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LI Companions, romance, future content & you...


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Id like companions like in Dragon Age: Origins who have lots of lore and stories to share, and rich backgrounds to uncover..theres literally hours of material just in your camp not counting the various odds and ends they talk about when traveling.


Biowares NPCs have been one of the most noteworty featuers in most of their RPG series (Kotor, Dragon Age, Mass Effect). To see how flat the companion system is in their biggest, highest budget game to date was incredibly disappointing for me.


That aside, Id like to see more gear tailored to how they are supposed to look. Lord Scourge looks silly in Jedi Battmaster/recruit armor. But I cant get him actual Sith looking armor because theres no way for republic to get sith gear. Corso Riggs, Russk, Akaavi, and the other non-trooper "heavy armor/aim" companions arent members of Havok squad..but all the trooper gear they end up wearing is covered in the Havok stamp. Akaavi is in a similar boat as Scourge...she needs Mandalorian armor to look right, which isnt available on republic side of the border. Would be nice if there was a vendor for high end companion gear, or at least appearance companion gear so they look like themselves.

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exactly. or maybe more interactive emotes like the compdance. nothing like /makeoutinthefleet but something cute, like have them sit down beside you if you sit down, ect


no /makeoutinthefleet? Awwww. Sometimes when I am on late at night, I am the only one IN fleet, so surely...noone would mind :D


On that though I would love them to do things like sit down with you, have a drink with you, sit in my speeder with me! Rub my feet. You know, that sort of stuff. Rub my feet, dammit! Its been a hard day. :)

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My trooper is getting just a smidge upset and wanting the nookie. I've completed Jorgan's little side quest on Tattooine to save his fellows and he stopped talking to me! How dare he! lol I just need to finish act II. *sigh* The waiting is killing me. I want my own kitty to pet and have purr to me...er I mean my trooper. lol


See?! Its really frustrating! Glad I wasn't the only one. My other romances er, put out pretty quickly. But no, not this one. This one is like...cold showers required. Jorgan, why do you toy with me? Frigid cat, as Crezelle put it. That Tatooine quest was a big old tease, because I expected....things...after it and I got nothing. I was a sad trooper. :(

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See?! Its really frustrating! Glad I wasn't the only one. My other romances er, put out pretty quickly. But no, not this one. This one is like...cold showers required. Jorgan, why do you toy with me? Frigid cat, as Crezelle put it. That Tatooine quest was a big old tease, because I expected....things...after it and I got nothing. I was a sad trooper. :(


whats gonna be funny is when i finally get to a certain point, i bet im gonna have like 30 convos with him.

ittl be like he does a 180. at least space them out better. at this point my trooper is toying with the idea of add-ons for M1-4X so he can ..um... boost morale. it's that bad. it sadly is.

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whats gonna be funny is when i finally get to a certain point, i bet im gonna have like 30 convos with him.

ittl be like he does a 180. at least space them out better. at this point my trooper is toying with the idea of add-ons for M1-4X so he can ..um... boost morale. it's that bad. it sadly is.


Lol, yep. I think I had affection maxed at around 30 and then started getting worried that I'd messed something up. NOPE, the man takes his good old time. I don't think it's frigidity as much as some serious self-control, which, personally, I find pretty smexy.


And for 4X, well, he does take courting gifts, sooo....

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I don't think it's frigidity as much as some serious self-control, which, personally, I find pretty smexy.


You know what's sexier than self-control? Sex.


Kidding, mostly. Jorgan's pretty great. And after Vector "Who is this SCORPIO and why are you writing letters about her?" Hyllus and Malavai "I don't want to talk about this" Quinn, I'm never blitzing an LI's conversations at the very beginning of Act 3 (pre-Belsavis) again. Too many weird confusing things happen.

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You know what's sexier than self-control? Sex.


Kidding, mostly. Jorgan's pretty great. And after Vector "Who is this SCORPIO and why are you writing letters about her?" Hyllus and Malavai "I don't want to talk about this" Quinn, I'm never blitzing an LI's conversations at the very beginning of Act 3 (pre-Belsavis) again. Too many weird confusing things happen.


Lmao, I should have qualified that...TEMPORARY self-control :D


I almost wish there was a way to toggle something to slow down affection gain. If your playstyle matches what a companion likes it's crazy easy to rack up a ridiculous amount of affection points really quickly and then end up with one of those conversation pile-ups. I don't like them, to be honest. They don't feel natural in any way shape or form.

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I almost wish there was a way to toggle something to slow down affection gain. If your playstyle matches what a companion likes it's crazy easy to rack up a ridiculous amount of affection points really quickly and then end up with one of those conversation pile-ups. I don't like them, to be honest. They don't feel natural in any way shape or form.


