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Don't Q...We all quit


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Bye Mike... you were pure win and one hell of a pvp'er... sad to see you go... I try to log on... but it's really hard too... It's so bad at this point I may just swear off all MMO's till Planetside2 launches and keep up the beta on Firefall which has some serious potential...




ma saber... ma saber... and poor T7... /waves


lol... our guild was a bunch of @zz kickers weren't we :D

Edited by VoidJustice
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Yeah I guess so. It is my belief that premades are ruining the PVP at its current state. L2PUG




You do know what MMO stands for right? If you have no friends to play with (and with comments like L2PUG I can see why) that isn't the fault of those of us who have friends and enjoy playing TOGETHER in a MMO.

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i dont think you understand whats going on here... pugs or premades has nothing to do with this issue.


our server population is so small that we get accused of premades even when we dont. there is no point to premade anymore unless we play pub vs pub since the only good players on the server are pubs.

If I or Mike was to roll on the imp side, we would be stuck there on the fleet getting no matches at all since none of them queue. NONE of them. atleast on the pub side we can get same faction matches from time to time, which are highly competitive.


I would like to think that even if we could get pub v pub 5v5's we would still q. Unfortunately we wait hours with 12 players and can't get q's. By far though it is a lot of fun. We always respect each other. I wouldn't mind if we could even muster enough to do pub v pub. Just so tired of sitting stagnant waiting for a war zone q to pop. I probally have spent over two hours per war zone q.


i dont think you understand whats going on here... pugs or premades has nothing to do with this issue.


our server population is so small that we get accused of premades even when we dont. there is no point to premade anymore unless we play pub vs pub since the only good players on the server are pubs.

If I or Mike was to roll on the imp side, we would be stuck there on the fleet getting no matches at all since none of them queue. NONE of them. atleast on the pub side we can get same faction matches from time to time, which are highly competitive.


I am definitely guilty of this. I have said a number of times no one deserves to be on a dead server. Never less not in a guild. We have tried to help everyone that plays and wants to play.

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By the way most of us in Mike the OP's guild would constantly PUG... I used to PUG ON PURPOSE didn't matter as our guild is like 99% of the Republic on our server... we wound up in guild groups that would just decimate the imps... I wish I could learn to throw fights but... it's against my entire core to give up and let an enemy win... let alone try to convince a guild full of top notch pvp'ers that losing is the best thing we can do for our server...!!!!????


Im currently unsubbed with so much time left... I will haunt the forums hoping for updates involving pvp and hope for a transfer... but our guild was the bomb... so sad... and honestly, this is squarley and horribly BW's fault, our guild survived most likely the worst pvp server experience in the best of times and now... pffft...


ya re-roll... lol... that sounds like about as much fun as NOT.


Good luck to you all... and here's to any hope of this game taking pvp serious.


CH4 I will miss you guys... truly great bunch of folks...

Edited by VoidJustice
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Bye Mike... you were pure win and one hell of a pvp'er... sad to see you go... I try to log on... but it's really hard too... It's so bad at this point I may just swear off all MMO's till Planetside2 launches and keep up the beta on Firefall which has some serious potential...




ma saber... ma saber... and poor T7... /waves


lol... our guild was a bunch of @zz kickers weren't we :D


Man we had some good times my friend. God speed and stay blessed in life :cool:

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...standing still healing themselves when they have full hps and noone attacking....etc.


That's to get Upper Hand going, at least if you're playing a scoundrel/operative healer. You need that to keep your neergy regen buff going (uses up one Upper hand), and to boost your healing.

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By the way most of us in Mike the OP's guild would constantly PUG... I used to PUG ON PURPOSE didn't matter as our guild is like 99% of the Republic on our server... we wound up in guild groups that would just decimate the imps... I wish I could learn to throw fights but... it's against my entire core to give up and let an enemy win... let alone try to convince a guild full of top notch pvp'ers that losing is the best thing we can do for our server...!!!!????


Well, you just learned why in PvP, if one side wins the war, everyone loses since there is no pvp anymore. Without x-Server queuing we'll see more of that.

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Yeah I guess so. It is my belief that premades are ruining the PVP at its current state. L2PUG


you must not have many friends that like to PVP, or you are not really in to it.

premades are the best way to be competitive, but once again you may not know what being competitive means

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Well, you just learned why in PvP, if one side wins the war, everyone loses since there is no pvp anymore. Without x-Server queuing we'll see more of that.


This is pure win. Unfortunately. We won the war and still lost...

