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Hard Talk On Gamebreaker TV(The Republic: Doomed To Fail)


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I stopped listening to (and never cared) what Gamebreaker has to say a long, long time ago. Everything they do is artificial and staged or dramatized. They manipulate their audience and do a lot of give/take pandering. They will do whatever it takes to get attention including, but not limited to, manipulating polls (ask Darth Hater about that one), pandering, fabricating facts and passing them off as "inside information" and even latching onto rumors for the sake of traction with the community.


We all know TOR kinds sucks right now. I didn't need Gamebreaker to tell me that. But doomed to fail? On the off chance they are right, it will "validate them." When TOR doesn't fail they will just glaze over it and move on to their next proclamation. That's how it works.

Edited by LexiCazam
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They do raise an interesting point though. Going forward, is Bioware going to be able to maintain the 4th pillar idea of heavy story emphasis, potentially at the loss of other areas of the game, or are they going to have to abandon the 4th pillar in order to devote those resources to aspects like endgame PVE and PVP.


There was no speculation on the size of Bioware's resource pool, but still it is an interesting point. If the decision to have to do one or the other was dropped in front of them, which would they choose?

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The better question is...


Why do you all WANT the game to fail?


Nobody mentioned hoping TOR will fail or not. Even I've gone from despising the game to simply being coldly indifferent. Video content aside, this is about examining the situation that Bioware is in from an objective standpoint and watching how they react.


Given the state of affairs that are known (Layoffs, Server Mergers, Declining population on most servers) what will Bioware do to rectify the situation? It's interesting to watch how it unfolds and speculate.

Edited by Bluerodian
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Who cares about the source if the information is vetted and true? Just because the numbers are bleak and happen to be coming from an apparently unpopular media source, does not patently negate them. There were a lot of great points in that video and the attached article, particularly the reminder that Mr. Ohlen was previously quoted saying that they intended to work with the full team for the long term. I guess those plans changed...


Why? I think it's clear by now that despite EA's and BioWare's best wishes (and hype), the game didn't perform as well as we all thought it would. That's not to say SWTOR is a failure. It's just not the success it was supposed to be.


The game's future is uncertain, in part due to a dearth of communication from the team, but also because of the can-no-longer-be-ignored population decline. Unless the team makes some changes--maybe being more open and providing clear insight into long-term goals, consistent delivery of new content, and the addition of requested features (x-server LFG, chat bubbles, customization options, etc)--I'm not sure the future is good.

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Nobody mentioned hoping TOR will fail or not. Even I've gone from despising the game to simply being coldly indifferent. Video content aside, this is about examining the situation that Bioware is in from an objective standpoint and watching how they react.


Given the state of affairs that are known (Layoffs, Server Mergers, Declining population on most servers) what will Bioware do to rectify the situation? It's interesting to watch how it unfolds and speculate.




I want this game to succeed. But, tbh BW doesn't seem to want this game to succeed. :eek:


Dance my EA puppets. Dance! :D


I am having fun playing the game but, its pretty much CO-Op single player vs. MASSIVELYMORPG right now. :(

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I want this game to succeed. But, tbh BW doesn't seem to want this game to succeed. :eek:


Dance my EA puppets. Dance! :D


I am having fun playing the game but, its pretty much CO-Op single player vs. MASSIVELYMORPG right now. :(

Give me a bounty board, ranked warzones, unlockable planet quests, and a blizz plushtoy and leave me be in my crib.
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Nobody mentioned hoping TOR will fail or not. Even I've gone from despising the game to simply being coldly indifferent. Video content aside, this is about examining the situation that Bioware is in from an objective standpoint and watching how they react.


Given the state of affairs that are known (Layoffs, Server Mergers, Declining population on most servers) what will Bioware do to rectify the situation? It's interesting to watch how it unfolds and speculate.


oh oh oh...don't say that buddy. There are A LOT of people on this site HOPING it fails and they won't get off the site if they don't like the game. Sad :(

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oh oh oh...don't say that buddy. There are A LOT of people on this site HOPING it fails and they won't get off the site if they don't like the game. Sad :(


Yeah it is sad, but i'm not one of them.The reason i posted this was so the developers can watch the show

and hear what players feel abvout the state of the game. And no one on the gamebreaker show wants the game

to fail either.It's like they say, start fixong PvP and end game in general so players have a reason to stay and play.


My opinion is give us damd minigames and real PvP ground and space with better raids.

+ give us the STAR WARS experience.If they want the game to grow they have to start taking feedback.

I know they claim they do but on the real issues it doesnt look like it.

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I wouldnt trust anything from that republic tv they do... The dude reads a script at the side of the screen and doesnt even look at the audience... This tells me he has no idea what he is talking about. Bad form Edited by Razdek
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Yeah it is sad, but i'm not one of them.The reason i posted this was so the developers can watch the show

and hear what players feel abvout the state of the game. And no one on the gamebreaker show wants the game

to fail either.It's like they say, start fixong PvP and end game in general so players have a reason to stay and play.


