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ToR is a success, dont feed no trolls.


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To me it would seem his was simply a button push error (neglecting to hit the apostrophe), whereas most of the errors on these boards come from plain stupidity. Yes, I do notice them. It does bother me. I have to hold back my rage and tears (tears of rage?) when I see someone, for example, use the word "plane" instead of "plain", "patients" instead of "patience" (note: that is not directed at TUXs post, as his pun was clear to me), "wyning" instead of "whining", "affective" instead of "effective", "accept" instead of "except" (sometimes, eccept, which gives me a brain aneurysm), along with my biggest peeves "than" instead of "then" and "their" or "there" instead of "they're" (I'd even "eccept" theyre as a simple button push error) and "aloud" instead of "allowed", as well as "your" instead of "you're" (and incredulously, in a vain attempt to seem semi-intelligent, sometimes using the incorrect "you're" instead of the correct "your", which is much, much worse), "intensive purposes" instead of "intents and purposes" (MAN does that one get me fired up), "site" instead of "sight" (esp. in words like "Hindsight", which seems to come up in nearly every thread), "insure" instead of "ensure", "could of" instead of "could have", "strait" instead of "straight", "loose" instead of "lose", "predicsion" or "predicshun" instead of "prediction", "afterwords" instead of "afterward" (really??), adding an "e" in words like "forward" or "fortune" (i.e. "foreward" or "foretune"), "clame" instead of "claim" (what the heck is a "clame"?), "anticdotal evidence" (I kid you not, I have seen this come up more than once), "addatude" instead of "attitude", "dieing" instead of "dying" (this one, like "hindsite" comes up often), "very" instead of "vary" (sometimes "veryus" instead of "various"), "servis" instead of "service", "sence" instead of "sense", along with many, many more.


This wasn't really an important post, I just wanted to throw in my two cents (or, in forum speak, sence). I don't get caught up in simple errors like missing a letter or a button, even if it occurs in every other word. Sometimes one gets caught up in their argument.


However, when someone creates a Great Wall of Text that would humble the ancient Chinese, in an attempt to discredit someone else's argument, or perhaps to articulate their own points, and they misuse or misspell words which do not require anything more than an elementary school education, to me at least, all their credibility is lost.


Allow me to comfort you: There their they're...

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MMO gaming isn't for you ...


Perhaps not anymore. I've been at it for so damn long that I've turned in to a bitter, hateful, and jaded person when it comes to MMOs and the general collection of ******** associated with them and their players.

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Judging by how hard this thread is being trolled, and how devoted the OP is to coming back and checking up on it, and continuing to bait people.....


I'm going to have to say that the OP failed to take his own advice in "not feeding the trolls".


Good day!


what? the people who enjoy the game fight back and you call foul after months of trolling yourself (post history ftw).


Take your ball and go home then, lol.

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I and my guildmates are still having fun playing the game, warts and all but...


Check the dev tracker and see they have admitted to downsizing the development team already. Even in light of all the problems with this game's pvp, bugs, etc. I didn't think something like that would happen until 1st Quarter of 2013, since that's generally when companies implement their planned annual budgets.


You can be pollyanna all you like but this game's already going into maintenance mode.

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Guildies on alts, or one level 50 helps you?


If there are 3 34-levelish guildies (alts or otherwise), good. But who has that for any given planet (at least)? And I don't want 50-level guys to play with the 34-level guys. I've tried that. It's not fun. Heroics should challenge gamers, not be breezed through.

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i think he was ironic there but ofc i can never be sure....:D


ps: your attitude is awesome or were you sarcastic too?.........omg my minde is killing itself


No he was recognizing a well constructed argument and being sincere.

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what? the people who enjoy the game fight back and you call foul after months of trolling yourself (post history ftw).


Take your ball and go home then, lol.


Fight back?


Why? There isn't a problem. Nothing to fight for. Right?


Everything is ok. Pretty soon you and Jeramie will be the only people around to tell each other that.


The point remains, he made this thread for no reason other than to stir the pot, but this "positive" troll thread is still going strong, I guess BW needed to find some positive affirmation somewhere.

