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It kills me to admit it...


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You know all those threads (correctly) complaining about dead servers? And you know the predictable responses about "re-rolling to Fatman" or "Jedi Covenant"? Those re-roll comments used to annoy the hell out of me.


But yesterday I broke down and decided to create a Sith Inquisitor on Fatman. OMG, what a difference! There were about 100 peeps on Korriban alone, and when I hit lvl 10 Fleet had > 200.


General chat was zipping by in the chat window so fast I had to maximize it (on my previous servers I set the window to the smallest possible size). General chat was silly, stupid, vulgar, immature, offensive, profound, witty, clever, informative, intellectual, abstruse, amusing -- you know, what you'd expect in a random group of 100-200 peeps. It was wonderful.


And there was guild recruitment -- none of this nonsense about coming to these forums, finding your server, parsing through the listings, applying, etc. I typed in General chat: "I am a lazy, unmotivated, poorly-geared, unskilled player with no great interest in SW lore, and I'm looking for a fun, no-hassles guild." Within minutes I had three invites. Amazing. I was on The Courageous for two months and you could beg for an invite and get the chirping of crickets in response.


So it kills me to admit it but I was wrong: those peeps telling you to re-roll on Fatman (or another high-pop server) were 100% correct. Oh, and the queue, last night at about 11:30 pm EST took about 2 minutes.


Don't get me wrong, I'll still ***** and moan about NO


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but rolling on a Heavy to Full server completely changes game play..



Edited by Parali
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You know all those threads (correctly) complaining about dead servers? And you know the predictable responses about "re-rolling to Fatman" or "Jedi Covenant"? Those re-roll comments used to annoy the hell out of me.


But yesterday I broke down and decided to create a Sith Inquisitor on Fatman. OMG, what a difference! There were about 100 peeps on Korriban alone, and when I hit lvl 10 Fleet had > 200.


General chat was zipping by in the chat window so fast I had to maximize it (on my previous servers I set the window to the smallest possible size). General chat was silly, stupid, vulgar, retarded, immature, offensive, profound, witty, clever, informative, intellectual, abstruse, amusing -- you know, what you'd expect in a random group of 100-200 peeps. It was wonderful.


And there was guild recruitment -- none of this nonsense about coming to these forums, finding your server, parsing through the listings, applying, etc. I typed in General chat: "I am a lazy, unmotivated, poorly-geared, unskilled player with no great interest in SW lore, and I'm looking for a fun, no-hassles guild." Within minutes I had three invites. Amazing. I was on The Courageous for two months and you could beg for an invite and get the chirping of crickets in response.


So it kills me to admit it but I was wrong: those peeps telling you to re-roll on Fatman (or another high-pop server) were 100% correct. Oh, and the queue, last night at about 11:30 pm EST took about 2 minutes.


Don't get me wrong, I'll still ***** and moan about NO


-Chat Bubbles

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but rolling on a Heavy to Full server completely changes game play..




funny i rerolled on fat man just to try it and on korriban though there was 50 people not a soul was talking..

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I love how people think everyone mass migrating to one specific server fixes everyone's problems. The ironic part is that it will actually expediate the failure of the game. How many MMO's out there have one playable server?
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The forum logic never surprises me in the amount of stupidity associated with it. Going to 1 server because you didn't feel comforatable with the population on your server is genius.. really. Listen to why. Your pulling all the populations from the other servers and dropping the population of the server you were on and causing it to be dead and people to be frustrated because they only want one character and in thus they unsub. In addition to that, these servers I don't think were originally intended to hold 2000+ people.
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I rolled chars on the fatman around 2 months ago - I currently have legacy 50 and five 50's on Hedaar Soongh.


Yes of course, the origin planets are bumpin - the fleet is bumpin - you can actually do low level flashpoints, group for heroics. Its wonderful.


