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Compare Lotro VS Swtor.


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Played Lotro since launch but my god F2P and Turbine would make little kittens cry.


People complain about BW but Turbines greed and recent dispicable behaviour is a thing to behold. Sapience as forum moderator is almost a cartoon villian!


The whitehat security breach and subsequent Turbine coverup was the final staw (which sadly was covered up so well hardly anyone knows about it!)


The games great though but has a developer intent on sucking out every good thing previously done.

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Yeah I would say that the main difference is that LOTRO is a better MMO. It's also not too shabby in the "storyline" department, although SWTOR does beat it in terms of inducing immersion in the story (because of the puppet show).


LOTRO is a better MMO because a) it's better designed that way, and b) it has a better sense of "virtual place".


SWTOR has many charms, but its biggest downfall for me is that it doesn't feel like a persistent virtual world, it feels like a bunch of stage sets strung together. There's no sense of continuity between ground and space such that the planet zones actually feel like virtual planets in virtual star systems, in a virtual galaxy. The total feeling is therefore a bit claustrophobic.


LOTRO feels more like an actual place, a persistent virtual space. The total feeling is therefore expansive.


Another way of putting it: in LOTRO, if you are playing in the (e.g.) Shire, you still feel that there's a world out there - you have a sense that all the other zones in the game are connected into one large persistent space. It's just an illusion of course, but you feel it.


In SWTOR, you are on a planet zone but you have no sense of all the other planet zones being out there. The planet zone feels like all there is, at that time. There is just no illusion of a vast, persistent, virtual space out there beyond the planet zone you're in/on.

Edited by gurugeorge
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LOTRO has never had that many players. It peaked to just over 250k mid '09, then started to drop. Then they released F2P which within a year made the player base increase to just over 550k, and has been dropping since. It's now back where it started before F2P.


Wrong. LOTRO sold 1 million copies preorder. A lot of those people did not stick around but to say only 1/4 of them paid is hardly factual. Turbine was a private company so they didnt release numbers. You are using numbers you simply made up or got off another site that also made them up.

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I was in the alfa and beta for lotro, I was also in the alfa for meo (middle earth online) before turbine took it over.


This is not true. First off all MEO was never actually made. There was nothing to test. It was all concept work. As far as you being in the ALPHA phase of LOTRO testing again that is impossible. You would have had to been a Turbine employee and you didnt mention that anywhere. They only allowed internal alpha testing. The first closed beta was in 2006 which I was a part of.

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This is not true. First off all MEO was never actually made. There was nothing to test. It was all concept work. As far as you being in the ALPHA phase of LOTRO testing again that is impossible. You would have had to been a Turbine employee and you didnt mention that anywhere. They only allowed internal alpha testing. The first closed beta was in 2006 which I was a part of.


You are the one who does not knwo what the are talking about. MOE was not a game we had a couple of smaller ares to test at that time microsoft had their hands all over the project. Turbine bought it out. I got invited to the process at Alfa A2 stage, at that time the only thing you had was archet. The only reason I got invited was at the time I was playing ddo and our guild got invited due to our size and expressing an interest in moving the entire guild to lotro. All the art for looted items was the same looked like a bag. It was not until Alafa a4 that we moved to Bree. Beta actually saw the addition of the other starting areas. Still you could not move beyond them until beta 3. Af that point some of us were testing the level 50 content, due to testing to level 10, at that point a handfull of us were allowed to test level 30 and level 50 content If you were luck you were able to select what levels to test. It was not until beta 4 that we added monster play and you to use a pool to get there. So unless you were actually testing with us you go no clue what your talking about. The alfa boards are long since gone and only a handful of those I tested with are still playing. one of those being kaffar. My wife did not get invited until beta a2. I had been testing a good long time before then. Oh and not to mention Tiggs was teting with us and at that time Extra Crunch guild on Melendor was the place to be. When the game wnet live with close beta we decided to roll on Brandywine. There were several different beta inerations along with character wipes.


Oh and Leggomy if that is you from lotro you and I have tied horns before, you should really know better. I am actually surprised to see you over here, as you used to be quite the fanboy.

