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Which NPCs or alternate companions would your characters rather romance?


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If your characters do not like who they were given, list any npcs, alternate companions or even your own companions that are not romanaceable now or yet.




My female human Jedi Knight: Rusk, Aric Jorgen, Kira Carsen, Kiwiks

My male Jedi Consular: Seems ok with the Nadia choice for now. He is actually open to most types from as gentle to Nadia to as wild as Kaliyo but he would not do really bad ones like Lachris or younger ones like Kira and Mako.

My female human smuggler: Adronikos Revel, Doc

My female human trooper: Wraith, Lord Scourge, Adroniklos Revel

My Male Zabrak Sith warrior: Darth Minax

My female Sith Inquisitor: Darth Zash

My male human bounty hunter: Lady of pain, Crysta, Darth Lachris, the female Zabrak Blacklist hunter, Vette, Kaliyo

My female human imperial agent: Have yet to see what her romances are like but... Aric Jorgen for example

Edited by AhsokaTanorules
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My female Bounty Hunter: Gault

My female Sith Inquisitor: Talos Drellik


My female Jedi Knight: Lord Scourge

My female Trooper: Jonas Balkar


Any Republic female: Gayem Leksende (the Czerka Corp. exec's son)

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I realized earlier today while I was running The Esseles flashpoint that I would have loved to have been able to just flirt with Kilran, just once in the entire game as either an Imperial or a Republic character.


SW : FimmRess on Alderaan.

IA : Aristocra Saganu

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Ooh, another vote for Grand Moff Kilran, even if it's unreciprocated!


My lady Warrior: Lieutenant Pierce, Lord Draahg...everybody on Corellia, just to spite a certain someone

My Jedi Knight: Lord Scourge, oh pretty please. Don't tell me helping him rediscover his humanity...er, Sith-ity...wouldn't be amazing.

My female Inquisitor: Talos Drellik. Passion + gentleness + intelligence = bliss.


All my lady Imperials: That officer at the Sobrik spaceport who starts the Balmorra planetary line; that bass-voice Chiss at Dorn Base on Hoth, Captain Yudrass, and/or his pretty counterpart Captain Tritan

All my male Imperials: Thana Vesh, of course

All my Republic ladies: Gayem Leksende, in case you want even more crazy in your pants; Darmas Pollaran, early and often; Assistant Warden Graal, who is both incredibly cute and incredibly brave; the lovely Ambassador Jannik of Voss; Cole Cantarus, who for some reason had this sizzling tension I couldn't act on.

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Ooh, another vote for Grand Moff Kilran, even if it's unreciprocated!


My lady Warrior: Lieutenant Pierce, Lord Draahg...everybody on Corellia, just to spite a certain someone

My Jedi Knight: Lord Scourge, oh pretty please. Don't tell me helping him rediscover his humanity...er, Sith-ity...wouldn't be amazing.

My female Inquisitor: Talos Drellik. Passion + gentleness + intelligence = bliss.


All my lady Imperials: That officer at the Sobrik spaceport who starts the Balmorra planetary line; that bass-voice Chiss at Dorn Base on Hoth, Captain Yudrass, and/or his pretty counterpart Captain Tritan

All my male Imperials: Thana Vesh, of course

All my Republic ladies: Gayem Leksende, in case you want even more crazy in your pants; Darmas Pollaran, early and often; Assistant Warden Graal, who is both incredibly cute and incredibly brave; the lovely Ambassador Jannik of Voss; Cole Cantarus, who for some reason had this sizzling tension I couldn't act on.


I have no idea why, but I have such a weird soft spot for Darmas. There was something so fun about those earlier interactions with him where you can be all flirtatious. That was the only mini-romance I was interested in with that character.



I think she took his betrayal VERY personally. She wasn't in love with him or anything, but she genuinely liked him.


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I have no idea why, but I have such a weird soft spot for Darmas. There was something so fun about those earlier interactions with him where you can be all flirtatious. That was the only mini-romance I was interested in with that character.



I think she took his betrayal VERY personally. She wasn't in love with him or anything, but she genuinely liked him.


I'm not ashamed to admit that Darmas Pollaran

was the sole driving force for my smuggler from level 35 to endgame. I almost dropped the questline entirely after his shocking, infuriating, delicious betrayal was violently dealt with. He was, for reasons I cannot explain to my friends, just completely wonderful. The flirting was so much fun.


