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Performance Issues being addressed...When?


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So, it seems alot of people have forgot about how terrible this game runs on high-end rigs. Does BW plan on improving this awful aspect of the game? Seems like they threw this on the back-burner and have no plans on addressing it anytime soon. Anyone else still experience the very annoying stutter and fluctuating FPS issues?
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So, it seems alot of people have forgot about how terrible this game runs on high-end rigs. Does BW plan on improving this awful aspect of the game? Seems like they threw this on the back-burner and have no plans on addressing it anytime soon. Anyone else still experience the very annoying stutter and fluctuating FPS issues?


Not really

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Well whenever anyone ever posted about this real issue on the forums it always got negative responses.


Usually people yelling fake computer specs and saying "Mine runs fine so there is NO problem!"


This mentality kind of ran it into the ground, it's flawed reasoning really, if you don't have a problem yourself, why stop other people from having it fixed? Those people should rejoice.


It's like denying a cancer patient treatment because you don't have cancer and have never heard of it being real.

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I started having performance issue about 2 weeks ago. No fps issues or anything but my game constantly crashes. I cant play for more than 10 minutes without it crashing to the desktop. It has gotten so bad I have been forced to unsub untill they can find a fix.
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I don't think it is entirely the game. Some systems don't seem capable of running as smoothly as others. My computer runs this just fine. My old puter was only limited due to its 2gb ram and (eventually)1gb vidcard but even it handled the game fiarly decently. Bioware will do what they can. From what I have heard some Nvidia cards have not worked well with this game. Not sure what BW can do about that, sounds more like Nvidia has to tweak certain cards. I think BW was working on lowering the settings some more. Have not heard anything about that in a while.
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Well considering I run my computer on 16gigs of ram, i7 970 CPU, and a GTX 670, I'd hope I would be able to get a constant fps of 60 or above in populated area or pvp zones. But that doesn't happen, 20fps Avg in WZs 30 in the fleet. It's funny because I get the same drops when the game is in very low GFX in 800x600 res. But must be an issue related to my computer according to BW :rolleyes:
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So, it seems alot of people have forgot about how terrible this game runs on high-end rigs. Does BW plan on improving this awful aspect of the game? Seems like they threw this on the back-burner and have no plans on addressing it anytime soon. Anyone else still experience the very annoying stutter and fluctuating FPS issues?


Line 1:



invisible walls

warp and speedhack suspicious

endless hide

low fps

lag with excellent ping


the list is endless, but magically everyone has a great time in SWTOR.

i really enjoy this PvP, sadly the PvE part of this game doesnt made me hawt, but the PvP is fun at all.

too bad i need the super low gfx settings to be half a way competitive and even then .. oh well

so we have this 4 warzones now, with broken vids and "press a key to continue" and we have white knights everywhere, the prophanity intollerance is rediculus.


but the pvp is fun and it has potential, but .. goto line 1.

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My computer, also is well above whats recommended for this game. Up unill about 2 weeks ago it ran perfectly. No problems at all. Then all of the sudden it started crashing. Nothing changed on my end. Hardware or software wise. I've been going back and forth with Bioware for about a week now and nothing seems to fix it.
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With all settings max'd and shadows I get an average of 45fps in wz's and 60 anywhere else. Other than Ilum when it was chaos with everyone there.



Asus Crosshair

4gb G. Skill

GT 440

Vista 32-Bit unfortunately


Sadly I am killing epeen performance with the lower 3 items. I however have a 560ti but when used with this system my fps drops to the lower 20's in warzone and barely pushing 30 when anywhere else. Once I get around to getting windows 7 64 I'm sure that will change significantly. The GT 440 just runs better with the specs I have.

Edited by Spungey
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My computer, also is well above whats recommended for this game. Up unill about 2 weeks ago it ran perfectly. No problems at all. Then all of the sudden it started crashing. Nothing changed on my end. Hardware or software wise. I've been going back and forth with Bioware for about a week now and nothing seems to fix it.


My problem started after 1.2 - can play for a while and crash to desktop, sometimes cannot log back in until I reboot.


There is a thread about Win 7 64-bit and run the app (and launcher) in compatibility mode, but that doesn'y help!


I have a brand new Dell Aurora and am beyond frustrated - so like the OP would love to hear something from the Devs...



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Don't forget the fanboy credo: "Whatever there is about TOR that you don't like, it's your own fault."


Terrible performance, dead servers, the fact that you chose to live in Europe during downtimes... it's all your own fault. Bioware is perfect. Saintly!

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So, it seems alot of people have forgot about how terrible this game runs on high-end rigs. Does BW plan on improving this awful aspect of the game? Seems like they threw this on the back-burner and have no plans on addressing it anytime soon. Anyone else still experience the very annoying stutter and fluctuating FPS issues?


havent had fps issues since like... I dont even remember.

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I started having performance issue about 2 weeks ago. No fps issues or anything but my game constantly crashes. I cant play for more than 10 minutes without it crashing to the desktop. It has gotten so bad I have been forced to unsub untill they can find a fix.


Not sure what your issue is, but I have yet to have any issues crashing from SWTOR. Rift, on the other hand, every time I port back to Meridian...BAM!! Desktop. At least it recovers and logs your character back in after you submit an error report.


If some people are crashing and not others, it seems that it's probably a hardware issue or driver issue. It's only Bioware's fault if EVERYONE is having these issues.

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The FPS really shouldn't be dropping every time a player discovers an area, opens elements of the interface, levels up, and so on... but it certainly seems to for a lot of people. The loading times are also rather excessive for the typical game.


I hope they optimize things sooner, rather than later, especially if they plan to condense (increase) server populations and add more content. Otherwise, this game will crushed under the weight of its own engine, never mind any other possible issues. :rolleyes:

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My specs:

9850 quad 2.5ghz

4 Gb ram

radeon hd 4550

no sound card


I run this game fine on medium to low settings. The only time I ever had a problem was when my graphics driver updated and I had to roll it back. Maybe you should stop thinking that you're system is amazing and run it on lower settings.

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Mm.. I run the game "fine" as well on my system; After a lot of testing, changing graphics settings between low to high only ever seems to account for a maximum overall 10 FPS difference on my system (ie: running nominally at 60 FPS, as opposed to 50). This has no effect on whether or not my screen "freezes" for a split second when I open a UI element or "discover" an area however. Edited by ProsaicProse
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So, it seems alot of people have forgot about how terrible this game runs on high-end rigs. Does BW plan on improving this awful aspect of the game? Seems like they threw this on the back-burner and have no plans on addressing it anytime soon. Anyone else still experience the very annoying stutter and fluctuating FPS issues?


"Early Summer"(year undecided)





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So, it seems alot of people have forgot about how terrible this game runs on high-end rigs. Does BW plan on improving this awful aspect of the game? Seems like they threw this on the back-burner and have no plans on addressing it anytime soon. Anyone else still experience the very annoying stutter and fluctuating FPS issues?


Nope, and never did. It is really a small minority with this issue, which makes me wonder if it is something with your system, not the game.

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I only ever get FPS drops when on a heavily populated fleet, the hero engine just sucks at streamlining client/server. Everyone experiences this problem, it has nothing to do with graphical rendering therefore nothing to do with your specs.
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