Edited by erictlewis
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You are the one who does not knwo what the are talking about. MOE was not a game we had a couple of smaller ares to test at that time microsoft had their hands all over the project. Turbine bought it out. I got invited to the process at Alfa A2 stage, at that time the only thing you had was archet. The only reason I got invited was at the time I was playing ddo and our guild got invited due to our size and expressing an interest in moving the entire guild to lotro. All the art for looted items was the same looked like a bag. It was not until Alafa a4 that we moved to Bree. Beta actually saw the addition of the other starting areas. Still you could not move beyond them until beta 3. Af that point some of us were testing the level 50 content, due to testing to level 10, at that point a handfull of us were allowed to test level 30 and level 50 content If you were luck you were able to select what levels to test. It was not until beta 4 that we added monster play and you to use a pool to get there. So unless you were actually testing with us you go no clue what your talking about. The alfa boards are long since gone and only a handful of those I tested with are still playing. one of those being kaffar. My wife did not get invited until beta a2. I had been testing a good long time before then. Oh and not to mention Tiggs was teting with us and at that time Extra Crunch guild on Melendor was the place to be. When the game wnet live with close beta we decided to roll on Brandywine. There were several different beta inerations along with character wipes.


Oh and Leggomy if that is you from lotro you and I have tied horns before, you should really know better. I am actually surprised to see you over here, as you used to be quite the fanboy.


I was around then I know EXACTLY what I am talking about. Since you cannot even spell alpha I find it hard to believe you didnt just find this info on google and pretend you did it. I was around from day 1 with MEO on the boards. I have always been a huge tolkien fan and huge mmo fan. When I heard about it I sat waiting for them to open the forums. So nice try man but I know better.


Brandywine is where i have always played. It was not around in closed beta and was only available when the open beta (15 day early access is what they would call it now since you kept your characters) started in April of 2007. So you also are making that up.

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Wrong. LOTRO sold 1 million copies preorder. A lot of those people did not stick around but to say only 1/4 of them paid is hardly factual. Turbine was a private company so they didnt release numbers. You are using numbers you simply made up or got off another site that also made them up.


Wrong? How could it be wrong when I never even commented on their launch sales? Now that I'm curious though, please direct me to an adequate source of where it states this 1million sales.


As for where I got my information, well that is from the highly acclaimed reliable source known as MMODATA.






Edited by DiabloDoom
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Wrong? How could it be wrong when I never even commented on their launch sales? Now that I'm curious though, please direct me to an adequate source of where it states this 1million sales.


As for where I got my information, well that is from the highly acclaimed reliable source known as MMODATA.







PS. you contradict yourself. TB never released figures, so therefore any figure given by a person has to be fabricated, yet you gave a figure giving assertion that it's factual?

Edited by DiabloDoom
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Never could get in to LOTRO, the player characters were just so wooden. Shame as i loved the books and the scenery in the game is still outstanding even today.


This was exactly my problem. The environments were amazing (And still are) but I felt no connection to my character- he felt and looked all wrong. I also didn't like the wanking of Loremaster and Rune Keeper into the game so that there would be casters.

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I played Asheron's Call for years and then SWG for years; then I played LotRO for years.

I was bored as can be with SWTOR in less than 6 months.

I'm looking forward to GW2 and The Secret World.

Not sure what that says about me, but I know I go where I find the fun and enjoyment.

I agree with previously posted sentiments that the environments in LotRO looked great, but the character models (especially the faces) were awful.



LotRO= tries to nickle and dime you via the ingame LotRO store

SWTOR= tries to grind you via the ingame moneysink bore

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Ooh, another AC'er. I'm still tempted to go back even to this day. If Turbine made AC3, and kept the skill and points system (unlike AC2), but put it in a new environment and new engine, I'd be a lifetime subscriber from day one.



But I'd like to step in and support the F2P system. The F2P method has saved many, many MMO's from a premature death. LOTRO included. It is a great way of having an extended trial period, and selling the game to many people who wouldn't otherwise had the chance to try it.


With the rate that TOR is going with their bleeding off of subscribers and the spectacular success of F2P business models, I'd expect TOR to go F2P in 2 to 3 years.

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Wrong? How could it be wrong when I never even commented on their launch sales? Now that I'm curious though, please direct me to an adequate source of where it states this 1million sales.


As for where I got my information, well that is from the highly acclaimed reliable source known as MMODATA.







Ok this guy has no idea what actual sub numbers are. To answer your other post box sales are something that places track. So we know for a fact they did 1 million preorders since the only way to preorder was via the retail chain (this is before the f2p switch). There are places that track box sales and report the numbers. Hence why we know its a fact they did sell 1 million preorders.

