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Hard Talk On Gamebreaker TV(The Republic: Doomed To Fail)


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No it doesn't. It deletes redundant posts and directs them to the main post on the same topic.


They only ones suspended (not banned) are those breaking the TOS for the forums regularly. They have a very specific point based system for those. Get enough infraction, you aren't going to be able to post for awhile.


But mass banning just for being critical? Nope, not happening. Out right lie. I'd be banned if that were the case.


And me for sure :)

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The emotional response to this is hilarious. What did they say really? lol It's like Seinfeld. A show about nothing.


I watched the entire thing; they said what everyone is already talking about. Too many people in this thread with their eyes closed and their fingers in their ears, going "La la la la!"

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I watched the entire thing; they said what everyone is already talking about. Too many people in this thread with their eyes closed and their fingers in their ears, going "La la la la!"


lol -wouldn't let me just post LOL so had to add this bit



oh and before anyone says anything im still playing on a daily basis on my lvl 50's and lvling alts...

Edited by Iwaswrong
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So 1 artical and a game is "doomed". Yeah... I think not.


1 article post here in this thread, well over 1 million other posts on other forums and other review sites saying the same thing.


I want to love the game too, don't get your panties in a twist, it's just bioware dont really care about the game, so how can we expect anything to come of anything. This game will die in the *** in less than 2 yrs.

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No it doesn't. It deletes redundant posts and directs them to the main post on the same topic.


They only ones suspended (not banned) are those breaking the TOS for the forums regularly. They have a very specific point based system for those. Get enough infraction, you aren't going to be able to post for awhile.


But mass banning just for being critical? Nope, not happening. Out right lie. I'd be banned if that were the case.


That is a complete lie. They do remove posts that they dont want people to see. They will also give you infraction points just because someone reports you.

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They do raise an interesting point though. Going forward, is Bioware going to be able to maintain the 4th pillar idea of heavy story emphasis, potentially at the loss of other areas of the game, or are they going to have to abandon the 4th pillar in order to devote those resources to aspects like endgame PVE and PVP.


There was no speculation on the size of Bioware's resource pool, but still it is an interesting point. If the decision to have to do one or the other was dropped in front of them, which would they choose?


I'd hope they drop both to support the 4th pillar. I have no interest in endgame PvE, and no interest in ANY form of PvP in an RPG.

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Which are outweighed by out right fabrications. " It’s bioware who is mass banning people on their forum for openly naming the problems"


Gamebreaker is not worth reading for any reviews imo.


That is an exaggeration, not a fabrication. you will have to just take my word for this because if I provided the links and quotes to prove my point, my post would be deleted and I would incur more infraction points.

Edited by Lurchy
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I just had a funny thought... Remember that GIANT flashmob freeze frame scene they did (in times square i think) for the launch of SWTOR? with hundreds of jedis vs hundreds of siths?


Well, in SWTOR, if that many siths and jedis came face to face, the game would actually freeze, just like in that flash freeze mob! wow what a co-incidence

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I like the panel. I don't like the host. The host is a spinster and doomsayer.


They brought up a lot of good points like how there is always a dip and how a lot of those layoffs were probably contracts expiring and expected redundancies. And I agree with them that letting Reid go was a PR misstep.


As for the rest.. we're still the #2 MMO in the NA market right now and the #1 cheated and bribed their players with a free AAA title game for a year long subscription contract. And BW is still laying the ground work. There is no reason that this game won't sustain so long as EA doesn't cut the rug out from under BW-Austin. Yes D3 hurt. Yes GW2 will hurt if they don't come up with a good enticement in time.


I still enjoy the game. I played pretty hardcore for the first 4 months (4 50s with a few 30s+) and I have since cut back and played some other games, but TOR is still my MMO and will be so long as they keep the lights on and continue making fun content. No podcast or whathaveyou will convince me otherwise.

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LOL, why do people think GBtv wants swtor to fail? every single guy on that panel is a die hard sw fan and are still trying to be swtor fans (which lets face, even the fanboys are having problems with these days)


Do i agree with everything they say, no not at all, but all of those guys hve played swtor since release and in beta and dont want to see the game fail. Hell all of them make money from swtor and if it fails they will be impacted by it.


If you want to get your swtor news from some site that blows smoke up your #$% and tells you its all rosey im sure you might be able to find one left, maybe.

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I like the panel. I don't like the host. The host is a spinster and doomsayer.


If you take what he says seriously then youre right, the show probably isnt for you. Its made to be entertaining and funny, personaly after listening to the republic i fall alseep listening to any other swtor pod cast.

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They make some good valid points.Also a giood talk on end game PvP at around 50-55m.

As us they get it,question is does BioWare get it ?


I'm not sure, but your signature is brilliant!

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But bioware do ban people and delete post/threads that are critical of them............


If that were even close to true there would be something like 5 posts in the general forum lately and 2 people left posting them.


Oh wait, I read it somewhere so it must be true. My bad.

