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For some reason we wonder why BioWare doesn't take us seriously?


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About the most intelligent thread I've seen in months.


Like I always say, in any PvP forum for any MMOG, there are always a bunch of people who so easily without thought, proceed to blame the game for their own shortcoming. Contrary to the endless stream of whines and moans, there is a certain depth and unique merit to what SWTOR PvP gives us. Sure, its not perfect, but the true concept of "balance" is actually still better than most other game I've seen and played for the past 16 years.


When you have 2 million subscription initially, that naturally means you see that much more morons in the forums. Sweey Jebus almighty, the endless complaints against such a simple and elegantly effective system like Resolve, is enough evidence to conclude most people in these forums aren't really qualified in any way to be taken seriously in the PvP sense. You could either like or hate the Resolve system, but the system itself is working fine most of the time... and how long does it take for people to understand that? It's been months and montsh since launch, and we still have people whining about it.



Why does one have problems in SWTOR PvP?


Well, SWTOR PvP has some problems: (1) servers/population, (2) slight balance problems (which is contained at a certain level so such imbalance is never overly decisive in determining the outcome) and (3) premades-PuG problems(which stems from (1)...


...but other than this, if anyone has any problems concerning combat, go look in the mirror. That's probably our largest problem right in front of our eyes.


I disagree with your opinions regarding Resolve. While Resolve "works" to a degree, it only works (or seems to work) when one has a CC break available. My main issue with Resolve is that CC immunity doesn't last long enough. Personally I'd like a 5 second window minimum after each successful CC you suffer.


For melee resolve is a bit more frustrating. Nothing is, to me, as frustrating than trying to reach a target. Get spammed by a CC, let it run out, move forward, get spammed by another CC, which fills resolve, popping CC breaker, moving forward then get Rooted until resolve runs out, then get CC'ed again.

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...but other than this, if anyone has any problems concerning combat, go look in the mirror. That's probably our largest problem right in front of our eyes.


So why the concern over a class being nerfed? If mara got all their defensive CDs removed, their damage nerfed and speed boosts all removed- anyone can just say to a mara who's having trouble 'the problem is between the chair and the computer'.


It's just another pointless way to say l2p that doesn't address any imbalances.

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Many of you know me...


I'm Professor Walsh.


I was (and still am) a game designer, as such I had a unique understanding of what was being done. My numerous predictions were always spot on and never once was one of my standing predictions incorrect.


I was allowed multiple interviews with members of BioWare's dev team as part of the reporting coverage I did for Ask A Jedi.


I'm living proof that they handle criticism very well actually.


Day in and day out I see lies. Constant lies.


All I am asking for is for us to show some restraint, to be honest, and to explain the issues as they are rather than rely on hyperbole and sensationalism.


Thank you.


Coming from someone as humble as yourself, I can see how us common folk may seem a bit "sensationalistic"...lacking much of the restraint someone as famous as yourself exhibits .


Lemme ask Doc...do you happen to play either a Sentinel or a Marauder? Yes or no?

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Critics are just other people with opinions. Anyone can call themselves a critic it doesn't make your opinion any more valid than the next guy, no offense.


Still an attempt to be positive should be commended I suppose.


Please tell me that you got more from that insightful post that him being a critic. And no, if you had read that post at all you would understand the true meaning of a critic. Hint: It isn't always a bad thing.


Well said OP. Thank you for that post.

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Classes are mirrored between factions. That's the end of balance issues and always has been. Is there room for intra class balance, NO NOT MUCH MORE, this game is very well balanced. What swtor needs is an endgame and server mergers. The reason for all the tears is the game was released with insane councelor and sorceror class imbalance. Once the word got out and EVERYONE rolled a sith sorceror... balancing the game became doing exactly what the majority of the player base didn't want. Thus all the gnashing of teeth and generally horrible behavior on the forums.

If the devs spend even a second on class balance issues at this point the game is doomed. They need all hands on deck churning content, figuring out OWPvp and a sustainable PVP/PVE endgame.


Sadly the actual game killing sistuation, the lack of population, faction balance and OWPvp were swept far under the rug by the insane and vocal majority of UBERSORCERORS as they tried to hold on to their super OP characters both pre and post nerf.


Now only massive server merges, huge amounts of content and some kind of over the top promotion campaign can save SWTOR. The hardcore sorceror #1 or else, crowd is long gone and the one or two left complaining are hardly worth paying attention too.


