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Lol, it's cool, I'm still on Nar Shaddaa, so no Vector to bring as my date yet. ;)


And yes, yes you did. I suppose I can redirect all unwanted Vectors to you as long as you return the favor with unwanted Torians. :D




Deal. *handshake*




I will take your Torian and give you a slightly used Aric. He's sweet enough, but I love my little Mando Power Ranger.



I will gladly take ALL the Torians, because I can never have enough of Johnny Yong Bosch's voice. :cool: I remember how bummed out I was when his character got a girlfriend in Power Rangers. (I was 11, gimme a break :D ).


whats your agent's name again?

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I will take your Torian and give you a slightly used Aric. He's sweet enough, but I love my little Mando Power Ranger.




My Torian has been packed and shipped and sent in your direction - he is in mint condition I promise! :)


Now when you say a slightly used Aric....no wait, probably better that I don't know. :D

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My Torian has been packed and shipped and sent in your direction - he is in mint condition I promise! :)


Now when you say a slightly used Aric....no wait, probably better that I don't know. :D


Meaning all his convos are done and I have his presence bonus? ;) He still has all his fur intact!


sent a mail with a cultural artifact gift :3


Have I mentioned that I love you lately?

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Meaning all his convos are done and I have his presence bonus? ;) He still has all his fur intact!


thats better condition than mine is in


Have I mentioned that I love you lately?


we are one in the fangirl hivemind <3

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He still has all his fur intact!



Well as long as the fur is intact, I will take him! Even if it isn't....


And this is how I ended up with several humane society cats, isn't it. Me and my bleeding heart. Aaah!

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added ya elly to flist, hopefully we can get in touch :D


Woot! I added your Empire toons to my FList and wrote down your Pub toons for whenever I decide to make one. (I'm thinking Smurf Smuggler next :cool: )

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I had a thought today that it would be lovely if there were more Easter egg comments from companions when we go places. Everything from comments about the area like Mako's "this is creepy" and Aric's "these lights are hurting my eyes" to more insight on their background if they had been there before.
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I had a thought today that it would be lovely if there were more Easter egg comments from companions when we go places. Everything from comments about the area like Mako's "this is creepy" and Aric's "these lights are hurting my eyes" to more insight on their background if they had been there before.


this is why i never use speeders in places i haven't been before, lol

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Aric's "these lights are hurting my eyes" to more insight on their background if they had been there before.


Why does it not surprise me that Aric is whining about the lights being too bright...I did laugh out loud when he said that...I almost expected him to say it even before he did...grumpy old s***. lol :D

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I'd like to see some type of proof that I can show other players that I romanced and married my LI. Maybe a title like:


Character name, wife of (insert companion spouse)

Character name, husband of (insert companion spouse)

Character name the Married

how about just "The balled and chained"
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Why does it not surprise me that Aric is whining about the lights being too bright...I did laugh out loud when he said that...I almost expected him to say it even before he did...grumpy old s***. lol :D


Lol, Nar Shaddaa is not his kind of town. He seems to like places with history. But, see! This is what I would like to know more about!! Likes and dislikes, is he just curious or is there a reason he likes places with significance and history to them?


And I must have laughed for goodness knows how long when he complained about the lights. Sooo funny!

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Lol, Nar Shaddaa is not his kind of town. He seems to like places with history. But, see! This is what I would like to know more about!! Likes and dislikes, is he just curious or is there a reason he likes places with significance and history to them?


And I must have laughed for goodness knows how long when he complained about the lights. Sooo funny!


again, i never use speeders in new areas just so i can hear the commentary. my fave was vector doing a mission on hoth where you go deep into a white maw hide out, and he said something like

" Storybook heroes often plunder pirate treasure.... now, so do we"

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Now that it's been revealed we're getting a new planet with new story content I hope this means our companions will get new dialogue and maybe more missions. Hopefully it won't just be all about HK-51.


Please yes. Please please yes. I honestly don't care one bit about HK-51.

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Lol, Nar Shaddaa is not his kind of town. He seems to like places with history. But, see! This is what I would like to know more about!! Likes and dislikes, is he just curious or is there a reason he likes places with significance and history to them?


And I must have laughed for goodness knows how long when he complained about the lights. Sooo funny!


Me too, that damn light comment really cracked me up for a while...poor old Aric's eyes were buuuuurning with those nasty holos everywhere! haha. Well he is lucky, I don't think much of Nar Shaddaa myself, and we don't go there unless we really have to....


But you are right, these are the things I wish I knew more about, why they are interested in those places, why they say they things they do...and pretty much any other information about these companions that Bioware would like to give us, lol

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Me too, that damn light comment really cracked me up for a while...poor old Aric's eyes were buuuuurning with those nasty holos everywhere! haha. Well he is lucky, I don't think much of Nar Shaddaa myself, and we don't go there unless we really have to....


But you are right, these are the things I wish I knew more about, why they are interested in those places, why they say they things they do...and pretty much any other information about these companions that Bioware would like to give us, lol


But then again, that's when you get to have fun and make it up on your own!

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But then again, that's when you get to have fun and make it up on your own!


then theres me...and my immature/dirty mind. i swear during loading screens, my agent is taking a swig from one of many hidden flasks. having to do dailies on belsavis and corellia seem to really drive her to hit the bottle.

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Ugh my trooper really needs to start doing dailies too, now I just have to make her do it....much alcohol will be consumed I think, possibly in RL whilst I do the damn dailies....lol


drunk dailies are fun. and drunk dialing the fleet is even funner.

my agent has to do dailies all the darn time to feed all those kids of hers...

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