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New 1.3 Details from MXM Expo 2012!


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Seriously, doesn't anyone see the problem of allowing 8-man premades to q for both normal and ranked warzones at the same time? Can't Bioware see how much not-fun it will be for pugers to join a game against such teams? Isn't it obvious how such a system can be abused in an Illum-type of way (instead of win-trading there will be "day-trading" since you still get Ranked rewards if you q for it, even if you play a normal WZ in the end)?


Sign up. Help test it. The more testing and voicing the better. Be part of the solution, then.

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Will LFG have decent rewards for doing random instances? Say 1 black hole token to do it each day? Currently 99% of all pug players can't even clear HM LI with any level of consistency (a pure interrrupt strategy play - you need vent to signal the interrupts properly when sequences break) - so forget about that 6 lousy tokens from that stream.


It takes 10 weeks to get a chest piece with this setup through Corellia, let alone the over 10 pieces you need to deck out. 10 weeks to players bent with infinite gaming choice in today's MMO.... you'll lose a lot of motivation and move on.


The elitist jerks can boast about their Campaign pieces.


Its subject to change, but... a recent video revealed that there are 3 daily missions for using the random LFG, and each one rewards 5 blackhole coms. The missions are for completing a Story Mode op, a tier 1 FP, and a tier 2 FP>

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so funny. you can't even play this game properly on good machines. when will they finally admit that?

hi@ ilum 5fps, hi@ warzones 20fps.




Hmm, I run everything at the highest setting save for AA, and have 30+ fps at all times but within a Fleet of 200 players. WZs are 30+, FPs 60+, high population Fleet 20+. What's the problem?


AMD Phenom II X6, 8GB RAM, nvidia 460gtx.

Edited by ThaLunatik
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So nobody else caught the part about them allowing addons in the game? probably the most shocking thing i saw in the video.


Nah, never used addons. I was perfectly happy with ACT in the past (which is not an addon). Hoping TOR gets real-time functionality soon for it. I prefer it over addons any day.

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Nah, never used addons. I was perfectly happy with ACT in the past (which is not an addon). Hoping TOR gets real-time functionality soon for it. I prefer it over addons any day.


I dont use addons either besides maybe custom ui stuff, i just meant i thought they were firmly agaisnt addons in the past, now it sounds like they are definately coming. It was one of the hardest things rift did and probbly took the longest for them to implement out of all their features so i wouldnt count on bioware having them done in the next year.

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I dont use addons either besides maybe custom ui stuff, i just meant i thought they were firmly agaisnt addons in the past, now it sounds like they are definately coming. It was one of the hardest things rift did and probbly took the longest for them to implement out of all their features so i wouldnt count on bioware having them done in the next year.


Oh, no. GZ mentioned even in beta that they didn't have any aversions to addons, just that they weren't a priority.

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Ranked WZs limited to 8 player parties (no solo queuing as discussed pre-1.2)


I'm extremely unhappy about this. I have to have 7 friends around and all ready to do ranked PVP?


That kills it for me.


This and 1.2 really hurt PVP and staying with this game for me. I do not understand the mindset behind this decision at all.

Edited by Kiyoko-
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I dont use addons either besides maybe custom ui stuff, i just meant i thought they were firmly agaisnt addons in the past, now it sounds like they are definately coming. It was one of the hardest things rift did and probbly took the longest for them to implement out of all their features so i wouldnt count on bioware having them done in the next year.


Coming from years of WoW I was so accustomed to addons, it was tough to imagine living without them when anticipating SWtoR. But then it didn't take much time at all to get used to not having any and now I haven't really thought about them much since.

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Not everyone has your computer is a start


True that, although I don't think mine is a beast by any means. I upgrade a piece here and there as time goes on, never an entire PC at once. I believe I got the vid card under a year ago and the model itself is nearing two years old. The CPU is also installed within the past year while the model itself is over two years old. However it is beneficial to turn some graphics down during raids, although I don't often raid so I don't find myself doing this much.

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Was there anything about copying your character to PTS?


I recall reading something about a character transfer to PTS process. They said they couldn't guarantee that 100% of characters will successfully transfer, however the original character is of course unharmed so if the process doesn't work then a let down is the really the only downside.

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I'm extremely unhappy about this. I have to have 7 friends around and all ready to do ranked PVP?


That kills it for me.


This and 1.2 really hurt PVP and staying with this game for me. I do not understand the mindset behind this decision at all.


They explained it for you.


