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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

1.3 will make or break this game


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You do realize you are not going to get the choice on what server to move to. They already said select servers will have the ability to move to other select servers. They not told us what servers yet, all we have is soon. Then after that they will come up with the paid transfer service. So right now were waiting to see what they really come up with.


people have read this ... but most people choose to either ignore it or do not understand it sadly.


i just hope that after the paid transfer service happens they decide to consolidate and close all of the low population servers and make larger servers out of those who didtn transfer free or paid...

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Come on people TOR is going to keep going for a few years yet


lots of worse games have gone on for years even tho people dont seem to show much interest in them and as far as MMO's go TOR is pretty well made the only reason so many people are complaining is because they compare it to WOW


TOR hasnt been going for that long yet WOW has had years to get where it is plus i cant be the only one to notice that alot of WOW's newest ideas are ripped right out of TOR


P.S. for people who complain saying they dont compare it to WOW you really are you might not reilise it but you really are

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Server population issues are a huge problem with this game.


Contracting the servers to a smaller number presents alot of challenges to Bioware...

a. Manditory or optional. It has to be done, but what about our friends?

b. Free transfer or do we pay. (It will be cold day in hell before I spend more money to help correct a vendors mistake.)

c. Guilds. Its difficult to do an optional transfer and keep guilds intact. Not impossible but difficult.

d. Alot of other things I have not even thought of...


I am hoping for the best with 1.3

I really like this game. I do not wanna go back to wow or hit D3. I really hope they solve the server issues with some intelligence.


Worst case senario,

No guild transfers, you pay to get there and have to rebuild.


Best case senario,

Free transfers, guilds stay intact on the destination server.


But if I am asked for another $25 or some such to help them fix the server population issue. I am done.

I am not married to this game just yet. It is still disposable.


Good luck Bioware

Its an awkward problem... dont screw it up.


lol 1.2 broke the game sily

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lol 1.2 broke the game sily


1.2 didn't break anything; at worst it gave many of the free-spending, nomadic MMO gamer herd an excuse to leave SWTOR behind so that they could go on to buy new MMOs with the wealth from their endless pockets or just spend more time with their favourite hobby after gaming, dwelling on forums for future MMOs.

Edited by Rouge
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What we really need in 1.3 is that people without an active sub aren't able to post on the forums anymore. That would cut out at least half of the completely moronic moaning and groaning.


QFT...PLZ Bio-Ware make this happen!!!

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1.3 won't make or break the game for me, but I do know it's getting harder and harder to keep a subscription going until this patch actually does happen.


Two things to do in the game once you hit 50 and get full columi after a week


1) Do Operations - Pretty fun but limited content, requires scheduling times, etc.

2) Do Warzones - Still fun unless you're on a dead server (95% of servers). If you are, be prepared to face the same 10 or so people over and over every day.


Transfers need to happen sooner rather than later.

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1.3 won't make or break the game for me, but I do know it's getting harder and harder to keep a subscription going until this patch actually does happen.


Two things to do in the game once you hit 50 and get full columi after a week


1) Do Operations - Pretty fun but limited content, requires scheduling times, etc.

2) Do Warzones - Still fun unless you're on a dead server (95% of servers). If you are, be prepared to face the same 10 or so people over and over every day.


Transfers need to happen sooner rather than later.


My main has been level 50 for over three months and has not a single piece of Columi etc gear. In a big, relatively active guild, in one of the better servers when it comes to population. No chance of getting any good gear except through PvP. My current gear isn't good enough for Operations and places for HMs are few in the current state of my server and guild, and people already expect better than the options that I have; either level 50 orange, mostly augmented, with purple level 50-51 mods or the full Battlemaster gear (as my main is a tank, it doesn't seem to really do the job).


It's the usual MMO story; if you aren't among the first to get to the end-game and farm the good gear in the first wave, you will never have the chance to get it.


In case of SWTOR, the intention of the devs that people are enticed to play many if not all of the class stories goes directly against this traditional way of doing the endgame, which caters to elitist hardcore raiders who themselves rush to the endgame. If you played the game doing even one class story from both sides to level 50, you were behind that first wave, and probably missed the end-game completely if you didn't get to a guild made almost entirely of extremely altruistic carebears.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I just hope that the more populated servers don't get over populated and are never open for people to get in.


I think the over population may be good for the long term if subscriptions decline or plateau. I'd rather not see empty servers again.

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Well as the game is now, I use the term "break" as in emergency patch will be needed...so many problems sinse transfers now. I can barely play WZ's now without freezing, and now one of my characters is stuck on the fleet because leaving it freezes the screen.


But overall I think 1.3 ....if it doesn't actually break the game will help TOR overall.

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People were saying 1.2 would make or break the game too, and it's still here going on 1.3. I think though, by 1.4 if major stuff doesn't happen then perhaps the game might slowly dwindle.


I think BW is going to focus more on pvp stuff... just because of something a dev said once when he mentioned they were surprized by how important pvp was to people. I hope when they do this they don't throw the baby out with the bath water when it comes to pve.

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Well I just used a 60 day time card I was sitting on for six months. I haven't played for a few months. But I think 1.2 and 1.3 have/will have improved the game a lot.


IMO it's the best MMO out right now, and while I really am not a fan of subscription MMOs anymore (neither pay2win), I think it's the best right now, we'll see what kind of reception GW2 gets (likely that will blow everything else away).


Anyway I don't have much desire for MMOs anymore with the subscription and time requirement, but if GW2 (maybe TES:O if buy2play) are great I'll be interested, because in the case of GW2 it's a lot less pressure to play if you don't feel like you're wasting money by not playing, not to mention the hopefully vastly improved gameplay and mechanics.


This game is great though :)

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