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PvP sucks if this continues.


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the only thing i care about is being able to play a smooth game. I'm not going to resub to this game until warzones run smoothly. idk if it's called glitchy, laggy, spiky, w/e. But when i can barely click-target a player because they tele-move around or can't shoot them because "oh look, in half a second the player just moved 20 feet away and around a corner" then as far as i'm concerned, i can't pvp.


If i can't PvP then I'm not going to play the game. I like the game. It's fun. But it's not working properly. The game HAS to play perfectly. I'm not putting up with that nonsense again. I've done it with every other new MMO that came out. Only i stuck around longer than i should have before anything got fixed. maybe i should come back in 5 months?


"don't even come back at all" -etc, etc, i expect some people to be rude. From what i've noticed the SWTOR community is worse than; dare i say it? -- WoW's forum community.


regardless, i just wanted to put it out there. If you're reading this post and are decided whether or not to buy the game; don't buy it if you're a PvPer until warzones are smoothed out. same thing as in beta (i thought it was just a beta thing) guess not. I suppose i'll just semi-afk the warzones for the tons of credits i get even from losing.


nah, i'll try. but i doubt i'll be very useful. if you see me in game-- sup homie..


/end QQ



I think I will do the same thing, I get horrible lag in Warzones...

I hope they will fix that soon.

Edited by Baalzamon
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The only times i experienced anything of this sort, was due to lag spikes.


Since this is release week, im not surprised when this occurs.


Only happened once so far, where someone teleported due to lag, overall a very smooth pvp game experience for me.


Have you run tests on your connection for packet loss?

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same for me. Warones totally kill my framerate, to the extent that the game becomes unplayable. something fishy definitely.


I would consider the fault to be lying with my system, however since there is a ton of people having issues and I don't have any trouble playing other games (most recently: Arkham City and Skyrim) I have my doubts.... also lowering settings has no effect whatsoever, I can play at 800x600 with everything set to low and the game runs at 10fps in Warzones.

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However, if there is a problem with my computer; then why are flash points and questing and space missions working just fine?


It's your comp, con or a combination of both. Everything has been running perfectly smooth for myself and all my guild-mates. Not one person has complained at all, aside from one individual who seems to get d/c'ed occasionally when joining a WZ.


Thing is, there will always be some issues.

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I haven't had any issues with lag in warzones but I do suggest using the other targeting features rather than clicking a mouse. Clicking fails. However they do need a marking system though. Edit: keybound target marking rather. Edited by Dankestone
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My computer is a newer decked out gaming rig. Dual gtx 570's, i7 2600K OC'd to 4ghz etc... and I can run this game on max settings and get 100fps+


However.... it still doesn't feel "smooth"


When you move your character it seems to "float" past where you wanted it to stop - Hitboxes seem incredibly inconsistant, rubber banding is common (I play with a 30ms ping) and abilities don't seem to have that crisp instant response I expect.


If you think SW:ToR flows and is as responsive as say... WoW PvP then you are either not being honest or are simply not a competitive PvP'r.


I'm sure (I hope) that as patches roll out and the developers fine tune this game things will get better... maybe. It's my feeling that PvP in this game isn't meant to be in any way truly competitive and is mostly geared towards making the casual feel they are on even footing with the Arena and FPS crowd.


could be microstutter from the 570's in sli. Also I don't think nvidia has released a driver with an optimized profile for swtor yet either.

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The game definitely has some delay and clunkiness to it, along side some input lag which can make it frustrating and annoying. The fact that this overall "clunky" feel made it past beta is not a good thing, I hope this is changed... And I say changed rather than resolved simply because I do not feel this is a bug as much as it is a design.


The people forking it out as a connection issue or a client side issue are most likely casual gamers that can't tell a difference. 25-30ms all day long accompied by an i7 2600k and 580gtx, for reference.

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I dont understand how some people dont feel the latency issues from the WZ's. Your fine senses must be non-existent or you havnt played pvp with any modest skills.


With 30 fps and 50 ping from cast to finish it takes me about 4-6 seconds for my Jedi Sage to cast his 3 sec heal. Even after the heal animation and cast bar are over it takes ATLEAST 1 second for the effect go come into effect.


And this happened in the beta as well. If peple dont notice this they are the exception. Amongst 10 or so friends that live in different areas in Europe nobody has a lag-free experience. And I don't mean FPS "lag". I mean having fine ping <100 for example but having a real ping that should calculate to around 2000ms because thats how it feels when you play.

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It runs smoothly with me it only lags when 6 Inquisitor cast forcelightning at the same time same place^^


Btw turn down the Graphics it helps the Problem is your PC my Laptop works well with PVE but lags when in PVP my 4 year old Stoneage Tower (old AMD Duo Core) runs PVP smoothly when i kill everything down to low which still looks great for a MMO.

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I like how all the "helpful" tips of turning down your graphics rid this post.


This is not a problem with our computers, this is something that's wrong with the servers.


