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Best Assault Specialist Spec.?

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Quick question bout the tier 1 alacrity boost - does it have 0 effect if we have no alacrity bonus on gear? I put 2 points in it normally (are the 4-500 extra hp from the endurance boost really worth it?) without thinking, but noticed that my alacrity bonus is still 0 in my stat sheet. 1.0x * 0.0 is still 0.0 ... Why is this talent even here? No 'Eliminator' gear has alacrity on it. Should we always get the endurance instead?


Also, about adrenaline fueled... yes the adrenaline heal is paltry, but reserve power cell is great for free plasma grenade tosses. Is that what you use reserve power cell for, and why in the world would you skip this?

Edited by WaddletonMcQuack
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Alacrity is an interesting stat. Our top clan healer/dpser Sage once told me it improves DOT's ticking, though I never really checked viability of her words. It fastens channeled skills (like Full Auto), as well as Charged Bolts (I think I went from 1.5 to 1.44), and I've read confirmation that it speeds up GCD. Usually if I have something channeled, I go for 9-10% speedup, at least that's what I did for my Sage. My trooper still has a few levels to 50, so I did't calculate anything about her equipment, so maybe someone more experienced would want to give his/her word about that. I wish to believe Alacrity buff in Assault tree has something more behind that than Biowarian incompetence. Edited by Shadenuat
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Alacrity is an interesting stat. Our top clan healer/dpser Sage once told me it improves DOT's ticking, though I never really checked viability of her words. It fastens channeled skills (like Full Auto), as well as Charged Bolts (I think I went from 1.5 to 1.44), and I've read confirmation that it speeds up GCD. Usually if I have something channeled, I go for 9-10% speedup, at least that's what I did for my Sage. My trooper still has a few levels to 50, so I did't calculate anything about her equipment, so maybe someone more experienced would want to give his/her word about that. I wish to believe Alacrity buff in Assault tree has something more behind that than Biowarian incompetence.


Alacrity does not speed up GCD, unless you're casting a 1.5s cast skill (charged bolt or grav round). It doesn't affect the GCD when u use instants. I'm also pretty damn sure it doesn't affect dots. Alacrity is pretty crap, and you only want like 5-9% TOTAL, and you'll get that from gear.

Edited by Smashbrother
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Alacrity does not speed up GCD, unless you're casting a 1.5s cast skill (charged bolt or grav round). It doesn't affect the GCD when u use instants. I'm also pretty damn sure it doesn't affect dots. Alacrity is pretty crap, and you only want like 5-9% TOTAL, and you'll get that from gear.


Alacrity is pretty crap compared to what?


Choices in the 1st tier are accuracy, alacrity and endurance.


Accuracy is also pretty crap in pvp, and you get a lot of undesired accuracy from WH gear, I'm missing 2 WH items for the full set and have 99.xx%/109.xx% accuracy already, I whish I had 0.

Endurance is always good, and alacrity while not that good still makes you cast full auto, power shots and heals faster, so it's a winner in my opinion.

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So my question wasn't even whether alacrity was better than accuracy or endurance, it was more about the talent itself. It increases alacrity by a percentage. If I have 0 alacrity bonus, and increase it by X%, it will remain at 0. Is that correct?


If so then no matter how awesome alacrity is, the talent is a trap-waste-trick and should be avoided-revised-reviled.

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So my question wasn't even whether alacrity was better than accuracy or endurance, it was more about the talent itself. It increases alacrity by a percentage. If I have 0 alacrity bonus, and increase it by X%, it will remain at 0. Is that correct?


If so then no matter how awesome alacrity is, the talent is a trap-waste-trick and should be avoided-revised-reviled.


No. The talent increases your activation speed by a static 4%, not 4% of your alacrity stat.


If you have 0, it will increase it to 4%


If you have 5% it will increase it to 9%, etc.

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