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Hard Talk On Gamebreaker TV(The Republic: Doomed To Fail)


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How is it PR spin? It's a very simple to grasp concept if you open your mind to it.


Imagine you're going on a special ops mission, for example, and someone throws open the door to a well stocked armoury and says, "Take whatever you want... and as much as you want..."


Now imagine the same scenario and that person says, "You can take two items..."


Which two items do you take? Previously, it was easy... you took a sniper rifle, an SMG, a bazooka, an assault rifle, some knives, some grenades... but now you can only take two items? Wow, that needs some careful thinking and planning.


Same in any game where you can only load up a limited number of abilities.


On the fly weapon changes basically are their hotbars yes? If you can change your primary 5 abilities at a moment's notice is this not like scrolling through hotbars? I would just prefer to have abilities readily available.

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I can't keep arguing this with you because you just don't get it.


I have tried to be kind about it, but I need to be plainer. Here goes:


You have played too many games like WoW and can't get your head around anything that's different.


I'm sorry about that. I really am, truly, in a non-sarcastic way, sorry. Because I think GW2 is amazing.


And before you go jamming the reply button, just STOP and ask yourself, why would I be trying to explain this to you if there wasn't a reason why this was the case?


I have played GW2. You haven't. Give me some credit that I am trying my best to explain it to you, even if you don't get it.






People "get it"


It just isnt that great of a system for many people.

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We have seriously dragged this thread off-topic. Pull on the reigns, guys and gals. Let's get back to the discussion at hand!


Hehe. I was thinking the samething. What are the chances of all the GW2 stuff getting nixxed here in the next day or two?


Basically like I said earlier in this thread none of the guys that were on the panel sounded optimistic.

Edited by Evironrage
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We have seriously dragged this thread off-topic. Pull on the reigns, guys and gals. Let's get back to the discussion at hand!


Thats the problem though.


Right now the only thing to talk about in SW:ToR is will they be able to make the game playable on more then 6 or 7 servers in 1.3. We don't have anything really cool to look forward to or talk about.


It's the reason the game is in rough shape, best to talk about other things for now lol

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Yeah, because heaven forbid you leave the blanks blank. Because, trust me, if you try to fill them in yourself, you will be wrong.


It's human nature to do this though. I'm not saying either perspective is right, but the behavior is predictable given the situation. Good to read your posts btw.

Edited by mattgyver
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How is it lacking in content? How far did you get?


Not very, but it doesn't take much to see that it doesn't have as much content as the average MMO, and it's very grindy. But that's not necessarily a bad thing. It'll be interesting to see how it fares as an MMO that launched more feature heavy than any other MMO in history at the expense of content.

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But that's the whole POINT.


Until you get your head around why the game is designed that way, you won't be playing the game effectively or correctly. You need to un-learn what other MMOs have conditioned in you. Seriously.


Yep, TESO's designing their game the same way, only with the ability to have additional skill effects by using other players' (in your group) abilities. Kind of a cross between DAoC and GW2. Will be interesting.


Less abilities with a "standard" and "strong" attack on each one will be interesting to see how it all works out.

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You mind sharing where you're hearing this? I've read nothing but glowing reviews, despite looking for objective opinions. If there's as much anxiety over GW2 are you're leading us to believe, it'd be easier to find. :rolleyes:


One doesn't have to travel very far to find negative press about SWTOR.


Not much...yet. If you think there won't be negative press after GW2 launches, now you're being naive.

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I can't keep arguing this with you because you just don't get it.


I have tried to be kind about it, but I need to be plainer. Here goes:


You have played too many games like WoW and can't get your head around anything that's different.


I'm sorry about that. I really am, truly, in a non-sarcastic way, sorry. Because I think GW2 is amazing.


And before you go jamming the reply button, just STOP and ask yourself, why would I be trying to explain this to you if there wasn't a reason why this was the case?


I have played GW2. You haven't. Give me some credit that I am trying my best to explain it to you, even if you don't get it.


Your signature is funny. It amazes me how many resented players cancel their account but go out of their way to stay here and bash the game. The day Im really not interested in this game any more I think I'll be a little more mature and walk away without looking back.


In my opinion players should spend less time fighting about which game is better and more time playing the game they do enjoy, so why don't you go and play Guild W.... oh wait, its not out yet :p

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Your signature is funny. It amazes me how many resented players cancel their account but go out of their way to stay here and bash the game. The day Im really not interested in this game any more I think I'll be a little more mature and walk away without looking back.


In my opinion players should spend less time fighting about which game is better and more time playing the game they do enjoy, so why don't you go and play Guild W.... oh wait, its not out yet :p


Snarky comments aside, if only it were that easy to just go play the game that various people want to play. Some are not out yet, some simply don't exist anymore.