Edited by Celebrus
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Greetings once again, Star Wars fans, and welcome to another edition of Open TOR Policy, where I discuss issues of import and interest to our Star Wars: The Old Republic community. Today, I’m setting my sights on trolls, specifically those that contest our particular brand of spaced-based enjoyment is doomed to fail.

If you go to the SWTOR forums – and I’d advise a strong drink before you do – you’re going to see a whole host of threads aimed at convincing readers that STWOR is crashing – hard. “Subs Down 25%”, “Server Population is Dropping” and “Storm Preparation” are just a few examples. They point to seemingly incontrovertible evidence of a downward spiral, such as the fact that subs are down 25% to around 1.3 million and that while EA executives consider SWTOR to be in the “top 10” of their money-making franchises, it’s not in the top 5. Throw in a few words about the recent SWTOR layoffs, not-here-yet LFG tool, low server populations and PvP problems and you’ve got yourself a perfect sh#@-storm of forum woes.


To put it bluntly: the forums are a scary, scary, place. But are they right?


Let’s crunch some numbers. Most of mine are as real as any you’ll find in the forums – more so in some cases since they come from a place of common sense instead of energy drink and zesty Dorito-fuelled madness, but feel free to disagree (or disbelieve) as you so choose.


The highest reported number of subscribers for SWTOR thus far is 1.7 million, so that’s what I’ll start with, and assume that all 1.7 million of those players bought a legitimate copy for an average of $60 (I’m rolling in CE, DCE and regular boxes all in here) - that means $102 million in BioWare’s pockets at the get-go. We also know that subs have dropped to 1.3 million over the last few months, and so to err on the side of caution I’m going to assume that only 1 million players renewed their subs after the free month in December ran out, meaning four months at $15 per month for BioWare, or another $60 million, totaling $162 million made thus far. My numbers here aren’t perfect – they don’t take into account players who came late to the party or have paid for six-month subs, for example, or the free extra month some players were granted in April, but they’re a good baseline.


This $162 million isn’t pure profit, of course, since the game cost money to develop. BioWare never did release the actual tally, and I’ve heard everything from costs of $100 millon up to $300 million for the entire development cycle. My personal guess is around $150 million but even if the costs hit $200 million, the company has still made almost all of its money back. If subscribers stay steady at 1 million, BioWare makes $15 million a month and quickly heads into profitable territory, even taking into account overhead and the price of developing new content. In other words, the game is a success.


I know, I know – it’s not World of Warcraft. But guess what? Nothing is. WoW is an anomaly, one that showed up at just the right time with the right balance of hard core and casual gameplay and managed to push its way into the mainstream. Other MMOs have actually been successful in making money, both through the sub method and free to play (F2P) but none of them are WoW, and none of them will ever be. Boo-hoo.


It’s also worth noting that “mainstream” is a really loose term here, and while WoW enjoyed 12 million subs at the height of its popularity it’s a far cry from the over 70 million copies of Wii Sports sold when Nintendo’s latest console hit store shelves. One million is a decent number for SWTOR, no matter how high the bar set by WoW.


Right now, SWTOR is profitable, but it’s really no surprise to me that EA doesn’t consider it a top-5 moneymaker. With massive, yearly sports franchises and nearly-yearly FPS games on their ledger it doesn’t make sense to view BioWare’s outing as the best potential money-maker; the strength of an MMO lies in its longevity, not the number of copies it can sell at day one, and so far BioWare seems on the right track for developing desired and timely content.


Trolls will always poke out their heads, bent on convincing forum-goers that SWTOR is in desperate, hopeless trouble and that we should all abandon ship for WoW, Tera, Guild Wars 2 or some other “unnamed, revolutionary, fun, totally awesome MMO.” Don’t get me wrong – there are good threads on the forums, threads that try to address real issues or give credit where credit is due, but there’s also this odd slice of the player-base who are certain in their doomsday convictions, but wobbly on spelling and grammar.


We’ve become spoiled, I think, by the sheer volume of information available about every game out there, about every new IP or idea even before it hits the alpha testing phase. All too often the seeds of our opinions take root not on the basis of engaging gameplay or great story or anything we actually do but because of vitriolic or passionate forum posts, many full of suspect or patently misleading data.


Am I the ultimate authority here? Should you believe me, and no other SWTOR author? Hardly. Play the game, judge for yourself; decide if you want to keep playing, and paying.