Currently on the fatman I have a lvl 24 shadow, lvl 25 mara, and a lvl 13 operative. The will do level them wore off pretty fast for me, when I realized I would have to go through the same **** all over again, just to get to 50 and grind for more gear (without the help of my legacy gear i could have sent on MY server, Oh and crafted items from my other 50's)...


yes, lots of people and fun. No, re-rolling this far into the game still sucks ***

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But about all our credits, our crew skills, our gear?

I leveled 4 crew skills to 400 and do not think I can do it all over again.


I doubt 1.3 will be everything we're hoping for or that it'll come soon enough.

After all, it's just from "select server to select server."


During primetime only 5 serves are "normal" or greater.

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But about all our credits, our crew skills, our gear?

I leveled 4 crew skills to 400 and do not think I can do it all over again.


I doubt 1.3 will be everything we're hoping for or that it'll come soon enough.

After all, it's just from "select server to select server."


During primetime only 5 serves are "normal" or greater.


im sure they will offer paid server transfers.. and in a short while they will merge servers in order to facilitate players on poulated servers..

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I guess I should've added that re-rolling was never an issue for me, since in the FIVE months I've been playing (subbed on Dec 24th), my highest toon is a level 29 Jedi Consular (on Ebon Hawk).


I guess if you have a lvl 50 with all the bells and whistles for gear then re-rollling is more "painful."

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i felt the same way i have 8 toons on my dead server i rolled on jedi an im having fun again i wish more people that are throwong the hate out would do what you and myself have done and se light lol
funny i rerolled on fat man just to try it and on korriban though there was 50 people not a soul was talking..
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-Chat Bubbles

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-Macros (for chat)


None of those things interest me. However, banning the use of colored fonts on the forums is something I really could get excited about.

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it wont work that way 1.3 transfers that are free you wont be able to go to fatman or jedi i think they will be locked they want to pop non pop servers nt servers that get over 300 ppl on them at peak
Hopefully we the community are able to organize ourselfs and take advantage of the opportunity transfers bring and make a lot of fatmans =]
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I guess I should've added that re-rolling was never an issue for me, since in the FIVE months I've been playing (subbed on Dec 24th), my highest toon is a level 29 Jedi Consular (on Ebon Hawk).


I guess if you have a lvl 50 with all the bells and whistles for gear then re-rollling is more "painful."


Its not so much 50, as that's not really a problem if you can stand mucking through the 30-50 content; ALONE as you have to on most server. For me, I have 2 50s and a level 21 Legacy. Pretty sick of the game because no one's ever on my server, but then, I don't really want to level a whole new set of characters on a server that might not be the highest pop when 1.3 comes along.



it wont work that way 1.3 transfers that are free you wont be able to go to fatman or jedi i think they will be locked they want to pop non pop servers nt servers that get over 300 ppl on them at peak

pretty dumb of them, considering there are too many servers

Edited by Lu_Bei
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Yes, its nice to ACTUALLY get into a PvP match. Its been so long I almost forgot what they were called. 70 some people on Dromund Kaas.. Nice.


Hi, Lu Bei.


Is your name from "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms"?

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The forum logic never surprises me in the amount of stupidity associated with it. Going to 1 server because you didn't feel comforatable with the population on your server is genius.. really. Listen to why. Your pulling all the populations from the other servers and dropping the population of the server you were on and causing it to be dead and people to be frustrated because they only want one character and in thus they unsub. In addition to that, these servers I don't think were originally intended to hold 2000+ people.


Actually your logic is completely faulty. This is an MMO. If you havent figured out what that little acronym stands for, let me spell it out for you: Massive MULTIPLAYER Online. There are lots of people that enjoy playing the game. But if I have to sit for 3+hours to play a PvP WZ (forget about a flashpoint on the Republic side on my server), I'm not playing the game. I'm surfing the internet on one screen while TOR sits idle on the other.


You are misplacing blame on players who want to actually play the game they are paying for. The blame for people literally being FORCED (no pun intended :p) to other servers to find groups of any sort lies at the feet of Bioware/EA. I have supported this game for a long time and I have finally started coming on these servers the past few days when I started to realize they do not know what they are doing. I had to voice my opinion.

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