Do you want to lose a good ranking you create due to a few new players/jerks playing poorly and without any teamwork necessary to do well?


Join a guild and see what you can do bro.

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They explained it for you.


Do you want to lose a good ranking you create due to a few new players/jerks playing poorly and without any teamwork necessary to do well?


Join a guild and see what you can do bro.


Their explanation for me does not work. Yes, I would be willing to risk ranking due to pug, rather than the draconian solution imposed-by-others of not being able to queue at all.


I have no interest in finding and waiting until 7 other people are all on and ready to go. I know that is standard operating for raiders and others, but that does not work for me. So no, I am not happy about this odd decision.


This is especially dumb when one of, if not the, major problems this game faces is that it is a series of ghost town servers.


I am glad it is ok for you. But it significantly makes TOR not the game for me, and I can voice that. Their explanation is wholely inadequate.

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Yes. Want to know why? Because as it is now, it's hard to even find people in this game with all the dead servers. It's going to be more difficult to get 7 others to do Ranked WZ's with, on a consistent basis. It would've been so much better if they let us queue solo. Why are they copying WoW's Rated BG system? It's just ridiculous.


you did read the part about the server transfers. Where you only have 1-3 active servers now, once transfers start, you will have numerous huge active servers. So your issue with the dead servers are soon to be irrelevant.

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Their explanation for me does not work. Yes, I would be willing to risk ranking due to pug, rather than the draconian solution imposed-by-others of not being able to queue at all.


Exactly. People that concerned with their rank and winning are going to wait until 8 with or without the restriction. I don't understand the need to force us to roll with 8... sounds like early days of everquest 2 with restriction overload. We don't need the hand holding, if we want to risk our rank, we'll go with 7 and cross our fingers... at least we'll still be able to do it.

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The sad part in this entire debate is what Bioware has done with this new requirement(yes they have gone back on their original plan but thats their perogative, their game their rules) is they have basically admitted there are a lot of bad and ignorant players in warzones. In fact Ill go one further and say what has been happening is players are basically throwing the game for their buds on the opposite team. So good on Bioware for doing this. However, as in iluum it is again going to set up a gear disadvantage that will now be nearly impossible to overcome for new players. Oh well..if it kills the game so a few very large guilds are kept happy oh well. Thats what this is all about and we might as well accept it. So casual Pvpers..sorry you are done...bioware doesnt want your business accept it and move on. Do I agree..doesnt matter...will I buy EA stock not likely..take that as you will.
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"Social points in Hardmode flashpoints"


I fail to see how this is a "new" feature in 1.3 when a few patches ago, somewhere around 1.1, they "fixed" the issue with Hardmode Flashpoints not giving Social Points.


So they removed it without telling us then they're adding it back in and passing it off as a new feature?


Or it's a bug they brought back in one of their craptastic patches and are now fixing it, again, and labeling it as a new feature?


That's just horrible if you ask me.

Edited by Quikfox
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In fact Ill go one further and say what has been happening is players are basically throwing the game for their buds on the opposite team.


Sounds like some weird conspiracy theory type stuff there.


Anyways, you know the casuals you are talking about, can play non-ranked WZs and get the same level of gear as ranked players? And... there is nothing stopping people that arent in guilds, or that dont have a ranked group, from grouping with 8 other randoms to go into a ranked WZ, if thats what they want.


In regards to the gear disparity... it takes 2 days or less, to get a full BM gear. The difference between full BM and WH is 127 expertise, or a 1.7% pvp bonus difference. Meaning, no... someone that is new to PvP can catch up very quick, and gear disparity is a non-issue.

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"Social points in Hardmode flashpoints"


I fail to see how this is a "new" feature in 1.3 when a few patches ago, somewhere around 1.1, they "fixed" the issue with Hardmode Flashpoints not giving Social Points.


So they removed it without telling us and are adding it back in and passing it off as a feature?


Or it's a bug they brought back and are now fixing, again, and labeling it as a new feature?


That's horrible.


What they fixed a few patches ago was not getting Light/Dark side points in HM FPs. :rak_03:

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What they fixed a few patches ago was not getting Light/Dark side points in HM FPs. :rak_03:


True, but I also was getting social points before and after that time up until recently.


It still doesn't change the fact that something like that shouldn't be labeled as a new feature but rather a bug fix, and something like that should of been fixed long before 1.3.


This should've been in SWTOR's launch as a normal thing anyway along with Lightside/Darkside points with no need to even patch.

Edited by Quikfox
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