Oh, and don’t feed the trolls.


creds to the original author at torwars



EDIT: i agree with those who say, that complaining is not trolling, i have never said i agree with every part of this article.

On the BF3 forum i was complaining all the time beacuse of the false marketing etc....

But we gotta admit that there are a lot of haters on the forums, not only here but on every forum who only use the forums they post in to generate hate.


please contnue to enjoy, im going to go play maplestory... let me know what company gets the shot at a new SW-MMO k...

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You're not, the hate and loathing is confined to the general forum...I am part of a guild that is still growing and we are still having fun and enjoying the game.


Screw the haters.


It just...the General boards feel so bleak, and depressing.


I want this game to last for a long time, I want to get to 50 with all the classes, and all my alts. I don't want the plug to be pulled tomorrow, or a month from now, or whatever people are cheering for.


I want this game to have expansions packs, content patches, and other stuff. I can wait for those because I know Voice Acting can take a bit of time. I'm willing to wait because, it's worth it.


Sometimes when I read the General Boards I feel like people want to take this game from me, take it away and shut it down...that my fun, my enjoyment, is worth nothing.


Sorry for the long post, I just wish I understood why people are like this on General. As a gamer, it makes me so sad. :(

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lol i didnt say these are raiding, i only meant that we are raiding very often (maybe i wanst plain enough).

im in a casual guild and we help eachoter gear up im having a great just like my mates on the server, maybe you had a bad experience, but that shouldnt give you the blues


Oh sure, guilds like yours start out great, but over time they fester. Casual raiding becomes hard core raiding. The core group advances at the expense of everyone else. Then there's the inclusion of arbitrary systems to handle loot distribution to the raid leaders friend over anyone that actually needs anything.


Let's not forget the inevitable he-said-she-said nonsense, the revolving door of people coming and going making it impossible to trust who you are running with. The occasional angry guild leader that will happily swipe the gbank and surprise-disband the guild. Finally, there's the screaming, ranting, and yelling from the people running raids when wipes happen and this insane need to treat it like a second job.


It hasn't been one experience for me. It's been several bad experiences.

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Oh sure, guilds like yours start out great, but over time they fester. Casual raiding becomes hard core raiding. The core group advances at the expense of everyone else. Then there's the inclusion of arbitrary systems to handle loot distribution to the raid leaders friend over anyone that actually needs anything.


Let's not forget the inevitable he-said-she-said nonsense, the revolving door of people coming and going making it impossible to trust who you are running with. The occasional angry guild leader that will happily swipe the gbank and surprise-disband the guild. Finally, there's the screaming, ranting, and yelling from the people running raids when wipes happen and this insane need to treat it like a second job.


It hasn't been one experience for me. It's been several bad experiences.


Sounds like you been in a couple of the same guilds I have been in lol.

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Fight back?


Why? There isn't a problem. Nothing to fight for. Right?


Everything is ok. Pretty soon you and Jeramie will be the only people around to tell each other that.


lol...thought you were leaving. I mean, after all, 1 million subscriptions mean the game has utterly failed. I guess it's all the haters staying subscribed because they hate the game so much they just can't quit it.


Look. I understand you had your unrealistic expectations shattered. You're angry at yourself. I get it. Don't need to project that anger onto the game though.

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If there are 3 34-levelish guildies (alts or otherwise), good. But who has that for any given planet (at least)? And I don't want 50-level guys to play with the 34-level guys. I've tried that. It's not fun. Heroics should challenge gamers, not be breezed through.


This is the reason why I hated my high-level friends running me through instances in WoW. They never seemed to understand that.

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Fight back?


Why? There isn't a problem. Nothing to fight for. Right?


Everything is ok. Pretty soon you and Jeramie will be the only people around to tell each other that.


The point remains, he made this thread for no reason other than to stir the pot, but this "positive" troll thread is still going strong, I guess BW needed to find some positive affirmation somewhere.


lol i love conspiration theories.


we fight for the good of the game.


i made it to see what people think and post here constructively to get to the truth

Edited by vaknyuszi
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lol...thought you were leaving. I mean, after all, 1 million subscriptions mean the game has utterly failed. I guess it's all the haters staying subscribed because they hate the game so much they just can't quit it.


