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ToR Needs to be F2P


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declining pops, lack of innovation (accept single player voice overs), every patch seems to break something else, Useless "Legacy" system. i gave this game 3 months, and i think im experienced enough in MMos to compare this to a Developed F2P one. eq2 and Lotro have got it right. F2P is the way to go.


you need to just go away or get a job if you can't afford 15 bucks a month. you didn't give it three months, your mom just wont pay for it any more.

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Characters per server, chat, auction house, mail, inventory space, gold cap, quest packs, no wardrobe, no real customer service, no monster play, limited "community features", crafting guilds, traits, and I could continue.


And every single one of those restrictions are lifted if you pay a $15/month sub... Most of them are lifted and stay unlocked even after you stop paying $15 a month, in fact the only thing you lose out on is quest packs and monster play.


Quest packs you can buy with Turbine points that you can earn from in game activities. More then a few people have manged to achieve what is effectively a lifetime sub in LotRO without spending a single dime. They had to grind like mad to do it, but they earned enough points to buy everything.


The better option was to buy the Mines of Moria expansion pack which you could pick up for around $15, that came with a free month of VIP. That unlocked all the talents, bags, gold limit, ect... And those stayed unlocked even after the free month was over.


After that you could grind for turbine points to pay for the quest areas.


However I'm not really sure what your point even is...


I don't want to see SWTOR go to a F2P system myself. But if it ever did happen the system that Turbine used with LotRO and DDO aren't that bad. You had the option of playing with limitations for free, you could buy what you wanted, or just pay a standard monthly fee and have everything you would of before the game went F2P.

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f2p is one of the worst possible scenerios that could happen to this game. It's right up there with, if not worse than ignoring pvp, class balance, missing game tools, and lack of end game content. Edited by JuJu
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declining pops, lack of innovation (accept single player voice overs), every patch seems to break something else, Useless "Legacy" system. i gave this game 3 months, and i think im experienced enough in MMos to compare this to a Developed F2P one. eq2 and Lotro have got it right. F2P is the way to go.


you do know they are probably not going to charge for expansions right? James Ohlen said that he knows players are already paying 15 dollars a month why should they have to pay more for something that will be in the game they are paying for? They said they might not even have us pay for expansions. Just the 15 dollars a month

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you do know they are probably not going to charge for expansions right? James Ohlen said that he knows players are already paying 15 dollars a month why should they have to pay more for something that will be in the game they are paying for? They said they might not even have us pay for expansions. Just the 15 dollars a month


I will be surprise if they don't charge for a major expansion (i.e. more planets, another race and possible new classes)

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No the only people who like f2p games are those too cheap to fork out $15 a month. Free to play games suck. You end up spending more money on purchases than the $15 if u want a quality experience and then thee is also the fact that the lack of quality and maintenance of f2p games. Subscriptions models are the best because the worlds are maintained and you get items based on how often/well you play not how much you pay in rl cash.
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f2p is one of the worst possible scenerios that could happen to this game


Given a choice between a hybrid F2P system like LotRO has, or having SWTOR shut down completely... Which would you prefer?


Keep in mind, for those paying a $15/month sub in LotRO, the game is almost exactly the same as it was before it went to F2P, other then that there's more people playing it and they actually get new content. Same goes for CO, pay a monthly sub and you get everything you did before, without spending a single dime extra.

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Given a choice between a hybrid F2P system like LotRO has, or having SWTOR shut down completely... Which would you prefer?


Keep in mind, for those paying a $15/month sub in LotRO, the game is almost exactly the same as it was before it went to F2P, other then that there's more people playing it and they actually get new content. Same goes for CO, pay a monthly sub and you get everything you did before, without spending a single dime extra.


I'd quit the game.

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declining pops, lack of innovation (accept single player voice overs), every patch seems to break something else, Useless "Legacy" system. i gave this game 3 months, and i think im experienced enough in MMos to compare this to a Developed F2P one. eq2 and Lotro have got it right. F2P is the way to go.


big No

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No the only people who like f2p games are those too cheap to fork out $15 a month. Free to play games suck. You end up spending more money on purchases than the $15 if u want a quality experience and then thee is also the fact that the lack of quality and maintenance of f2p games. Subscriptions models are the best because the worlds are maintained and you get items based on how often/well you play not how much you pay in rl cash.


What on earth are you basing this nonsense off of?




To the OP, I believe that F2P is sadly not going to be a decent option since a game needs to built with that in mind from the start. Because of this, games that go from subs to F2P often feel stiffled and limited.

I may be wrong of course, but I can't honestly see how they could monetise the game without taking away things that we have already and charging for them seperately (like some of the 8 character slots, inventory, races and or classes).

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Given a choice between a hybrid F2P system like LotRO has, or having SWTOR shut down completely... Which would you prefer?


Keep in mind, for those paying a $15/month sub in LotRO, the game is almost exactly the same as it was before it went to F2P, other then that there's more people playing it and they actually get new content. Same goes for CO, pay a monthly sub and you get everything you did before, without spending a single dime extra.


Brother business, profits, and specifically revenue are not that black and white. Obviously I wouldn't prefer that the game not shut down. CMN there bud. Shifting business models this early in the life cycle is always detrimental to the players. Content and all developement will shift from what best for the overall game to what most profitable. Atm there is so much fixing than needs to be done, in all phases of the game, the f2p would be nothing more than a revenue grab for a subpar product. Players aren't stupid and would see that scenerio for exactly what it would be.

