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Not enough choice in skill trees!


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The skill trees present an illusion of choice. Unless you're going totally hybrid, you're going to be putting points in almost every single skill. It just seems like the goal of the system is to let us be creative, but we have barely any wiggle room!


I want to agonize over "this, or that?" decisions, and be able to change to a noticeably different spec WITHIN the same "tree."

I would like to see where specializing in a tree still can only fill HALF of the talents at most.


Sure, there will still probably be "optimal" builds even if we have more options, but still, why can't we experiment more? To use the scoundrel as an example, wouldn't it be great to be scrapper, but then "respec" a DIFFERENT kind of scrapper for a different experience? Or choose better HoT's vs. better burst within the heal tree. Right now, you're gonna be pretty much identical to someone else with the same tree, especially if you're PVE.


Especially when you see upcoming games like The Secret World, where players will get a TON of class customization, I'm surprised we're so limited here.


Anyone else frustrated by this?


(So yeah, you could call this thread a suggestion thread, but I consider it more of a rant because I'm not expecting a change anytime soon...)

Edited by Stenrik
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I would like a little more play in the trees, I really like the feat trees for AoC.


However it could be worse... look at WoW current implementation of skill trees.. or even worse, the one that they are boxing in with their MoP xpac.

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I would like a little more play in the trees, I really like the feat trees for AoC.


However it could be worse... look at WoW current implementation of skill trees.. or even worse, the one that they are boxing in with their MoP xpac.


The vanilla AoC feat trees were much the same as SWTOR is now but offered weapon choice. It's wasn't untill Godslayer that true alternate advancement was an option :)

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I would like a little more play in the trees, I really like the feat trees for AoC.


However it could be worse... look at WoW current implementation of skill trees.. or even worse, the one that they are boxing in with their MoP xpac.


Seriously? (Actually... I'm not that surprised.) I played some WoW back in Vanilla, and I remember there being more choice than what we have here. Fully filling the tree still left a lot of unused skills, as I recall. I enjoyed thinking about it and deciding for myself how to spec.


I think this current trend is an insult to our intelligence. :tran_frown:

Edited by Stenrik
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I played some WoW back in Vanilla, and I remember there being more choice than what we have here.


That may be the case, but the post you quoted was talking about the CURRENT (Cataclysm) trees, not the vanilla trees (see below).


look at WoW current implementation of skill trees.. or even worse, the one that they are boxing in with their MoP xpac.


The MoP talent trees are terrible. It is just giving you a new ability (or alteration to an old ability) every 15 levels. /snore

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Yeah I know it's worse now, just commenting on how much they carebeared (I mean, carePANDA'd) it since then.



Anyway, I did have a notion regarding SWTOR... Suppose they made additional skills available through legacy unlocks? Like once you hit 50 with a class and have a certain legacy level, you can unlock additional skills to put points into. Sure it would be best to have more from the start, but I somehow see them going down this road someday...

Edited by Stenrik
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Seriously? (Actually... I'm not that surprised.) I played some WoW back in Vanilla, and I remember there being more choice than what we have here. Fully filling the tree still left a lot of unused skills, as I recall. I enjoyed thinking about it and deciding for myself how to spec.


I think this current trend is an insult to our intelligence. :tran_frown:


The vanilla wow trees were pretty good as well. So was BC for that matter. I'm talking the new ones that came with cata and the ones coming with mist of pandaria that are terrible. the MoP one is like a Ladder with only 6 skills in it.

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