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2 & 4 Man arena type PVP. Good for swtor?


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I have spoken to many people about the upcoming ranked warzones (8 vs 8) and a common feeling among them was that many enjoyed smaller PVP encounters over the larger ones. 2 vs 2 & 4 vs 4. Many of them said they will not really get into ranked PVP until those formats are in the game. I never really got into WOW, so I can't really relate to thier experience, but enough have told me this that I think Bioware should look into something like this in the near future.


What do you think?

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Of course it is great idea, I enjoyed a lot playing wow arena. SWTOR has way better class balance and combat engine and great potential for pvp. If they implement arena this game will get more subscribers.
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Quoting myself from the other arena-based thread.



This gentlemen is correct in regards to PvP arenas. Blizz considers arenas to have been a massive failure.


When you balance a game for 8v8 teamplay and then cut the numbers to 2v2, 3v3, or 5v5 some classes are going to have an advantage. Players end up using these advantages to climb to the tops of their specific ladders, earning better gear, and this gear tilts the battle in their favor in the 8v8 matches. Not intended, and fundamentally flawed.


Sentinels, for instance, dominate almost all 1v1 altercations but are terrible in team fights. You would see Sentinels climb to the top of the arena ladders and people would cry for Sentinel nerfs even though in 8v8 team fights they would not be warranted.

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Like said in the other thread, balancing around small scale TDM would require a rework of all classes and all abilities as synergies between classes that are in place currently, are balanced around 8on8 objective based PvP.
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Yup PvP Arenas are effectively unbalancable, and therefore are an utter nightmare.


SWTOR has a free-for-all/group PvP zone though, so you can organise your own if you want.




but im not so polite, so please, PLEASE ...PLEASE go back to Wow and g.t.f.o

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I think it is a bad idea, since some classes are really poor in small groups, or "exposed".


This being said, it surely would be fun to add some 20 vs 20 or 50 vs 50 . If you get the server pop that is...

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Yes it would be quite good. 2v2 is really imbalanced though, while 4v4 should be perfect.


There are a lot of people that want it, at least it's something different than WZ (yay for more pvp option?) and "easy" to implement, since the engine can handle it.

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Bioware doesn't have the resource to give this game a deathmatch arena.

They need to create cross server warzones, ranked warzones, new tier of gear, create better systems to detect hackers, fix ilum and more warzone maps.

Putting in an arena system will take a lot of resources. Unfortunately, they don't have much allocated at the pvp part of this game.

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less than 4-man, not good.


The Weekly Forum Thread Round-Up: May 25th, 2012


Same topic has been pointed this week, I'm quoted there. Everything less than 4 will be unbalanced since this is the number for every PvE balance FP. Usually 4v4 fights in WZs are quite balanced if everyone is at the same lvl so that might work. Other than that is just making DPS specs rule over everything else as they can heal, protect, DPS, as Tanks and Healers can't.

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2 or 4 man warzones, even with arena theme, would be extremely detrimental to swtor game play.


I played wow arenas and grow to hate them, a deal of them was roflstomp, a deal of the was 30+ minute matches wating for a healer to go oom and a deal of them was just frustrating cc fest (not swtor frustrating but 1 gcd free every 15 seconds till the 4 mins it took the enemy to kill your teammate and that means 15skills done in all the warzone)


Arenas would be detrimental to balance since you cant balance across a different set of numbers, eg since there is no mana healers would need to be pegged down so 1 dps can kill them even guarded and then they would be useless at every other bracket or the 2v2 matches would last for ever.


Arena gameplay would do more bad than good since a lot of mechanics would need to change, revive timers and battle revive timers along with a good amount of cooldowns medpacks etc. And its the best case scenario for balance that a game only has one standard population in a given match, balance would need to be altered even if bigger matches were added, for example 16v16 or 24v24.

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Having 2 & 4 Man wz's would only bring more QQ'er to the forums about classes being "OP" or "Too weak".


there is no concievable way there wouldnt be qq in the forums, remove pvp and NPCs would be to OP or weak. Remove the class system and then skill x or skill y would be unbalanced make it a jump only arcade and some ppl would come and cry about something, thats the mentality of a lot of people.

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It would be fun to get a friend and 2v2 people, I loved it in WoW. But too bad this game's class balance is broken. Every group would get demolished by a Juggernaut tank & Operative healer to the point where everyone runs teh same setup.
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This ^


Dear lord who wants smaller PvP? We need 16v16 and some meaningful open world PvP that will wash the bad taste of Ilum out of our collective mouths.


16v16 is just zerg vs zerg. A 16v16 is better for a warzone I think.


Anyway, I don't like Open World PVP, BUT I'm HAPPY if they introduce it, because other people like it. See what I did here? Yes I support OW Pvp even If I don't like it, because i'm not selfish and if people like it, they deserve to have it.


We can have both btw.

PS: 2v2 is bad, 4v4 is fine imo.

Edited by TheNotorius
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