I can play with all settings at max with no problems, as long as I stay out of warzones. The second I enter, abilities take multiple seconds to activate. Even targetting people with tab becomes a chore, as it feels like your playing with 2000 ms.




I really hope Bioware does something with this, because right now PvP is just a lagfest.

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Actually not.

Its general problem if only high end comps are able to run TOR smooth.

Its called crappy optimization.



a 1000$ system is considered high end?


Sorry, but my gtx 460 and i5 750 can run max settings at 40-60 fps

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I like how all the "helpful" tips of turning down your graphics rid this post.


This is not a problem with our computers, this is something that's wrong with the servers.


I can play with all settings at max with no problems, as long as I stay out of warzones. The second I enter, abilities take multiple seconds to activate. Even targetting people with tab becomes a chore, as it feels like your playing with 2000 ms.




I really hope Bioware does something with this, because right now PvP is just a lagfest.


So how does my high end PC, and many of fellow guild member's PCs play PvP completely smoothly if it's a server issue?



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Agreed with the OP here.


I run this game well above minimum specs and I do perfectly fine with all settings on high in windowed mode while questing solo or with multiple people including flashpoints. But when I join a warzone everything goes to hell. Even with all settings on low in full screen mode I don't even come close to being able to enjoy myself.


Considering I purchased this game intending to focus on PvP I honestly don't know how long I can convince myself to keep paying for it. It's really unfortunate because I'm loving my class quest, but that can only keep me interested for so long.

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Sounds more like it's a problem on your end with your computer/connection.


I don't seem to have the same issues you described.


Nah, it's what I refer to as inherent UI lag/server lag. I have great latency and great FPS (the non subjective kind of great), and I'm an Agent. You know what I want to do?


I want to click Cover in place (which is off the GCD) and IMMEDIATELY click pulse charge to throw people away, then IMMEDIATELY start running. I can click all of that under a second.


The game just stares at me like "derrrrrp what do you want me to do about that?"


Usually what happens they've already done a bunch of damage they shouldn't have been able to do, THEN get knocked back - at which they're right back on me in the matter of a second. OR they get knocked back and 2 seconds later the graphic goes off.

Edited by Mackuss
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It's definitely a problem. I'm able to run the PvE content perfectly fine on max settings, full shadows, and a 1920x1200 resolution. Everything runs without a hitch, even space combat.


The second I get into a PvP Warzone, not even into the actual fighting, my FPS just falls through the floor. If I turn everything off, and drop my resolution to around 1320 then it becomes playable. Not even completely smooth, but just serviceable.


If this were just engaging in combat this would make sense. But even in the loading area, the game hitches and lags if I don't go in graphicly barren. And none of that makes sense if I can run graphic intensive areas like Tython, and Taris with everything on and without a problem.



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My computer is a newer decked out gaming rig. Dual gtx 570's, i7 2600K OC'd to 4ghz etc... and I can run this game on max settings and get 100fps+


However.... it still doesn't feel "smooth"


When you move your character it seems to "float" past where you wanted it to stop - Hitboxes seem incredibly inconsistant, rubber banding is common (I play with a 30ms ping) and abilities don't seem to have that crisp instant response I expect.


If you think SW:ToR flows and is as responsive as say... WoW PvP then you are either not being honest or are simply not a competitive PvP'r.


I'm sure (I hope) that as patches roll out and the developers fine tune this game things will get better... maybe. It's my feeling that PvP in this game isn't meant to be in any way truly competitive and is mostly geared towards making the casual feel they are on even footing with the Arena and FPS crowd.


This game doesn't have hit boxes.............. That's real time physics/collision detection.....

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So how does my high end PC, and many of fellow guild member's PCs play PvP completely smoothly if it's a server issue?




Because I would put money on the fact that they're not good enough players to notice the lag. Not even trying to troll. And if there was a way for them to video capture them playing very INTENSE, quick thinking PvP, then it would only help to diagnose the problem.

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Sounds more like it's a problem on your end with your computer/connection.


I don't seem to have the same issues you described.


Lmao...you Sir, aren't pvp'ing in the volume that the OP and I are.


I built my rig to successfully run 5 WoW clients multiboxing in Alterac Valley and more.....


...it's not the computer.


Too many with the same problem, regardless of 'puter specs.

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Ya I'm getting the same issue. I get great framerate in anything that is PvE. Even running around the big cities I get decent 30 fps. Once I step foot into a warzone, my FPS drops to 7-25 fps.


Somethings I've noticed:


1. My GPU usage in a Warzone is usually 20%-40%. (very poorly optimized)


2. My CPU ussage in a Warzone is about 40% to random 80% spikes on 1 or 2 cores.


3. There is no noted support for this game by ATI or Nvidia yet.

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Lmao...you Sir, aren't pvp'ing in the volume that the OP and I are.


I built my rig to successfully run 5 WoW clients multiboxing in Alterac Valley and more.....


...it's not the computer.


Too many with the same problem, regardless of 'puter specs.



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