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Dirty Fighting PVP VIdeos


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Here are a few videos I made. Character profile with gear and talent info in video descriptions. Both of them are Huttball which seem to be the most entertaining to watch of the warzones. The others just feel like deathmatch games. I tried to put in clips that captures the utility and capabilities of our class in an objective based team game instead of seeing how high I can get those little numbers to go.


(my favorite of the two)


I'd like to know what my fellow gunslingers think or see if anyone else has some good videos to share.



Check out link in my signature for more videos.

Edited by Eamnon
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Nicely done Revy!


Great choice in music too


I watched your Sharpshooter / Engineering hybrid vid a while back which impressive also. So which spec do you prefer for PVP? out of the two.


P.S: Black Lagoon FTW

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Nicely done Revy!


Great choice in music too


I watched your Sharpshooter / Engineering hybrid vid a while back which impressive also. So which spec do you prefer for PVP? out of the two.


P.S: Black Lagoon FTW

The video you are thinking of is

, which unfortunately was not me. At the time I saw this awesome video I switched from dirty fighting to this spec until 1.2 came out. I enjoyed it a lot, it offered some very nice burst capabilities to burn down those healers that dirty fighting falls a little short in. I know the question was more directed at someone else, but I like the dirty fighting spec more.
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Gotcha, you play well either way :)


I also play a Dirty fighting Slinger, basically the same build but with 2 points in the Wounding/SS boost from the T1 sharpshooter tree.


I really enjoy the Dirty Fighting spec also, takes a bit to set up the burst but its good once it gets rolling!

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I was thinking the other day.... there are too many posts and videos on *yawn* Sharpshooters. So I was pumped to see this post. However, I had low expectations, I've read most of the gunslinger forums and there are only a handful if posts describing my play style.


When I saw your videos, I felt like it was me playing! Using my knockbacks, CC's, roots, AoE's, and creating complete mayhem, all while almost never going into cover! I'm gonna watch em again and critique them this time. In the meantime, I'll post my video's up on youtube as well. I'm currently a sabo, but I play DF/Sabo too.


Post up some vid's on other maps too.

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I was thinking the other day.... there are too many posts and videos on *yawn* Sharpshooters. So I was pumped to see this post. However, I had low expectations, I've read most of the gunslinger forums and there are only a handful if posts describing my play style.


When I saw your videos, I felt like it was me playing! Using my knockbacks, CC's, roots, AoE's, and creating complete mayhem, all while almost never going into cover! I'm gonna watch em again and critique them this time. In the meantime, I'll post my video's up on youtube as well. I'm currently a sabo, but I play DF/Sabo too.


Post up some vid's on other maps too.


Thanks! I look forward to seeing your videos. I'd like to make videos of other maps, but i don't think they are as entertaining to watch so I'm a little slow on making those. I'm trying though and hope to have a couple soon. Just need to get the right footage.

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Just casual gameplay, nothing special or better than anyone else.


Riiquiem! I thought you were quitting? Welcome back. I've read your posts on the DF/Sabo and loved that build.


I've posted a video today. This is just some highlights from 2 huttballs and a civil war. I wanted to highlight some of the strengths that the sabo can provide. Opposition isn't that strong, but I didn't have too much material to work with. I'll start recording more in the coming weeks, the good the bad and the ugly. I have about 12 minutes of 2 voidstars to compile as well and some Novare Coast's that are untouched. I'll post here when I've got a new video.

Fusillade's You Tube Channel


Revy: Still haven't critiqued your vids. I will sometime this weekend.


For those interested, I have complete matches 8-15min each. They are currently private on my channel, just raw footage. My guildies and I use it to learn from our mistakes. Let me know if you want to see them, and I can add you to the private listing. (PM me your gmail or youtube account)

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Just casual gameplay, nothing special or better than anyone else.


Nice videos.

DId not fully watch it but I'll say like others said,

Seems like you love your class but it's mostly casual.


Nice song in the first video. But would fit better if you had a cowboy hat.


+1000 for being a redhead.


I don't quite understand what you guys mean by casual. Is it because the videos aren't focused on kills? I don't have very many good kill clips because that's not what I focus on in games. I PVP all the time and go days without losing a game, so I don't follow what you mean by casual.


I do enjoy my class very much. I have several alts that I just can't get into like I do with my gunslinger.

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By casual I mean you play like everyone else or at least how I expect to play everyone else.

You use your skills and cc like their design intend - nothing special.

Since the gameplay mechanics in this game don't allow us to benefit from "skill" there is no way to actually play in any *impressive* way.


Hope you got what I try to say.

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Here's another one, this time Voidstar. My camera is looking at one of the doors half the time so not sure how entertaining this will be.



Very nice, though I expected more Dirty Kicks and Blaster Whips, now that is Dirty Fighting! :D

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By casual I mean you play like everyone else or at least how I expect to play everyone else.

You use your skills and cc like their design intend - nothing special.

Since the gameplay mechanics in this game don't allow us to benefit from "skill" there is no way to actually play in any *impressive* way.


Hope you got what I try to say.


I think I see what you are saying. I am simply playing one of the ways a gunslinger should be played, which I'd like to think I do well. As Fusillade said, a lot of gunslingers do the glass cannon approach when playing or making videos. A perfectly valid and effective way to play which is what I love about the class. I thought it would be refreshing to try and show a more "control and denial" way of playing.


Too bad you are picking songs which makes the GEMA block that vids for us germans.


Sorry :(. I didn't realize that along with my videos being blocked on mobile devices, they were also being blocked by an entire country. Is there a way I can do something on my end without reuploading again with different/no audio?


Very nice, though I expected more Dirty Kicks and Blaster Whips, now that is Dirty Fighting! :D


Blaster whip! I haven't had that on my bar since like level 10.

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Sorry about the "copyright" songs. i will post from now on one with music and one without so that everyone can watch.


i like to use blasterwhip as a finisher if quickdraw doesnt crit. i have gotten 2k blasterwhips. Love it!


Nice voidstar posts. I have some dirty fighting vids I will post this weekend.

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By casual I mean you play like everyone else or at least how I expect to play everyone else.

You use your skills and cc like their design intend - nothing special.

Since the gameplay mechanics in this game don't allow us to benefit from "skill" there is no way to actually play in any *impressive* way.


Hope you got what I try to say.


This entire game is casual. He knows how to play his class and is doing so effectively, that's more than 80 percent of people I play against.

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