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ToR Needs to be F2P


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So what if it's pay to win? How does it ruin your experience to find out joey adventurer just bought the same purple lightsaber with money that you grinded some operation for a week or two? Does it really bother you that much that some random bunch of pixels looks similar to yours?


FYI you are not supposed to play those games for free. They are free as in there is no barrier of entry for a new player. Fact is there's a large group of players who wont pay for a box and a subscription, it is one or the other for them. I have many friends who wont even try this game cause of the box price.

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So what if it's pay to win? How does it ruin your experience to find out joey adventurer just bought the same purple lightsaber with money that you grinded some operation for a week or two? Does it really bother you that much that some random bunch of pixels looks similar to yours?


FYI you are not supposed to play those games for free. They are free as in there is no barrier of entry for a new player. Fact is there's a large group of players who wont pay for a box and a subscription, it is one or the other for them. I have many friends who wont even try this game cause of the box price.


You are mistaken.


Money will buy stronger lightsabers than the one available to the general population; up to the point that the only way to get the BiS is to spend real money.


Also, it WILL introduce a "premium" service that will cost SOME cash, which will have most features, while the "freemium" players will struggle against biased towards premium features.


At least show us that you know what you`re talking about...


Oh... and that box comment of yours.. 1.7 mil folks say you`re wrong. A VERY respectable number for this Doomsday comment.

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Actually wouldnt be bad if they did it smart... Hell I laugh my *** off then I see a combined 150 or so people on my home server.. Yet I log into World Of Tanks, an their NA server is up to 28k users.. Depends on how you do it, turbine seems to be pretty decent with it.. so you get some gold spammers, at least thats some life in the damn game >.< You can program around that to a limited degree..
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Because SWG was F2P, right?


Meh they didnt even have F2P really when that was going.. an that shambling corpse that was running for the last 2-3 years doesnt count.. You would be suprised how much money the f2p games make these days.. Might have saved something like SWG back in the day..

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Because SWG was F2P, right?


Because SOE was/is too stupid to have thought of F2P five years ago, or any year since.


I'm sure there is a trigger point where F2P already has been figured to make sense for this game, and that will be a function of how fast the decline in population reaches it.


Games lose a lot of players after launch, it is a basic truth of MMORPGs. Likewise, the amount of money the game likely generates on a F2P model, vs. the subscription model, will push it there eventually. The debate over the viability of pure subscription models was raging before this game when live.


What needs to be figured at this point, is what kind of F2P model to use. I'll put LOTRO's up at the best. It isn't P2W, lots of fun fluff to buy, and doesn't cut the non-paying members away from the community. Plus it drew a lot of people to and back to the game, and the new content has been rolling in since the start of this year.

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Pay to win? No thanks.

Nobody wants pay to win... but reasonable free to play don't has to be pay to win... can't understand why people always bring up that stupid argument (sure, in the past f2p games often were p2w, but I think by now everyone nows that people don't like that).

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You are mistaken.


Money will buy stronger lightsabers than the one available to the general population; up to the point that the only way to get the BiS is to spend real money.


Also, it WILL introduce a "premium" service that will cost SOME cash, which will have most features, while the "freemium" players will struggle against biased towards premium features.


At least show us that you know what you`re talking about...


Oh... and that box comment of yours.. 1.7 mil folks say you`re wrong. A VERY respectable number for this Doomsday comment.


Not all Free to Play games are not pay to win. Look at NCsoft's Free to Play games, those are not Pay to Win. SO yes, there are Pay to Win MMOs, but not all Free to Play games are Pay to Win. IF SWTOR goes Free to Play, that does not automatically mean it would be pay to win.

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F2p means you get to spend more than you would on a sub game.. by various means. It DOES earn more than a sub game, but we really don`t know the dropoff - where do sub and F2P meet and how many premiums vs how few subs make them on the same target?


This being said, F2P is really a "money buys power" bussiness, or at the very least a "for this modicum of a sum you get + xp and money and only for a few bucks you get our next expansion... we well the textures separately for 100 bucks though.. each". See what I did there?


Oh, and Comstrike.. SWG was never F2P, with all its player exodus and problems.

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Actually wouldnt be bad if they did it smart... Hell I laugh my *** off then I see a combined 150 or so people on my home server.. Yet I log into World Of Tanks, an their NA server is up to 28k users.. Depends on how you do it, turbine seems to be pretty decent with it.. so you get some gold spammers, at least thats some life in the damn game >.< You can program around that to a limited degree..


