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So... who's actually happy with the game?


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I'm a Star Wars fan above all else, and this isn't good enough for the Star Wars name, and especially since KotOR was sooo darn good.


Star Wars Fan: “The original trilogy are fantastic films.”


Star War Fanboy “Everything about Star Wars is great. Lucas can do no wrong, Jarjar Binks was a shrewd move and a deep character that kept true to the SW ethos.”


SWTOR fan: “This game has a lot of potential but really has a lot of room for improvement. I’ve had loads of fun with it but I see its very obvious faults. I relly hope BW pull something out of the bag so it’ll still be going strong in a years’ time.”


SWTOR Fanboy: “SWTOR is fantastic, it’s great just as it is. I wish all these trolls would stop whining. Any changes are a bad thing, unless BW say they’re a good thing, in which case they will become a good thing. God I love BW so much, I bet once they read this post I’ll get an invite to the pub with the dev team.“

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Dont get me wrong there are some big issues with the game. Some of which should be fixed soon (population). Some will take time (putting in more content for people who dont wanna lvl alts to do on non raid/pvp nights).


But overall I still think it's a smashing game. I'm enjoying it more now than I did 2 months ago. EC is a very fun raid imo, but I think the main reason I'm enjoying it more is my new guild. We're fun and vibrant and relatively active :p


And I think that just highlights the importance of guild and community in MMOs, which is why Population issue is such a big deal. I imagine that's why all the people on Fatman and Tomb are loving the game, and the rest are hoping it gets 'saved'.


So yeah - plenty room for improvement, but I am enjoying it. The worst thing atm for me is that, apart from levelling alts - I can't really do much on the game unless it's prime-time evening. i.e. Raid night or whatever.


Tbh this normally wouldn't be a big deal if I was still in Uni, getting home around 4 and logging on from like 6-11. But now that the holidays are here, it's impossible to really play anything over than lvling alts from 12-6.

Fortunately I just play other games, and log onto SWTOR for raids and the occasional PvP session.

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Out of 1.3 million or whatever it is, I figure some of us must be.


I don't have any major complaints about TOR at the minute, save the awful 50 PvP armor. I've got two at 50, two more at 34 and 40 respectively, and I'm still having a blast playing. Then I come on the forums and it's almost incessant, overwhelming negativity to the point where I wonder why these apparent hordes of rabid anti-TOR users are still playing.


Anyone else out there actually enjoying themselves?


Having fun in SWTOR! :D

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I liked it at first, but I find myself thinking about going back to WoW...


If they just get some server merges going that will prolly fix the "lack" of community.


Merges to me are a better idea than free transfers, with a merge it is what it is, with a transfer you will ponder where to go. I understand if you made friends or are in a guild you might be split, but so be it.

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I'm a Star Wars fan above all else, and this isn't good enough for the Star Wars name, and especially since KotOR was sooo darn good.


KOTOR was a great game and SWG was IMO awesome and provided a great mmo experience, i stuck it out for 8 years there even after the mass exodus.

You could visit locations for the ewok movie, even killed a gorax on endor.


I really like some of the maps here like hutta and korriban, but i agree with the populous that it fizzles out quick. I lose interest in the world as soon as i leave Dromund Kaas. There is alot missing from this game that is for certain.


I just dont play this game like an MMO anymore, i feel that is like trying to drive a care with no gas.


I just log in to do warzones and when i get bored of that i play something else.


Its fun for what it is but it is no where near what it should have been.

Edited by kirorx
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I love this game.


My guild had a serious lack of players when Diablo 3 came out. We had to shift leadership around but since then things have improved quickly. We recruited several new members and are up to about 14 50s that are regulars.


We have been raiding hard mode ops at least 3 times a week and recently downed Kephess on Story Mode for the first time.


This game is fun when you have the population to support the content. Without my guild I would be on a dead server and I am truely concerned about this issue. I hope they address it soon, because I love this game!

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I hated this game when I first got beta access and played a couple early weekends. I liked it a lot more once I gave in and rolled a force using class (one of the ones that it seems they did first, before they ran out of time and good ideas). It's still got major issues, but it's actually the only game I play now, and I'm not usually into the fantasy style MMOs, which this basically is.


I never played any of the dozens of games of this basic style and mechanics that have come out, including the ones that "everyone" has played like WoW, EQ, GW, Rift, etc., etc. If not for the Star Wars premise, I never even would have tried this game. And when I did try it, the first thing I thought was the same thing everyone else did: WoW with a Star Wars skin. And yet, here I am, still playing it. Part of the reason I am still here is that I saw what was coming when servers started dying off, gave in quick, and rerolled on a high pop server, before I hit my first 50. Part of it is that I found a really nice, fun guild on that server soon after I hit 50. But the rest of it is I actually like playing the game too.


People keep predicting failure, but that seems either naive or wishful. This game will have a long run ahead of it, whatever direction it takes, because it does have all the basics needed to make a good, solid game. It might take BW a while to get the problems sorted; and it does still have some major problems. They might even have some rough patches of rock bottom subscriber numbers if they're slow about it. But long term, this game is miles and miles ahead of several other far more dodgy games I can think of, launched in far worse condition, by far sketchier companies, that are somehow still in business today.

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I have no complaints about the game currently. If people give it a chance i think it will grow to be something great. I know it has been in development for years but it has only been out a few months. People need to give it some time.


Agreed! I'm here for the long haul, and this game already is one very amazing ride.


I can't wait for more, and I love with what's here now.



