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Which comapnions do you like/hate


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My character has a love/hate/love again relationship with quinn


But she choked that guy hard for his betrayel.


I also loved vectors strange speaking, it made me wish my agent was a girl, just to have more conversations ;)

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I've finished Sith Warrior, Sith Inquisitor, Republic Trooper and Smuggler.. I've also done up to the second act on Jedi Knight, Jedi Counselor and Bounty Hunter... Imperial Agent is lagging behind.


I'm not going to go into all the companions in this post but I feel compelled to defend Corso... I adored him. He was funny and sweet. I know some of the women feel that he didn't respect their strength, etc. but I think either I chose different dialog or they didn't read close enough. yes he wants to protect you, but he's excited by the fact that you can fight so well. He also isn't intimidated by the fact that you are better at things than he is...


Anyway I liked him a lot.

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Like :

-Elera Dorne. She is funny in her own kind of way.

-Akaavi, love the voice anyway

-Kalyio. I didn't like her for at least 30lvl or so, but in the end I like her, even if my IA is LS.

-Nadia, she is cool, and I like her as a padawan.

-Holiday. I know it's not a real companion, but she is so much more interesting than Tharan...

-Blizz. Because it's a Jawa, and he have so many funny quotes...

-Mako. She is sweet.

-M1-4X. He reminds me the giant robot from the fallout 3 ending.


Hate :


-SCORPIO. I join you because there is no other way, but I'll keep study you until I find a way to kill you.

-Vector. Probably because I said "no" to a romance with him. 3times. Then, he sent me love letters about how he love my smell. Seriously, that's creepy.

-Tano Vik. Why are you a trooper ?

-Tharan Cedrax. Mostly because of the voice.

-Corso. You are not a smuggler. You are a trooper. And stop acting like a farmboy.

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Guss is THE favorite for me. Great backstory, has the best one-liners (I loved the line on Belsavis: "Wouldn't you rather bring the wookie ? I mean, he's taller and would probably enjoy fighting things called the World Razer.")

I also like Vette and Qyzen.

Worst would have to be Tharan and Quinn.

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i havent had the chance to get the motivation to level all toon classes to 50. from what i have seen is that



Mako - twisted sense of humor and a good healer.

Vette - another one with a twisted sense of humor and a way with strange words.

Khem Val - Idle threats and comments, pure gold taken in a humors tone to the situation you are in upto the end of chapter 1.

Aric Jorgan - Brutally Honest and someone that you can rely on in battle.

Elara Dorne - Serious and on your toes with regulations and a good healer.

M1-4X - Twisted sense of humor despite being a droid.



Gault - Never understood him correctly and is practially useless in combat anyway.

Skage - The Most utterly useless character i have seen, apart from his threat gen, he dies too quickly on belsavis end storyline quest. Also not much of a personality.

Corso Riggs - Too much over aggressive use of words in conversations and combat, not that useful in combat anyway and i call him 'Torso'.


will have to get the other classes to level 50 at some point to learn more.

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Khem Val is my favorite, as I find myself talking to him as I play ("Good job, Khem.", "Look out, Khem!", Over here, Khem"). haha


I also like Mako (fits my BH's quest for money at all costs) and T7 (who I send away everytime my secretly Dark Jedi makes underhanded deals).

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Love: #1: Blizz, & then Vette, Quinn (if you overlook a weird twist that needs spoiler-finessing) & T7. Blizz & T7 are sweet. Vette is what I'd like for a best friend, & she's funny. Quinn was just so quirky that I overlooked the 'stupid spoiler moment' later. My sith warrior lady is so kind of tired & long-suffering that not much would surprise her, & I think she may be the most forgiving person in the galaxy. (She seems so much... nicer than the Jedi. I guess that's wrong, but LS sith seem like saints. My Jedi seems more a droid than my droid.)


Like more than I expected: Torian, Gault, Scourge, Elara & 4-x (I didn't keep my trooper, but I did like those 2 companions for their ultra-sincere gung-ho-ness) Gault grew on me a lot - I liked Torian despite the Bieber hair, mainly because he seems so quietly strong. And I love Scourge for being the only sensible one when I enter the Jedi Chamber.


Dislike with the intensity of 1000 suns: Ashara & Tharan (so much that I really don't play my sorcerer or consular) Oh, I forgot Temple. I thought she was benign, just boring, but by the end, I wanted her dead. Passive aggressive little hypocrite!


