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So... who's actually happy with the game?


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I love the game atm, but the server I started on just after launch, Master Gnost-Dural, which was the most populated at the time, is now nearly never above light. Server merges would be amazing, and would fix any issue i could find with the game.
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Nobody is telling you to be unhappy because other people are unhappy.


He's telling you to stop pretending there isn't a problem just because you aren't impacted by it. You and a lot of others don't seem to be able to understand that.

Edited by Trineda
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He's telling you to stop pretending there isn't a problem just because you aren't impacted by it. You and a lot of others don't seem to be able to understand that.


How is being aware of an issue that isn't affecting us "pretending there isn't a problem"? I said we're happy with the game, we can get groups anytime we want, and my guildies don't come here.


We're aware of low-pops, we feel sorry for y'all, but I'm sorry, we're still happy.

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How is being aware of an issue that isn't affecting us "pretending there isn't a problem"? I said we're happy with the game, we can get groups anytime we want, and my guildies don't come here.


We're aware of low-pops, we feel sorry for y'all, but I'm sorry, we're still happy.


And I'm happy that you're happy.


But when someone sees a list of what are mostly low pop servers and says to themselves and others something as ridiculous as "Ah well, it's a holiday weekend, that completely explains why servers have been slimming down for the past three months." It displays a level of willful ignorance that is actually insulting to the people who are experiencing the issues and should really have been slapped out of them at a younger age than what is required to be mentally capable of posting on a forum. That is to say, very young.


There is a problem. It exists. Nobody wants you or anyone else to join us in our misery, but choosing to act like it simply isn't there is extremely idiotic. A lot of your posts and the posts of others tend to show a level of disregard for the people experiencing the problem that really belittles the issue that does exist simply so you can display to everyone else that you're happy with things as they are.

Edited by Celebrus
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And I'm happy that you're happy.


But when someone sees a list of what are mostly low pop servers and says to themselves and others something as ridiculous as "Ah well, it's a holiday weekend, that completely explains why servers have been slimming down for the past three months." It displays a level of willful ignorance that is actually insulting to the people who are experiencing the issues and should really have been slapped out of them at a younger age than what is required to be mentally capable of posting on a forum. That is to say, very young.


There is a problem. It exists. Nobody wants you or anyone else to join us in our misery, but choosing to act like it simply isn't there is extremely idiotic. A lot of your posts and the posts of others tend to show a level of disregard for the people experiencing the problem that really belittles the issue that does exist simply so you can display to everyone else that you're happy with things as they are.


Well... I wasn't the one that made that comment. My post history shows plenty of acknowledgement for the issue, as well as the opinion that once that's taken care of, morale will improve exponentially enough to stop the bleeding, then 1.4 will turn things around.

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Both of them are pretty sad to be honest with you.


You know what they say though, when confronted by someone that doesn't agree with you, ALWAYS go to a higher authority to solve the problem for you. It's the way adults handle their problems.

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And I'm happy that you're happy.


But when someone sees a list of what are mostly low pop servers and says to themselves and others something as ridiculous as "Ah well, it's a holiday weekend, that completely explains why servers have been slimming down for the past three months." It displays a level of willful ignorance that is actually insulting to the people who are experiencing the issues and should really have been slapped out of them at a younger age than what is required to be mentally capable of posting on a forum. That is to say, very young.


There is a problem. It exists. Nobody wants you or anyone else to join us in our misery, but choosing to act like it simply isn't there is extremely idiotic. A lot of your posts and the posts of others tend to show a level of disregard for the people experiencing the problem that really belittles the issue that does exist simply so you can display to everyone else that you're happy with things as they are.


...my crafting is pretty good right now, I mean it's part of the game, right?...I don't even make the pretty purples anymore because there's no one to buy them...

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Having a blast playing even though my server (Black Vulkars) is effectively dead. Doesn't bother me though cause I have enough guildies to run HM's and WZ's with. That's all I need to have fun. :)


Just curious, you say your server is effectively dead but you also say you run wz with your guildys... Who the fk are you fighting and how long do the wz take to pop?

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low pops are just a symptom (not the cause) of this game's decline. server merges and character transfers are just band aids to slow the inevitable death of SWTOR. until/unless the real issues/obstacles to player retention/growth are addressed/remedied then SWTOR's future is seriously bleak.


fact: this game is far too single player rpg oriented. when the party (story) is over most people go home, that's why we have the problem (symptom) of empty servers. most people, either looking for an mmo or content with playing thru a round (or 8) of single player rpg, have left or are in the process of leaving (cancelled recurring sub). there's just no justification for paying a monthly sub for this type of game. even when they finally get around to kicking out some new content, as in past games, people will resub for a month (only because that's the minimum) and quit after they (voraciously) consume it days later. what mmorpg need are a mix of dev created and player-driven content. the player-driven stuff, if supported well, can fill the development time that it takes to introduce new, dev-made content. in this way, you can sustain an mmo for years and still have players feel as if they are getting their money's worth.


player-driven content demands a highly interconnected/interdependent world (which TOR is not). the meta game story arc needs to be robust and compelling. in TOR we have two factions that supposedly don't like each other that much, but in reality we have a 2-faction player base that could care less (or take notice of) about the Galactic Conflict. we have no real player-driven socio-political/economic system in place. no real interdependency between crafters and consumers. we have classes and roles that don't actually do what their titles say they should be doing (smugglers and bounty hunters). hence, no depth to this game.


before the trolls jumped me i'm not saying i want SWG. this isn't about what's better between "theme park" and "sand box". i want a game that devs and players collaborate on in order to create a game with depth that is fun to log into for years to come.

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...sticking your head in the sand only makes you oblivious, not happy...
One who is happy because they are not caught up in someone else's wreck isn't sticking their head anywhere. They are under no obligation to feel others' pain or frustration, though a good samaritan will stop & help if they can. Edited by GalacticKegger
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One who is happy because they are not caught up in someone else's wreck isn't sticking their head anywhere. They are under no obligation to feel others' pain or frustration, though a good samaritan will stop & help if they can.



...you are missing the point, just because you are happy running stuff with your guild doesn't mean swtor is thriving...

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Just curious, you say your server is effectively dead but you also say you run wz with your guildys... Who the fk are you fighting and how long do the wz take to pop?


Warzones typically take about 10-15 mins to pop on Black Vulkars. That's with less than 100 players across all planets on the Imperial side. A guildy of mine rages that it's not insta-que anymore, but for me personally every 10-15 minutes is fine. Gives me time to do other things like dailies & crafting while I wait.


So yeah, I'm still having fun. :)

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I tend to play games to relax rather than watch TV, 5+ hrs a day since around 1997.


I am enjoying SWTOR but there are a number of things I dislike such as lack of cross server PvP pool and lack of a real need for crafted goods.


I am willing to play SWTOR for several more months as the game develops but UO is the last game I spent more than 5 years playing before moving on.

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I'm happy.


Loving PvP (still learning new things all the time)


Enjoying PvE - although I get the feeling the Jedi Knight story is probably not the most exciting to kick off with.. (first MMO and all)


Next toon is going to be either an Inquisitor or Imp Agent... really want to be an evil ****** for a while lol :cool:

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