My opinion is give us damd minigames and real PvP ground and space with better raids.

+ give us the STAR WARS experience.If they want the game to grow they have to start taking feedback.

I know they claim they do but on the real issues it doesnt look like it.


Like I said earlier though, would fixing and developing PVE and PVP mean a loss of resources for story development under the assumption that the budget for TOR has been cut post layoffs?


One way or the other, as I see it eventually Bioware is going to have to compromise its principals on either Story or Gameplay. In the future, we could see an expansion with well-developed PVE and PVP, but with texbox questing like other MMOs, or we could see a fully voiced and well developed story leveling system, but mediocre or non-existent PVE and PVP endgame.

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Like I said earlier though, would fixing and developing PVE and PVP mean a loss of resources for story development under the assumption that the budget for TOR has been cut post layoffs?


One way or the other, as I see it eventually Bioware is going to have to compromise its principals on either Story or Gameplay. In the future, we could see an expansion with well-developed PVE and PVP, but with texbox questing like other MMOs, or we could see a fully voiced and well developed story leveling system, but mediocre or non-existent PVE and PVP endgame.


The thing is, we are already seeing the outcome of devoting efforts toward the fourth pillar. Doubling Down is not the right answer IMO.

Edited by mattgyver
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I think it that was really just a reinforcement of what many of us are feeling right now... The game sold well but it failed to grasp the potential going forward, at least not yet.

Taking the statements from BW about working with the full team going forward, and the obvious cracks being dumbed down within the EA financial blah blah... both statements about the game, its future, the team etc etc will always be covered with spin cream... pretty much every MMO after launch downscales as the number begin to drop off and plateau.. it would never be good business sense to keep supporting such a size team on a diminishing product.. until that plateau begins to be recognised and the team size stabilised around it from a budgeting perspective.


The video does bring out some of those interesting questions around how BW might look to manage the population and attempt to re-energise the community, and engage us by reducing weight times etc etc.. and super servers seems to be the plausable outcome and has worked reasonably well for other titles past and present.. at least in the short term.. the big issues I still believe need to be addressed to enable the notion of super servers to start having that kind of desired effect is.. can the game performance handle it... lets all be honest there are issues that need to be addressed here and have for a large part been allowed to lay dormant as server populations have nosedived .. hiving players into "6-8" (i'll use their qoute) means no matter much it is sharded, the game itself is having problems across a wide spectrum of hardware setups and especially in crowded areas or areas with a large amount of effects going off...

That then leads onto how they develop content and what direction that content takes... Openworld PvP seems to of been pushed into a dark corner somewhere and I think Illum has scared them off it massively.. why because it opens up those cracks in the games ability to perform across that scale of activity.... and that bleeds into endgame Ops etc... how many more times can they release extra, extra low settings to try and increase peoples performance before it looses that vibrant high res appeal, what is the accepted FPS for us to play with before we say "enuff is enuff".. they dont seem to be forthcoming with anything around this.. but for me the content (I also include content direction) and performance are key to seeing their ideas for server pop increases and the supporting tools they are implementing, working with with any scale of success.

I would be happy if they turned round and said look releasing content on a month by month scale may need to be put on hold while we put some better foundations in place on which our content and turnround times can be better maintained without the need to keep re-visiting it with a host of emergent patches for weeks following.


Anyhow, I enjoyed listening to it but I think for most of us its asking all the same things we have been either thinking or talking about on here or other sites.. but it put it in our faces more vccally perhaps ... and btw what was their thinking behind taking out the face of the swtor.. thats seems sooo much like a PR suicide mission.. I thought SR was doing a pretty ok job and handled alot of the issues pretty well certainly up to a few months ago maybe.. but then perhaps he already knew then that this was looming... like the video says all the numbers, the financials are all based around what was actual back in March... not May.


Just my 2 cents worth

Edited by Bloodstealer
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No body here wants this game to fail, its just that BW is doing everything in its power to ensure it does!


Pretty much.


I doubt that many of us actually want the game to fail, but we're getting pretty bored with caring more about it's success than the very people that created it seem to.

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They make some good valid points.


Which are outweighed by out right fabrications. " It’s bioware who is mass banning people on their forum for openly naming the problems"


Gamebreaker is not worth reading for any reviews imo.

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But bioware do ban people and delete post/threads that are critical of them............


No it doesn't. It deletes redundant posts and directs them to the main post on the same topic.


They only ones suspended (not banned) are those breaking the TOS for the forums regularly. They have a very specific point based system for those. Get enough infraction, you aren't going to be able to post for awhile.


But mass banning just for being critical? Nope, not happening. Out right lie. I'd be banned if that were the case.

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