Fear too much to actually loathe: Skadge (he's horrible, but I laugh every time he speaks)



Ok with: Kaliyo (I like her voice, she's neat looking, but by Alderaan, I was really sick of the -1 affection.) I didn't really like any of the agent companions much - Vector was the best, but I just didn't feel that leaving him as a bug was 'caring for him as he is.' I wanted to save someone, I guess. But he has a great, soft voice, & didn't whine every time I did something that *wasn't* sociopathic. (Loken & Scorpio are ok - I just forget they exist)


Mako was always likable, but she struck me as a tiny bit clingy . Kira & Doc both have some funny moments, but they both seemed kind of cliched somehow. I didn't hate The Gorn, but I just felt he'd never be happy til we went after Capt. Kirk.

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For personality I like Mako and Risha the best. For kick *** gun sounds, Aric Jorgan since he runs around with the assault cannon. And Doctor Lokin since he can become a Rakghoul.


Most annoying is Guss Tuno.


I've only experienced all The Trooper, Smuggler, Imperial Agent, and BH companions though and 1 or 2 of the Jedi Knight and Sith Warrior. Have not done any of the Inquisitor or Consular.

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Cool. I like this thread for one. :)


So... I've capped and dabbled a little with most storylines. Thus far:


-Love Kira: A little sas, a little flirt, and maybe just a hint of darkside. "If you mashed Tat with Hoth..."

-Love Qyzen: Can't ever understand what he says, but I'm pretty sure it's encouraging. Love the scorekeeper thing.

-Love T7: Not much of a conversationalist, but he is pure as the driven snow. Geared him up and got him tanking effectively too.

-Love Elara: There is something about that voice.... wish I could force her to say "shedoole" over and over.

-Love Holiday: Sexiest companion for a companion I've ever seen and she is just a holo. Lol! Love to meet a human version of her.

-Love Nadia. She is always so excited to get summoned. :) Plus, she loves me!


The rest are "meh"... but to be fair, I haven't been through every story line.

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Love - and I mean LOVE:

Quinn -- although I haven't finished SW storyline but he was the only character in the entire game that prior to getting him as a companion I was hoping he would be a companion. So I was very happy when I didn't need to leave him behind.


Vector -- I love that he's so weird and after having Kaliyo for what seems like forever I'm sure that plays a part of why I loved him so much.


T7 -- what's not to love about him? :')


Mako -- she's occasionally funny and I just like her.



All female companions that aren't Mako. I don't know why... I just don't like the other female companions.


Kaliyo -- yes, she's a female but she deserves her own mention since I hate her skank ***. It made leveling a Operative such a pain. I was SO glad to get rid of her.



That's it. :) Everyone else I pretty much didn't mind.


EDIT: I also forgot to mention that I like Vette too, but she was quickly forgotten about because I fell in love with Quinn the moment I saw him. :D

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Nuff said.


I seem to have no issues with any of the companions I currently run with alts and the like. Although i tend to stick with a single companion through out a characters life, for my Smuggler I only ever used Corso till i got Guss and thats about it. Everyone else stayed in my ship 99% of the time, never even used Risha or Bowdaar apart from as a cloths horse.

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BEST top 3:


1. Kaliyo - I rerolled both male and darkside for this chick (both opposite to my previous intentions). She's charismatically flawless, comes across the most naturally of all the companions I've met (even though she's quite stereotypical) and is actually disturbingly attractive (in a way...). People who say she doesn't belong with the imperial agent, I don't get. Would they'd prefered to have just five identical Intelligence agents, all with the same mindsets? I think that the different views of your companions towards your job are very interesting. There are two Agent companions that are Impirial nationalists - Temple and Vector. Imo, that's enough.


2. Gault - I must admit, I haven't seen too much of him yet, but he's been a very amusing companion up to this point, and I've heard he'll stay that way. Would prefer to romance him over Torian BY FAR.


3. T. Drellik - He's flamboyant, cultivated, socially awkward... A rich character.


WORST top 3


1. T7-O1 - Most annoying thing in the galaxy. And it KEEPS following me, no matter how hard I try to crush his... personality? "Jedi - T7 = Happy Camper"

2. Goes to all boring "nice and cute girls". Like Mako and Ashara. I'd include Temple, but that wouldn't be fair as she sometimes actually made some funny and snide remarks, making her actually quite likable.

3. Khem Val - Most people love this guy, but I found him quite one-dimensional. He's just the Dashade... Guess I prefer humanoid characters (except for SCORPIO, it would be in my top 5 for sure).

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