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ToR Needs to be F2P


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but did not cost 200mil to produce and market.


Allegedly 200 mils. And those money are already made.


You are talking about a last chance. I offered you two games that didn`t need that last chance.

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Lucasarts has to approve everything for addition to this game. LA is NOT going to allow this game to go FTP and have real world advertisements sullying his Star Wars brand (not that he hasn't sold out and sullied the damn thing himself).

Gotta agree with you here LA would never allow it.

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LucasArts approved Ewok Love festival. nuff said


But thats EWOKS! LOL. Dont forget the Christmas Special! First 20 minutes of the movie spoken in all Wookie! "Rarrrr Rarrrr" *Chewies wife smacks the baby wookie's hand for trying to steal cookies, and not do laundry* hahahahaha

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I have played LotRO.


You have to unlock one of the classes with turbine points. Let me say that again, in case it didn't penetrate your skull. You have to pay real money for one of the classes.


Edit: Also, there are other limitations of a free account. Such as the amount of money you can have.


You actually have to use Turbine Points just to sell stuff on the AH for god's sake.

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But thats EWOKS! LOL. Dont forget the Christmas Special! First 20 minutes of the movie spoken in all Wookie! "Rarrrr Rarrrr" *Chewies wife smacks the baby wookie's hand for trying to steal cookies, and not do laundry* hahahahaha

To be fair on the Christmas issue he said "If I had the time and a sledgehammer, I would track down every copy of that show and smash it." not that he doesn't have other horrible ideas he thinks are great *cough*JarJar*cough*

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Oh really? How so?


Oh wait... 95% of servers are empty. Easy to fix. :rolleyes:


Further more, dont nit pick, when the answer is given in post to the problem. Never post a problem without an idea to answer it. and pleASe, dont nit pick the post, read it thuroughly.

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To be fair on the Christmas issue he said "If I had the time and a sledgehammer, I would track down every copy of that show and smash it." not that he doesn't have other horrible ideas he thinks are great *cough*JarJar*cough*


Brother, what sucks about Jar Jar is he even HAD him look st the screen in ep.2 with a look on his face as if to say " haha meesa not going awayyyyy".


But in all reality, LA didnt EVER plan on preserving the original films, at all! the remake of the originals is what is being preserved. sad day right there that choice was made.


If you think Jar Jar himself is bad ( which i give the poodoo some credit, im ashamed to admit it, but my WIFE got into SW because of him!), try watching Ewoks Battle for Endor!

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Brother, what sucks about Jar Jar is he even HAD him look st the screen in ep.2 with a look on his face as if to say " haha meesa not going awayyyyy".


But in all reality, LA didnt EVER plan on preserving the original films, at all! the remake of the originals is what is being preserved. sad day right there that choice was made.


If you think Jar Jar himself is bad ( which i give the poodoo some credit, im ashamed to admit it, but my WIFE got into SW because of him!), try watching Ewoks Battle for Endor!

On the blu ray set he released Jar Jar actually gets a line in ROTJ, so glad I have a copy of the original movies :D. I will NEVER watch Ewoks Battle for Endor!

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more like 60k playing the game. no way 400k in the game right now


Still wondering how F2P would solve that issue? If anything, it would make it more of a problem. F2P would throw the game to the sharks, anyone with half a brain for SWToR would end their gaming experience right there. Just think about a dragon chasing Wicket through the air on a glider made of bones and random cloth fromt eh dragons lair, and how fast the climbed the cliff to find that cave to begin with before you go any further, LOL.

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Still wondering how F2P would solve that issue? If anything, it would make it more of a problem. F2P would throw the game to the sharks, anyone with half a brain for SWToR would end their gaming experience right there. Just think about a dragon chasing Wicket through the air on a glider made of bones and random cloth fromt eh dragons lair, and how fast the climbed the cliff to find that cave to begin with before you go any further, LOL.


When LOTRO went free to play, they actually had to add servers, and they have not closed any servers since then. So far every P2P game that went Free to play actually increased their number of players playing by a huge amount.

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When LOTRO went free to play, they actually had to add servers, and they have not closed any servers since then. So far every P2P game that went Free to play actually increased their number of players playing by a huge amount.


^this, LOTRO did it succesfully, TOR could do it too

Edited by Drom
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On the blu ray set he released Jar Jar actually gets a line in ROTJ, so glad I have a copy of the original movies :D. I will NEVER watch Ewoks Battle for Endor!


I grew up a SW kid, in the 80's/90's EBFE beat down the power rangers any day of teh week for viewing lol. As an adult now, the humor is there to see Xalek's race search for "power" froma starship ignition module. In fairness, it is quite the entertaining movie, give it a chance haha. Sad to hear Jar Jar got a line in ROTJ- I own the tapes, laserdiscs, and got the blurays for xmas last year. Never noticed Jar Jar got a line, unless u mean at the end celebration deal, I usually flip it off or light a smoke from my pack whent eh fireworks start, because as grueling as it was to watch newer scenes, I sit proud atleast my wife endured star wars for me, and I know Jersey Shore was short to follow on her lsit of things to watch, sending me into seclusion of the man cave to get my pvp on lol.

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declining pops, lack of innovation (accept single player voice overs), every patch seems to break something else, Useless "Legacy" system. i gave this game 3 months, and i think im experienced enough in MMos to compare this to a Developed F2P one. eq2 and Lotro have got it right. F2P is the way to go.


I agree on ONLY 2 things.


1. Declining pops

2. Useless Legacy system


P.S: Yes some bugs happen in the patch updates but most of those are fairly benign, the only bug that affected me was the one where companions had to remove and put back their earpiece/implants every time I summoned them.

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^this, LOTRO did it succesfully, TOR could do it too


Differing fan base, mechanics, etc etc. This game is too massive to successfully pull that off. But, now we are entering personal opinion. Sure the populace may grow, but income will vanish in comparison, and new features will take twice as long to roll out. It may work for some games, but it wont work for ALL. Personally, I'd rather avoid the risk of the "what if" factor all together. The game is WELL worth the 15 bucks a month. If you dont think so why are you arguing about it in the games forums, instead of playing LotRO?

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I grew up a SW kid, in the 80's/90's EBFE beat down the power rangers any day of teh week for viewing lol. As an adult now, the humor is there to see Xalek's race search for "power" froma starship ignition module. In fairness, it is quite the entertaining movie, give it a chance haha. Sad to hear Jar Jar got a line in ROTJ- I own the tapes, laserdiscs, and got the blurays for xmas last year. Never noticed Jar Jar got a line, unless u mean at the end celebration deal, I usually flip it off or light a smoke from my pack whent eh fireworks start, because as grueling as it was to watch newer scenes, I sit proud atleast my wife endured star wars for me, and I know Jersey Shore was short to follow on her lsit of things to watch, sending me into seclusion of the man cave to get my pvp on lol.

Lol, ya it is during that scene he says "weesa free"

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Differing fan base, mechanics, etc etc. This game is too massive to successfully pull that off. But, now we are entering personal opinion. Sure the populace may grow, but income will vanish in comparison, and new features will take twice as long to roll out. It may work for some games, but it wont work for ALL. Personally, I'd rather avoid the risk of the "what if" factor all together. The game is WELL worth the 15 bucks a month. If you dont think so why are you arguing about it in the games forums, instead of playing LotRO?


Turbine has been creating more content faster now then they did before LOTRO went free to play. They also been making more money now then before free to play, and before the free to play they had around 300,000 subscribers. SWTOR will be lucky to have that many subscribers by the end of year going by what we are seeing now.

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