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I played LoTR in beta and picked up the lifetime after a year of playing (slight mistake on my part). Spouse and I played well into Mines of Moria and just got bored with the game. We did instances, we did raids....it just got very old after awhile. I still may go back one of these days to look around. I have very fond memories of LoTR though. Great community, wonderful stories, rich atmosphere, etc. We pretty much saw all the content during the times we played. Also being part of a few wonderful guilds really helped.


Some things about LoTR I liked very much and I wish that we could see some more of this in SWTOR:


-Interesting hobby systems. I love my fishing, cooking, player housing. Although the player housing wasn't done as well as EQ2 for example (all my opinion of course), I enjoyed having our own neighborhoods where people could proudly display their trophies. On the other hand, I hated the hook system of decorating and wish that we could see more of an EQ2 system.

-The music system. That was a mini game in itself.

-Traits/ deeds. Sorry but I need my little carrots on a stick and I didn't mind grinding for some things if they were worth it. I spent many an evening with guildies just working on our various traits.

-The cosmetic clothing system was fantastic

-Holiday events were fantastic and I did every one of them. I did enjoy the the plague event in SWTOR and would love to see more of this stuff in the future.


I realize that all my comments are fluff but fluff is important to me in any MMO. If a game is just gear grinding with no fun activities in between, it quickly gets old. Also, I'm not sure how LoTR has changed since it went F2P so my comments are based on the game quite a few iterations ago.


One side note: Interesting to see a few Asheron's Call 1 players around. If they made an AC3 with some of the features of AC1, I would be there in a heartbeat. I loved that game and played it for years.

Edited by Florial
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Let me give you an example. In LOTRO there is a region called Forochel. It's way up north and is a frozen tundra wasteland. Often when you are running around a blizzard will set in, dropping visibility to no more than 10 feet. There are places where you NEED special equipment and foods to survive the environment.


In TOR on Hoth, was there ever a minute where I felt like the landscape was desolate, harsh, unforgiving or at least "Alive"? No. Not for one second. Not once has a slight snow storm set in, even if it's just something visual and has no damage effects. Not once have I gotten caught out during the night and been in trouble. NOT ONCE HAS THE SUN EVEN FREAKING SET. It's just blue skies and sun 24/7. And the ground is white, but that doesn't matter much.


And the same applies for other planets as well. I've never seen a sandstorm on Tattoine. I've never been in trouble in that huge "dangerous" Dune Sea.


This is what I miss about LOTRO, the day-night cycles, the sudden shifts in weather etc. I have a bunch of characters waiting, abandoned, on several servers because I have no knack for picking servers. The last time I played I spent most of the duration waiting for night in the Shire so I could perch somewhere and imagine I was disturbing hobbits by plucking out some NIN on my lute. Sad. Never anyone to group with and though the enviroments were stunning I just couldn't bond with my characters.


I find immersion much easier with TOR. I'm probably more fond of my characters than is healthy. Housing and day-night/weather would be wonderful. However: I don't see some planets as needing day-night cycles- Ilum? Thanks, no, the sky is gorgeous there (one of the best in the game, my mere opinion). Quesh? What would night be- darker pollution? It's planets were talking about here, not Middle Earth where everything is relatively contiguous- things should vary in this respect.


Agreed with you about Hoth and Tatooine, though. I wouldn't want to be caught out in the Dune Sea at night but I really would love to be caught out in the Dune Sea at night :D


I adore LOTRO. I adore SW more. That's brass tacks and why I'm sticking around here as opposed to defecting to some other newer game or indeed going back to LOTRO.


(btw you do get a slight debuff if you're roaming around the upper Highmount Ridge slopes on Hoth but it doesn't merit using that survival kit you're given at the orbital station before you first go to the planet- what's the point of that kit anyway? have it sitting in three inventories now :rolleyes:)

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Ok this guy has no idea what actual sub numbers are. To answer your other post box sales are something that places track. So we know for a fact they did 1 million preorders since the only way to preorder was via the retail chain (this is before the f2p switch). There are places that track box sales and report the numbers. Hence why we know its a fact they did sell 1 million preorders.


No, he has no clue about actual subs or active accounts ...


BTW thanks for making me do some research, yes there is a group that analyses box sales. And hey look, LOTRO didn't even make it into the top 10 for the whole year never mind launch, fact is, they sold less than 250k, which reflects perfectly on MMODATA's figures.




