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ToR is a success, dont feed no trolls.


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Well, with GW2 launch being pushed to next quarter, BioWare's window of opportunity just got a bit wider, though it's still quite narrow.
Just want to state a correction, Arenanet has never stated a release date, there were 2 semi dates they have so far: First one was "sometime in 2012" then the last one was "Sometime in the last half of 2012" so nothing was "pushed". We still do not know what quarter yet, they haven't mentioned one.


With that being said, unless Bioware gives free time to previous subscribers, and more then just a few days, for when transfers happen, not much will change in the way of subscriber numbers. Other games had merges and or transfers, but just like SWTOR, they always came to late and really didn't make that much in gaining new or returned customers, they basically slowed down the bleed.

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Just want to state a correction, Arenanet has never stated a release date, there were 2 semi dates they have so far: First one was "sometime in 2012" then the last one was "Sometime in the last half of 2012" so nothing was "pushed". We still do not know what quarter yet, they haven't mentioned one.


With that being said, unless Bioware gives free time to previous subscribers, and more then just a few days, for when transfers happen, not much will change in the way of subscriber numbers. Other games had merges and or transfers, but just like SWTOR, they always came to late and really didn't make that much in gaining new or returned customers, they basically slowed down the bleed.


Keep going, you'll see where I posted the source for the information that launch has been pushed to next quarter.

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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Keep going, you'll see where I posted the source for the information that launch has been pushed to next quarter.


Gamestop is wrong more then they are right when it comes to PC games that do not have a release date yet.:rolleyes: Gamestop is a horrible source of information about PC gaming, heck the last few times I have been into their stores, their employees didn't even know where the PC section was at, can't really blame them when PC gaming only gets a 2ftx3ft shelf in the store, and not even organized or any new games.

Edited by Wolfeisberg
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Gamestop is wrong more then they are right when it comes to PC games that do not have a release date yet.:rolleyes: Gamestop is a horrible source of information about PC gaming, heck the last few times I have been into their stores, their employees didn't even know where the PC section was at, can't really blame them when PC gaming only gets a 2ftx3ft shelf in the store, and not even organized or any new games.


Oh, kinda like how they were wrong a year ago when BioWare said "Spring 2011" and GameStop said end of year? :rolleyes:


Besides, read my post. I used words like "could be" and "may have". Said that it wasn't definitive. Stop acting like I did.

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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I'm sure the OP is posting on a blog called "TOR WARS"...


...therefore anything coming out of his writing is bound for


unlimited bias and nonsense.


Even more obvious is the fact this thread is still open.


Calling people trolls is considered inflammatory on this forum.


And post get closed because it...yet a post from a biased SWTOR


blog stays open? With the word "troll" in the title.


It won't matter though because people can spin and turn how much


of a success this game is while Bioware fires more staff and loses


subscribers due to their terrible business practices.


And I wish people would stop hyping up Elder Scrolls...it will


probably end up just like SWTOR.


Name game.


Just a question, your posting style of spaces between each line


Is that some form of counter to the moderators forum post checking tools?


I only ask because almost anything I post these days even stuff that could in no way be construed as off topic or insulting just disappears without trace


My PM box is almost full of messages from our beloved friends

Edited by Lurchy
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9 standard, but yeah. Once everyone gets tired of D3, though (here in about two weeks), that will go back up.


I hope so. Shadow Hand is a ghost town right now. Used to be "standard", now its light even on the weekends. :(

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Well, with GW2 launch being pushed to next quarter, BioWare's window of opportunity just got a bit wider, though it's still quite narrow.


Unless Secret War pulls people away.


Today, though, Funcom announced in a blog post that the game will be slightly delayed: “Funcom today announced that the company has made a small adjustment to the release date for The Secret World. Due to market reasons, the ship date has been moved by two weeks to July 3rd, with Early Access starting June 29th. The new launch date places The Secret World in a more positive launch window which will benefit the launch of the game.”
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TSW is not a wow killer, much less a ToR killer. it's a pretty decent game (from what i've seen) with interesting "leveling" that actually reminds me a bit of vanilla SWG.


it'll pull people away from ToR though, just not as much as GW2 will, nor MoP when it gets released. ToR is living on borrowed time right now. it's not successful because it's good. it's "successful" because there's a lack of options, at least for people who are bored with WoW.

