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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

LI Companions, romance, future content & you...


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drunk dailies are fun. and drunk dialing the fleet is even funner.

my agent has to do dailies all the darn time to feed all those kids of hers...


Dude! That's what I was missing! Alcohol to slow the brain oozing out my ears from sheer boredom!

(This is actually why I have as many alts as I do, I just can't stand dailies that don't change day in and day out, but my trooper has no money and crappy gear, soooo.....)

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Dude! That's what I was missing! Alcohol to slow the brain oozing out my ears from sheer boredom!

(This is actually why I have as many alts as I do, I just can't stand dailies that don't change day in and day out, but my trooper has no money and crappy gear, soooo.....)


drunk dailies with your LI are fun too. vector makes the best drunksitter ever


except hes too much of a gentleman to try and take advantage of the situation >:(


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drunk dailies with your LI are fun too. vector makes the best drunksitter ever


except hes too much of a gentleman to try and take advantage of the situation >:(


I don't think I have ever been drunk whilst playing SWTOR! Time to rectify that. Actually I was once. Good time to play Huttball, when I drink. Makes it even funnier than it already is. Now if only I could take my LI on a Huttball date, my life would be complete....I keep spending credits on stupid crap in game and really need to do dailies. Someone please make me do them....I could be doing them RIGHT NOW! But I am here instead wasting time.:D

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Now if only I could take my LI on a Huttball date, my life would be complete....


what i'd love, is to see both my toon and LI plastered on a date,,, that..would be funny.... i'm sure she would all the sudden hear some very interesting stories of the more off coloured things he's wittnessed as a diplomat to exotic alien planets.

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That's one thing I miss about WoW that SWTOR doesn't seem to have. Buying booze and getting drunk as a skunk. That I'd pay good credits/real money to do. I could just see the number of Sith Lords or Agents trying to kill completely drunk and your companion actually saying something along the lines of:


*Draconia drinks until she pukes and tries to roflstomp a Rancor on Belsavis*


"My lord, it is not wise to tackle that...never mind. I shall get the squeegee and bucket, my lord." *walks off*



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I love you. Your agent and mine should get together one day. hahaha Our Vectors could stand there giving us exasperated looks while we giggle drunkenly. (Too bad we're not on the same server)


I wrote something for the Short Story Thread.


haha someone else rolled an op on my server to chill with me o.o

its kinda cool, lets hope the transfers funnels us all together... then we can rock the galaxy together with our insane fangirlism XD


the thing about that tho..what if we ended up accidentally taking the wrong vectors home that evening? XD

Edited by Crezelle
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haha someone else rolled an op on my server to chill with me o.o

its kinda cool, lets hope the transfers funnels us all together... then we can rock the galaxy together with our insane fangirlism XD


the thing about that tho..what if we ended up accidentally taking the wrong vectors home that evening? XD


And the problem here...? A Vector, is a Vector. =D Course I prefer my Vector with custom # 4. His original one is nice, but couldn't stand the bullet hair. hahaha

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And the problem here...? A Vector, is a Vector. =D Course I prefer my Vector with custom # 4. His original one is nice, but couldn't stand the bullet hair. hahaha


haha im one who likes blondes, but the veiny face one is ewwwwwwwww

prolly uses some industrial substance like the killik equivalent of beeswax to keep that 'do nailed down

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Heya folks,


We've recently had to remove a number of off-topic and borderline inappropriate posts from this thread.


As a reminder, the thread subject is about future storyline and/or romantic content you'd like to see for your companions (or love interests). Please remember to keep your comments clean and on-topic to the thread subject, or they'll need to be removed.


Thanks for your understanding!

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Heya folks,


We've recently had to remove a number of off-topic and borderline inappropriate posts from this thread.


As a reminder, the thread subject is about future storyline and/or romantic content you'd like to see for your companions (or love interests). Please remember to keep your comments clean and on-topic to the thread subject, or they'll need to be removed.


Thanks for your understanding!


Oopsie! We did it again! We do get carried away, don't we? Sorry, mods.

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Well, no matter where Skadge ends up, he's still going to be garbage. Hyperspace takes care of a lot of garbage so regular space doesn't have to put up with it. :D

okay... but if i crack my windshield on a frozen hauk carcass..i know who to send the bill to

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Heya folks,


We've recently had to remove a number of off-topic and borderline inappropriate posts from this thread.


As a reminder, the thread subject is about future storyline and/or romantic content you'd like to see for your companions (or love interests). Please remember to keep your comments clean and on-topic to the thread subject, or they'll need to be removed.


Thanks for your understanding!


Gah! Sorry mods, I really need to try to behave myself in my own dang thread! :D

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  • 3 weeks later...

I just got to the 'make it official' mission with Mako. It was nice and romantic and all, but it left me going, "Wait... So are they married now?"


I really want to see the marriage reflected in some way in the game, aside from just the little notes. Foremost, I'd love the option of adding the Legacy surname to the new companion spouse (even if the spouse is a guy). From a storytelling standpoint, that just makes sense.


I'd also love to have an option to see an actual ceremony. I'm a girl. I like the romantic stuff. So sue me.


I'd like the option to have my married couple kiss whenever I want them to. And not just the 'emote' kiss where all you get is text, but something involving a cut scene preferably, or even an emote where they actually touch each other.


I saw someone else's idea to have a few new quips to add to the companion's dialogue that they randomly say in battle or where you click on them, like a sarcastic "yes, dear", and I'd love to see that as well.


In general, I just really want the marriage to actually show up somewhere in the game and affect the interaction between the character and the companion in a way that I can really notice and appreciate (again, more than just the little in-game notes).

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In general, I just really want the marriage to actually show up somewhere in the game and affect the interaction between the character and the companion in a way that I can really notice and appreciate (again, more than just the little in-game notes).


Play a Female Jedi Knight, you do get a real marriage scene. And it is awesome.


And yes, the kissing emote sounds great!

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Play a Female Jedi Knight, you do get a real marriage scene. And it is awesome.


And yes, the kissing emote sounds great!


Thanks, I'll keep that in mind. I still want it for everyone, though. (And Jedis aren't even supposed to marry, so that's a little ironic.)

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I really want to see the marriage reflected in some way in the game, aside from just the little notes. Foremost, I'd love the option of adding the Legacy surname to the new companion spouse (even if the spouse is a guy). From a storytelling standpoint, that just makes sense.



I'd like the option to have my married couple kiss whenever I want them to. And not just the 'emote' kiss where all you get is text, but something involving a cut scene preferably, or even an emote where they actually touch each other.


I saw someone else's idea to have a few new quips to add to the companion's dialogue that they randomly say in battle or where you click on them, like a sarcastic "yes, dear", and I'd love to see that as well.


In general, I just really want the marriage to actually show up somewhere in the game and affect the interaction between the character and the companion in a way that I can really notice and appreciate (again, more than just the little in-game notes).


this, this this and this

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I really hope to see a bunch of new companion stuff, so I hope that's true. I really love all the companion quests and relationships and stuff. Lots more with them would be great.


(I just tried the "/kiss" emote with my BH on Mako. Yeah, as a flirty silly thing to a friend or acquaintance, sure. As a tough bounty hunter kissing his wife, it's just... embarrassing.)

Edited by MollyDresden
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