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ToR Needs to be F2P


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Don't get me wrong, I hate F2P model, but it's imo the only chance how to safe failed MMO like this.


it doesn't save it , it just kills it for most players and opens it up to another crowd of players altogether. People who p2p will not like or play a f2p game and vice-a-verse, this has been proven in market research studies before hence why some go with the hybrids to keep the p2p players or they will simply loose them all, I love this game but the second it goes f2p I will not play it anymore, not even for "free"

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it doesn't save it , it just kills it for most players and opens it up to another crowd of players altogether. People who p2p will not like or play a f2p game and vice-a-verse, this has been proven in market research studies before hence why some go with the hybrids to keep the p2p players or they will simply loose them all, I love this game but the second it goes f2p I will not play it anymore, not even for "free"


well that's just your opinion. Just look at market researchs for SWTOR. They openly said that there's FAR more hardcore MMO players compare to casuals than they ever expected. That's why there wasn't UI customization, guild banks etc. Market research my a**.

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Don't underestimate Clone wars adventures. It is MMO, very limited, but if you compare that to me standing all day on fleet and waiting to pop in oepration/flashpoint/warzone, it's exactly the same! EXACTLY


I am not arguing the idea of F2P nor niche gaming, nor the legitimity of browser games.


This is an AAA game, a MMO above all else, supposedly a "WoW killer" as they wanted it to be before it launched. Therefore, it will me compared with the likes of WoW, GW, Tera, Eve, not Cartoon Network.


And you standing all day on the Fleet is your own problem. I don`t.

Edited by Styxx
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I am not arguing the idea of F2P nor niche gaming, nor the legitimity of browser games.


This is an AAA game, a MMO above all else, supposedly a "WoW killer" as they wanted it to be before it launched. Therefore, it will me compared with the likes of WoW, GW, Tera, Eve, not Cartoon Network.


And yu standing all day on the Fleet is your own problem. I don`t.



Ok, Guild wars or GW2? AAA games with no sub.


And Clone wars adventures is NOT browser game, it runs in fullscreen mode in browser, but it's full 3D, looking very similar to WoW graphics. For ex. the space combat is the same in SWTOR. they just created it with fraction of money spent on SWTOR's space. It ev en has mutliplayer speeder races or HOUSING!

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Just say no to f2p, even at current subs BW/EA is making a fortune off of us at $15 a pop per month, even if populations fall more they are still making money hand over fist . The servers are spread out and we started with wayyyy too many, but this is not a dead game or dying game I don't think (d3 is getting boring already), far, far from it. Edited by krisknife
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Just say no to f2p, even at current subs BW/EA is making a fortune off of us at $15 a pop per month, even if populations fall more they are still making money hand over fist . The servers are spread out and we started with wayyyy too many, but this is not a dead game or dying game I don't think (d3 is getting boring already), far, far from it.


BW/EA making money.. yes, but they spent s**t load of money on this game and still spending every day. You need a profit to run it.


And D3 is just the first from many to come.

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Ok, Guild wars or GW2? AAA games with no sub.


And Clone wars adventures is NOT browser game, it runs in fullscreen mode in browser, but it's full 3D, looking very similar to WoW graphics. For ex. the space combat is the same in SWTOR. they just created it with fraction of money spent on SWTOR's space. It ev en has mutliplayer speeder races or HOUSING!


Again, you ASSUME the future F2P model, if it comes to it, will mimic GW2, or any game you know. Or that it will put the player at an advantage. Or it will not tax your wallet. Or not sell power.


In the end, you HOPE for the BEST case scenario.


That assumption is very wrong and you have no reason whatsoever to think that way.


So I will ask you a question: except for the HOPE and ASSUMPTION what the game`s supposed F2P will be like, do you have ANY evidence?


Because, for me, trust is NOT to be put in EA, nor Bioware and therefore I`d rather have access to everything for 15 a month, than potentially need to spend more, only to stay "on par", or "competitive".

Edited by Styxx
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I dont think you have played lotro or EQ2 then. i haven't seen any ad's. and yes you have to pay for expansions, but you have to pay for expansions here too. and you can lvl a char 1-50 without paying a cent for anything on lotro.


I played LOTRO for 2 years! It's a good game, but you have to pay for everything!

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Again, you ASSUME the future F2P model, if it comes to it, will mimic GW2, or any game you know. Or that it will put the player at an advantage. Or it will not tax your wallet. Or not sell power.


In the end, you HOPE for the BEST case scenario.


That assumption is very wrong and you have no reason whatsoever to think that way.


So I will ask you a question: except for the HOPE and ASSUMPTION what the game`s supposed F2P will be like, do you have ANY evidence?


Because, for me, trust is NOT to be put in EA, nor Bioware and therefore I`d rather have access to everything for 15 a month, than potentially need to spend more, only to stay "on par", or "competitive".


I'm not paid by EA/BW to come up with F2P model specifics. I'm not bothered. My opinion is that the game is going downhill and sub model is hurting it. F2P could be the way out, but I'm not gonna be around, cos I hate that for the exact reasons you gave.