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I'll have to wait and see.


I heard the same thing about this game during closed beta as well. Too bad I didn't listen.


That was my opinion. I'm sure there are enough people who will think it's awesome to keep it going. Just like this game. ;)

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TSW is not a wow killer, much less a ToR killer. it's a pretty decent game (from what i've seen) with interesting "leveling" that actually reminds me a bit of vanilla SWG.


it'll pull people away from ToR though, just not as much as GW2 will, nor MoP when it gets released. ToR is living on borrowed time right now. it's not successful because it's good. it's "successful" because there's a lack of options, at least for people who are bored with WoW.


Yeah it definitely won't be a WoW killer or anything, it is gonna be a niche game. Personally, as long as it has at least 1 good server, from what I've seen in the beta and read about I'll enjoy myself there. I'm mainly interested in it because it looks and feels different than the tired WoW MMO template that even SWTOR is using. The game itself doesn't have to be insanely populated for me to enjoy it, the servers just have to be populated. SWTOR is a perfect example of this, they have more subscriptions than most(non-WoW) MMOs out there right now(no idea what they're gonna be at after the free months end) but their servers for the most part are absolutely dead or near dead. There are maybe 5 good servers out of 100+ because they didn't have a plan in place in case a population drop occurred. I've played games with <100k subs that have more lively servers than SWTOR does with 1 million+ subs. They terribly mismanaged their servers and only now 5+ months down the road are they working on a fix for the situation.

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So you are literally the only one on your server? No? Well then, it's not dead. :rolleyes:


Technically, even if he was the only one on his server, using your somewhat assinine thought processes it would not be dead:rolleyes:

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9 standard, but yeah. Once everyone gets tired of D3, though (here in about two weeks), that will go back up.


i wouldnt bet on it, hardcore D3 players will stay there,and the ones who get sick of it will move on to torchlight 2(its what D3 should have been)

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So you are literally the only one on your server? No? Well then, it's not dead. :rolleyes:


With this logic if even ONE person is on a server its not "dead". :rolleyes:


Servers are "effectively" dead from a MASSIVE multiplayer perspective.


I am now firmly encamped in "The Dead Server Society" since my main server of Shadow Hand went to "light" from a solid "standard" with next to noone on and practically noone in my guild logging on. :(

Edited by Urael
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yes so successful I can't play my level 50 at all because there is no PVP ques and noone to group for FP with. Yep great success.http://pc.gamespy.com/pc/guild-wars-2/1223692p1.html


This again, really?

It's really, really simple, and if you've ever played any other MMO's you'll know precisely why. The reasons servers are dead, is because of the community. The players. And yes, I wholly, completely blame them.

Because whenever a new hyped-up mmo hits the market, everyone wants to play. Everyone pays for the box and we all know, if we pay for something, we bloody -Own- that product (catch the sarcasm?)

Thus, in -every- single mmo title, players start whining about login queues. How unfair they are, how crap they are, how annoying it is that they can't play with their buddies. All very valid complaints, but they miss the big picture. During early access, on one of the days, they launched 14 new servers and I seem to recall they launched an additional number of servers on top of that. Suddenly there were no login cues. But when the game eventually stabilizes with subscribers, there are suddenly alot of servers that hardly have any players. Thus "Your server is empty"

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This again, really?

It's really, really simple, and if you've ever played any other MMO's you'll know precisely why. The reasons servers are dead, is because of the community. The players. And yes, I wholly, completely blame them.

Because whenever a new hyped-up mmo hits the market, everyone wants to play. Everyone pays for the box and we all know, if we pay for something, we bloody -Own- that product (catch the sarcasm?)

Thus, in -every- single mmo title, players start whining about login queues. How unfair they are, how crap they are, how annoying it is that they can't play with their buddies. All very valid complaints, but they miss the big picture. During early access, on one of the days, they launched 14 new servers and I seem to recall they launched an additional number of servers on top of that. Suddenly there were no login cues. But when the game eventually stabilizes with subscribers, there are suddenly alot of servers that hardly have any players. Thus "Your server is empty"

so, what you're saying is, Bioware is so inept at prediction and seeing what you and I already KNOW for fact, that they couldn't predict the fallout from releasing 120 servers, and then having no way to deal with the remaining emptiness?

