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Hard Talk On Gamebreaker TV(The Republic: Doomed To Fail)


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Anyone who took that personaly likely did so because they have an unhealthy obsession with swtor and or bioware. Its like when someone calls your fat and ugly sister fat and ugly. its true but it pisses you off.


And no im not saying your sister is fat and ugly so mods lay off the infraction button you like to spam.


Not exactly. It's more like calling your average-weight, average-looking sister fat and ugly. :p


P.S. - I don't have a sister, so you're safe. :D

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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Who cares, The whole point of the show if for them to tell us about stuff and then comment and what they like and don't like about stuff.


They give there opinion on EVERY single topic they bring up. It's the whole point of the show.

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Who cares, The whole point of the show if for them to tell us about stuff and then comment and what they like and don't like about stuff.


They give there opinion on EVERY single topic they bring up. It's the whole point of the show.


Editorial, then, not entertainment news. No problem! :cool:

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Editorial, then, not entertainment news. No problem! :cool:


Seriously, it's not their job to make tor out to be the be all end all. It's clear they want the game to succeed, but they're not happy about the way things are going. Listen to Taugrim. He thought that they were on the right path with pvp pre 1.2. Every patch had an incremental change (or ridiculous nerf to op/scoundrel). With 1.2 they changed too much at once. You may consider saying that to be negative, but it IS constructive criticism. Larry said that, essentially, once 1.3 hits, and then later when RWZ's come (because I think we can all agree they are likely not to make it in 1.3), that the game will be where it should have been at launch. Obviously, they launched too early, but with 1.3 and RWZ, the game will have features (thanks to 1.2 before it) that most players on the boards here, think should be in a modern (not 7 year ago) mmo at launch. JLowe doesn't feel that Legacy provides anything useful. Besides buff unlocking, and adding races that should have been available to both sides at launch (excepting let's say sith and chiss), he's right. Many of us don't find anything besides the above to be features we care about or desire. No one I've spoken with, in my guild, in pugs, or in multiguild ops, cares about anything Legacy besides the 2 features I mentioned.


They shared their thoughts, provided reasoning, and you're not happy because they didn't lead with the positive. Sorry, but again, it's clear they want the game to succeed. If folks can't see that (not necessarily you JC), then they need to move on from this thread, because they're just causing themselves stress to think about someone not praising the current situation and direction. And anyone who takes Gary Gannon seriously, doesn't get GG. Try watching the Gameplay playthroughs of D3 and Magicka, and you'll get a better feel for him. He's having fun and poking his guests, but he doesn't hate dev companies, and he doesn't want games to fail. If he did, he wouldn't base his income around them.


Their responsibility is to produce shows that get watched, so they can get paid. They've clearly succeeded. I still find them entertaining, and in the case of the panel on TR, insightful, even if I sometimes disagree with their evaluations.

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Seriously, it's not their job to make tor out to be the be all end all. It's clear they want the game to succeed, but they're not happy about the way things are going. Listen to Taugrim. He thought that they were on the right path with pvp pre 1.2. Every patch had an incremental change (or ridiculous nerf to op/scoundrel). With 1.2 they changed too much at once. You may consider saying that to be negative, but it IS constructive criticism. Larry said that, essentially, once 1.3 hits, and then later when RWZ's come (because I think we can all agree they are likely not to make it in 1.3), that the game will be where it should have been at launch. Obviously, they launched too early, but with 1.3 and RWZ, the game will have features (thanks to 1.2 before it) that most players on the boards here, think should be in a modern (not 7 year ago) mmo at launch. JLowe doesn't feel that Legacy provides anything useful. Besides buff unlocking, and adding races that should have been available to both sides at launch (excepting let's say sith and chiss), he's right. Many of us don't find anything besides the above to be features we care about or desire. No one I've spoken with, in my guild, in pugs, or in multiguild ops, cares about anything Legacy besides the 2 features I mentioned.


They shared their thoughts, provided reasoning, and you're not happy because they didn't lead with the positive. Sorry, but again, it's clear they want the game to succeed. If folks can't see that (not necessarily you JC), then they need to move on from this thread, because they're just causing themselves stress to think about someone not praising the current situation and direction. And anyone who takes Gary Gannon seriously, doesn't get GG. Try watching the Gameplay playthroughs of D3 and Magicka, and you'll get a better feel for him. He's having fun and poking his guests, but he doesn't hate dev companies, and he doesn't want games to fail. If he did, he wouldn't base his income around them.


Their responsibility is to produce shows that get watched, so they can get paid. They've clearly succeeded. I still find them entertaining, and in the case of the panel on TR, insightful, even if I sometimes disagree with their evaluations.


They didn't launch too early. Some players just expected too much at launch. :rolleyes:

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Yeah, because a UI where you can move more than the chat box is too much. So is target of target. So is the ability for a guild master to contact his guild with more than 120 characters (I don't know the exact MOTD limit) aka email, or have a guild bank. So is including a feature that you hyped since day 1 and reference as being one of the major cornerstones of the game when the idea for tor first came up (Legacy).


One feature that was definitely in on launch was apologists.

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You can't honestly believe that...

Yes, I do. We waited years, I repeat YEARS for this game. It had taken waay longer than necessary.