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George Lucas is retiring, not even going to make 7,8,& 9 or re-make 4,5,& 6 , instead he plans to live out retirement making indie movies in his basement that Hollywood won't let him make. It's hard telling who is at the helm of the Star Wars IP now, but Lucas cares no more he's collecting checks and quite happy. Just throwing this out here as Lucas was mentioned earlier:cool:


Yea, he's just made one: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0485985/ :p


He sure does love his CGI these days.

Edited by NasherUK
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friend , do the math and subtract 100k from current subs that bioware claims(since some say it's exaggerated), 0ne months income is outrageous lulz let alone what they have made selling disc in stores, time cards, subs as the game has been out for months etc, they have covered their losses the first month. They just laid off quite a few at BW so overhead is not a concern with the amount rolling in and the small crew they have left working on the game they are doing quite well.


Why the concern? You protect this game going f2p like you have some kind of stake in it, what's up with that?

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I played LOTRO for 2 years! It's a good game, but you have to pay for everything!


If you buy a sub to lotro the only thing you have to pay for is expansion packs. All other content is free.

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friend , do the math and subtract 100k from current subs that bioware claims(since some say it's exaggerated), 0ne months income is outrageous lulz let alone what they have made selling disc in stores, time cards, subs as the game has been out for months etc, they have covered their losses the first month. They just laid off quite a few at BW so overhead is not a concern with the amount rolling in and the small crew they have left working on the game they are doing quite well.


Why the concern? You protect this game going f2p like you have some kind of stake in it, what's up with that?


I'm not questioning your math, but the fact is that EA claimed they need 500k subs to be profitable. That's all we know. Other than that is pure speculation.

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Why the concern? You protect this game going f2p like you have some kind of stake in it, what's up with that?


It's the fact that I hate F2P, but I'm convinced that it's the only way out. Terrible... so terrible.

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Would be really funny and span in the face if they announce F2P for SWTOR tomorrow at EA press conference on E3 :D that would be rich! :D


I will play my 30 days and quit. I have no doubt that it will live with or without me "freeloading".. but there are certain things you simply don`t do.

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never believe EA, case in point Origin, nuff said lol


ohm I don't, but that statement was from thier cocky times before launch. "500k to be profitable? pfff, we're gonna go kill WoW and be around for 10+ years."

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It's the fact that I hate F2P, but I'm convinced that it's the only way out. Terrible... so terrible.


SWG had lower subs, or allegedly lower subs that 1.2 mils (subtracting 100k from 1.3) and it didn`t go under.

It took Lineage 2 from 2003 to 2011 to go F2P.. and that is a long lifespan and it is not even the top title no more, for a long time.


So, no, I don`t believe this "last chance" talk.


Sure, it can also be said that others DID go F2P. While true, in your own words,

I'm convinced that it's the only way out

You have above 2 examples of sub games that lived healthy lives.

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Lucasarts has to approve everything for addition to this game. LA is NOT going to allow this game to go FTP and have real world advertisements sullying his Star Wars brand (not that he hasn't sold out and sullied the damn thing himself).


LucasArts approved Ewok Love festival. nuff said

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TBH, I do not know why somone would EVER mention this, changing the games model would "hinder" more then help, the minor issues out there. Sure population is an issue, due to varying reasons, mainly fan boys expecting more then the "other" games they played, whtever they were, to over accentuated pre release hype that got msot people down after release. However, those issues are being resolved with LFG tools and server mergers. People who say classes are unbalanced dont really know their OWN classes strengths/weaknesses, or havent learned to adjsut their class. Sure tehre are MINOR imbalances, but those can be ironed and tweaked. NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO THERE WILL ALWAYS, IN ANY MMO BE A "FOTM" CLASS. Dont liek that, go play Mario or something. :)


New content to the degree that which would keep people interested in continual play; (asside from the varying storylines, that if time is taken the game is VERY rich), cost more money then a F2P microtransaction system could cover. Thats right, as a veteran MMO player, not a newb, that is known, board/game wide. And as previouslly mentioned, if you do not "rush" the classes trying to crunch content through grind and leveling, you will notice the richness of SWToR! Seriouslly! I have played since prerelease, did a 50 SORC, a 50 Assassin, and JUST NOW, as of June 1st, dove into a juggernaught. And to think there are still 6 more storylines! lol! At this rate, I would be able to experience every storyline by say, ummm, next year? And thats not taking into accoiunt 50 level content like HM/pvp. I exclude Ops because my server took a hit and look forward to mergers/xfers to be able to run ops. But thats not in justifification of F2P. Normally on the forums I jsut read, but the QQing has really evolved if F2P is the next big idea.


In short, take your time, learn the mechanics of your class, dont rush, be patient and enjoy the experience! The game is made to enrich ones self, not to rush rush and complain because you dont get it or rushed and didnt truly enjoy the experience. Sure we need fixes, mergers, open world pvp, more content. But as previouslly stated, itll take time. EA rushed BW to release, people ate it up liek candy got let down, and mvoed back to their fan base games. People need to take SWToR for what it is, and CAN be, as it is still in what? first 6 monthes? Give it time, let the game go at its own pace, enjoy your summers with family/friends. Play the game as what it is, but dont, please BW DONT EVER think it would be viable to make this F2P microtransactions, it would destroy the income because the game would lose more of the population, and I would honestly, as a grown man, cry, to see game currency cards in 7-11.

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