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This again, really?

It's really, really simple, and if you've ever played any other MMO's you'll know precisely why. The reasons servers are dead, is because of the community. The players. And yes, I wholly, completely blame them.

Because whenever a new hyped-up mmo hits the market, everyone wants to play. Everyone pays for the box and we all know, if we pay for something, we bloody -Own- that product (catch the sarcasm?)

Thus, in -every- single mmo title, players start whining about login queues. How unfair they are, how crap they are, how annoying it is that they can't play with their buddies. All very valid complaints, but they miss the big picture. During early access, on one of the days, they launched 14 new servers and I seem to recall they launched an additional number of servers on top of that. Suddenly there were no login cues. But when the game eventually stabilizes with subscribers, there are suddenly alot of servers that hardly have any players. Thus "Your server is empty"


This again? So it is not in any way BW's fault for not having any contingency plan for consolidating their massively spread out launch populations after the initial 30 days non subbers drop off occurred? Ok, its true that no other game ever launched with this many servers with such small loads before so it would have required erm original thought on their part (dosent seem to be their strongpoint except for in storytelling) but you can hardly blame the player base for this can you? Seems YOU can.. flubble

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This again, really?

It's really, really simple, and if you've ever played any other MMO's you'll know precisely why. The reasons servers are dead, is because of the community. The players. And yes, I wholly, completely blame them.Because whenever a new hyped-up mmo hits the market, everyone wants to play. Everyone pays for the box and we all know, if we pay for something, we bloody -Own- that product (catch the sarcasm?)

Thus, in -every- single mmo title, players start whining about login queues. How unfair they are, how crap they are, how annoying it is that they can't play with their buddies. All very valid complaints, but they miss the big picture. During early access, on one of the days, they launched 14 new servers and I seem to recall they launched an additional number of servers on top of that. Suddenly there were no login cues. But when the game eventually stabilizes with subscribers, there are suddenly alot of servers that hardly have any players. Thus "Your server is empty"


Um no. This is a product or more correctly a "service" that is produced by a company hoping to gain revenue for their effort. Since the product is not all that great and or was hyped from an advertisement perspective, many have walked away from the game rather than continue to pay. The result should be that this game dies OR EA/BW gets off their butts and fixes things so they can continue to DESERVE making revenue off of us.


TL;DR If Product = Good then Revenue = $$$$$$$$$ If Not then "FAIL".

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So who are the trolls really? The 98% of people on this forum complaining about the blatantly clear problems afflicting this game currently or the 2% of fanbois with their heads in the sand somehow seeing this game as currently being "successful".
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I guess what kinda bugs me is when people things along the line of "it's 2012, there's no excuse for this game's (insert complaint here)". I say that because this game wasn't made in 4 months. They started creating this game in 2007, if I'm not mistaken. Heard that on a SWTOR podcast.
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So who are the trolls really? The 98% of people on this forum complaining about the blatantly clear problems afflicting this game currently or the 2% of fanbois with their heads in the sand somehow seeing this game as currently being "successful".


How can you still not get this? The issue isn't that people don't like other people complaining. It's that people don't like other people throwing tantrums about what they don't like, and using threatening to unsub as a weapon. People use the term trolls because a lot of these people don't simply just state their issues with the game. They childishly insult the developers and say that anyone who likes the game apparently has their "heads in the sand." Try to realize that your opinion isn't fact.


Lol I love how you're offended by the term trolls, yet you throw around the word fanbois. By the way, even if 98% of the people on these forums are complaining, that doesn't mean 98% of the people playing the game aren't happy. Most people just don't come to the forums to whine about it, really. Not saying that's what you said, just making a point.

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This is the earliest I have ever canceled my subscription for an MMO and have played a good half dozen in the past.


Did it only fail me or the thousands of people that are probably canceling their subscriptions every day?


Bioware needs to stick to single player games from here on in. They don't have the vision or the humility to deal with more than that and have gone from a company many of us had great respect for to one in which we have little at all.

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