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Hard Talk On Gamebreaker TV(The Republic: Doomed To Fail)


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Its funny that so many people down play this review and say the gamebreaker is just untrue or they dont trust there reveiws.


Its funny because back when this game came out the previews by these people were that the game was amazing and groundbreaking all that jazz, and people came on here to post those videos and people stood by it like it was the a bible verse.

Yes, each one of them has spoken how good SWTOR does certain things in the past, they are no haters (okay Justin Lowe is a hater... I mean Darth Hater). Taugrim said often that he thinks that SWTOR had before patch 1.2 one of the balanced PvP systems out there (and that guys seems to play a lot of PvP).


I guess people who attacking them haven't even bothered to watch the show, and have no clue what they are talking here.

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Yes, each one of them has spoken how good SWTOR does certain things in the past, they are no haters (okay Justin Lowe is a hater... I mean Darth Hater). Taugrim said often that he thinks that SWTOR had before patch 1.2 one of the balanced PvP systems out there (and that guys seems to play a lot of PvP).


I guess people who attacking them haven't even bothered to watch the show, and have no clue what they are talking here.


Sure pre 1.2 pvp combat was balanced in the minds of Sorc players..... there was a reason half the population was playing Sorcs as their mains in pvp... I used to go into warzones and 6 out 8 players on the empire side were Sorcs.... Oh yes it was the cool lighting effect that attracted them to that class :rolleyes:


Look Gamebreaker runs a web show and they gotta create some sort of drama to get viewers... Is SWTOR going through a struggling phase? Yes, but like most media they want to play it up to get viewers....

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People who bark about media bias do so because the shows they're complaining about don't have their bias. But despite getting over said bias (which they can apparently recognize easily) they ignore the source of information completely, and miss the point. Shame on them.
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You can tell the guys at Gamebreaker were hitting close to home by the reactions here. Instead of arguing against what was addressed on the show we are left with ad hominems attacks against the show and its hosts.


Classic actions of the desperate.


They didn't address anything other then QQ about the layoffs.... They only guessed about why people were laid off, I could do that, if your going to run a web show and want to talk about something try and have some FACTS or at the very least some anonymous inside information, they didn't have ANYTHING, they were just 4 guys GUESSING why EA/Bioware did what they did... All Darthhater would say was "I'm uncomfortable saying what I think", why is he even on that show if he's not going to at the very least give his opinions given he's suppose to be some sort of SWTOR "" Expert ""

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Quote: Originally Posted by Bluerodian

Given the state of affairs that are known (Layoffs, Server Mergers, Declining population on most servers) what will Bioware do to rectify the situation? It's interesting to watch how it unfolds and speculate.


Layoffs is something that happen to a lot of MMO's after there out even WoW. The layoffs was also more of EA's doing then Bioware, EA has layoffs all over not just Bioware .You just do not need a big team no more. As for declining population Bioware is going to have to do Server Mergers. As servers pop's drop more people leave because there is no one on there server. some people re-roll on othere servers that have high pop's on them and that just makes the low pop servers even more dead. Some people well come back when they can more there 50's to other servers.


Bioware did F-up when the game come out with just adding more and more servers to keep the Q times down when the game first come out.

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Yes, each one of them has spoken how good SWTOR does certain things in the past, they are no haters (okay Justin Lowe is a hater... I mean Darth Hater). Taugrim said often that he thinks that SWTOR had before patch 1.2 one of the balanced PvP systems out there (and that guys seems to play a lot of PvP).


I guess people who attacking them haven't even bothered to watch the show, and have no clue what they are talking here.


Yeah and then i lost nearly all respect for taugrim as a pvp critic at that point. Let me give a you a reminder how pvp was in 1.1: the first 5 weeks in the WZ (and im talking 24 hours grinding here) you will get owned because of gear imbalances. And while their is a difference between WH and BM its nowhere near as huge as 1.1. BM is easy to get. So now WZ are more determined by skill then gear and that's a very good thing.


Also while Swtor has taken some losses this is expected. But the true success of a mmo depends on how fast content gets cranked out. And BW is not doing a bad job at this. All MMO's are ongoing projects to say that their is not enough end game content at launch is not something i take seriously. I mean since the game started 1 Ops got fleshed out another one was added we have seen 2 more FP's and one extra WZ .compare this to WoW where the first 7 months they only released 2 instances and the very first BG. So its not bad considering that most companies spend the first 3 months bug fixing their game. And BW once again gain more points with me because their game is more advanced then WoW. Now they only need to implement the tools like LFG and cross server WZ and i will be very happy.