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declining pops, lack of innovation (accept single player voice overs), every patch seems to break something else, Useless "Legacy" system. i gave this game 3 months, and i think im experienced enough in MMos to compare this to a Developed F2P one. eq2 and Lotro have got it right. F2P is the way to go.


When or IF this game actualy fails it can go f2p like every other f2p game out there. And when that happens ill sadly move on, because i dont see a point in playing a game with nothing new in its future. Which are two things that all f2p games have in common, nothing new and i dont play them.

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SWTOR would not work as a free to play game, the cash shop would make virtually nothing as people would just use the game for what it actually is quite good at.. A solo rpg


Hehe yeah, hadn't even thought of that very good point

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So this is why everyone wants so hard for this game to fail - so they can play it without paying?


It's common knowledge that there is no such thing as true F2P - servers being active cost money, so even without developement game has to pull in some cash just to stay afloat. And people won'tr bother with keeping afloat something that won't bring money. And since most people still play those games without paying, game just has to take more money from those willing to give any.

There is also that one issue where by paying you're valued customer, and some games don't even hide that without paying you can't count on full support of CS.


So while F2P brings players, those players are often of lesser quality(if I may say so), and former players - those willing to pay, either get less for they money, have to pay more, or just quit.

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Shifting business models this early in the life cycle is always detrimental to the players.


Of course it is, I don't think I ever said otherwise. I have also said several times in this thread and others that I don't think SWTOR is headed to a F2P any time in the future, perhaps a couple years down the road, like 5 or so. But not before then.


My only point is that given a choice between the two, it's pretty stupid to say you'd rather see the game shut down then go F2P. Especially considering what some have done with a hybrid model like Turbine did with LotRO.


There's a number of people here who apparently have only had experience with some of those cheeseie Asian F2P games in which you either spend money every week or see your XP rate slow down to a crawl.


Those types of games are not the only kind of F2P game out there. And while I do not want to see SWTOR go that route, and I do not think it will any time in the next several years. If it comes down to a question between shutting down and F2P hybrid, the hybrid is the better option.

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This game is already below F2P quality so its not like much would change.


I like the idea of it going F2P.


I've played F2P mmo's, they have NOTHING on SWToR:


DCUO: Unplayable, lost interest before I hit level 5

STO: Terrible gameplay, laggy servers

CO: Lost me after level 25, the same boring gameplay and quests with comic book artwork

D&DO: Meh...

LotRO: Love the books

Warhammer: The 40k tabletop game was more appealing

AoC: Bewbs? Moving on...


Going F2P/P2W will not save this game, giving constructive criticism and proper feedback will. If we as a player community can't provide that, the trolls just want to burn it all down because that's how they want it...for us to be as miserable as they are.

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I have played LotRO.


You have to unlock one of the classes with turbine points. Let me say that again, in case it didn't penetrate your skull. You have to pay real money for one of the classes.


Edit: Also, there are other limitations of a free account. Such as the amount of money you can have.


Which all goes away with a very min amount of money spent, such as , if you selected to pay for a monthly premium, many features are unlocked even when you revert back to the F2P basic. LOTRO does so many things right and I have yet to see 1 advertisement of any kind pop up.


Players can choose what content they want, for very low costs, however again, with a regular monthly sub, you not only get this, you also receive a monthly stipend of points to use in the LOTRO store. Frankly, any game that wants to go F2P should look at what Turbine has done and learn mirror that success.


There are practically no gold sellers either, no spam to deal with or it is so little that no one really sees it. Turbine is doing things right on so many levels.

Edited by Thadios
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Which all goes away with a very min amount of money spent, such as , if you selected to pay for a monthly premium, many features are unlocked even when you revert back to the F2P basic. LOTRO does so many things right and I have yet to see 1 advertisement of any kind pop up.


Players can choose what content they want, for very low costs, however again, with a regular monthly sub, you not only get this, you also receive a monthly stipend of points to use in the LOTRO store. Frankly, any game that wants to go F2P should look at what Turbine has done and learn mirror that success.


There are practically no gold sellers either, no spam to deal with or it is so little that no one really sees it. Turbine is doing things right on so many levels.


but you still have the cash store being advertised everywhere. I felt like I was in a lortro themed super market. Also there are things in the store which you will need to grind for if you sub and for somethings the grind is too much to encourage you to buy. That's if you want to raid. The expansion packs still need to be brought although you can do the same grinds on several charcaters to pay for them it really isn't much fun and you will need a lot of time.



They are a business. If they can get you to pay a sub and MT they will.

Edited by corbanite
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No you don't.


You can unlock them buy buying the Mines of Moria expansion. The same exact way you had to do it when the game was still pure subscription, and the MoM expansion pack came out.


Because lets make sure this gets though to you.


Back before it went F2P if you wanted to play a Warder or Rune-Keeper you had to buy the Mines of Moria expansion pack to unlock those classes.


That is a lie. I subscribed to that game before F2P hit and I had warden and rune-keeper. I NEVER bought Mines of Moria. I just paid my monthly fee. Then F2P hit and they changed it.

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