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And once again, Europe gets screwed over Maintainance times


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Pretty much the same with most things in the Gaming industry. America first (because they're the only ones who exist) and then Europe comes last. It's frustrating as maintenance has continued into late afternoon for me, and I can't play because my server is down
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I went to school,


Ran 4 KM around the lake,


Picked up a pizza,


And the servers are still down.


I think there comes a point to where you realise this isn't a "maintenance" issue...


...but rather a


"Whoops! We messed something up again because most of us at Bioware can't do our job properly!"

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Today , 04:55 PM | #5


We are still investigating issues preventing maintenance from being completed on a small number of European servers. We appreciate your understanding while we work to bring these servers back up.


Amber Green | Live Community Coordinator

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I love how the original post stated 40 of the 82 (45%) and now 29 (35%) European servers as a small number. Are we not a large proportion of your subscriber base? Does 35% of your European servers not being able to use a service we pay for count as a "Small proportion".

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The schedule chosen always make the American players are sleeping and sparsely populated servers, while for the Europeans always catches us in times of play.


As has been explained several times, the schedule was chosen so as to impact the fewest number of players globally. Unless extended, the regular maintenance window does not occur during European peak time: It occurs during daytime. Regardless of when the maintenance window occurs, some players will be affected. This is unavoidable.


Unfortunately this lack of sensitivity to European players


As explained, this has nothing to do with lack of sensitivity to European players. BioWare has clearly explained the rationale for the timing of the maintenance windows and has been very upfront about its choice. The complaining just makes the European community come across as whining, which is sad for me, as a European.


This is the opinion of a Director of a leading fasite over 4 years following and waiting for this game.


It's particular odd that someone who runs a fan site doesn't understand why the maintenance window was picked, especially when it has been explained several times.

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Does 35% of your European servers not being able to use a service we pay for count as a "Small proportion".


I'm guesstimating that this accounts for ~10% of the subscription base.

Edited by Kthx
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LOL, 1stly I wasn't talking directly to you so get a grip and lose the self importance. 2ndly, this paragraph just made me lol hysterically. If you can't for the love of god comprehend why anyone would click on this thread other than to have a go at staff, then my friend, you are a lost cause. Yes I would like to know, but I clicked on this thread as I click on nearly every other thread, but it doesn't mean to say that I have no patience nor have no empathy towards staff nor understanding of how unexpected circumstances may result in a delay in the scheduling.


Given that you quoted my post I would have thought it admis to think you were refering to it when you replied. If you have been directing various parts of your reply to different posts breaking it up with paragraphs would have made this clearer. As for clicking on a thread like this and then insulting people that have posted on it doesn't make sence to me. Perhaps I am a lost cause, I can understand wanting to know when the serves will be up, what they problem is but to insult people that are probably in the same boat as you calling them impatient [censored] but lets face it questioning their parentage behind a censored sticker. None of these people have said a word about you or any individual developer or community rep. But rather venting their annoyance at the system as a whole.


To me clicking on this thread and every other is often a sign I can't play. Either work or server maintenance or some such coupled with a health level of impatience where I would rather be in game than reading about the game. I'm sorry if it hurts the hard working folks at Biowares sensability but there isn't often much on these forums that is news. Even the state of the servers is more we will tell you when we know something and good chance they will be up before we get told. People come here to vent either the state of the game or what they think would save the game.


But the one thing I like to know when the servers are down is why and when they will be back up. Call it being self-centred or whatever but rather than thanking me for my patience I would much rather be told that server farm x y or z has crashed. They have maintenance people out but it will be at least 5 hours or however long. Not the occassional post thanking me for patience and no knew news.

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NEW FORUM DROID AVAIABLE! - UB40. it's only function is to complain and form wildly inaccurate conspircay stories and sing a song continually - red red WHINE.


. :)


"and when I wake up in the morning you are gone" :eek:

Edited by Goretzu
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I'm guesstimating that this accounts for ~10% of the subscription base.


Take care to quote what is said and not twist it. The original stated a small proportion of European servers and not a small proportion of their subscription base.

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Taking down the most populated servers in Europe is a super way to make sure Europeans on the free time make the decision to resubscribe 2 days before it is up! Edited by Descent
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And again.. what possible difference is it going to actually make to you if they give you a technical appraisal of the situation.. hell I bet 50%+ wont even understand it... so whether its a dead hamster, a loose connection, a fried server or full scale invasion by the 40% layoffs to take back there chairs.. it makes absolutely no differenece.. the servers are down, take a break and check back later.....lthere is more to life than this collection of pixels on your screen, lifes good, honest.. try it, go on just once :)


Let’s just assume that all those complaining paying customers are indeed self-entitled kids , in nerd rage or whatever else you want to call them.


For the sake of conversation, let’s say I agree with you and they all should be out in the sun or doing countless other things rather than posting here…


Whatever their reason or motivation is, right or wrong, they DO have a reason or at least they feel they have a reason to be here posting…


You on the other hand and many likeminded others, based on your pov you have NO reason to be here , quoting and trolling them…


So, my question is:

Why are you here? instead of doing something else like you suggest others should do…

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Take care to quote what is said and not twist it. The original stated a small proportion of European servers and not a small proportion of their subscription base.


You shouldn't be so literal. It is harmful to mind and body. Stress hormones and all that.

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As has been explained several times, the schedule was chosen so as to impact the fewest number of players globally. Unless extended, the regular maintenance window does not occur during European peak time: It occurs during daytime. Regardless of when the maintenance window occurs, some players will be affected. This is unavoidable.




As explained, this has nothing to do with lack of sensitivity to European players. BioWare has clearly explained the rationale for the timing of the maintenance windows and has been very upfront about its choice. The complaining just makes the European community come across as whining, which is sad for me, as a European.




