing due to lack of difficulty. If anything, the increased difficulty of EC is driving away the meat and potatoes of the raid_willing playerbase. Pre-1.2, we could pick up a 8th dps from an alliance guild and do HM EV/KP without barely slowing down. It was great. Post-1.2, we can barely find anyone and no one wants to even think about bringing fresh blood to an EC run - it's just too much headache to train them.


My Ops team finally just gave up.


TOR will not pull this from the whirlpool of death by trying to up the challenge. What TOR is missing is core features. Without server transfers for players to relocate to a vibrant server and LFD for people to get a group going in moderate amount of time - people leave. On top of that, the rewards for HM Flashpoints need buffed a bit so that there is actually a reason for people who still raid to run them and bolster the queue times.


It's poor development that is killing TOR. TOR had some solid ideas and a decent launch but EA/Bioware has drastically fumbled the football by being too slow to get support features in place.

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But now raids have become a major part of the MMO scene. The only newer MMOs to do without them are of the korean origin, where killing hordes of non-epic everyday stuff is as fun at level 1 and it is at level 50/60/80/99 or whatever the cap is.


Raids are very unpopular - in another generation or two, I believe we'll be lucky to find any more than 1 or 2 single boss raids - tossed in just so the developers say, yeah, we have raids too.


If raiding was so popular, keeping an ops team full would not be so much of a chore in every MMORPG to date.

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Sorry, but pvp is still easy to get. Not as easy as PvE lately. But still easy. I got full War-Hero in only a couple weeks. Just takes some persistance, but not very mmuch effort.


Persistence is effort. It takes "effort" to reach valor rank 70. It requires many hours of waiting in a queue and hundreds of Warzones to earn the valor. That is "effort".


The word you are looking for is "skill". No MMORPG will ever deny gaining PvP points again (read: WoW failure) when losing. Someone always has to lose in PvP and people that consistently lose tend to quit playing very quickly. This is also why ratings killed the WoW Arena system. Complimentary points are what ensures they stick around.


The fail part of PvP in an MMORPG is that the developers keep wanting to attach gear progression to it just like they do PvE.

Edited by Raeln
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