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The Fate Of Asajj Ventress


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In the Clone Wars, Dooku tried to kill Ventress for failing him too much and she escaped, went back to the Night Sisters, and helped arrange her own "replacement" from the Night Brothers clan (where Maul was from); The Night Sisters recruited maul's brother, Savage Opress, and Ventress trained him, hoping to get him close to Dooku so she could kill him.


Long story short, the plot failed, Savage turned on both Ventress and Dooku and everyone went running in different directions. Savage went and found Maul, Ventress is currently working as a Bounty Hunter and went after Savage. Savage and Maul captured Obi-Wan and beat the crap out of him and Obi-Wan ended up getting rescued by Ventress. The two of them had to make a run for it because Maul and savage were winning. They escaped together and that's where the 4th season ended.


What happened to her in the EU?

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Well, in the EU Asajj esnetially got scrwed over by Dooku, who stabbed her in that back so he could escape and left her to die. Obi-Wan helped her let go of her rage as she lay "dieing" so she could pass on peacefully but in reality she put herself into a Sith-Mediation trance thingy and awoke from "death" while she was on board the medical shuttle, ordering the pilots to take her away from the Wars, the Jedi, and Dooku.


After that she just feel off the radar and was never heard from again. :/

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Well, in the EU Asajj esnetially got scrwed over by Dooku, who stabbed her in that back so he could escape and left her to die. Obi-Wan helped her let go of her rage as she lay "dieing" so she could pass on peacefully but in reality she put herself into a Sith-Mediation trance thingy and awoke from "death" while she was on board the medical shuttle, ordering the pilots to take her away from the Wars, the Jedi, and Dooku.


After that she just feel off the radar and was never heard from again. :/


The two versions aren't too far from each other. Lucas tends to borrow from the EU occasionally for a few things.

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They should take my idea and end the series by having Luke Skywalker (Jedi Master) watching a holodrama of the Clone Wars to settle all of the canon issues.


Kind of similar to the ending of "Star Trek: Enterprise", where it ended with Riker on a holodeck.

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I would love to see them make a series of the Star Wars: Legacy comic series, Luke Skywalker's grandson, who's kind of a scumbag, starts getting visits from Luke's force ghost and tries to set him on the right path. It could be animated in the same style and Mark Hamill can come back and voice it.


Harrision Ford would never do it and Carrie Fisher sounds like she's been smoking a pack a day since "Return of the Jedi"...

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I would love to see them make a series of the Star Wars: Legacy comic series, Luke Skywalker's grandson, who's kind of a scumbag, starts getting visits from Luke's force ghost and tries to set him on the right path. It could be animated in the same style and Mark Hamill can come back and voice it.


Harrision Ford would never do it and Carrie Fisher sounds like she's been smoking a pack a day since return of the Jedi...


That would be neat, they could even continue from where War left off.

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LOL, didn't know that had been done before, I have never been a fan of Star Trek.


I've been a sci-fi fan in general. Waiting so long in between Star Wars releases, I had to have something to fill the time :D


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I've been a sci-fi fan in general. Waiting so long in between Star Wars releases, I had to have something to fill the time :D



I got lucky and was born in 92 and my dad didn't introduce me to Star Wars until I was 6 so I only had to wait 1 year for TPM and then 6 years after that for a complete saga, lol.

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It has already.


The Yavin IV event never happened. Along with Anakin's personal starfighter never being made, etc.


Actually it did. If it didn't Anakin wouldn't have been knighted. His defeating of Ventress as an apprentice, no less, showed the Council, he was knight material much like Obi Wan "Defeated" Maul in Episode 1, which at the time they needed more knights after General Grievous's First Appearance and initial kill count of their Order.


She survived the cliff fall....barely. People that fall over cliffs with the bottom blacked out rarely die for good in Literature and TV Shows, Maul is proof of that. Besides She was on top of a rock in the fall and she was conscious during the event and a Force User, do the math. She probably kept the rock steady with the Force and crash landed on the ground.


As for the Starfighter, they simply don't have him use it anymore most likely because it's a waste of their budget. It's easier to use a basic Jedi starfighter with his custom colors on it. That doesn't mean it's been retconned.


Now what probably has been retconned is Obsession.

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It has already.


The Yavin IV event never happened. Along with Anakin's personal starfighter never being made, etc.


The Tartakovsky Clone Wars, along with the CGI series is all considered canon. I don't believe any of it was retconned. The CGI Clone Wars takes place in between the two time periods in the Tartakovsky version (the second ending right at the beginning of "Revenge of the Sith". They released the DVDs of the Tartakovsky version by the different time periods, so on my shelf, the box sets of the CGI series sets in between them.

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For those who feel like staying here.


Storytelling time.


Essentially during the Republic Comic Series, Obi Wan and Alpha were captured after they were presumed dead when a downed AT-AT Blew up duringthe Battle of Jabiim early into the Clone Wars. Anakin and the order thought they were dead and Anakin for a time went between A'Sharad Hett and Ki Adi Mundi as a Padawan.