Edited by Jaigen
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Sure pre 1.2 pvp combat was balanced in the minds of Sorc players..... there was a reason half the population was playing Sorcs as their mains in pvp... I used to go into warzones and 6 out 8 players on the empire side were Sorcs.... Oh yes it was the cool lighting effect that attracted them to that class :rolleyes: Look Gamebreaker runs a web show and they gotta create some sort of drama to get viewers... Is SWTOR going through a struggling phase? Yes, but like most media they want to play it up to get viewers....
I don'T think they have to create any drama... have you watched the forums recently, we have already enough drama here. Sure, the title of the episode is a little dramatic, but they talk about the issues and how people might look on the game quite neutral... I really comment to watch this episode... And once more on the drama thing, they also called patch 1.2 the Jesus patch, in anticipation how huge that patch they thought the patch would be.


Yeah and then i lost nearly all respect for taugrim as a pvp critic at that point. Let me give a you a reminder how pvp was in 1.1: the first 5 weeks in the WZ (and im talking 24 hours grinind here) you will get owned because of gear imbalances. And while their is a difference between WH and BM its nowhere near as huge as 1.1. BM is easy to get. So now WZ are more determined by skill then gear and thats a very good thing.

I agree with you on this... I guess Taugrim thought the shadow tank should have been nevfed and that the sent/mara is now not rightly balanced. So this might cloud his judgement of the PvP balance before and after 1.2 hit the live servers.

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Layoffs is something that happen to a lot of MMO's after there out even WoW. The layoffs was also more of EA's doing then Bioware, EA has layoffs all over not just Bioware .You just do not need a big team no more. As for declining population Bioware is going to have to do Server Mergers. As servers pop's drop more people leave because there is no one on there server. some people re-roll on othere servers that have high pop's on them and that just makes the low pop servers even more dead. Some people well come back when they can more there 50's to other servers.


Bioware did F-up when the game come out with just adding more and more servers to keep the Q times down when the game first come out.

I know layoffs happen, but as was touched on in the video what I find odd is that they laid off Reid, their community manager. Straight up cut the face off of their game which is apparently something outside of the normal.


Couple that with a statement EA gave around the same time that TOR is not a priority for them, placing Star Wars somewhere below FPS and Sports games.


I don't know about others, but I find that just odd even from an entirely objective standpoint. You do not pump as much money in to a game as was pumped in to TOR and then turn around and say it isn't a priority, especially not a game with such a strong IP attached to it (the statement probably went over with Lucasarts like a fart in church).


I'm waiting now for the other shoe to drop and whatever happens, I don't think it's going to be very pretty.

Edited by Bluerodian
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If you dont want to accept actual proof from a game thats your choice. Lot of us predicted right, during developmnet whne it WAS time for theories, what will happen with SWTOR endgame, and all we can say, and what are NOW willing to say is "we told you so".


Unfortunately i dont see BW changing their course or stand on it, so, yah, let them do it wrong again, and let them lay off some more staff.


Save your breath Mike

He will just turn it into name calling and try to drag you down


I stopped reading his stuff at


But having run my own guild for 7+ yrs


Its clear he entered MMOs at WOW and simply doesnt have the understanding or experience or knowledge base to accurately discuss this threads topics and the known out comes of different issues. So he resorts to insults and name calling and Im simply not taking part in that nonsense and mud slinging.


Im put him on a certain feature as no interest in argueing with someone who cant discuss a topic with out going to meaningless insults (as he did in other post).


You grow up flipping burgers at McDonalds your whole life, you cant be expected to suddenly be able to create and visualize a 200 person banquet of Prime Rib after all.

Edited by Kalfear
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LMAO at all the fanbois thinks this game be saved, Get real!! you know everyone on the panel was telling the truth and you all SW fanbois just don't want to admit that!!!


Its amazing how many people are on this forum want this game to fail.

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I know layoffs happen, but as was touched on in the video what I find odd is that they laid off Reid, their community manager. Straight up cut the face off of their game which is apparently something outside of the normal.


Couple that with a statement EA gave around the same time that TOR is not a priority for them, placing Star Wars somewhere below FPS and Sports games.


I don't know about others, but I find that just odd even from an entirely objective standpoint. You do not pump as much money in to a game as was pumped in to TOR and then turn around and say it isn't a priority, especially not a game with such a strong IP attached to it (the statement probably went over with Lucasarts like a fart in church).