I'll never forgive Corso for whining during my first and only chance to sleep with Darmas. I felt bad, placated Corso, missed that chance, and when Darmas returned my smuggler kept rushing from quest briefing to quest briefing hoping for more. Alas, it was not to be.



The only really satisfying dalliance my femSmuggler had was with Lokir-Ka of Voss. Balmorra was marred by a Corso freakout, and I actually called Alderaan-boy Captain Forgettable for weeks before I felt bad enough to look up his name and, um, face (

, in case you were wondering.)
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My poor single bounty hunter would really like...Ironfist or Yudriss on Hoth. Heck, just send a guy her way who isn't crazy, passive, or baby-faced and we'll have a deal.

Trooper - Jonas Balker is a natural, although if he were a romance option it would be almost an embarrassment of riches for troopers - Aric and Jonas???

My jk isn't finished with her story yet, but she'd give Lord Praven a shot...or two, and Lord Scourge has an incredible voice. Lt. Brion on Hoth would be really interesting too.

I am really really intrigued with Pierce for my baby sw, hoping he becomes an option for real.

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I'm not ashamed to admit that Darmas Pollaran

was the sole driving force for my smuggler from level 35 to endgame. I almost dropped the questline entirely after his shocking, infuriating, delicious betrayal was violently dealt with. He was, for reasons I cannot explain to my friends, just completely wonderful. The flirting was so much fun.


I'll never forgive Corso for whining during my first and only chance to sleep with Darmas. I felt bad, placated Corso, missed that chance, and when Darmas returned my smuggler kept rushing from quest briefing to quest briefing hoping for more. Alas, it was not to be.



The only really satisfying dalliance my femSmuggler had was with Lokir-Ka of Voss. Balmorra was marred by a Corso freakout, and I actually called Alderaan-boy Captain Forgettable for weeks before I felt bad enough to look up his name and, um, face (

, in case you were wondering.)


ugh ugh ugh, Terann. Such a letdown. His sister was about a thousand times nicer to me. Granted, I was being a jerk to him as well, but still...Alderaan was annoying.


I actually really did like Corso, but it would have been nice if I could have hooked up with Darmas before that line started. Oh well...in my headcanon, they totally got it on.

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My BH needs someone like Pierce. I haven't met him yet on my little SW (have only just got Quinn a day ago). I know Torian isn't that young but he still seems a bit young for my BH. I like 'em a bit older, lol. Also my BH would like to possibly romance Andronikos. Two of us running around dual wielding blasters with an 'I don't give a crap' attitude? Sounds good to me.


And yes, Jonas Balkar wasn't half bad either on trooper, wouldn't replace Aric but - can I has both? o.O

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My BH needs someone like Pierce. I haven't met him yet on my little SW (have only just got Quinn a day ago). I know Torian isn't that young but he still seems a bit young for my BH. I like 'em a bit older, lol. Also my BH would like to possibly romance Andronikos. Two of us running around dual wielding blasters with an 'I don't give a crap' attitude? Sounds good to me.


And yes, Jonas Balkar wasn't half bad either on trooper, wouldn't replace Aric but - can I has both? o.O


Sounds like your bh and mine have the same issue. Torian's not just young, he's a bit passive...which is strange when you're talking about a Mandalorian. I tried one flirt and went "nope, nope, not going to happen." Sweet kid though.


I love Jonas so much I may MAY be willing to consider rerolling a trooper just to run through his (hypothetical) romance. But omg would that be tough leaving Aric alone...not sure if I could do it.

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Aaaah Jonas. I admit I shamelessly took every single flirt with that guy. I don't know if I did it to simply flirt with him (he is yummy) or to make Aric flustered (also yummy)...or a little bit of both. Though if it came down to it, I would still choose Aric over Jonas.


....as for Torian. He did seem a bit passive, I like them more ...aggressive. But I can see why people like Torian, he is a sweetheart. He is just more of a fighting buddy for me rather than a romance. My girls are not into blondes, they like the tall, dark and handsome types. :)

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Jonas would be super sweet but leaving Jorgan, how could I do that to my puddy-cat? :(


Whoever mentioned Imperial Captain Brion from Hoth for that Republic-Imperial team up, I'd almost forgotten about him. Oh god, that man is hawt.