I have been working (with some difficulty) on voluntarily pacing myself. I'll allow affection to run up however it will, but I won't run two conversations in a row. I try to do two area steps of a planet's class quest before proceeding. Talos Drellik is standing in my cargo bay, taunting me, but I won't talk to him again 'til I've done another stage on Belsavis.


I hope this helps the relationship make more sense.

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Id like companions like in Dragon Age: Origins who have lots of lore and stories to share, and rich backgrounds to uncover..theres literally hours of material just in your camp not counting the various odds and ends they talk about when traveling.


Biowares NPCs have been one of the most noteworty featuers in most of their RPG series (Kotor, Dragon Age, Mass Effect). To see how flat the companion system is in their biggest, highest budget game to date was incredibly disappointing for me.


That aside, Id like to see more gear tailored to how they are supposed to look. Lord Scourge looks silly in Jedi Battmaster/recruit armor. But I cant get him actual Sith looking armor because theres no way for republic to get sith gear. Corso Riggs, Russk, Akaavi, and the other non-trooper "heavy armor/aim" companions arent members of Havok squad..but all the trooper gear they end up wearing is covered in the Havok stamp. Akaavi is in a similar boat as Scourge...she needs Mandalorian armor to look right, which isnt available on republic side of the border. Would be nice if there was a vendor for high end companion gear, or at least appearance companion gear so they look like themselves.


You can buy Imperial gear (or Republic gear) off the Nar Shadda GNC. If you were on Corellian Run, I'd make those gear for you (I have a 400 Synth and 400 Armormech) and mail them to my Republic side to give to you.

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You can buy Imperial gear (or Republic gear) off the Nar Shadda GNC. If you were on Corellian Run, I'd make those gear for you (I have a 400 Synth and 400 Armormech) and mail them to my Republic side to give to you.


Gear changes appearance from Imperial to Republic sides. The exact same Armor of Foo will render differently on (and have a different icon in the inventories of!) Republic and Imperial characters. Don't bother selling it cross-faction, or shipping it in your legacy cross-faction, in the hopes of getting the look.


Lord Scourge cannot have Sith-armor dignity. Not in the current system.

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I have been working (with some difficulty) on voluntarily pacing myself. I'll allow affection to run up however it will, but I won't run two conversations in a row. I try to do two area steps of a planet's class quest before proceeding. Talos Drellik is standing in my cargo bay, taunting me, but I won't talk to him again 'til I've done another stage on Belsavis.


I hope this helps the relationship make more sense.


Now that's self-control :) You're right, the relationships don't make as much sense when you get the conversation pile-ups. And for the LIs it gets especially weird: kiss, sex, declaration of love, married, kids? in like 20 min.


I managed to pace Doc's and ended up with a section where

he got mad and told my jk that maybe we'd better cool things down for awhile and then there were a few days when no conversations popped up. The next time they talked my girl said "it's obvious you've been avoiding me." If there'd been a pile up that would have made no sense whatsoever.


(By the way, Bright, you were pretty much right on Doc's personality - I think his shallowness actually got worse as it went on, ugh. Chalk that one up to me hoping for better! Thank goodness he still makes me laugh on occasion or else..... So there's still room for improvement there, hopefully he'll mature a bit more as we go forward, hope hope hope.)



And I guess that's the other thing I'd like to see in future content - personal growth from the companions. I'd like to see the immature ones mature a bit, the emotionally-closed off ones open up a bit, the strict loosen up, and the loose cannons gain some restraint. Not 180s for the most part, but a shift in that direction.

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Now that's self-control :) You're right, the relationships don't make as much sense when you get the conversation pile-ups. And for the LIs it gets especially weird: kiss, sex, declaration of love, married, kids? in like 20 min.


I did that. It was a problem. From playstyle alone I had Quinn maxed out by Quesh, so when Act 3 started, here's how it went:


he's talking HE'S TALKING YES YES OH GOD YES FINALLY YES YES......(fifteen minutes and nine conversations later).......why is the rum gone? Why is the rum always gone?


So I really, really need to not gorge myself next time. I'll be patient with Andronikos. Patience, you ninny.


And I guess that's the other thing I'd like to see in future content - personal growth from the companions. I'd like to see the immature ones mature a bit, the emotionally-closed off ones open up a bit, the strict loosen up, and the loose cannons gain some restraint. Not 180s for the most part, but a shift in that direction.


I'd like that. Both some development, and some reaction to huge plot things - such as the war. Does Quinn try to place his own life in perspective while getting excited and turning his attention to an active war? Does Akaavi feel the old pull of wanderlust as more and more opportunities for an enterprising merc show up, or does she encourage the smuggler to come with? Does Doc let slip one single serious moment under fire, even if he denies it later?

