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Everything posted by hatchets

  1. I had planned to resub for another 6 months in the next month or so, but that is without a doubt not happening. They killed the fun factor that Kotfe introduced with the comp's, now its back to an empty grind. Untill they reverse course, i and what seems to be most of the people who joined/came back, are also done.
  2. And that, is the core of it, the nerf is at least 70% too powerful, they are clearly so far out of touch or they listen to the tiny minority that they have no clue what is a good decision or bad anymore. Goodbye swtor, ill come back if and when you fix this joke. All my remaining playtime will be unused by choice.
  3. Iv had my client crash 3 times today alone, worst day by far, plus the game has more and more slowdowns, opening the map, running about,game freezing,then moving again with your companion running forward where he/she thought ya were. Wondering if there is a fix, or if its a known issue, cos my current plan is to totally delete this client and reinstall from my soon to get cd's, its mainly an issue to the que to sign back in.
  4. i love it, great rewards and its a great break from the leveling, cant get enough, : D
  5. lol dont get your issue mate, iv money, and its always raising, im 22 and have over 20k, more would be nice but not complaining
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