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I have no complaints about the game currently. If people give it a chance i think it will grow to be something great. I know it has been in development for years but it has only been out a few months. People need to give it some time.


I agree with you, but the problem is Bioware is very slow at getting things done in a day and age where other companies pump out pretty good content and feature updates at a rapid pace. Plus some players have no patients, there are to many other games to pick form these days, allot of people just won't wait around.


For me I am here, nothing on the market intrests me, I just hope they get things together, I have grown through many mmo's in my 14+ years of mmo play, and I have seen huge turn arounds both good and bad, I am crossing fingers for good here. They have an awesome game here to grow from, I just hope they start adding some diveristy to the game play.

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Played a lot of MMO's and I'm liking it. As a game it's got the basic mechanics of pretty much all of them to keep you busy plus it does a good job of immersing you in the SW universe. don't get some of the hate nor do I really care as every game has a exodus of typical WoW players looking for something new and innovative and not wanting to start over again doing the same kind of treadmill that's a basic fundamental of these games.
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Our server population has dropped in the last 60 days (link here) BUT we're the 15th biggest server in the US, and we're the 4th biggest RP-PvE server (as of 5/27/2012 phi value of 1.12 link to data here). All in all, it's troubling, but we're in a lot better shape than a lot of other poor folks.


Regardless of server population, The Thirteenth Legion is alive and vital. We have a busy calendar of RP, PvE, and PvP events (link showing our calendar here). As an estimate of the activity of our membership, I can tell you that 81 of our members have logged into our forums in the last month (as of 5/27/2012). 162 characters have been logged in and played within the last 31 days. 102 of those characters have been logged into in the last 7 days (as of 5/27/2012).


I'm happy. If happy = "involved in guild forums and actively logging in and playing the game" then I think I got 81 happy people with me.




Edited by Scorpienne
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The only thing wrong with this game are the people who are always complaining.


Amen brother! I'd spend more time helping people in the customer service forums if it wasn't for having to dig through two pages of vitriol to actually find someone with a legitimate problem.


But yeah. I love the game.

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I really love this game. I have 2 50 lvl, third soon. I see that there is big progress since the launch, many awesome stuff added. I am really disappointed by this forum, can't believe there are so many people that hate the game :confused: As for me: I will be here till the end.
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This game reminds me of another gem of a game I played a few years back.


City of Heroes.


Great game. I still log on occasionally.


I can log onto CoH, complete a quest or two or 5, complete a flashpoint, or raid with ppl, log off, and feel satisfied with how I spent my time.


It's the same way with CoH. Log on, complete a few newspaper missions, maybe get in a trial group, log off, and that's that.


They're both casual games, where the fun is mostly in the leveling process rather than repeated gear grind at end game.


Here I sample all 8 classes, and while the general questline's the same, TOR is like a book that can be read from 8 different perspectives. I like that.

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I think that a lot of lessons were learned from SWTOR. One being that it could actually be better to start smaller, more modestly, with less hype, and simply grow the game. Rather than assume by the old conventional wisdom, that a launch has to be massively hyped, technically perfect, to assure long-term success.


A goodly number of people like this game, as do I. It has the bones of a game that can become a very entertaining place in the long-term. But the hope that this game would burst out of the gates is basically long dead. What remains for players is to regroup, and decide if the game is for "you" in the long term. Bioware has to shift to plan B, merge some servers, get into a long-term cycle of upgrades and content, and figure out where their formula didn't work.


For my part, I'll be around. I still think this game will develop into a solid long-term Star Wars fix.

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/raises hand


Me. I'm happy with the game. I, however, have no 50's, or even any toons in their third chapter. I'm taking my time, and using my alt-oholic tendencies to enjoy the game. Of course, there are things I would change, but no game-breakers.

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I only log to raid or to recruit, raiding in this game is still alot of fun and vastly superior to wow(in my opinion). No other game holds any raiding interest for me atm.


However, i would like to have more to do. Currently my server Luka Sene - EU is virtually dead, On a great night we got 100 at fleet at peaks, otherwise its 20-40. Raiding wise its also more or less dead.

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Yep, enjoying it. 2 50's, 1 46, and a couple of more in the 16-20 range and not bored yet.


Yes, I do take a wek break or so every once in a while to play DCUO or Lotro or Dragon Age. Tthat saves me from burnout that so many people have as they play too much. I will have a 10 day vacation soon where I won't play at all, so again I will get a needed break..

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I am married and have a little daughter and a boy on the way. I work full time and am studying on the side. I actively spend as much time as I can with family and friends.


But I love good games, be it computer games, board games, role playing games etc.


The little time I have for gaming these days is spent on SWTOR, as it has been since early access.


I have postponed other games like Mass Effect 3, Diablo III, The Secret World (as I had Beta access) and many more.


While I love my life and would not change anything I wish I had more time for SWTOR, because I keep wanting to log in to run flashpoints, do Operations, level an alt or four, do some crafting, try to get the Datachrons, heck - maybe try some PvP (I have never PvPed in any game previously.)


All in all; I can't get enough of SWTOR. :)

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Really, the fact that they kept investigating the matter and when they got to the bottom they apologized and personally called people to apologize. That's more than i've seen out of any other mmo. A personal phone call to apologize.


How many people post blatent missinformation or lies on these forums? A **** ton. If I were a bioware dev anything posted by people on these forums would be met with extreme scrutiny from my point of view. The maturity levels from the player base that speaks up (for the most part) is shameful.


All that really matters is that they kept investigating till they found out the truth and then admitted to it.

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