I catch a lot of flak because I say I prefer SWG's later incarnations over TOR. The reason I do is simple. It's NOT World of Warcraft, and the later versions had more than enough interesting content to keep me entertained. Furthermore, in SWG I was playing either a crafter or an entertainer, so the game didn't even play remotely like WoW for me. In TOR, I was out of things worth doing the moment my first character hit 50.


To see that company after company is pumping out thoughtless WoW-clones while games like Uru, that are interesting and different get shut down, relegated to non-existent populations, or suffer quality issues from a much much lower budget, is enough to drive anyone to be bitter.

Edited by Bluerodian
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Not very, but it doesn't take much to see that it doesn't have as much content as the average MMO, and it's very grindy. But that's not necessarily a bad thing. It'll be interesting to see how it fares as an MMO that launched more feature heavy than any other MMO in history at the expense of content.


I really don't see where you're getting this from.


I got a human to level 20 as of the stress test and there was always something to do or see. The last thing I remember was coming across a flying castle somewhere in the second zone south of Divinity's Reach. I came across two instanced dungeons, dynamic events I hadn't experienced yet (apparently success or failure changes subsequent events), and I'd only explored maybe 60% of Divinity's Reach. This says nothing of the fact that each race has its own massive city and questing areas--fully explorable by other races at will.


There is so much there that I'm at a loss as to how you think it's light on content. GW2 does not lack content, and if you want to say it does, then by comparison SWTOR is empty.

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Not much...yet. If you think there won't be negative press after GW2 launches, now you're being naive.


Really? So your argument is "there will be?"


I never said there wouldn't be negative press after it launches. Don't change the subject of the discussion because you can't provide a coherent enough answer.

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Really? So your argument is "there will be?"


I never said there wouldn't be negative press after it launches. Don't change the subject of the discussion because you can't provide a coherent enough answer.


Now, that was unnecessarily rude. I was just making a side point. Calm down.


However, you were the one comparing a post-release press of one game to pre-release press of another game.

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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They make some good valid points.Also a giood talk on end game PvP at around 50-55m.

As us they get it,question is does BioWare get it ?




Some 40year old moron I've never heard of with 1/2lbs of hair gel reading from a teleprompter having his bs opinion reinforced by other people I've never heard of... oh yeah, game must be dead... someone should tell the 500 people in my guild and the 500 people in my guild's leveling guild to quit now...

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Now, that was unnecessarily rude. I was just making a side point. Calm down.


However, you were the one comparing a post-release press of one game to pre-release press of another game.


it's true, Every MMO is the next greatest Game to ever be made in the history of gaming until 3 months after launch.

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Some 40year old moron I've never heard of with 1/2lbs of hair gel reading from a teleprompter having his bs opinion reinforced by other people I've never heard of... oh yeah, game must be dead... someone should tell the 500 people in my guild and the 500 people in my guild's leveling guild to quit now...


Yeah, there is more then just them.


How about you look at the server status page for the game. 12 server above light for all of NA, Europe and Asia, 10 standard and 2 heavy on a weekend.


It's not dead, but it's fighting for it's life against the ropes right now.

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it's true, Every MMO is the next greatest Game to ever be made in the history of gaming until 3 months after launch.


As someone who has played both...

SWTOR needs group finder, server merges, and group finder and it will be a 9/10

GW needs customization, crafting, a story, more diverse game play, and an end game, any kind of end game, really, i'll take anything, anything at all. GW2 has to be free to play otherwise you'll get bored of it in 1 week flat.


SWTOR has it's needed enhancements on the way

GW2 shows no sign of improving, in fact it's probably far too late to add or fix the huge number of things it needs before launch.


I was really really really looking forward to GW2 because it's unique combat mechanics seemed to be more engaging, but it was really just boring, repetitive, and actually required LESS skill than managing CD's and rotations.

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Some 40year old moron I've never heard of with 1/2lbs of hair gel reading from a teleprompter having his bs opinion reinforced by other people I've never heard of... oh yeah, game must be dead... someone should tell the 500 people in my guild and the 500 people in my guild's leveling guild to quit now...


^^ An excerpt from a support group held every tuesday night at the Denny's on 3rd street.

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As someone who has played both...

SWTOR needs group finder, server merges, and group finder and it will be a 9/10

GW needs customization, crafting, a story, more diverse game play, and an end game, any kind of end game, really, i'll take anything, anything at all. GW2 has to be free to play otherwise you'll get bored of it in 1 week flat.


SWTOR has it's needed enhancements on the way

GW2 shows no sign of improving, in fact it's probably far too late to add or fix the huge number of things it needs before launch.


I was really really really looking forward to GW2 because it's unique combat mechanics seemed to be more engaging, but it was really just boring, repetitive, and actually required LESS skill than managing CD's and rotations.


Yeah GW is mainly about PvP the other stuff is just tacked on fluff.


There goal is to become a FPS style game where you join a match and kick the crap out of each other with gameplay of a MMO.


I do agree with the low amount of skills, I have never played it but it didn't like that in GW1 and have concern for it in GW2.

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