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By the way most of us in Mike the OP's guild would constantly PUG... I used to PUG ON PURPOSE didn't matter as our guild is like 99% of the Republic on our server... we wound up in guild groups that would just decimate the imps... I wish I could learn to throw fights but... it's against my entire core to give up and let an enemy win... let alone try to convince a guild full of top notch pvp'ers that losing is the best thing we can do for our server...!!!!????


Im currently unsubbed with so much time left... I will haunt the forums hoping for updates involving pvp and hope for a transfer... but our guild was the bomb... so sad... and honestly, this is squarley and horribly BW's fault, our guild survived most likely the worst pvp server experience in the best of times and now... pffft...


ya re-roll... lol... that sounds like about as much fun as NOT.


Good luck to you all... and here's to any hope of this game taking pvp serious.


CH4 I will miss you guys... truly great bunch of folks...


it def has been fun void... wish we were still allowed to keep it going. whats funny is now a days we actually do try and take it easy every time we see the imps, but they are just so bad that we would all have to just stand still and not do anything.

i truly do hope this all get solved one day, and i hope im still around to see it. they've got around 3 weeks left on my sub before im done if this is still going on.

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That's to get Upper Hand going, at least if you're playing a scoundrel/operative healer. You need that to keep your neergy regen buff going (uses up one Upper hand), and to boost your healing.


It is a sage that does it on our server lol. He likes to go half hps sometimes and get 1 shot on d too. Those pro puggers!

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Only thing that can save pvp in this game is x-server queueing. Even rated WZs won't help, people get sick of facing the same people each time, and will quit, and numbers will drop.


BW needs to get x-server WZs going ASAP.

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Only thing that can save pvp in this game is x-server queueing. Even rated WZs won't help, people get sick of facing the same people each time, and will quit, and numbers will drop.


BW needs to get x-server WZs going ASAP.


is this even something they are trying to do? or capable of... cuase right now it seems unlikely :(:(

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You do know what MMO stands for right? If you have no friends to play with (and with comments like L2PUG I can see why) that isn't the fault of those of us who have friends and enjoy playing TOGETHER in a MMO.


massivemultiplayeronline(game) doesn´t mean that you have to play with others or que in a premade to have fun...


Main issue with these threads is that premades go against pugs which is mainly BW´s fault for not putting them in separate ques.


Elitist moan that everyone should be in a premade it´s so fun and what not but usually the people only doing pvp and proclaming themselves Ûberbestplayers are really really "difficult" to play with they pick on every little thing and with a game as badly sync´d as swtor is with positioning etc. most player errors really aren´t players fault.


While puggers moan about premades and them ruining their game experience yes they are free to group up but most don´t have the hours to put in to the game that pvp-guilds usually demand and just want to play few games when they feel like it.


Second as mikedee said populations are low maybe 5-20 people on the fleet so even if you´re not grouped you most likely will be grouped with the same guys every match that happened even with 100´s+ and if opposing side has superior tactics/gear/players other side easily get´s dishearted and stops queing again BW´s doing for sitting on their hands while servers dry up a matter that has been brought up since swtor was 1month old.

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Sucks for you guys. I hope servers arrive yesterday for you, but...meh...even transfers are just a band aid solution. PvP just sucks in this game and 1.3 doesn't exactly help it any.
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Hey guys... No forum PVP here.


From an IMP I would like to say it was really a pain in the @ZZ to play against you guys :D


I tried hard to get some life flowing back on the IMP side but all our good healers have left and have a bunch of fresh 50s to pug with... Just not much fun. And now that I am the only guild member active thats left... a premade for me is just ridicules. I am not going to wait hours for a WZ to pop just to premade or try and pug with fresh 50s (half wont even get recruit gear.) You should see the chat that goes on in a WZ on imp side. Everyone just doing their own thing and blaming everyone else and not playing for a win... they now would rather complain than compete.


I left Kinrath and my 83 vlar jugg idle until transfers come to see how everything goes. I hate the way we are being treated and even if we are on opposing factions... this is killing it for everyone.


Sucks too. I really like this game :/ I will miss everyone from Kinrath... even you Pubs :D

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That's to get Upper Hand going, at least if you're playing a scoundrel/operative healer. You need that to keep your neergy regen buff going (uses up one Upper hand), and to boost your healing.


While i understand the UH/TA concept, mike is reffering to a SAGE practice that was very common on our server:


1 - sage hides in turret.

2 - starts to noble sacrifice to degrade his own HP.