Funny you should mention WoT. Do they still sell ammo that is +33% better than whetever you can buy for ingame cash?


And how many rounds do you play as a freemium vs a premium to afford ONE run into your top tiers?


Number of players has nothing to do with the fact that Guilds MUST use gold ammo (MONEY BOUGHT ammo) to stay competitive.

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F2p means you get to spend more than you would on a sub game.. by various means. It DOES earn more than a sub game, but we really don`t know the dropoff - where do sub and F2P meet and how many premiums vs how few subs make them on the same target?


This being said, F2P is really a "money buys power" bussiness, or at the very least a "for this modicum of a sum you get + xp and money and only for a few bucks you get our next expansion... we well the textures separately for 100 bucks though.. each". See what I did there?


Over the years, several Free to Play developers have mentioned the vast majority of paying customers spend significantly less then $15 per month. There are people who will spend a bunch of money all at once, and then never spend anything for a very long time. I know several people who put down $250 on LOTRO when it went free to play, and now almost 20 months later they have not spent a dime since then cause they bought everything they needed right at the start, and just playing the game gives them enough Turbine points for free to buy stuff like new content when needed, all for so far $12.50 per month which will continue to go down as they continue to play the game. Then think about SWTOR, $60 for the game and if someone was to play for 20 months, that is $360 total spent.


There are plenty of good examples of doing Free to Play right, but people tend to ignore the right ones, and just talk about the bad ones when talking about a game going free to play.

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APB went free to play.


It is now being continuously molested and butchered by GamersFirst and has been distanced from Realtime Worlds's original vision of what the game was supposed to be.


This will happen to SWTOR if it goes F2P. It'll turn into some twisted abomination of failed ideas and broken programming.

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several Free to Play developers have mentioned the vast majority of paying customers spend significantly less then $15 per month


They are lying through their teeth.. and why wouldn`t they?


At the VERY MINIMUM you will have to pay for the "premium"... that`s 7-10 euro. What`s that until 15 anyway?


Want free? Go play those games that do offer you free stuff. I hear GW2 is soon out.



I didn`t play LOTR but this guy appears to know what he`s talking about. Also, there are comments and discussions you migth want to troll as well.

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ah, so in other words, nothing would change?


Well, since hackers wouldn't do much in SWTOR (Aimbots, anyway). Yes, i guess nothing would change.


Except "OMG U SHUD BUY DISSSSSSS!!!!!!!!" advertisements spamming your /General chat.

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Anyone who wants a game to go to f2p has never played a f2p game.


They end up costing you MORE than a sub game.


Although Runes of Magic was one of the better games I played in the past few years, it just got too expensive to keep up with the end game.

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To be honest I like the exclusiveness than a 15 a month subscription gives you. Unless there's a trial, everyone is on the same level. It weeds out ******* and others who would otherwise hurt the community.


For F2P to work they have to make the items useful. To make the items useful they have to A. Nerf the game content or B. Make the items OP. Either way you pay money for these items to give you a significant advantage. This instantly destroys all work that a F2P player has done to grind, quest, trade, or whatever his way to his current status in the game.


I don't like game's where you just throw money at something and win, which is what F2P is.


15$ a month provides the service of the game, with it comes certain expectations, just like the 250$ some people pay for their Cable, Internet, and Phone.


By staying P2P the staff can offer a certain level of quality, and a unified level of service across the board.


Runescape is essentially two different games, and it started out Free, so I'm not sure that that is a fair comparison.


If they make it F2P they will end up spending more time fielding support operations to thousands of people who don't pay a dime, while the people who actually paid lose in content and service. Game Over.

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I don't like game's where you just throw money at something and win, which is what F2P is.


15$ a month provides the service of the game, with it comes certain expectations, just like the 250$ some people pay for their Cable, Internet, and Phone.


By staying P2P the staff can offer a certain level of quality, and a unified level of service across the board.


If they make it F2P they will end up spending more time fielding support operations to thousands of people who don't pay a dime, while the people who actually paid lose in content and service. Game Over.


You over simplify things and are incorrect.


It is pay to win if they make it so. LOTRO isn't, and frankly now that they are rolling post-coversion, the content is coming faster and faster. As are bug fixes. They've struck a balance. Support is fine.


So I see no reason why it is the end of the world, since it is almost certainly coming anyway.

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