Little did they know Both Obi and Alpha were still alive and being tortured on Rattatakk by none other than Asajj Ventress. Obi Wan being the hero he is breaks out with Alpha and during the Escape he learns a lot about Asajj's life before she met Dooku, albeit from a pyschopath Warlord that killed Asajj's Jedi Master who found her. He finds out that "AV" had a dark upbringing and grows some sympahty for the Acolyte They escape the planet and all is well.


Then a few years later "AV" Ambushes Anakin on Coruscant. This is where Anakin gets that Scar on his face. They duel and Anakin defeats her, if I remember correctly with help from the Darkside, and leaves her for Dead...again. Which conflicts with the Clone Wars....hmmm:rolleyes:


Enough Build Up, This is where Obsession comes in.


Annnywhooo. Anakin thinks she's dead, Obi Wan on the other hand has doubts and becomes obsessed with finding her, HENCE THE TITLE, with the noble deed of redeeming her if he can. He searches the galaxy, even going undercover and busting thugs for information. They walk into a Trap set by Dooku, and fight Durge. Anakin Off's Durge by sending him into a Sun. Yea...he was that Bad***.


Eventually he finds out that she is alive in a lab during a battle on Boz Pity where Dooku has undergone cybernetic augmentations on her. The Battle goes south and Dooku orders a retreat and leaves her behind to slow the Jedi Down. Betrayed she goes into a coma and she gets put on a Republic Shuttle where she wakes up and hijacks it. And....that's where the story ended for her....though I think the events in TCW has retconned all that.

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For those who feel like staying here.


Storytelling time.


Essentially during the Republic Comic Series, Obi Wan and Alpha were captured after they were presumed dead when a downed AT-AT Blew up duringthe Battle of Jabiim early into the Clone Wars. Anakin and the order thought they were dead and Anakin for a time went between A'Sharad Hett and Ki Adi Mundi as a Padawan.


Little did they know Both Obi and Alpha were still alive and being tortured on Rattatakk by none other than Asajj Ventress. Obi Wan being the hero he is breaks out with Alpha and during the Escape he learns a lot about Asajj's life before she met Dooku, albeit from a pyschopath Warlord that killed Asajj's Jedi Master who found her. He finds out that "AV" had a dark upbringing and grows some sympahty for the Acolyte They escape the planet and all is well.


Then a few years later "AV" Ambushes Anakin on Coruscant. This is where Anakin gets that Scar on his face. They duel and Anakin defeats her, if I remember correctly with help from the Darkside, and leaves her for Dead...again. Which conflicts with the Clone Wars....hmmm:rolleyes:


Enough Build Up, This is where Obsession comes in.


Annnywhooo. Anakin thinks she's dead, Obi Wan on the other hand has doubts and becomes obsessed with finding her, HENCE THE TITLE, with the noble deed of redeeming her if he can. He searches the galaxy, even going undercover and busting thugs for information. They walk into a Trap set by Dooku, and fight Durge. Anakin Off's Durge by sending him into a Sun. Yea...he was that Bad***.


Eventually he finds out that she is alive in a lab during a battle on Boz Pity where Dooku has undergone cybernetic augmentations on her. The Battle goes south and Dooku orders a retreat and leaves her behind to slow the Jedi Down. Betrayed she goes into a coma and she gets put on a Republic Shuttle where she wakes up and hijacks it. And....that's where the story ended for her....though I think the events in TCW has retconned all that.


You did an awesome job summing it all up but there is one point that I feel I should clear up: It wasn't a coma it was a Sith trace that made here appear dead.

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You did an awesome job summing it all up but there is one point that I feel I should clear up: It wasn't a coma it was a Sith trace that made here appear dead.


yeah, it's always fun to talk Star Wars with someone else who has a passion for the material. You should see the discussion we're having about the story in the prequels on this thread:


Enough Lucas Bashing Already!


It's mostly people who didn't understand elements of the story and claiming they were never explained, etc. And I've got one guy that keeps hammering me claiming I'm an apologist for the Prequels. Fun Fun Fun....

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yeah, it's always fun to talk Star Wars with someone else who has a passion for the material. You should see the discussion we're having about the story in the prequels on this thread:


Enough Lucas Bashing Already!


It's mostly people who didn't understand elements of the story and claiming they were never explained, etc. And I've got one guy that keeps hammering me claiming I'm an apologist for the Prequels. Fun Fun Fun....


I looked at that thread when it first started, I am not dipping my fingers into that pie. That place be a warzone.

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I looked at that thread when it first started, I am not dipping my fingers into that pie. That place be a warzone.


Yeah, I saw your post as the second one, saying that it was a "can of worms" and "good luck". That cracked me up...hehe


probably the funniest post in the thread...

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Yeah, I saw your post as the second one, saying that it was a "can of worms" and "good luck". That cracked me up...hehe


probably the funniest post in the thread...


That was Wolfninjajedi :p I don't think I ever commented on the thread though I did read the first few pages.

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