3 - heals up.

4 - get attack by a stealth (or non-stealth imp) with 30% of HP and with 5 stacks of the buff that does not let you regenerate force.

5 - imps cap the turret.


This is not a one guy thing. Back in the days when the server was full more than 50% of the sages used to do that, instead of helping the turret game they sit on left turret and kept doing that. Props to Flux guild, ruined our server then rerroled on Fatman: im a real fan.

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Hey guys... No forum PVP here.


From an IMP I would like to say it was really a pain in the @ZZ to play against you guys :D


I tried hard to get some life flowing back on the IMP side but all our good healers have left and have a bunch of fresh 50s to pug with... Just not much fun. And now that I am the only guild member active thats left... a premade for me is just ridicules. I am not going to wait hours for a WZ to pop just to premade or try and pug with fresh 50s (half wont even get recruit gear.) You should see the chat that goes on in a WZ on imp side. Everyone just doing their own thing and blaming everyone else and not playing for a win... they now would rather complain than compete.


I left Kinrath and my 83 vlar jugg idle until transfers come to see how everything goes. I hate the way we are being treated and even if we are on opposing factions... this is killing it for everyone.


Sucks too. I really like this game :/ I will miss everyone from Kinrath... even you Pubs :D


you know something dozer... i dont blame the imps like you.. i want the imps like you back! lol... you and a few other good players that stuck around a lot longer. anyone that leaves now i dont blame... i blame the guys that are still on that dont do anything. there are still tons of 50's on. sure its tough at first when you just get recruit gear, but it takes a week or 2 to get bm gear. i too tried to pvp with my 50 imp and saw the ridiculous amount of baddies and pugs on just complaining about being bad and not trying to work as a team at all... its those guys that i cant stand right now.

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Hey guys... No forum PVP here.


From an IMP I would like to say it was really a pain in the @ZZ to play against you guys :D


I tried hard to get some life flowing back on the IMP side but all our good healers have left and have a bunch of fresh 50s to pug with... Just not much fun. And now that I am the only guild member active thats left... a premade for me is just ridicules. I am not going to wait hours for a WZ to pop just to premade or try and pug with fresh 50s (half wont even get recruit gear.) You should see the chat that goes on in a WZ on imp side. Everyone just doing their own thing and blaming everyone else and not playing for a win... they now would rather complain than compete.


I left Kinrath and my 83 vlar jugg idle until transfers come to see how everything goes. I hate the way we are being treated and even if we are on opposing factions... this is killing it for everyone.


Sucks too. I really like this game :/ I will miss everyone from Kinrath... even you Pubs :D


You speak as if we dont have our noobs too. We have archimedes principle, a 50 GS that bought sentinel recruit gear.


I could name a few more but i dont want to lash out at people i dont know. But yeah we have our share of noobs too and we never quit in spite of that.


And good healers on imp side? Which ones? Neilia was a good sorc, Cinnamon and maybe other 2 or 3 guys but what i have always saw was WAR HERO grade people healing like recruit grade idiots (yes Ced im looking at you).


The problem is that a lot of Imperials on our server got very geared very fast by Ilum zerging and 15 people in WZ exploiting and doing wz against clueless pubs (revelation + flux) that it gave them the ilusion that they are actually elite players (hello Ilucia), but now that they are facing good players and losing even when they are overgeared they will take any reason to quit the game.


We need people like Number Neilia and Krimson back, they were good players and carried most of the Empire.

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Hey guys... No forum PVP here.


From an IMP I would like to say it was really a pain in the @ZZ to play against you guys :D


I tried hard to get some life flowing back on the IMP side but all our good healers have left and have a bunch of fresh 50s to pug with... Just not much fun. And now that I am the only guild member active thats left... a premade for me is just ridicules. I am not going to wait hours for a WZ to pop just to premade or try and pug with fresh 50s (half wont even get recruit gear.) You should see the chat that goes on in a WZ on imp side. Everyone just doing their own thing and blaming everyone else and not playing for a win... they now would rather complain than compete.


I left Kinrath and my 83 vlar jugg idle until transfers come to see how everything goes. I hate the way we are being treated and even if we are on opposing factions... this is killing it for everyone.


Sucks too. I really like this game :/ I will miss everyone from Kinrath... even you Pubs :D


Even on opposite sides of the battle. At the end of the day it was a ton of fun. Its funny because although we were on opposite sides. We agreed about everything besides who would kill each other lol. The new war will be the one no one is safe from. BW will crush us all!