Honestly, allowing almost everyone to roll Sith Inquisitors or Imperial, and completely ignoring pvp and endgame smacks of a clueless MMO development plan, ripped directly from every flop MMO made since Wow.


Im personally devistated by a game I looked forward to since pre NCU SWG... o well... at least I got to hold a lightsaber for a few months.


Maybe they'll fix it and I can come back... but, Im not holding my breath or paying for it untill then.

Edited by VoidJustice
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This is a post here being made in an attempt to appeal to the wisdom of all PVP players of Star Wars: The Old Republic who post in this forum. We constantly beseech help from BioWare for a better PVP experience. We constantly grow angry when they fail to respond and/or fail to deliver that which we demanded.


Sadly... There is a reason why that is and it is our own fault.


Many of you know me...


I'm Professor Walsh, I'm a critic. It was, for a long time, literally my job to heckle BioWare. I was, and still am, one of their biggest critics. As a critic though I had standards and I had a code of conduct that I strictly adhered to.


I never posted anything when I could not explain my stance with as much factual information as possible. Was I always perfect? No. However I was never willing to outright lie to create controversy even though my articles were all about controversial topics.


I was (and still am) a game designer, as such I had a unique understanding of what was being done. My numerous predictions were always spot on and never once was one of my standing predictions incorrect. I called everything from the faction imbalance, to the advanced classes, right down to the content that we would see in trailers for this game. I always gave my reasoning for such.


That is also why, despite being a harsh critic, I was allowed multiple interviews with members of BioWare's dev team as part of the reporting coverage I did for Ask A Jedi.


Many people, on here, accuse BioWare of taking any criticism personally and claim that they simply brush things under the rug or that they ignore what is said. I'm living proof that they handle criticism very well actually. The problem is the many people making those accusations don't actually criticize.


What this has to do with PVP is this...


Day in and day out I see lies. Constant lies. Constant lies that are backing specific and very obvious agendas. BioWare is right to ignore such things. Not only is BioWare right to ignore them but I don't blame them if they simply feel they can't trust feedback from this forum anymore.




How about people who claimed that Sentinels and Marauders could hit "10k damage on a single Master Strike." for example?


What about claims like, "We jumped this Marauder 5 to 1 and couldn't kill him before he killed one of us! I mean, sure we didn't use any CC, but that is because players don't know how to CC in this game! The Marauder should be nerfed because players haven't learned how to CC them!"


(Also yes, that is an actual summary of an actual post in this forum... I make no exaggeration here.)


The list goes on and on and it isn't just about Marauders and Sentinels, it is about the Expertise raise in general, it is about the Shadow and the Assassin Tank variants. It is about X ability doing Y damage that it can't possibly do. It is really sad to look at.


Look guys, if we want BioWare to pay any attention to this forum what so ever we need to organize and stop trying to shovel copious amounts of bovine dung in order to try to manipulate the devs into submitting to our personal demands.


If, for example, you find it difficult to kite melee classes in this game... Then say:


"I, and apparently others, have been having a difficult time kiting X class." Then give an explanation that is as factual as possible regarding the circumstances that you were encountering.


Don't post:


"X class can't be kited!" Followed by a long explanation of how this class cannot be kited, which inevitably will be replied to by people of that class and of other classes who are saying how they can be kited. The words: Can't, Never, and Always should not be used.


If, for example, you are having a difficult time healing your team mates and you cannot get a guard, say:


"I, and others, are having a difficult time performing our roles as healers in PVP due to the fact that damage comes in very quickly. There are few players who play Tanks on my, and others, servers and they often do not apply guard to us. Perhaps BioWare could add some quality of life improvement to help with this issue."


Make sure you identify the problem accurately. In the above example, the issue isn't the healer being unable to heal, it is that they lack a Guard to help them survive longer and thus give them enough time to heal through the damage they are receiving.


Also consider variables, if they reduced damage how silly would it get if someone without a Guard could survive without needing one? Why would that generate an incentive for anyone to play a Tank? Their role wouldn't be needed. Alternatively how powerful would a Tank and Healer combination become under the circumstances where a Healer can survive DPS attacks without one?


All I am asking for is for us to show some restraint, to be honest, and to explain the issues as they are rather than rely on hyperbole and sensationalism.


Thank you.


Your agenda is showing.

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