1 million at launch? Still waiting on anything from you but an opinion.

Edited by DiabloDoom
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I was an beta tester for LOTRO and played it when it went live.


Classes - LOTRO's classes are quite stagnent as Turbine seeminlgly don't want add any form of alternate advancement or talent trees. Everyone will usually end-up with the same legacies and virtues. SWTOR's classes are much more fun and offer more variety through the different talent trees. After 5 years there is no dual spec option in LOTRO and everyone you want swap traits it's a visit to the bard.


Middle Earth feels less disjointed as your on a single continent and so it's feels much more alive where SW:TOR is about hopping from planet to planet. The planets in SWTOR could really use landmarks and reconisable locations from the KOTOR universe.


LOTRO to me has always been the ugly step child MMO which I have gone back to fill the time and it's never been my first choice of game. Maybe beause other titles have offered more due to the game aging badly and the rigid class system but even now it's just anoter time filler and not my main MMO.


Some might prefer it to SWTOR and it's my job to convince people otherwise as we all have different tastes :D

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Lotro perfectly captured the Middle Earth atmosphere from the beginning and managed to pull off a huge turnaround into a financially successful game.


Swtor failed to capture the Star Wars atmosphere completely - and this is why the game continues to bleed subs.

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What do u thing guys?

As far till now , i can say Lotro is completly Setup MMo than Swtor..


i wait for opinions..


LotRO is F2P.


Feel free to go play that rather than post here if you like that game better.

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No, he has no clue about actual subs or active accounts ...


BTW thanks for making me do some research, yes there is a group that analyses box sales. And hey look, LOTRO didn't even make it into the top 10 for the whole year never mind launch, fact is, they sold less than 250k, which reflects perfectly on MMODATA's figures.




1 million at launch? Still waiting on anything from you but an opinion.


You link doesnt even mention LOTRO. Its also only one of about 100 diff companies who track sales. I was there so I know what happened and how many box sales there were based on press releases from Turbine and from sales charts at the time. So ya nice way to deflect all the attention off the lies you made up like testing MEO when it was never a game and was simply a concept and some art. Then saying you played on brandywine during the closed beta. Sorry but the closed beta server wasnt named brandywine and it also was wiped before the game went into early access.


So ya keep glossing over all the lies you told with these fake charts and false allegations. Its amusing.

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I have to say as a RP server player; there is a metric ton of features I'd like to see transplanted from LoTRo to SWTOR. But it is mostly little things; working tables / chairs, fluff items, 'toy' items, player-played music (I can dream damn it), and customize-able living quarters (I'd be more then happy with customizing our ships a bit, as they serve the same purpose)


But all of that is mostly fluff-stuff. Sure the little ... scenarios? are kind of neat; (Randomized mini-flashpoints. You hold a castle and defend it from X number of randomly selected mobs / bosses) but honestly just get dull. SWTOR: please make social stuff more fun. Give us more toys; encourage people to socialize a bit, it can do wonders for in-game communities.



Side note; I was formerly a very prosperous pipe-weed farmer. Know what that stuff does for you? Nothing. Its purely cosmetic and one of the most profitable professions you could have. People. Like. Pointless. Toys.


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For long term players Lotro was ruined with free to play . The game got redesigned around the shop with ever increasing boring daily grinds needed to keep your multiple characters up to spec or just pay some cash and buy what you need from the shop . The pvp was always a zergfest and ftp brought in pay to win advantage in every aspect of the game including pvp.


Got fed up seeing the shop based manipulation in everything Turbine was releasing so destroyed 2 vip lifetime accounts. The game became more like a boring job than a game with fun being a rare occurence.


The scenery is lovely , nice stories lots of lore, some nice raids but mostly grinding of repetitive daily instances and very little pvp fun to be had .


I have to say though ettenmoors in a Star Wars style with all the star wars classes would have been about 100 times better than Ilum thats for sure.

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Lotro perfectly captured the Middle Earth atmosphere from the beginning and managed to pull off a huge turnaround into a financially successful game.


Swtor failed to capture the Star Wars atmosphere completely - and this is why the game continues to bleed subs.


I played through the first 20 levels of Lotro and I didn't think it captured the atmosphere and feel of the movies at all. Overall I found the combat and story rather plain and boring. Swtor has done a much better in getting me immersed and interested in playing.

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