It's particular odd that someone who runs a fan site doesn't understand why the maintenance window was picked, especially when it has been explained several times.


I disagree with you, Bioware give your reasons and try to look as convincing as possible.


But 1PM (13 hours) there are many more players playing that at 5 Am (5 pm).


If not on the servers that Americans are not also doing maintenance at noon ...?


I'm not complaining in the forums, just see the posts I have, but honestly maintenance schedules always chosen to cause technical problems if the players are leaving hurt most Europeans, and to these echos no reason no excuses to justify it.


Excuse my English.

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Across multiple MMO's i have seen various complaints.


1) Why can't i play on the other regions servers...

2) If I have access to all servers why cant they all have maintenance at the same time!

3) If one region gets patched 1st, why do you stop me from playing on unpatched servers (seriously, I have seen this complaint happen)

4) If a region gets patched before the other region:

  • *** WHY ARE YOU LETTING THEM GET THE PATCH BEFORE ME! (if the patch runs ok)
  • *** WHY ARE YOU MAKING ME TEST YOUR PATCH BEFORE THE OTHER REGIONS GETS IT. EVERYONE SHOULD SUFFER AT THE SAME TIME (when a patch goes bad for one region, stopping the rolling out of the patch everywhere!)


I think the sensible option would be *force locking* players from playing on servers that havent been patched up (a form of region locking effectively) However, content releases are universal downtime (ie 1.2/1.3 content releases, everyone gets access at same time). Bug fix patches/general server maintenance should be according to regional server downtime.


*IF* possible, try to get the "bug fix" patches on some form of "alternating" schedule. ie America gets it one week. EU gets the 1st maintenance another week. Pacific region then get it the next week. This way, everyone gets the "OMG I AM BETA TESTING A PATCH!" complaint (might as spread the hate around!). Sure, sometimes there would be a long wait between region patching order (US would get patches around 18 hours later when EU is 1st).


Is it possible to do this? I would say it is. Is it *easy* to do this? Not so much, for one the launcher would need to be rewritten so that the server selection screen only shows valid servers you can login into.


Of course, the *sensible* option for some people (if they have the hard disk space available) would be to have separate client installs for the regions that they play on (and the test server if they need it).


*shrugs* Am sure that some people would love the above situation, but when something goes wrong... it wouldnt stop the complaints!

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tomb of freedom nadd offline allday.proabably has more people on it than the other servers combined.

and for you ugly trolls telling ppl to go outside and see the sun.i went outside 9am this morning come home to relax and play swtor ,and what ya know ITS STILL OFFLINE u shudnt have put the other servers back online cos tht just makies it unfair and pisses ppl off.defo want a free day membership for this.saying that im probs gonna unsub anyways.sick of the servers allways being offline.

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tomb of freedom nadd offline allday.proabably has more people on it than the other servers combined.

and for you ugly trolls telling ppl to go outside and see the sun.i went outside 9am this morning come home to relax and play swtor ,and what ya know ITS STILL OFFLINE u shudnt have put the other servers back online cos tht just makies it unfair and pisses ppl off.defo want a free day membership for this.saying that im probs gonna unsub anyways.sick of the servers allways being offline.


Yes they done it on purpose ...




"We are still investigating issues preventing maintenance from being completed on a small number of European servers. We appreciate your understanding while we work to bring these servers back up."

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The worst part is, for all of us who have characters on the offline servers, we essentially miss a day from our subscription, because we're unable to play. It'd be nice if they could re-instate that 1 day, if the servers arent up soon
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Taking down the most populated servers in Europe is a super way to make sure Europeans on the free time make the decision to resubscribe 2 days before it is up!


Exactly. Europe has 3 PvP servers servers with a decent population and 2 of those are down (Tomb of Freedom Nadd, the most populated server in Europe, among all server types and languages, included). So, yeah, I'd say a lot of Europeans are affected by this.

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Yes, ALL US servers are up, while most of the EU PvP servers (the most populated, actually) are down. And it's not early morning here (as is in the US), it's in the middle of the afternoon.


I still find it mildly amusing (and more annoying) to read the devtracker during a break at work, and find people whining about a server outage at that time, some going so far as to call it primetime (I'm sure someone in this thread did).


The kneejerk reaction is "get a job".


The other reaction is "get a life".


If your life gets reduced to such a degree of meaninglessness that you need to complain about a game being unavailable for a certainly limited amount of time on an almost-summer day, I truly feel sorry for you.

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tomb of freedom nadd offline allday.proabably has more people on it than the other servers combined.

and for you ugly trolls telling ppl to go outside and see the sun.i went outside 9am this morning come home to relax and play swtor ,and what ya know ITS STILL OFFLINE u shudnt have put the other servers back online cos tht just makies it unfair and pisses ppl off.defo want a free day membership for this.saying that im probs gonna unsub anyways.sick of the servers allways being offline.


their not always offline but as some online know just none that i like

one question should reroll on another server as you killed the one i am on?

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Let’s just assume that all those complaining paying customers are indeed self-entitled kids , in nerd rage or whatever else you want to call them.


For the sake of conversation, let’s say I agree with you and they all should be out in the sun or doing countless other things rather than posting here…


Whatever their reason or motivation is, right or wrong, they DO have a reason or at least they feel they have a reason to be here posting…


You on the other hand and many likeminded others, based on your pov you have NO reason to be here , quoting and trolling them…


So, my question is:

Why are you here? instead of doing something else like you suggest others should do…


Seriously, ? are you saying that what, were either kids, or nerds.. :rolleyes:


ok if your a paying customer, and you see that some customers are receiving the same service you should be, but can't access that service, because of a technical problem that is on going, according to you, they are nerds or 'self entitled' kids complaining.


Please don't 'ever' get a job in CS, honestly. ;)

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