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training costs are TOO MUCH!!!


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No matter how much I kill. No matter how many quests I complete...


I have yet past level 15 been able to afford all my new skills no matter how much crap I throw in the GN.


It's **** and I don't like it. Seriously bio -- you have to cut us a break!!!!! I'll never afford speeder training when I on average have 200 credits to my name.

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I kind of agree but OP you should really start saving up and selling tons of junk from your inventory. I did that alot from Tython-Taris and have like 10K+ of credits at lvl 18. And do the side quests before turning in your main story class quests too that also gives you plenty of credits for training etc.
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No matter how much I kill. No matter how many quests I complete...


I have yet past level 15 been able to afford all my new skills no matter how much crap I throw in the GN.


It's **** and I don't like it. Seriously bio -- you have to cut us a break!!!!! I'll never afford speeder training when I on average have 200 credits to my name.


Why don't you ask them to send a guy over to do the rest of your thinking for you? I want this to be challenging, with decisions to make.

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I'm not buying almost anything. I make most of my gear or loot it or save coms. my skill training has gotten me bankrupt so many times it's ridiculous.


when npc quests give you 200 or so credits... even after 10 quests which is almost a full level up -- that's 2000 credits vs the 1700 skill training.


The rest just pay for my repairs and the very rarely GN gear rupgrade.


My trade skills for artificer are all above a 100. (Treasure hunting usually pays for itself) and archeology I get from world spawns.)


Despite this I'm frickin broke.

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I had 73k at lvl 25 and trained every single crew skill schematic available to me at that point. If you're that broke you need to stop spending credits on useless stuff you dont need. Make sure you arent sending your crew on too many missions or at least make them go on missions that return lockboxes if thats available to you so that you can recoup some of the costs. Making money is easy in this game, I have 270k right now at lvl 38 without really trying.
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Huh? Credits are ridiculously easy to come by in this game? Are you constanlty sending your companion on missions or something? Just sell some crafted blues or purples on the GTN or sell your mats, it's really really easy!
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Honestly you OP you must skip some quests. If not stop wasting money is things of no importance. Also try not to die to much, less repairs.

also you might want to check Space missions they give good credits as well. and you can repeat. :cool: making money is easy. Me i craft medpacks and sell then in ocasion. for instance, im lvl24 and have near 30k or so.

Try do the flashpoints they do credits too for instance.

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Not getting it, I had all the needed money to buy the speeder skill, recipes needed to level up (of course I didn't buy all of them, lvl 10 recipes are useless for later) and at lvl 30 I'm sitting on 40K creds roughly.


I have all my skills and can pay my repairs etc no problem.


Only thing I can think of is I didn't buy a single item from NPCs, quest rewards and instance drops are enough to level

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Yea i dont got issues with credits either, 23 sitting at 55k credits and all abilities trained. I dont spend it but on repairs and abilities usually and the occasional item. Most items ill just use commendations since i seem to find them everywhere if i dont get what i need from the quests.
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Idk man i been "looting all" to everything i down, and combined with quest credits, Im sitting at 59k credits at level 23 and i havent touched any of the crew skills.


I'd have a lot more myself if I didn't touch my crew skills. lol


OP Stop using your crew skills for a while, sounds like you need to build up a cash reserve again. The income of credits is fine. It's your spending habits that are getting in the way of training (I had the same issue, cut back on my crew skill training, and I have creds for training again!)

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Not getting it, I had all the needed money to buy the speeder skill, recipes needed to level up (of course I didn't buy all of them, lvl 10 recipes are useless for later) and at lvl 30 I'm sitting on 40K creds roughly.


I have all my skills and can pay my repairs etc no problem.


Only thing I can think of is I didn't buy a single item from NPCs, quest rewards and instance drops are enough to level


I did buy stuff for Ship with credits. But for the rest i just use comendations. why i would waste credits. If my aim is to save then.

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No matter how much I kill. No matter how many quests I complete...


I have yet past level 15 been able to afford all my new skills no matter how much crap I throw in the GN.


It's **** and I don't like it. Seriously bio -- you have to cut us a break!!!!! I'll never afford speeder training when I on average have 200 credits to my name.



Don't sell on the GTN. I hope you are not buying from it. GTN takes a good sized deposit. Nothing you are making or looting is worth putting on there until the economy stabilizes. Bio has done such a good job of quest rewards, people do not have a need to buy low level stuff.


As for mats, people wont start buying those until it is time for them to power level a profession.

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