Is the game playable from 1-50? Yep. That's all that matters at launch.


Everything else is fluff and can be added later.


WoW, RIFT and Diablo 3 all had diddly squat when they launched. Same with GW2 when it finally launches. To expect more is naive.

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Yes, I do. We waited years, I repeat YEARS for this game. It had taken waay longer than necessary.


Is the game playable from 1-50? Yep. That's all that matters at launch.


Everything else is fluff and can be added later.


WoW, RIFT and Diablo 3 all had diddly squat when they launched. Same with GW2 when it finally launches. To expect more is naive.


I've played GW2. It has much much more in terms of content and features than SWTOR. It's still in beta.


You're naive if you honestly believe that SWTOR was released on time and competitive.

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Yes, I do. We waited years, I repeat YEARS for this game. It had taken waay longer than necessary.


Is the game playable from 1-50? Yep. That's all that matters at launch.


Everything else is fluff and can be added later.


WoW, RIFT and Diablo 3 all had diddly squat when they launched. Same with GW2 when it finally launches. To expect more is naive.


It had taken way longer than necessary.


It lacked features and it's the players who expected too much?


Brain hurts. Cannot reconcile those statements.

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I've played GW2 in beta as well. It's severely lacking in content and features. Now who's being naive?...lol.


Does it have target of target? Honestly, I don't know. Are you able to move the UI around to your liking or are the mini map and action bar locked where the devs decided you should have them?

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I've played GW2 in beta as well. It's severely lacking in content and features. Now who's being naive?...lol.


Really? Is that your reply?











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I've played GW2 in beta as well. It's severely lacking in content and features. Now who's being naive?...lol.


Content, yes it's lacking. Features...not so much. I think they kept it lean on content that won't be missed as much as features people want. And they did it specifically to get the features in, because something always has to give for launch. It's impossible to have it all at launch. Can always add content later.

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Content, yes it's lacking. Features...not so much. I think they kept it lean on content that won't be missed as much as features people want. Can always add content later.


How is it lacking in content? How far did you get?

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I've played GW2 in beta as well. It's severely lacking in content and features. Now who's being naive?...lol.

I'd have to disagree with you, though this is just an opinion, GW2 had a lot of interesting features. Considering there has only been one BWE so far though it is speculation in terms of content. It looks promising, I pre-purchased, and seems like it will deliver on WvW and dynamic events; the dungeons look rather interesting as well. Also the graphics blew me away, very well done and for me it runs smoother than TOR. In the end I haven't found that much that I disliked about the game, and what I dislike isn't game-breaking for me.

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That their audience is naive is not their fault. That they take advantage of that naivete is, however. You may think that no one in their right mind expects the media to be anything but sensational, but once upon a time they were objective. They weren't supposed to take sides.



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Any company that doesn't hype their game is a bad company. ZeniMAX is hyping their game. ArenaNET is hyping their game. Blizzard hypes their games. And on and on.


Specifically because of the fact that the power of suggestion and influence works on the typical human being. I get excited about games. I don't think there is anyone who can say they don't. That doesn't mean we're naive.


And that's a two-way street.


However, a game company has a different responsibility than a news site. Unless it's actually an editorial site, then forget everything I said. :p


I think its more 'wishful thinking' than naivety.

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I've played GW2 in beta as well. It's severely lacking in content and features...


Let me preface my next statement with, I have not played GW2.

From what I have youtubed the game does not seem to be lacking in features and they still have time to addon before launch. That being said if Arena Net sticks to the current UI construction of

, I will likely not play.

I want options and many of them. If a player can't juggle 20+ abilities (I juggle ~28 in SWTOR counting CDs, medpacks, stims etc etc) that is their issue not mine. Limiting a player's choice drastically reduces the entertainment received from gameplay regardless of what other combat innovations might take place.

This issue alone makes me leery of GW2 and now TERA is starting to look much more appealing.

3:30-4:12 if you are looking for the spot on the video where it discusses my concern.

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Let me preface my next statement with, I have not played GW2.

From what I have youtubed the game does not seem to be lacking in features and they still have time to addon before launch. That being said if Arena Net sticks to the current UI construction of only being able to choose 5 abilities to hotbar and then the additional 5 come from your weapon you use, I will likely not play. I want options and many of them. If a player can't juggle 20+ abilities (I juggle ~28 in SWTOR counting CDs, medpacks, stims etc etc) that is their issue not mine. Limiting a player's choice drastically reduces the entertainment received from gameplay regardless of what other combat innovations might take place. This issue alone makes me leery of GW2 and now TERA is starting to look much more appealing.


I can definitely see where you're coming from, however the decision to limit abilities might as well have been inspired by games like SWTOR which have you using so many abilities (and hotbars full of ones you don't use) that it becomes more of an exercise in pressing buttons at the right time (managing cooldowns) as opposed to thinking about the action. To off-set this, they tied half of your current skills to your weapon, which you can swap on the fly--right in the middle of combat--and change up the dynamic. What you're left with is a truly visceral experience that requires some serious knowledge about the other classes and how best to use what weapons--and when--to defeat your enemies.


In the end, I much prefer GW2's streamlining of skills while still providing player choice; the other half of your skills are completely customizable through talent trees that truly offer the player meaningful customization over how they play.

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