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ToR Needs to be F2P


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declining pops, lack of innovation (accept single player voice overs), every patch seems to break something else, Useless "Legacy" system. i gave this game 3 months, and i think im experienced enough in MMos to compare this to a Developed F2P one. eq2 and Lotro have got it right. F2P is the way to go.

If you were any experienced MMO player you would know that 3 months isn't long. MMO's are released and more content is added as time goes on. SWG when it was released did not have housing or space combat. (Still don't see the big deal behind space in SWG. Was just a whole lot of black space...)


Basically what I'm trying to get around is that an MMO is not going to have a full revamp in as little as 3 months.

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I do not think ToR will be going free to play any time soon. I do however believe that it may in the not too distant future.


Many people have discussed LotRO's F2P model. Well I cancelled my SWtOR account and just resubbed my LotRO account for another 3 months. At £6.99 per month it offers a far better sub model than SWtOR simply because it gives you 500 Turbine points per month to spend in the cash shop. What that equates to for me is an effective sub price of less than £2.00 per month.


I sub because of the value it offers. I have tried the F2P version and things can become a bit of a chore grinding out TPs. However, like someone has said before, even if you only sub for 1 month, then many of those things that may have irritated you before go away.


If SWtOR did go F2P however I do think I would come back, but it would be a game that I would just dip into once in a while for a few hours a month, and when I was giving it some real attention I would likely sub for a month or two. Which is pretty much the way I play LotRO and Age of Conan.


As for Age of Conan? Well, it is not a bad game, but it does have some very bad points that can become unbearable after a while. Hence the reason I no longer sub it but play F2P. It also has a terrible F2P model that is unbearable if you play max level characters like I do. But, if you are starting out, then from 1-80 is not too bad, but you are very restricted in what classes you can play, and what dungeons are avaliable.


At this point I do not think SWtOR needs to go F2P. I do think there are some issues in the game that could be improved on to improve the overall feel of the game. If Bioware's numbers are to be believed, then things are going ok. But, then again, if the numbers continue to go south over this quarter then being proactive may well be the best thing. The unfortunate truth about MMOs is that, once it gets a bad rep, very few people are even willing to try it, and those that did try it, are very slow to forgive it.


That's my tupence worth then.

Edited by Lonarandir
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I don't think Bioware could handle f2p right now. Neither do they have the knowhow nor the talent or manpower to create a working f2p or b2p environment.


So far, they failed miserable with every piece of user controlled UI element. The GTN is terrible, the LFG "interface" is a joke and the family tree can't even be used to create a normal family. Letting these guys develop an ingame itemshop will take ages and still lead to a disaster.


And what exactly should they sell in that itemshop right now? Parts of the character story? Flashpoint tickets? Item mods? Expertise gear? All this has to be figured out and done right if f2p should be a success. You can't just pin a price tag on everything and hope that people will buy it. There needs to be a well thought-out system behind that and you have to offer something that people actually want.


Nobody will pay for a flashpoint ticket on a dead server, nobody will pay for doing dailys and only a few people will pay for playing the character story or for creating a green human instead of a blue one. No, selling the whole package for 15 bucks a month is way more profitable because the single parts aren't worth a dime.


SW:Tor is just not good enough for f2p.

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I am a simple soul. I like to know that I have all inclusive. One charge, one invoice, one bank transaction. Then I can properly relax without thinking about budgets every 2 mins.


All inclusive resorts when I go on holidays.

Unlimited Broadband (not limited download then pay a bit more if you want more nonsense)

All inc sub for any MMO's





any kind of micro transactional rubbish would drive me away from the game.

and making it totally free bar the purchase cost of the box... well that is never going to happen.



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To be honest I like the exclusiveness than a 15 a month subscription gives you. Unless there's a trial, everyone is on the same level. It weeds out ******* and others who would otherwise hurt the community.


For F2P to work they have to make the items useful. To make the items useful they have to A. Nerf the game content or B. Make the items OP. Either way you pay money for these items to give you a significant advantage. This instantly destroys all work that a F2P player has done to grind, quest, trade, or whatever his way to his current status in the game.


I don't like game's where you just throw money at something and win, which is what F2P is.


15$ a month provides the service of the game, with it comes certain expectations, just like the 250$ some people pay for their Cable, Internet, and Phone.


By staying P2P the staff can offer a certain level of quality, and a unified level of service across the board.


Runescape is essentially two different games, and it started out Free, so I'm not sure that that is a fair comparison.


If they make it F2P they will end up spending more time fielding support operations to thousands of people who don't pay a dime, while the people who actually paid lose in content and service. Game Over.