Look. I understand you had your unrealistic expectations shattered. You're angry at yourself. I get it. Don't need to project that anger onto the game though.


imo on your side mate but pls dont degrade down to his level and get personal thx;)

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It just...the General boards feel so bleak, and depressing.


I want this game to last for a long time, I want to get to 50 with all the classes, and all my alts. I don't want the plug to be pulled tomorrow, or a month from now, or whatever people are cheering for.


I want this game to have expansions packs, content patches, and other stuff. I can wait for those because I know Voice Acting can take a bit of time. I'm willing to wait because, it's worth it.


Sometimes when I read the General Boards I feel like people want to take this game from me, take it away and shut it down...that my fun, my enjoyment, is worth nothing.


Sorry for the long post, I just wish I understood why people are like this on General. As a gamer, it makes me so sad. :(


I'm going to give you some advice, as someone who has been in your position with the other Star Wars MMO. Don't get attached. In the end how you feel about the game, how much you enjoy it regardless of what people say, how much you want it to stick around is meaningless. Your enjoyment is, indeed, worth exactly nothing.

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It hasn't been one experience for me. It's been several bad experiences.


Between WoW and SW:TOR, I've been in 4 guilds. We've had problems before, but on the whole, it's been a great experience for me. My guildies are pretty fun and easy-going, but structured when they need to be. Maybe you should try to be more discerning.

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It just...the General boards feel so bleak, and depressing.


I want this game to last for a long time, I want to get to 50 with all the classes, and all my alts. I don't want the plug to be pulled tomorrow, or a month from now, or whatever people are cheering for.


I want this game to have expansions packs, content patches, and other stuff. I can wait for those because I know Voice Acting can take a bit of time. I'm willing to wait because, it's worth it.


Sometimes when I read the General Boards I feel like people want to take this game from me, take it away and shut it down...that my fun, my enjoyment, is worth nothing.


Sorry for the long post, I just wish I understood why people are like this on General. As a gamer, it makes me so sad. :(


Your feelings are justified. There are in fact people on this forum and in this game hoping to do just what you fear. They are pathalogically angry...some of them are SWG vets who have an unhealthy grudge, a revenge fantasy so profound it boggles the mind. Some of them are players who had unrealistic expectations and are facing Cognitive Dissonance because of it--their irrational behavior proves it.


All I can suggest is to keep enjoying the great game. Stay away from the general forums unless you have high intestinal fortitude and aren't shaken easily.

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It just...the General boards feel so bleak, and depressing.


Not really. Its just typical of gamer forums. :eek::D


I want this game to last for a long time, I want to get to 50 with all the classes, and all my alts. I don't want the plug to be pulled tomorrow, or a month from now, or whatever people are cheering for.


I want this game to have expansions packs, content patches, and other stuff. I can wait for those because I know Voice Acting can take a bit of time. I'm willing to wait because, it's worth it.


Agreed. I really would like it to succeed. I prefer non-fantasy settings and have been a Star Wars fan since May 25, 1977. :)


Sometimes when I read the General Boards I feel like people want to take this game from me, take it away and shut it down...that my fun, my enjoyment, is worth nothing.


I know what you mean, I played SWG and MxO. Both are now gone. :(


Sorry for the long post, I just wish I understood why people are like this on General. As a gamer, it makes me so sad. :(


No need to apologize. I appriciate your opinion. :)

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Between WoW and SW:TOR, I've been in 4 guilds. We've had problems before, but on the whole, it's been a great experience for me. My guildies are pretty fun and easy-going, but structured when they need to be. Maybe you should try to be more discerning.


Hmm ya I mean why didnt he get to know the internal structure of the guild before he joined right? You know how welcoming those guilds are to non-guildies grouping with them. I mean come on how can you find out about a guild until you join it. Unless its a real mess you wont hear about it anywhere until you join and see how things go.

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Between WoW and SW:TOR, I've been in 4 guilds. We've had problems before, but on the whole, it's been a great experience for me. My guildies are pretty fun and easy-going, but structured when they need to be. Maybe you should try to be more discerning.


I'm about as discerning now as a person can be, being in the school of "To hell with your guilds." Like I said, things always start out fine, and then they start to rot. No thanks. Been there, done that too many times.

Edited by Bluerodian
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