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Even on opposite sides of the battle. At the end of the day it was a ton of fun. Its funny because although we were on opposite sides. We agreed about everything besides who would kill each other lol. The new war will be the one no one is safe from. BW will crush us all!


they already did.... :( they already did...

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I generally do not post on forums usually someone makes my point for me. I am by no means a good player, I generally need 3 healers on me (yes Shad and Laff and Believer talking about you) but the real sad reality is that we had 3 50 war zones over the weekend. You know its bad when it took me to Tuesday to get my Saturday daily done. When I started playing I was getting rolled nightly in PUGs. Then I joined a guild (Hi Mike) and started winning more then that guild died and then along with Mike a couple of others (Tine and Koyll) we joined Ch.4 and its been smooth sailing since kinda. The best imp players left gradually, guys like Premoose and Pilav left first then more recently Eye for an Eye. I hated these guys cause they were damn good players respected them but hated them. Its to a point now where we are so starved for competition we will cannibalize each other then overkill against Imps when we get them. I can't reroll the thought of grinding to 89 valor hurts my head. So I go to fleet and wait and wait and wait some more; race around the station naked on speeders, Make fun of Lucy, but secretly hoping he comes back cause it was fun playing against him, Guys like Dozer or Ubersoldat show up and get thrown into a bad PUG and lose bad its disheartening. But we're still here every night we q up 13-14 of us we q cause we hope, we q cause we like playing with each other, we q cause at the end of the day we love to fight. So to my fellow Pubs thank you for qing , thank you for showing up, to the Imps come back and kick my *** please. In the mean time.....we're racing naked tonight at 7pm and its BYOT - bring your own thong.
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I generally do not post on forums usually someone makes my point for me. I am by no means a good player, I generally need 3 healers on me (yes Shad and Laff and Believer talking about you) but the real sad reality is that we had 3 50 war zones over the weekend. You know its bad when it took me to Tuesday to get my Saturday daily done. When I started playing I was getting rolled nightly in PUGs. Then I joined a guild (Hi Mike) and started winning more then that guild died and then along with Mike a couple of others (Tine and Koyll) we joined Ch.4 and its been smooth sailing since kinda. The best imp players left gradually, guys like Premoose and Pilav left first then more recently Eye for an Eye. I hated these guys cause they were damn good players respected them but hated them. Its to a point now where we are so starved for competition we will cannibalize each other then overkill against Imps when we get them. I can't reroll the thought of grinding to 89 valor hurts my head. So I go to fleet and wait and wait and wait some more; race around the station naked on speeders, Make fun of Lucy, but secretly hoping he comes back cause it was fun playing against him, Guys like Dozer or Ubersoldat show up and get thrown into a bad PUG and lose bad its disheartening. But we're still here every night we q up 13-14 of us we q cause we hope, we q cause we like playing with each other, we q cause at the end of the day we love to fight. So to my fellow Pubs thank you for qing , thank you for showing up, to the Imps come back and kick my *** please. In the mean time.....we're racing naked tonight at 7pm and its BYOT - bring your own thong.


truer words were never spoken my friend.

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If somebody knows they will lose- they won't play. It's not really that hard of a concept. People will only play matches where they think they have a good chance of winning, or at least having a good time.


You say that you simply stomp every team you go against- doesn't sound like your opponents have a chance of winning or even having a good time. Not your fault for getting a good team together- but, that'd be like blaming a house league team of out of shape teenagers who just want to have fun for not wanting to face off against last year's NHL champions every night.


Not everyone plays a game to try to become the best team out there and be extremely competitive- in fact, most people play games to have fun. If they aren't having fun- they stop playing.

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If somebody knows they will lose- they won't play. It's not really that hard of a concept. People will only play matches where they think they have a good chance of winning, or at least having a good time.


You say that you simply stomp every team you go against- doesn't sound like your opponents have a chance of winning or even having a good time. Not your fault for getting a good team together- but, that'd be like blaming a house league team of out of shape teenagers who just want to have fun for not wanting to face off against last year's NHL champions every night.


Not everyone plays a game to try to become the best team out there and be extremely competitive- in fact, most people play games to have fun. If they aren't having fun- they stop playing.


its pretty bad when a server that has 4 imps to every pub cant get 8 decent imps online to win a game. also you completely ignored the fact that they out gear us by a mile since they used to get games against each other all the time and zerg us on ilum.

judging by gear, we are the ones who should have no chance. besides, this is 99% bw's fault for making us play against the same few people over and over again anyways.

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