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BW must start to 3 days ban ppl that macro to stay in game


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Was there a dev post about the EU PvP servers?


EDIT: Hmm cant find it now, coulda swore i saw a dev post or blog regarding EU PvP servers......maybe my brain made it up to fool me.


Its a US West Coast Server :o . Also as a "Red Zone" I was mostly just referring to those silly Aussies who feel entitled to everything.

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Its a US West Coast Server :o . Also as a "Red Zone" I was mostly just referring to those silly Aussies who feel entitled to everything.



At the risk of going off topic:


The Aussies aren't creating your queue. They play at a completely opposite Peak time. But because people are ignorant (lacking knowledge), they blame Aussies for it irrationally.


The reason Harbinger and Swiftsure are full are because people want to play on Oceanic servers. Especially Oceanic PvP servers. It means there is always action going on 24/7. Therefore, a lot of Americans rolled on Harbinger and Swiftsure precisely because they were designated the Unofficial servers.


Oceanic peak hours are completely different from West coasters. It's 12am PST (1am with no daylight savings) by the time most of the Oceanic players log in. So the queues during American peak times are caused by other Americans.

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Can't/won't blame anyone for finding a way to stay in game.


I work for a living - 10hr shifts. When I get home if I have the time to spare I'd like to play SWTOR - I don't want to spend 2hrs 30 mins on it, with 2hrs being 'waiting to get in' time and 30 mins being play time... I can completely understand someone using an exploit so that when they return home they can just hop on the game straight away, no worries, no wait. They've paid to use the game as well after all.



Rather than BW thinking of ways to deal with this issue - how about they devote the same time/resources to dealing with server waits?

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I don't agree with people that afk for extended periods of time, if you're not going to play give someone else a chance! Unfortunately there's not much Bioware can or will do.


What bothers me more are the freeloaders and cred farmers who preordered, cancelled, and are now playing for free for a week taking up space. It's probably not a huge problem but I'm sure there's a measurable group of farmers who are now building up their inventory for free until the 22nd.

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I know people are upset about being in a queue, but where is there evidence there is an epidemic of people avoid the AFK logout?


It is hardly evidence, but its the hot topic in general chat.


Swtorxxjeid: Hai guise, how do i not get kicked off when I go afk

Supersitherdk: LoL, just put something heavy on your "D" key and go to sleep.

Swtorxxjeid: Coolbeans

Alderanobanano: Great idea!

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So people playing in a legit manner get booted ? :/



It would be a set time every night, say 12am PST (for US servers), and they wouldn't even be down for more than a few min. Completely negligible effect on players (except to help combat people staying logged in 24/7).

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  • 2 weeks later...

no one should be crying because people are trying to avoid the stupidly long queue times.



Instead how about complaining to the company that is failing to provide an acceptable level of service so that people can actually play this game without sitting in absurdly long queue times?

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Bioware did fix the problem. They added more servers. People are too lazy to roll on them.


Early access queues were symtom enough as is, but no, people (and guilds) continued to roll on full servers anyway. Come release, even more lemmings continued rolling on full servers, and now the queues are where they are at today. Honestly, Bioware should have locked the full servers after early access and forced all the launch people onto the new servers.

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The queues wouldn't be ridiculous if people actually logged out. Server resets aren't a bad idea either, but in my experience it means approx 1hr downtime. It would be a lot more accurate if you boot a player who hasn't interacted with an NPC (combat or dialog) somehow & changed location (within a reasonable radius) after an hour or so. If you aren't interacting with NPCs, you aren't really playing the game. There is only so long one can physically stare at the well built female NPCs after all. Take a screenshot!


Also, being able to report suspected macro'ing and having GMs contact the reported player to determine if they are afk and "pulse moving" or autorunning into a wall, then issuing a 3 day ban, would really make people think twice before doing this. Shouldn't take more than a few minutes to send a tell, and if the player is afk, teleport to their location and observe their behavior.


After all, everyone has paid to play this game, and we all deserve an equal chance to play.

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