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Gear changes appearance from Imperial to Republic sides. The exact same Armor of Foo will render differently on (and have a different icon in the inventories of!) Republic and Imperial characters. Don't bother selling it cross-faction, or shipping it in your legacy cross-faction, in the hopes of getting the look.


Lord Scourge cannot have Sith-armor dignity. Not in the current system.


Both my Synth and Armormech have patterns that are specifically for Republic characters. I'll have to test that out tonight.

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Both my Synth and Armormech have patterns that are specifically for Republic characters. I'll have to test that out tonight.


From what I understand, the way it works is that patterns that are class specific (Trooper, Sith Inquisitor, etc.) can't be used by your companions (I seem to remember trying that.) The companions can use the ones that are faction neutral, but the version changes depending on the faction. Dulfy put together a really decent collection of images for what these all look like. http://tor-fashion.com/

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As of I haven't finished any companion storyline yet, I'm most concerned now with companion customization.


These are the things I'd like to see:

1. Helmet toggle for companions.

2. Color unifying for companions.

3. Certain companions would fit better using the opposite side armor appearance variation. A pirate should look more like a smuggler than an imperial agent.

4. Orange armor that retains the companion's original outfit/appearance. This is less important if what is listed above is achieved, but I'd still like it.

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As of I haven't finished any companion storyline yet, I'm most concerned now with companion customization.


These are the things I'd like to see:

1. Helmet toggle for companions.

2. Color unifying for companions.

3. Certain companions would fit better using the opposite side armor appearance variation. A pirate should look more like a smuggler than an imperial agent.

4. Orange armor that retains the companion's original outfit/appearance. This is less important if what is listed above is achieved, but I'd still like it.

Yes =) helmet toggle for companions would make me so so happy!


I like to be able to see the face of the companion that I'm questing with =)

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I don't think it's frigidity as much as some serious self-control, which, personally, I find pretty smexy.



This. This x 100.


I was dating a military guy in RL, a looong time ago, hadn't seen him for 10 weeks, first time I saw him after that he had to stand there next to me in uniform whilst attending some ceremony thing, I wasn't even allowed to hug him or anything until the 'official' ceremony crap was over. But I had to stand there next to him for at least 3 hours.


And to that I say - self control. Sexiest thing out there! Delayed gratification always wins! :D

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This. This x 100.


I was dating a military guy in RL, a looong time ago, hadn't seen him for 10 weeks, first time I saw him after that he had to stand there next to me in uniform whilst attending some ceremony thing, I wasn't even allowed to hug him or anything until the 'official' ceremony crap was over. But I had to stand there next to him for at least 3 hours.


And to that I say - self control. Sexiest thing out there! Delayed gratification always wins! :D



ahaha... reminds me of when i used to date a californian.. i'm in vancouver canada... ohh man the starve and binge cycle was epic as far as chemistry went


but back on topic... what had me thinking about legacy.. prolly couldnt make it now the way it's been made, unless some drastic changes were had, is second generation classes. like literally create a toon as your war's apprentice/child, or an agent trained under yours, and the plot is completely different and takes place a generation after your first toon's

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@ Crezelle


Vancouver? Canada? :eek: *high fives!* Enjoying our lousy weather?


Back on topic:

Hide Helmet on Companions, please.

The unifying of companion armour too, please.


Oh and Jorgan, that kitty was so sweet once he finally broke down, oh so late in the game. *contented sight*

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Canadians everywhere!


I am Australian, but we both have the Queen on our money so I can be an honorary Canadian! :D


Yes when Aric broke down at the end and was actually romantic, I really enjoyed those scenes. But that was a bloody long wait.


So I wonder what BW will do with my Aric storyline in later content...he will probably have to marry me - because he told me that we would do that AFTER the war, well that war is going to take a while so I think a classy civil service in Nar Shadda would be a good idea! haha. Then we can play some slots after. Maybe some poker. Trying not to be euphemistic here. :p

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I'd like some women to romance who AREN'T fifteen years old. Playing through BH and Inquisitor, my only options have been Ashara (estimated age 14) and Mako (estimated age 16-17). Where are the women who look and sound and act like they're over 20? 30? And so on. If my grey-haired BH romanced Mako, that'd just be wrong.


Please add fewer little girls, more women.

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@ Crezelle


Vancouver? Canada? :eek: *high fives!* Enjoying our lousy weather?


Back on topic:

Hide Helmet on Companions, please.

The unifying of companion armour too, please.


Oh and Jorgan, that kitty was so sweet once he finally broke down, oh so late in the game. *contented sight*


surrey girl, (fleetwood) representing! the weather rocks, beats the heat

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