I'm waiting now for the other shoe to drop and whatever happens, I don't think it's going to be very pretty.


For God's sake, they didn't say TOR isn't a priority. They said it's not their TOP priority. There are other games that bring them far more money per year than TOR currently does, and it will take TOR a long time before it gets anywhere near their top selling game.

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Its amazing how many people are on this forum want this game to fail.

Well people forgot the Salem witch hunts....thats what mmo forums are.

If you dont float you drown,If you do float your guilty and to be burned at the stake.

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It's funny to see the progressively more negative opinion of the guy from DarthHater towards the game - and obviously he's as invested in the game as anyone. "YAY, my server's dead - I'm the only one on the fleet. I guess I can play by myself?!"


Over the course of just a month those guys went from decent optimism to complete pessimism - they all seem shaken by Stephen Reid's firing, I guess.


I think Bioware would have been MUCH better off not firing the community manager - such bad PR they're getting from one little employment decision.

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I think Bioware would have been MUCH better off not firing the community manager - such bad PR they're getting from one little employment decision.


Nobody can say what was the better decision untill the new community team has started rolling. And they made their first introduction post just yesterday.


One possitive out of that one: Instead of all community information coming through one source (both into BW and out of it), there will be community managers as part of every development team giving direct information back and forth. That seems a lot better and I see some possitive coming out of that in the future.


As always, I'll just wait and see untill whatever reason deems it is no longer worth my time to be in this game. Instead of saying how much the game is doomed to fail or whatever. I just dislike how hyperbole in the media has become so common that people are actually beginning to speak in it in real life as well, instead of seeing shades of gray everything is 'perfect' or 'utter crap' these days.

Edited by Devlonir
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One possitive out of that one: Instead of all community information coming through one source (both into BW and out of it), there will be community managers as part of every development team giving direct information back and forth. That seems a lot better and I see some possitive coming out of that in the future.


Yep, I definitely like the idea of having community managers focus on each area of the game - PvP, PvE, role-playing, etc. and interfacing directly with the developers in those areas. I'm sure the PvPers have a world of feedback for BW. And I'm sure the role players' will enjoy telling a new person all about why they need chat bubbles and the ability to sit down.


Restructuring into smaller teams seems like a nice way to spin the firings.

Edited by jgelling
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None of you here know the exact reason why Reid was fired. Maybe some higher ups took the time to actually read the forums and realized that the community HERE, not on twitter, was completely ignored. We don't know the real reason and, most likely, never will.
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Gamebreaker is about as amateur as you can get. They stink of desperation for views. The guy that looks like a cross between a wookiee and a targ called himself a journalist one day, true story. Edited by Kaptain
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None of you here know the exact reason why Reid was fired. Maybe some higher ups took the time to actually read the forums and realized that the community HERE, not on twitter, was completely ignored. We don't know the real reason and, most likely, never will.


Or so you assume.

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I know layoffs happen, but as was touched on in the video what I find odd is that they laid off Reid, their community manager. Straight up cut the face off of their game which is apparently something outside of the normal.


Couple that with a statement EA gave around the same time that TOR is not a priority for them, placing Star Wars somewhere below FPS and Sports games.


I don't know about others, but I find that just odd even from an entirely objective standpoint. You do not pump as much money in to a game as was pumped in to TOR and then turn around and say it isn't a priority, especially not a game with such a strong IP attached to it (the statement probably went over with Lucasarts like a fart in church).


I'm waiting now for the other shoe to drop and whatever happens, I don't think it's going to be very pretty.


That is because EA has several franchises ( Medal of honor , BF and Fifa) that right now create more profit for them. So they are writing SWTOR of (which is unlikely because SWTOR is still hugely successful when it comes to creating profit) or they are waiting for this game to mature and create a cash cow.

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Gamebreaker is about as amateur as you can get. They stink of desperation for views. The guy that looks like a cross between a wookiee and a targ called himself a journalist one day, true story.


Rofl you fanboys kill me. Last November when GBTV was buying into they hype and proclaiming SWTOR might be one of the best MMOs ever this very forum sang the praises of the enlightened and fair hosts on GB.TV. I distinctly remember a thread claiming that a "respected MMO news site finally realized how revolutionary SWTOR is". It was that very thread that lead me to GB.TV for the first time.


Fast forward to now and all I see is ad hominem attacks against the hosts with little to no debate about the content of the show. You fanboys have run out of ways to defend the games serious flaws and instead throw out childish insults in a vain attempt to masks the fact that SWTOR is in trouble.

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