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Can we get a stat that measures how many times the other team "marks" us?


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I would rather see the metrics for this stat more than MVP votes. If the other team is marking you, then they are worried about your ability to dps/heal/tank etc....


What can we do to get this implemented at the end of WZs and tracked the same as MVP votes?

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People using marks was slowly increasing, thank goodness. But now with the change so that you can keybind the marks, I'm seeing people go a little crazy with it, marking everyone on the other team, followed by "Y ARNT U KILLING I MARKED THE BEST DPS THR TEAM"



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People using marks was slowly increasing, thank goodness. But now with the change so that you can keybind the marks, I'm seeing people go a little crazy with it, marking everyone on the other team, followed by "Y ARNT U KILLING I MARKED THE BEST DPS THR TEAM"




you can keybind marks? How

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you can keybind marks? How


Keybinds->Targeting. The last entries there. Add to that the change that not only the OPs leader can mark and its really nice now :)

Edited by Twor
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Yah, I'm sure they'll have a crack development team handle this emergency feature.


Also, I've never seen anything but a healer marked.


Not THAT important but it would be a cool side feature/measurement to have.

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People using marks was slowly increasing, thank goodness. But now with the change so that you can keybind the marks, I'm seeing people go a little crazy with it, marking everyone on the other team, followed by "Y ARNT U KILLING I MARKED THE BEST DPS THR TEAM"




I've played a lot of WZ and have never seen this before...knowing some players I am sure it happens. I am not saying give a reward off of it. It would be cool to see if you had been marked though.

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While not high priority, it would be a pretty neat stat to keep track of.


Also, YES, keybind your raid markers! I have a few of the burn target looking ones bound like the lightning bolt, fire, and crosshairs...then I have the big shield one that I put on a healer on our team so people know where at least one healer is.


If you're in a bad pug though, mark all the non healers. The pugs will think "uh oh, that person is a marked healer, no way I can kill them I'll hit someone else" and they'll accidentally kill healers sometimes. =P

Edited by ShadowOfVey
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I would rather see the metrics for this stat more than MVP votes. If the other team is marking you, then they are worried about your ability to dps/heal/tank etc....


What can we do to get this implemented at the end of WZs and tracked the same as MVP votes?


A healer will be marked regardless of his abilities by virtue of being a healer. In chat one may say "focus on X first" knowing that player is the stronger healer of the two, but both healers will be marked regardless.


As a tank class you are unlikely to get marked at all aside from huttball, where sometimes folks will mark you to help with situational awareness.


Stealth classes may get marked to try and identify ninja-cap attempts faster when they pop from stealth, but otherwise rarely will be


As a dps class if you are a sent/mara you may get marked a decent amount, sometimes a powertech. But a good sniper/dps sorc/dps merc is rarely going to be marked unless there is extreme familiarity on both sides and the player is so above and beyond the rest of the back as to warrant an abnormal degree of exgtra attention.




Ultimately a 'how many times marked' stat would be far more reliant upon your choice of class and spec then it would be upon your capabilities of performing within said class/spec.

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In most cases we mark healers no matter what. Other than that we know who the heavy hitters are and they are marked appropriately. Again, i dont want rewards based off being marked but just a means to track it.
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I was just thinking about this earlier today. Odd coincidence to see a post about it now...


This would be a great feature. It should show you the length of time you were marked during the match.


And also, it happens rarely but I will mark someone other than a healer. If you've been PvPing for a while and you are noticing the same opponent wrecking your team, sometimes marking them can help. I dont do this very often but when I do its usually for a particularly nasty stealther.


When they are fighting while not stealthed (waiting for CDs to refresh), they may as well be marked and die cause they'll die quick. It makes it slightly harder for their non-stop gankfest that can sometimes happen when people don't know how to counter the stealth ganking.

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i was just thinking about this earlier today. Odd coincidence to see a post about it now...


This would be a great feature. It should show you the length of time you were marked during the match.


And also, it happens rarely but i will mark someone other than a healer. If you've been pvping for a while and you are noticing the same opponent wrecking your team, sometimes marking them can help. I dont do this very often but when i do its usually for a particularly nasty stealther.


When they are fighting while not stealthed (waiting for cds to refresh), they may as well be marked and die cause they'll die quick. It makes it slightly harder for their non-stop gankfest that can sometimes happen when people don't know how to counter the stealth ganking.



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its not just healers, DPS get marked too. I have been 'tagged' as well in Warzones, doesn't necessarily mean either that you might be a thread, it might be they just think your a nuisance, or your easy to kill, ? "hey I marked this guy, he/she is really easy to kill" get your free valour ! :p


Seriously, what I mean is, there could be better reasons for this sort of thing. Its not just healers who get marked.

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