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I watched the entire thing; they said what everyone is already talking about. Too many people in this thread with their eyes closed and their fingers in their ears, going "La la la la!"


Yeah I watched the whole thing as well and gotta say I didnt agree with them much at all!


And the Darth Hater guy trying to be so politically correct with his answers was annoying as all hell.


-Its clear they all like Stephen Reid so were working from a Bias there. While I approved of Reids changes to forums (you think moderation tough now, should have seen under Dalberg) his use of Twitter has come under heavy critism and WASNT veiwed as a positive thing (as they try to spin). Reid lacked a forum presence and thus lacked a community presence outside of his twitter fanbase.


- Keep hearing them talk about community and empty servers and declining subs yet not one of them offered up solid impactful options to building the community. They seem tot hink if you put people togather they suddenly going to start talking to each other and interacting.


News flash, if people not doing it now with 4 or 5 others in their areas, why would they suddenly open up to 100+ in same area?


The game needs social content to bring players togather. Not Raids for raiders that promote more clickish behavior, not Ranked Warzones for PVPers that promite more clickish behavior, not Auction house, not any of that. The game needs content that BRINGS ALL PLAYERS (of all styles) TOGATHER TO A COMMON PURPOSE.


-Cant say I agreed with much with Gamebreaker and dont see me watching another episode after that.

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That is a complete lie. They do remove posts that they dont want people to see. They will also give you infraction points just because someone reports you.



they deleted so many threads and messages here on the forums..If you don't believe me check the forums in the weekend, bookmark a few threads, then come back on Monday, check them, you'll see some of them already non-existent or locked. There was this 23 pages long thread about how a GM told people not to do world pvp and his threats, the community manager dude came here first said " these players are lying, we are going to ban them.." and after some time they realized what players were saying was true, then simply apologized and locked it.


A lot of crazy fan boyz call people trolls here, but sadly even trolls don't care anymore, so get over it and learn the meaning of trolling first. A lot of people already moved on and not checking the forums. Most of those who still criticize this game want to see it getting better, not just because they have no life and simply want to hurt the game.


Hey BW we all care(d) for this game and wanted to see it getting better, we invested in this and you are simply saying "**** you are making my product look bad" with this. BW as a brand is becoming really irritating with such immature and unprofessional behavior.



One more thing, if you do not make your MMO, dynamic, unique, evolving WITH players, and expect to succeed only with new content, you will fail. Don't point out to WOW, because apparently blizzard knows how to handle it and how to use the carrot on a stick strategy correctly.And at least wow's map feels like a world, not like a static theme park. Ugh.. people have been typing the very same things over and over again..instead of qqing here I guess I should move on as well.

Edited by Arasys
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The game needs social content to bring players togather. Not Raids for raiders that promote more clickish behavior, not Ranked Warzones for PVPers that promite more clickish behavior, not Auction house, not any of that. The game needs content that BRINGS ALL PLAYERS (of all styles) TOGATHER TO A COMMON PURPOSE.


-Cant say I agreed with much with Gamebreaker and dont see me watching another episode after that.


Just admit it, you want moonguard rp.


http://www.gamebreaker.tv/video-game-shows/world-of-warcraft-video/blizz-blues-world-of-warcraft-show/world-of-warcraft-machinima-blizz-blues-12-days-of-smack-talkin/ just one reason gbtv rocks.

Edited by Mallorik
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Yeah I watched the whole thing as well and gotta say I didnt agree with them much at all!


And the Darth Hater guy trying to be so politically correct with his answers was annoying as all hell.


-Its clear they all like Stephen Reid so were working from a Bias there. While I approved of Reids changes to forums (you think moderation tough now, should have seen under Dalberg) his use of Twitter has come under heavy critism and WASNT veiwed as a positive thing (as they try to spin). Reid lacked a forum presence and thus lacked a community presence outside of his twitter fanbase.


- Keep hearing them talk about community and empty servers and declining subs yet not one of them offered up solid impactful options to building the community. They seem tot hink if you put people togather they suddenly going to start talking to each other and interacting.


News flash, if people not doing it now with 4 or 5 others in their areas, why would they suddenly open up to 100+ in same area?


The game needs social content to bring players togather. Not Raids for raiders that promote more clickish behavior, not Ranked Warzones for PVPers that promite more clickish behavior, not Auction house, not any of that. The game needs content that BRINGS ALL PLAYERS (of all styles) TOGATHER TO A COMMON PURPOSE.


-Cant say I agreed with much with Gamebreaker and dont see me watching another episode after that.


I totally agree, this game is lacking a lot in this regard.


However, ironically we all know what happens to the game if you actually try to bring more than 16 people together... *ducks and hides* :D

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But bioware do ban people and delete post/threads that are critical of them............


A cursory review of the top threads on the general discussion forum proves that this statement is completely bogus. The number one reason threads are closed is because they duplicate an existing thread. It has nothing to do with whether they are critical of BioWare or not.


Next conspiracy theory, please.

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