Edited by Kalterien
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Sith Warrior: Pierce, FimmRess

Imp Agent: Watcher X

Inquisitor: Urtel Moren, he was just so sweet


Jedi Knight: Scourge, it's so bad I wrote an awful fanfic about them

Smuggler: Darmas



So I have no idea why I can't forgive Quinn and I'm so mad at his character but I immediately forgave Darmas and I still love him. Maybe it's because I had a choice to deal with Darmas and he's not standing on the bridge of my ship looking all handsome and smug.



All: Captain Biron the imperial officer in the Republic Hoth quest Unlikely Allies he should be an optional romantic companion for everyone, male female republic and imperial :D

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Sith Warrior: Pierce, FimmRess

Imp Agent: Watcher X

Inquisitor: Urtel Moren, he was just so sweet


Jedi Knight: Scourge, it's so bad I wrote an awful fanfic about them

Smuggler: Darmas



So I have no idea why I can't forgive Quinn and I'm so mad at his character but I immediately forgave Darmas and I still love him. Maybe it's because I had a choice to deal with Darmas and he's not standing on the bridge of my ship looking all handsome and smug.



All: Captain Biron the imperial officer in the Republic Hoth quest Unlikely Allies he should be an optional romantic companion for everyone, male female republic and imperial :D






I would've sold out the entirety of the Republic's Hoth operation for the chance to sleep with that man. That accent!


As for smugglers and warriors,

I haven't forgiven Quinn or Darmas, but I always knew how Darmas would end. Sooner or later he would take the money and run. Quinn, on the other hand, swore himself completely to me about a day and a half after we met and then made himself utterly indispensable - not just in a business sense like Darmas, but in everyday life. For the believable goal of that whole Empire thing we both liked. So yes, I was madder about that. I was also happier with Darmas's story because it ended with one dead Darmas. Quinn didn't give me that kind of closure.



It's been a long time since I spoke with Watcher One, but I think if I had a femKnight I would throw myself at him. His mind and backbone alone...oh yes. Actually...Keeper was pretty attractive, too...and Watcher Three...mmm, Intelligence. I'll just have one of everything, please.

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I am noticing a trend on these forums as of late with alot of female posters and their love for alot of these male NPCs, quite interesting to see.


Anywho i think for a Male Smuggler there are a fair few options for possible romances since you do get around quite alot in the class story alone, Beryl Thorne leaps to mind right away, it was awkward enough running into her the second time with Risha had certain events unfolded.


Theres also the Girl from Nar Shadaa, the noble woman from Alderaan and a few others scattered around that are obviously one night stands but some have potential.

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I would've sold out the entirety of the Republic's Hoth operation for the chance to sleep with that man. That accent!


As for smugglers and warriors,

I haven't forgiven Quinn or Darmas, but I always knew how Darmas would end. Sooner or later he would take the money and run. Quinn, on the other hand, swore himself completely to me about a day and a half after we met and then made himself utterly indispensable - not just in a business sense like Darmas, but in everyday life. For the believable goal of that whole Empire thing we both liked. So yes, I was madder about that. I was also happier with Darmas's story because it ended with one dead Darmas. Quinn didn't give me that kind of closure.



It's been a long time since I spoke with Watcher One, but I think if I had a femKnight I would throw myself at him. His mind and backbone alone...oh yes. Actually...Keeper was pretty attractive, too...and Watcher Three...mmm, Intelligence. I'll just have one of everything, please.


Yay another Biron fan! I had hoped when I leveled through the Imp side that there would be a mirror quest on Hoth where Biron would be the main contact and I could talk to him more. So sad the quest line was different.




I've already leveled through 2 SW's and dumped Quinn both times but it wasn't as theraputic as I'd hoped. I'm going to run through another one without flirting and treat him like dirt and give him a reason to betray me. You're right though, Darmas doesn't pledge anything just fun times and credits.




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Yay another Biron fan! I had hoped when I leveled through the Imp side that there would be a mirror quest on Hoth where Biron would be the main contact and I could talk to him more. So sad the quest line was different.


Ooo, how could've I forgotten about Biron? And it's hardly fair you only get to run into him if you play Republic side; especially since he's an Imperial.


I swear, there seems to be more better-looking male NPCs on the Republic side, LOL. (But to be fair, I also think the LIs for the female Imperial players are more interesting, overall. ;)

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