I refer you to your thread regarding spelling and grammar. I have only underlined the blatant errors rather than go too deep into the correct sentence structure.

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They are lying through their teeth.. and why wouldn`t they?


Because they back it up with statics at the developer conferences. Most f2p MMOs have 2-5% spending $100 and those 2-5% fully support the game.

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Seeing as most of the new implementations that they have added with 1.1 and 1.2 and will be adding with 1.3 are straight F2P mechanics, it basically shows that they are rebuilding the game to be F2P friendly.
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No. Subscription based and buy to play games are ALWAYS cheaper than Free to Play games.


If you want every little bit of content in STO for instance, you're looking at something like a thousand dollars. If you want every little bit of content in WoW or SWTOR, you're looking at $15 a month.

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No. Subscription based and buy to play games are ALWAYS cheaper than Free to Play games.


If you want every little bit of content in STO for instance, you're looking at something like a thousand dollars. If you want every little bit of content in WoW or SWTOR, you're looking at $15 a month.


I've been a lotro sub for over 2 years, it's F2P but i still pay $15 a month for sub, I don't have to purchase anything but the expansions when they come out. I get all other content free.

Edited by JonJW
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I've been a lotro sub for over 2 years, it's F2P but i still pay $15 a month for sub, I don't have to purchase anything but the expansions when they come out. I get all other content free.


You cannot level past a certain level too..depending on what status you had when they went to FTP. Those who joined up with when they went FTP as new accounts cannot past level 50..unless they pay. That is purchase the new content expansion.

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I've been a lotro sub for over 2 years, it's F2P but i still pay $15 a month for sub, I don't have to purchase anything but the expansions when they come out. I get all other content free.


I haven't played LOTRO in a while (I had extremely rude GM once, before it went F2P) so I can't vouch for the hybrid systems. All I know is that the Free to play systems are terrible. You think you're getting a bargin at 6 dollars for a new ship, but all it is is teh same ship you've been flying for the past week of game play with a new appearance. >.<


I don't mind buy to play (Guild Wars) or Subscription (WoW, SWTOR) and hybrid (LOTRO) sounds reasonable, but I hate Free to Play.

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I haven't played LOTRO in a while (I had extremely rude GM once, before it went F2P) so I can't vouch for the hybrid systems. All I know is that the Free to play systems are terrible. You think you're getting a bargin at 6 dollars for a new ship, but all it is is teh same ship you've been flying for the past week of game play with a new appearance. >.<


I don't mind buy to play (Guild Wars) or Subscription (WoW, SWTOR) and hybrid (LOTRO) sounds reasonable, but I hate Free to Play.


I'm in no way saying ToR should go F2P, just that there is at least one game (lotro) that i know of that is F2P but still has a paid sub model as well. I think it works ok for lotro. Those who want unlimited access pay the 15 bucks, those who want to be F2P have to either grind content to earn points to spend in store or purchase points with cash. Whereas paid subs get 500 pts a month to spend in the store.

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declining pops, lack of innovation (accept single player voice overs), every patch seems to break something else, Useless "Legacy" system. i gave this game 3 months, and i think im experienced enough in MMos to compare this to a Developed F2P one. eq2 and Lotro have got it right. F2P is the way to go.


TOR well not go free to play. Lucasarts well not let it be free to play. They well just pull the Star Wars IP from them and the servers well go down.

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Really the only thing ToR "needs" to do is give me another free 30 days so I can play while waiting for transfers :)


>.< Give me your email address and I'll email you a game card if that's what's important to you.

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Tbh.. if you asked me 2 month ago I would say heck no.

But now... well unless there is a bunch of major changes to the game I wont be resubbing. I did enjoy the game, but being on a low pop server (10 people online) has killed the game for me. No pvp for over 3 weeks, etc etc

I would log on and play, if I didnt have to pay.

I play plenty of other f2p games, and I spend money as and when I choose on them. But pay monthly here? Not anymore, sry.


Yep, F2P will end up ruling the mmo market someday. Look at all the so called "AAA" mmos that are f2p now....they didnt do that because they suck. They did it to save the game and generate more revenue. Gw2 is a good way to do a Non-play to win F2P game. You buy the game and then its free to play. The company gets a huge surge of $ for the developing of the game and theres always the cosmetic shop for ppl to buy crap out of.


The game im looking for which will be insanely cool on the f2p sandbox market is The Repopulation...these guys know whats up.


TOR couldve survived as a sub based mmo had they not went themepark with this game, but since they did i can see them sucking subs dry and adding half *** content until they are left with no other choice but to go f2p. It will happen. This game is almost comparable to the star trek online flop.... what do ya know its f2p now lol.

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